path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/Notify/Reconnecting/README
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+README for the Notification Service Reconnection Test
+Implementation notes
+Notification Service Supplier/Consumer reconnection test.
+This directory contains:
+ Supplier.cpp -- source for a configurable event supplier
+ Supplier.h
+ Consumer.cpp -- source for a configurable consumer for events produced
+ Consumer.h by a Supplier
+ -- a script to start the Notification Service manually
+ -- a script to start Supplier manually
+ -- a script to start Consumer manually
+ -- a script to run several tests of the Reliable
+ Notification Service
+ ns_st.conf -- configures the Notification Service for single
+ thread operation with no persistence support.
+ ns_mt.conf -- configures the Notification Service for multi-
+ threaded operation with no persistence support.
+ ns_st_topo.conf -- configures the Notification Service for single
+ thread operation with support for topological,
+ but not event persistence.
+ ns_mt_topo.conf -- configures the Notification Service for multi-
+ threaded operation with support for topological,
+ but not event persistence.
+ ns_st_both.conf -- configures the Notification Service for single
+ thread operation with support for both topological,
+ and event persistence.
+ ns_mt_both.conf -- configures the Notification Service for multi-
+ threaded operation with support for both topological,
+ and event persistence.
+ event.conf -- configures the Notification Service for event
+ persistence without topology persistence. This is
+ an invalid configuration and should cause the
+ Notification Service to refuse to start.
+ Reconnecting.mpc -- a configuration/build file for MPC
+ README -- this file
+This program connects to the Notification Service and generates events based
+on command line parameters.
+ -nonamesvc Don't use the Naming Service to find
+ EventChannelFactory
+ -channel filename Where to find a channel number
+ -any or -str or -seq What type of event to send (pick one, default is -any)
+ -send n How many events to send
+ -pause n Pause after sending n events
+ Signal the pause by writing to file "Supplier.paused"
+ -serial_number n What serial number to start with
+ -v Verbose output
+Because the Supplier and Consumer share many command line options, the
+descriptions of these options will be combined below.
+This program connects to the Notification Service and consumes events from
+the Supplier.
+ -nonamesvc Don't use the Naming Service to find
+ EventChannelFactory
+ -channel filename Where to store a channel number so the Supplier can
+ find it
+ -any or -str or -seq What type of event supplier will send (pick one,
+ default: -any)
+ -expect n How many events are expected.
+ -fail n Simulate a recoverable failure every n events.
+ -serial_number n What serial number to expect first. If -1 is
+ used, then serial number checking is disabled.
+ This allows testing the consumer with multiple
+ Suppliers.
+ -disconnect Disconnect from notfication service cleanly
+ (no reconnect will be possible)
+ -v Verbose output.
+Command line option: -nonamesvc
+There are several techniques that Notification Service clients (Suppliers
+and Consumers) may use to find and connect to the Notification Service.
+One common technique is for the Notification Service to register an Event
+Channel Factory with the Naming Service using a well-known name (specified in
+the CORBA standard.)
+Although this technique is a good one for use in a system that already depends
+on the Naming Service, the test scripts in this directory do not depend on the
+Naming Service. When this option is specified, the Supplier and Consumer use
+"resolve_initial_references ()" to find the Notification Service.
+When this option is used, the ORB option -ORBInitRef must also be used to
+define an initial reference to the Notification Service.
+Command line option: -channel filename
+The Notification Service has the ability to support several channels
+simultaneously. For these tests to work, the Supplier and Consumer must
+use the same channel. There are several techniques the Consumer(s) and
+Supplier(s) can use to select which channel to use. These programs use a
+shared file to communicate the channel number from the Consumer that creates
+the channel to the Supplier that uses it.
+When the Consumer starts up but is not reconnecting to an existing service,
+it creates a new channel and writes the channel ID to the file specified by
+this command (if no -channel option is given, the channel ID is not written.)
+When the Supplier starts up, but is not reconnecting to an existing service,
+it attempts to read the channel ID from the file specified by this option.
+If it is successful it uses that channel ID to send events.
+Command line options: -any or -str or -seq
+The Notification Service supports three types of Events. Any events are
+like those used by the Event Service (an ancestor to the Notification
+Service). Structured events and Sequence events are events supported only
+by the Notification Service. See the TAO Developer's Guide or the CORBA
+specification for more details.
+Only one of these three options should be specified. If none of these
+is specified, the default is "-any".
+Command line option: -send n
+This Supplier-only option tells the Supplier how many events to send.
+After it has sent that many events, the Supplier will shut down.
+Command line option: -expect n
+This Consumer-only option tells the Consumer how many events to expect.
+After it has received that many events, the Consumer will shut down.
+Command line option: -fail n
+This Consumer-only option tells the Consumer to throw an exception
+(CORBA::UNKNOWN) every n events. This simulates a recoverable error in
+the consumer. After throwing the exception, the consumer continues
+to listen for incoming events. It expects the event it was processing
+to be retransmitted.
+Because of the retransmission, the use of the -fail option may be
+counterintuitive. If the consumer options are "-expect 10 -fail 4" then
+it will receive events 0, 1, 2, and fail on event 3. It will then
+receive 3, 4, 5, and fail on event 6. