path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Trader/Trader_Utils.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Trader/Trader_Utils.h')
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-// -*- C++ -*-
- * @file Trader_Utils.h
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * @author Seth Widoff <>
- */
-#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
-#include "orbsvcs/Trader/Trader.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
- * @class TAO_Property_Evaluator
- *
- * @brief This class abstracts away the details of obtaining property
- * values and property types. Since the procedure for obtaining the
- * value or type of a dynamic property is disparate from the method
- * for a static property, TAO_Property_Evaluator provides methods
- * that will unify the two approaches under a single
- * interface. Since dynamic properties aren't necessarily supported
- * by a trader, this class accounts for that contingency. The use of
- * indexed lookups allows them to occur in constant time on the
- * CORBA sequences, but requires that the client know the layout of
- * properties ahead of time.
- */
-class TAO_Trading_Serv_Export TAO_Property_Evaluator
- TAO_Property_Evaluator(const CosTrading::PropertySeq& properties,
- CORBA::Boolean supports_dp = 1);
- /**
- * Construct an instance of TAO_Property_Evaluator that operates on
- * an <offer> where the support for dynamic properties is dictated
- * by <supports_dynamic_properties>.
- */
- TAO_Property_Evaluator(CosTrading::Offer& offer,
- CORBA::Boolean supports_dp = 1);
- /// Clean up dynamic properties.
- virtual ~TAO_Property_Evaluator (void);
- /// Returns 1 if the property at index <index> is dynamic. Returns a
- /// 0 when the index is out of bounds.
- int is_dynamic_property(int index);
- /**
- * Returns value of the property whose index is <index>. If the
- * property at that index is dynamic and the trader supports dynamic
- * properties, then the property_value method will obtain the value
- * of the dynamic property using the evalDP method on the
- * CosTradingDynamic::DynamicPropEval interface, passing on a
- * CosTradingDynamic::DPEvalFailure exception on failure. If the
- * property index is undefined, the method returns a null pointer.
- */
- CORBA::Any* property_value(int index ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTradingDynamic::DPEvalFailure));
- /**
- * Returns the type of the property whose index is <index>. If the
- * property is dynamic and the trader supports dynamic properties,
- * then the method returns the <returned_type> field of the
- * CosTradingDynamic::DynamicProp struct associated with the
- * property name. If the index is out of bounds, the method returns
- * a null pointer (that is, 0).
- */
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr property_type (int index);
- typedef CosTradingDynamic::DynamicProp DP_Struct;
- typedef CosTradingDynamic::DynamicPropEval DP_Eval;
- /// The offer from which the TAO_Property_Evaluator extracts property
- /// information.
- const CosTrading::PropertySeq& props_;
- int supports_dp_;
- /**
- * In order for the client to treat the results of property_value
- * uniformly, we need to collect the dynamically allocated anys
- * retrieved from dynamic properties and free them upon deletion. If
- * we didn't do this, then the property_value method would leak or
- * cause seg faults, since the client wouldn't be able to tell
- * whether or not the return value should be freed.
- */
- CORBA::Any** dp_cache_;
- TAO_Property_Evaluator (const TAO_Property_Evaluator&);
- TAO_Property_Evaluator& operator= (const TAO_Property_Evaluator&);
- * @class TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name
- *
- * @brief This class extends the TAO_Property_Evaluator to allow lookups
- * based on the property name of interest. Since the property
- * information is contained within an integer indexed array,
- * lookups may occur in O(n) time, where n is the length of the
- * array. To make lookups by name more efficient,
- * TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name creates a mapping of property
- * names to integer indicies, upon which lookups are guaranteed to
- * be O(lg n).
- */
-class TAO_Trading_Serv_Export TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name : public TAO_Property_Evaluator
- TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name (const CosTrading::PropertySeq& properties
- CORBA::Boolean supports_dp = 1)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::DuplicatePropertyName,
- CosTrading::IllegalPropertyName));
- /**
- * Construct an instance of TAO_Property_Evaluator that operates on
- * an <offer> where the support for dynamic properties is dictated
- * by <supports_dynamic_properties>.
- */
- TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name(CosTrading::Offer& offer,
- CORBA::Boolean supports_dp = 1);
- /**
- * Returns 1 if the property whose name is <property_name> is
- * defined and dynamic. If the property is undefined, this method
- * will throw a Property_Undefined exception with impunity.
- */
- int is_dynamic_property(const char* property_name);
- /**
- * This method is identical to its counterpart in
- * TAO_Property_Evaluator, except property_value first discovers the
- * index through a string matching lookup.
- */
- CORBA::Any* property_value(const char* property_name
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTradingDynamic::DPEvalFailure));
- /**
- * This method is identical to its counterpart in
- * TAO_Property_Evaluator, exception property_type first discovers
- * the index through a string matching lookup.
- */
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr property_type(const char* property_name);
- const CosTrading::Property* get_property (const char* property_name);
- TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name (const TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name&);
- TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name& operator= (const TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name&);
- /// The instance of the above mapping for the offer provided in the
- /// constructor.
- TAO_Lookup_Table table_;
- * @class TAO_Dynamic_Property
- *
- * @brief Little helper class that you can extend to have your dynamic
- * property handler construct CosTradingDynamic::DynamicProp structs.
- */
-class TAO_Trading_Serv_Export TAO_Dynamic_Property
- : public virtual POA_CosTradingDynamic::DynamicPropEval
- TAO_Dynamic_Property (void) {}
- virtual ~TAO_Dynamic_Property (void);
- void destroy (void);
- /// Dynamic property evaluation call-back method.
- virtual CORBA::Any* evalDP(const char* name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr returned_type,
- const CORBA::Any& extra_info
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- CosTradingDynamic::DPEvalFailure)) = 0;
- /// Method to construct a dynamic property structure suitable for
- /// exporting in a CosTrading::PropertyStruct to the Trading Service.
- CosTradingDynamic::DynamicProp*
- construct_dynamic_prop (const char* name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr returned_type,
- const CORBA::Any& extra_info);
- CosTradingDynamic::DynamicPropEval_var prop_;
- * @class TAO_Policies
- *
- * @brief This class ensures that policies submitted to Lookup make sense,
- * have the correct value types, and don't exceed the maximums set
- * through the Admin Interface.
- *
- * TAO_Policies does an admirable job of reconciling differences
- * between the default parameter settings of the Trader and the import
- * and other policies set by the client. Unbeknownst to its client
- * TAO_Policies hides this arbitration, and records whether the user
- * policy was chosen, or the default. This information gets returned
- * to the invoker of the query method.
- */
-class TAO_Policies
-#define TAO_NUM_POLICIES 11
- /**
- * This enum represents the relative order that properties are
- * passed from one trader to another. Hence, as recommended by the
- * spec, the starting_trader policies will be the first element in
- * the polcy sequence if it's set for a query.
- */
- {
- };
- static const char * POLICY_NAMES[];
- TAO_Policies (TAO_Trader_Base& trader,
- const CosTrading::PolicySeq& policies
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::IllegalPolicyName,
- CosTrading::DuplicatePolicyName));
- // The "policies" parameter allows the importer to specify how the
- // search should be performed as opposed to what sort of services
- // should be found in the course of the search. This can be viewed
- // as parameterizing the algorithms within the trader
- // implementation. The "policies" are a sequence of name-value
- // pairs. The names available to an importer depend on the
- // implementation of the trader. However, some names are
- // standardized where they effect the interpretation of other
- // parameters or where they may impact linking and federation of
- // traders. ° If a policy name in this parameter does not obey the
- // syntactic rules for legal PolicyName's, then an IllegalPolicyName
- // exception is raised. ° If the type of the value associated with a
- // policy differs from that specified in this specification, then a
- // PolicyTypeMismatch exception is raised. ° If subsequent
- // processing of a PolicyValue yields any errors (e.g., the
- // starting_trader policy value is malformed), then an
- // InvalidPolicyValue exception is raised. ° If the same policy name
- // is included two or more times in this parameter, then the
- // DuplicatePolicyName exception is raised.
