path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/SchedEntry.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 592 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/SchedEntry.h b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/SchedEntry.h
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index c6887cfaea8..00000000000
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-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// sched
-// SchedEntry.h
-// 7 February 1998
-// = AUTHOR
-// Chris Gill
-// ============================================================================
-#if ! defined (SCHEDENTRY_H)
-#include "orbsvcs/RtecSchedulerC.h"
-#include "orbsvcs/Event_Service_Constants.h"
-// Helper Functions //
-// TBD - move this to the ACE class
-// Euclid's greatest common divisor algorithm
-u_long gcd (u_long x, u_long y);
-// TBD - move this to the ACE class
-// calculate the minimum frame size
-u_long minimum_frame_size (u_long period1, u_long period2);
-// forward declaration of classes
-class Task_Entry;
-class Task_Entry_Link;
-class Dispatch_Entry;
-class Dispatch_Entry_Link;
-class Dispatch_Proxy_Iterator;
-// Wrapper for the RT_Info, which aggregates all its dispatches
-class TAO_ORBSVCS_Export Task_Entry
- typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority Preemption_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Sub_Priority Sub_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Period Period;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type Info_Type;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type Dependency_Type;
- // info for DFS traversal, topological sort of call graph
- // ctor
- Task_Entry ();
- // dtor
- ~Task_Entry ();
- // merge dispatches according to info type, update
- // relevant scheduling characteristics for this entry.
- // Returns 0 if all is well, or -1 if an error occurred
- int merge_dispatches (
- ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> &dispatch_entries);
- // get, set pointer to underlying RT_Info
- RT_Info *rt_info () const;
- void rt_info (RT_Info *info);
- // get effective period for the task entry
- Period effective_period () const;
- void effective_period (Period p);
- // set/get time when node was discovered in DFS traversal
- void discovered (long l);
- long discovered () const;
- // set/get time when node was finished in DFS traversal
- void finished (long l);
- long finished () const;
- // set/get DFS traversal status of node
- void dfs_status (DFS_Status ds);
- DFS_Status dfs_status () const;
- // set/get flag indicating whether node is a thread delineator
- void is_thread_delineator (int i);
- int is_thread_delineator () const;
- // get set of links to Task Entries which this entry calls
- ACE_Unbounded_Set <Task_Entry_Link *> & calls ();
- // get set of links to Task Entries which call this entry
- ACE_Unbounded_Set <Task_Entry_Link *> & callers ();
- // get set of arrivals in the effective period
- ACE_Ordered_MultiSet<Dispatch_Entry_Link> &dispatches ();
- // get the type of Info the entry wraps
- Info_Type info_type () const;
- // effective execution time for the task entry
- u_long effective_execution_time () const;
- // prohibit calls of the given type: currently used to enforce
- // the notion that two-way calls to disjunctive or conjunctive
- // RT_Infos do not have any defined meaning, and thus should be
- // considered dependency specification errors: if these constraints
- // are removed in the future, this method should be removed as well
- // Returns 0 if all is well, or -1 if an error has occurred.
- int prohibit_dispatches (Dependency_Type dt);
- // performs disjunctive merge of arrival times of calls of the given
- // type: all arrival times of all callers of that type are duplicated by
- // the multiplier and repetition over the new frame size and merged.
- // Returns 0 if all is well, or -1 if an error has occurred.
- int disjunctive_merge (
- Dependency_Type dt,
- ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> &dispatch_entries);
- // perform conjunctive merge of arrival times of calls of the given
- // type: all arrival times of all callers of that type are duplicated
- // by the multiplier and repetition over the new frame size and then
- // iteratively merged by choosing the maximal arrival time at
- // the current position in each queue (iteration is in lockstep
- // over all queues, and ends when any queue ends). Returns 0 if
- // all is well, or -1 if an error has occurred.
- int conjunctive_merge (
- Dependency_Type dt,
- ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> &dispatch_entries);
- // this static method is used to reframe an existing dispatch set
- // to the given new period multiplier, creating new instances of
- // each existing dispatch (with adjusted arrival and deadline)
- // in each successive sub-frame. Returns 1 if the set was reframed
- // to a new period, 0 if the set was not changed (the new period
- // was not a multiple of the old one), or -1 if an error occurred.
- static int reframe (ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> &dispatch_entries,
- Task_Entry &owner,
- ACE_Ordered_MultiSet <Dispatch_Entry_Link> &set,
- u_long &set_period, u_long new_period);
- // this static method is used to merge an existing dispatch set,
- // multiplied by the given multipliers for the period and number of
- // instances in each period of each existing dispatch, into the
- // given "into" set, without affecting the "from set". Returns 1 if
- // the source set was correctly merged into the destination set,
- // 0 if nothing happened, and -1 if an error occurred.