- ~TAO_Policies (void);
- CORBA::ULong search_card (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "search_card" policy indicates to the trader the maximum
- // number of offers it should consider when looking for type
- // conformance and constraint expression match. The lesser of this
- // value and the trader's max_search_card attribute is used by the
- // trader. If this policy is not specified, then the value of the
- // trader's def_search_card attribute is used.
- CORBA::ULong match_card (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "match_card" policy indicates to the trader the maximum
- // number of matching offers to which the preference specification
- // should be applied. The lesser of this value and the trader's
- // max_match_card attribute is used by the trader. If this policy is
- // not specified, then the value of the trader's def_match_card
- // attribute is used.
- CORBA::ULong return_card (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "return_card" policy indicates to the trader the maximum
- // number of matching offers to return as a result of this
- // query. The lesser of this value and the trader's max_return_card
- // attribute is used by the trader. If this policy is not specified,
- // then the value of the trader's def_return_card attribute is
- // used.
- // = Offer consideration policies
- CORBA::Boolean use_modifiable_properties (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "use_modifiable_properties" policy indicates whether the
- // trader should consider offers which have modifiable properties
- // when constructing the set of offers to which type conformance and
- // constraint processing should be applied. If the value of this
- // policy is TRUE, then such offers will be included; if FALSE, they
- // will not. If this policy is not specified, such offers will be
- // included.
- CORBA::Boolean use_dynamic_properties (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "use_dynamic_properties" policy indicates whether the trader
- // should consider offers which have dynamic properties when
- // constructing the set of offers to which type conformance and
- // constraint processing should be applied. If the value of this
- // policy is TRUE, then such offers will be included; if FALSE, they
- // will not. If this policy is not specified, such offers will be
- // included.
- CORBA::Boolean use_proxy_offers (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "use_proxy_offers" policy indicates whether the trader should
- // consider proxy offers when constructing the set of offers to
- // which type conformance and constraint processing should be
- // applied. If the value of this policy is TRUE, then such offers
- // will be included; if FALSE, they will not. If this policy is not
- // specified, such offers will be included.
- CORBA::Boolean exact_type_match (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "exact_type_match" policy indicates to the trader whether the
- // importer's service type must exactly match an offer's service
- // type; if not (and by default), then any offer of a type
- // conformant to the importer's service type is considered.
- // = Federated trader policies (not implemented yet)
- /**
- * The "starting_trader" policy facilitates the distribution of the
- * trading service itself. It allows an importer to scope a search
- * by choosing to explicitly navigate the links of the trading
- * graph. If the policy is used in a query invocation it is
- * recommended that it be the first policy-value pair; this
- * facilitates an optimal forwarding of the query operation. A
- * "policies" parameter need not include a value for the
- * "starting_trader" policy. Where this policy is present, the first
- * name component is compared against the name held in each link. If
- * no match is found, the InvalidPolicyValue exception is
- * raised. Otherwise, the trader invokes query() on the Lookup
- * interface held by the named link, but passing the
- * "starting_trader" policy with the first component removed.
- */
- CosTrading::TraderName* starting_trader (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch,
- CosTrading::Lookup::InvalidPolicyValue));
- /// Determine the link follow policy for this query overall.
- CosTrading::FollowOption link_follow_rule (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- //The "link_follow_rule" policy indicates how the client wishes
- //links to be followed in the resolution of its query. See the
- //discussion in "Link Follow Behavior" on page 16-16 for details.
- /**
- * Determine the link follow policy for a given <link_name>.
- * This method returns the link_follow_rule for a link whose name is
- * <link_name> using the following formula:
- * if the importer specified a link_follow_rule policy
- * min(trader.max_follow_policy, link.limiting_follow_rule,
- * query.link_follow_rule)
- * else min(trader.max_follow_policy, link.limiting_follow_rule,
- * trader.def_follow_policy)
- */
- CosTrading::FollowOption link_follow_rule (const CosTrading::Link::LinkInfo& link_info
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch,
- CosTrading::Lookup::InvalidPolicyValue,
- CosTrading::Link::IllegalLinkName,
- CosTrading::Link::UnknownLinkName));
- CORBA::ULong hop_count (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- // The "hop_count" policy indicates to the trader the maximum number
- // of hops across federation links that should be tolerated in the
- // resolution of this query. The hop_count at the current trader is
- // determined by taking the minimum of the trader's max_hop_count
- // attribute and the importer's hop_count policy, if provided, or
- // the trader's def_hop_count attribute if it is not. If the
- // resulting value is zero, then no federated queries are
- // permitted. If it is greater than zero, then it must be
- // decremented before passing on to a federated trader.
- /// Return the request_id passed to the query method across a link to
- /// another trader.
- CosTrading::Admin::OctetSeq* request_id (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- /// Policies to forward to the next trader in a federated query.
- void copy_to_pass (CosTrading::PolicySeq& policy_seq,
- const CosTrading::Admin::OctetSeq& request_id
- ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) const;
- /// Policies to forward to the next trader in a directed query.
- void copy_to_forward (CosTrading::PolicySeq& policy_seq,
- const CosTrading::TraderName& name) const;
- /**
- * Determine the link follow policy to pass down the link with <link_name>.
- * This method returns the link_follow_rule for a link whose name is
- * <link_name> using the following formula:
- * If the importer specified a link_follow_rule, policy
- * pass on min(query.link_follow_rule, link.limiting_follow_rule,
- * trader.max_follow_policy)
- * else pass on min(link.def_pass_on_follow_rule,
- * trader.max_follow_policy)
- */
- void copy_in_follow_option (CosTrading::PolicySeq& policy_seq,
- const CosTrading::Link::LinkInfo& link_info
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch,
- CosTrading::Lookup::InvalidPolicyValue));
- /// Reconclile a ULong property with its default.
- CORBA::ULong ulong_prop (POLICY_TYPE pol
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- /// Reconcile a Boolean property with its debault.
- CORBA::Boolean boolean_prop (POLICY_TYPE pol
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch));
- TAO_Policies (const TAO_Policies&);
- TAO_Policies& operator= (const TAO_Policies&);
- /// The policies indexable from the enumerated type.
- CosTrading::Policy* policies_[TAO_NUM_POLICIES];
- /// For the validating identifier names.
- TAO_Trader_Base& trader_;
- * @class TAO_Policy_Creator
- *
- * @brief This class is a utility for clients using the CosTrading::Lookup
- * interface that helps them build a policy sequence without violating
- * syntax rules and having to mess with typecodes.
- */
-class TAO_Trading_Serv_Export TAO_Policy_Creator
- TAO_Policy_Creator (int num_policies = 0);
- // = Routines to set policies.
- /// Set the maximum number of offers searched for the query.
- void search_card (CORBA::ULong scard);
- /// Set the maximum number of offers searched for the query.
- void match_card (CORBA::ULong mcard);
- /// Set the maximum number of offers rerturned for the query.
- void return_card (CORBA::ULong rcard);
- // A note about cardinalities: The spec implies that these
- // cardinalities apply to the global office space, that is, all
- // offers on all linked traders. However, there's no mechanism for
- // one trader to return to the calling trader the number of offers
- // searched or matched. Thus, these cardinalities are applied on a
- // per-trader basis.
- /// Consider offers with modifiable properties.
- void use_modifiable_properties (CORBA::Boolean mod_props);
- /// Consider offers with dynamic properties.
- void use_dynamic_properties (CORBA::Boolean dyn_props);
- /// Consider proxy offers (NOT SUPPORTED).
- void use_proxy_offers (CORBA::Boolean prox_offs);
- /// Designate a trader at which to begin the query.
- void starting_trader (const CosTrading::TraderName& name); // Copy
- void starting_trader (CosTrading::TraderName* name); // Own
- /// Specify under what conditions a federated query is appropriate.