- static int merge_frames (ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> &dispatch_entries,
- Task_Entry &owner,
- ACE_Ordered_MultiSet <Dispatch_Entry_Link> &dest,
- ACE_Ordered_MultiSet <Dispatch_Entry_Link> &src,
- u_long &dest_period,
- u_long src_period,
- u_long number_of_calls = 1,
- u_long starting_dest_sub_frame = 0);
- // pointer to the underlying RT_Info
- RT_Info *rt_info_;
- // effective period for the task entry
- u_long effective_period_;
- // set of arrivals in the effective period
- ACE_Ordered_MultiSet<Dispatch_Entry_Link> dispatches_;
- // count of the arrivals in the effective period
- u_long arrival_count_;
- DFS_Status dfs_status_;
- long discovered_;
- long finished_;
- // info for identifying threads in the oneway call graph
- int is_thread_delineator_;
- // get set of links to Task Entries which this entry calls
- ACE_Unbounded_Set <Task_Entry_Link *> calls_;
- // get set of links to Task Entries which call this entry
- ACE_Unbounded_Set <Task_Entry_Link *> callers_;
-class TAO_ORBSVCS_Export Task_Entry_Link
- typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority Preemption_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Sub_Priority Sub_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Period Period;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type Info_Type;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type Dependency_Type;
- // ctor
- Task_Entry_Link (Task_Entry &caller,
- Task_Entry &called,
- CORBA::Long number_of_calls,
- Dependency_Type dependency_type);
- // accessor: number of calls
- CORBA::Long number_of_calls () const;
- // accessor: dependency type
- Dependency_Type dependency_type () const;
- // accessor: calling task entry
- Task_Entry &caller () const;
- // accessor: called task entry
- Task_Entry &called () const;
- // the number of calls of the operation
- CORBA::Long number_of_calls_;
- // the calling operation
- Task_Entry &caller_;
- // the called operation
- Task_Entry &called_;
- // the type of call dependency
- Dependency_Type dependency_type_;
-class TAO_ORBSVCS_Export Dispatch_Entry
-// = TITLE
-// Dispatch Entry
-// Descriptor object for a single dispatch of an operation.
- typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority Preemption_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Sub_Priority Sub_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Period Period;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type Info_Type;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type Dependency_Type;
- typedef u_long Dispatch_Id;
- // ctor
- Dispatch_Entry (Time arrival,
- Time deadline,
- Preemption_Priority priority,
- Task_Entry &task_entry,
- Dispatch_Entry *original_dispatch = 0);
- // copy ctor
- Dispatch_Entry (const Dispatch_Entry &d);
- // id accessor
- Dispatch_Id dispatch_id () const;
- // arrival accessor
- Time arrival () const;
- // deadline accessor
- Time deadline () const;
- // scheduler priority accessor and mutator
- Preemption_Priority priority () const;
- void priority (Preemption_Priority p);
- // scheduler priority accessor and mutator
- OS_Priority Dispatch_Entry::OS_priority () const;
- void Dispatch_Entry::OS_priority (OS_Priority p);
- // dynamic subpriority accessor and mutator
- Sub_Priority dynamic_subpriority () const;
- void dynamic_subpriority (Sub_Priority p);
- // static subpriority accessor and mutator
- Sub_Priority static_subpriority () const;
- void static_subpriority (Sub_Priority p);
- // task entry accessor
- Task_Entry &task_entry () const;
- // LT comparator
- // TBD - make this a global comparison operator
- // instead of a class member function
- int operator < (const Dispatch_Entry &d) const;
- // accessor for pointer to original dispatch
- Dispatch_Entry *original_dispatch ();
- // TBD - add reference counting to Dispatch Entry class,
- // make the link a friend, up/down count as links come and go,
- // and call entry dtor when ref count drops to 0
- // stores the next dispatch entry id to be used
- static Dispatch_Id next_id_;
- // the id of the current dispatch entry
- Dispatch_Id dispatch_id_;
- // scheduler priority of the current dispatch entry
- Preemption_Priority priority_;
- // OS priority of the current dispatch entry
- OS_Priority OS_priority_;
- // scheduler dynamic subpriority of the current dispatch entry
- Sub_Priority dynamic_subpriority_;
- // scheduler static subpriority of the current dispatch entry
- Sub_Priority static_subpriority_;
- // the arrival time of the current dispatch entry
- Time arrival_;
- // the deadline of the current dispatch entry
- Time deadline_;
- // stores the id of the related task entry
- Task_Entry &task_entry_;
- // stores a pointer to the original dispatch entry if this
- // is a dispatch generated by expanding the original frame
- Dispatch_Entry *original_dispatch_;
-class TAO_ORBSVCS_Export Dispatch_Entry_Link
-// = TITLE
-// Dispatch Entry Link
-// Light-weight sortable "smart pointer" to a dispatch entry.
- typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority Preemption_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Sub_Priority Sub_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Period Period;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type Info_Type;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type Dependency_Type;
- Dispatch_Entry_Link (Dispatch_Entry &d);
- // ctor
- Dispatch_Entry_Link (const Dispatch_Entry_Link &d);
- // copy ctor
- ~Dispatch_Entry_Link ();
- // dtor
- // TBD - make this a global comparison operator
- // instead of a class member function
- int operator < (const Dispatch_Entry_Link &d) const;
- // LT comparator
- Dispatch_Entry &dispatch_entry () const;
- // accessor for reference to dispatch entry
- Dispatch_Entry &dispatch_entry_;
-class TAO_ORBSVCS_Export Dispatch_Proxy_Iterator
-// = TITLE
-// This class implements an iterator abstraction over a virtual
-// frame size and number of calls, using an actual ordered
-// multiset of dispatch entries over an actual frame size.
-// It also serves as a proxy for the virtual dispatch to which
-// it refers. Rhetorical question: is it possible to separate
-// the iterator and proxy abstractions here without defeating the
-// purpose of the design, which is to avoid constructing
-// superfluous dispatch entries (per the conjunctive merge use case) ?
- typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority Preemption_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Sub_Priority Sub_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Period Period;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type Info_Type;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type Dependency_Type;
- Dispatch_Proxy_Iterator (ACE_Ordered_MultiSet <Dispatch_Entry_Link> &set,
- u_long actual_frame_size,
- u_long virtual_frame_size,
- u_long number_of_calls_ = 1,
- u_long starting_sub_frame = 0);
- // ctor
- ////////////////////////
- // iterator interface //
- ////////////////////////
- int done () const;
- // returns 0 if there are more entries to see, 1 if not
- int first (u_int sub_frame = 0);
- // positions the iterator at the first entry of the passed
- // sub-frame, returns 1 if it could position the iterator
- // correctly, 0 if not, and -1 if an error occurred.
- int last ();
- // positions the iterator at the last entry of the total
- // frame, returns 1 if it could position the iterator
- // correctly, 0 if not, and -1 if an error occurred.
- int advance ();
- // positions the iterator at the next entry of the total
- // frame, returns 1 if it could position the iterator
- // correctly, 0 if not, and -1 if an error occurred.
- int retreat ();
- // positions the iterator at the previous entry of the total
- // frame, returns 1 if it could position the iterator
- // correctly, 0 if not, and -1 if an error occurred.
- /////////////////////
- // proxy interface //
- /////////////////////
- u_long arrival () const;
- // returns the adjusted arrival time of the virtual entry
- u_long deadline () const;
- // returns the adjusted deadline time of the virtual entry
- Preemption_Priority priority () const;
- // returns the scheduler priority of the virtual entry
- u_long number_of_calls_;
- // the number of calls corresponding to each actual dispatch
- u_long current_call_;
- // the current call number for this dispatch (zero based)
- u_long actual_frame_size_;
- // the frame size of the actual dispatches
- u_long virtual_frame_size_;
- // the virtaul frame size over which to iterate
- u_long current_frame_offset_;
- // the current offset into the virtual frame
- // (should be a multiple of the actual frame size)
- ACE_Ordered_MultiSet_Iterator <Dispatch_Entry_Link> iter_;
-class TAO_ORBSVCS_Export TimeLine_Entry
- typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority Preemption_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Sub_Priority Sub_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Period Period;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type Info_Type;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type Dependency_Type;
- // time slice constructor
- TimeLine_Entry (Dispatch_Entry &dispatch_entry,
- u_long start,
- u_long stop,
- u_long arrival,
- u_long deadline,
- TimeLine_Entry *next = 0,
- TimeLine_Entry *prev = 0);
- // dispatch entry accessor
- Dispatch_Entry &dispatch_entry () const;
- // accessors for time slice start and stop times (100 nanoseconds)
- u_long start () const;
- u_long stop () const;
- u_long arrival () const;
- u_long deadline () const;
- // accessor and mutator for next and prev slices for this dispatch
- TimeLine_Entry *next (void) const;
- void next (TimeLine_Entry *);
- TimeLine_Entry *prev (void) const;
- void prev (TimeLine_Entry *);
- int operator < (const TimeLine_Entry&) const;
- // the dispatch entry to which the time slice corresponds
- Dispatch_Entry &dispatch_entry_;
- // priority time slice times (100 nanoseconds)
- u_long start_;
- u_long stop_;
- u_long arrival_;
- u_long deadline_;
- // next and previous priority time slices for this dispatch entry
- TimeLine_Entry *next_;
- TimeLine_Entry *prev_;
-class TAO_ORBSVCS_Export TimeLine_Entry_Link
- typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority Preemption_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Sub_Priority Sub_Priority;
- typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Period Period;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type Info_Type;
- typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type Dependency_Type;
- TimeLine_Entry_Link (TimeLine_Entry &t);
- // ctor
- TimeLine_Entry &entry () const;
- // accessor for the underlying entry
- int operator < (const TimeLine_Entry_Link&) const;
- // comparison operator
- TimeLine_Entry &entry_;
- // the underlying entry
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "SchedEntry.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#endif /* SCHEDENTRY_H */
-// EOF