- void link_follow_rule (CosTrading::FollowOption follow_option);
- /// Limit the breadth of a federated query.
- void hop_count (CORBA::ULong hop_count);
- /// Set the identifier for this query (clients shouldn't use this).
- void request_id (const CosTrading::Admin::OctetSeq& request_id);
- /// Search only the designated type --- not it's subtypes.
- void exact_type_match (CORBA::Boolean exact_type);
- /// Return the constructed policy sequence.
- operator const CosTrading::PolicySeq& (void) const;
- /// Return a PolicySeq suitable for passing to the query method of
- /// the Lookup interface.
- const CosTrading::PolicySeq& policy_seq (void) const;
- TAO_Policy_Creator (const TAO_Policy_Creator&);
- TAO_Policy_Creator& operator= (const TAO_Policy_Creator&);
- /// Method to prepare the next slot in the policies_ sequence for
- /// policy insertion.
- CosTrading::Policy& fetch_next_policy (TAO_Policies::POLICY_TYPE pol_type);
- /// Table mapping policy enum value to the index in the policies sequence.
- int poltable_[TAO_Policies::REQUEST_ID + 1];
- /// The sequence being prepared for submittal to the query method.
- CosTrading::PolicySeq policies_;
- /// The number of policies so far in the sequence.
- CORBA::ULong num_policies_;
- * @class TAO_Offer_Modifier
- *
- * @brief This class deletes, modifies, and adds properties to a given
- * offer according to the rules of the modify method on the Register
- * interface.
- */
-class TAO_Offer_Modifier
- /// Modify an <offer> of type <type>, whose properties are described
- /// by <type_struct>
- TAO_Offer_Modifier (const char* type,
- const CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::TypeStruct& type_struct,
- CosTrading::Offer* offer);
- ~TAO_Offer_Modifier (void);
- /// Delete the properties whose names were given to the
- /// constructor. Ensure we don't delete mandatory properties.
- void delete_properties (const CosTrading::PropertyNameSeq& deletes
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::Register::UnknownPropertyName,
- CosTrading::Register::MandatoryProperty,
- CosTrading::IllegalPropertyName,
- CosTrading::DuplicatePropertyName));
- /**
- * Copy to the destination the union of the source and destination
- * properties. In the case of duplicate properties, update the
- * destination with the source's value. This class claims the memory
- * in the modifies sequence.
- */
- void merge_properties (const CosTrading::PropertySeq& modifies
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::IllegalPropertyName,
- CosTrading::DuplicatePropertyName,
- CosTrading::PropertyTypeMismatch,
- CosTrading::ReadonlyDynamicProperty,
- CosTrading::Register::ReadonlyProperty));
- /// Return a reference to the Offer with the changes affected.
- void affect_change (const CosTrading::PropertySeq& modifies);
- TAO_Offer_Modifier (const TAO_Offer_Modifier&);
- TAO_Offer_Modifier& operator= (const TAO_Offer_Modifier&);
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex <CORBA::String_var,
- CosTrading::Property *,
- ACE_Hash<CORBA::String_var>,
- ACE_Equal_To<CORBA::String_var>,
- ACE_Null_Mutex>
- Property_Table;
- /// The type of the offer.
- const char *type_;
- /// The map of properties in the offer.
- Property_Table props_;
- /// Table of property types.
- TAO_Typecode_Table prop_types_;
- /// The set of readonly and mandatory property names in the offer's
- /// type.
- TAO_String_Set readonly_;
- TAO_String_Set mandatory_;
- /// A reference to the offer undergoing change.
- CosTrading::Offer* offer_;
- * @class TAO_Offer_Filter
- *
- * @brief The purpose of this class is to ensure that offers that
- * shouldn't be considered by the TAO_Constraint_Interpreter
- * aren't.
- *
- * There two classes of reasons why an offer for a correct
- * type shouldn't be considered: 1) The default parameters of the
- * Trader or policies passed to the Lookup::query method deem it
- * inappropriate to consider offers with modifiable (i.e., not
- * readonly) or dynamic properties. 2) We've exceeded the
- * default or provided cardinality constraints. TAO_Offer_Filter
- * ensures that violation of policies doesn't occur. It's the
- * enforcer.
- */
-class TAO_Offer_Filter
- /// Glean from the TypeStruct and Policy setting the appropriate way
- /// to screen unsuitable offers from consideration.
- TAO_Offer_Filter (TAO_Policies& policies
- /// Set the offer filter to screen for offers containing properties
- /// that aren't marked as readonly in this TypeStruct.
- void configure_type (CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::TypeStruct* type_struct);
- /**
- * Determine whether the poicies contained in the given policy
- * object allow the Lookup interface to consider the offer. That is,
- * if use_modifiable_properties is false, and the offer contains
- * modifiable properties as designated in the type struct, return
- * false. If use_dynamic_properties is false, and the offer contains
- * dynamic properties, then return false. If the lookup interface is
- * safe in considering this offer, return true and subtract from the
- * search card value. When the search card value falls to zero,
- * ok_to_consider always returns false.
- */
- CORBA::Boolean ok_to_consider (CosTrading::Offer* offer);
- /// It's ok to consider more offers when lookup hasn't exceeded the
- /// cardinality values for searching and matching offers.
- CORBA::Boolean ok_to_consider_more (void);
- /// Signal that the Lookup method has matched an offer; decrement the
- /// match_card.
- void matched_offer (void);
- // = Return the limits applied.
- /**
- * If any cardinality or other limits were applied by one or more
- * traders in responding to a particular query, then the
- * "limits_applied" parameter will contain the names of the policies
- * which limited the query. The sequence of names returned in
- * "limits_applied" from any federated or proxy queries must be
- * concatenated onto the names of limits applied locally and
- * returned.
- */
- CosTrading::PolicyNameSeq* limits_applied (void);
- /// Accessors to retrieve the adjusted cardinalities.
- CORBA::ULong search_card_remaining (void) const;
- CORBA::ULong match_card_remaining (void) const;
- TAO_Offer_Filter (const TAO_Offer_Filter&);
- TAO_Offer_Filter& operator= (const TAO_Offer_Filter&);
- /// The set of the name of modifiable properties.
- TAO_String_Set not_mod_props_;
- /// Cardinality and property limitations applied.
- TAO_String_Set limits_;
- /// Keep track of the cardinalities.
- CORBA::ULong search_card_, match_card_, return_card_;
- /// Keep track of property limitations: modifiable or dynamic ones
- /// may be bad.
- CORBA::Boolean dp_;
- CORBA::Boolean mod_;
- * @class TAO_Property_Filter
- *
- * @brief The Ace_Property_Filter copies those properties specified in a
- * CosTrading::Lookup::SpecifiedProps from a source
- * CosTrading::Offer to a destination CosTrading::Offer.
- */
-class TAO_Property_Filter
- typedef CosTrading::Lookup::SpecifiedProps SPECIFIED_PROPS;
- /// An accomplice to g++'s insane lust for copy constructors.
- TAO_Property_Filter (void) : policy_ (CosTrading::Lookup::all) {}
- /// Verify that the specified properties are correct.
- TAO_Property_Filter (const SPECIFIED_PROPS& desired_props
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CosTrading::IllegalPropertyName,
- CosTrading::DuplicatePropertyName));
- TAO_Property_Filter (const TAO_Property_Filter& prop_filter);
- TAO_Property_Filter& operator= (const TAO_Property_Filter& prop_filter);
- /// Copy the desired properties from the source offer to the
- /// destination offer.
- void filter_offer (CosTrading::Offer* source,
- CosTrading::Offer& destination);
- typedef ACE_Unbounded_Queue< CosTrading::Property* > Prop_Queue;
- TAO_String_Set props_;
- CosTrading::Lookup::HowManyProps policy_;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_TRADER_UTILS_H */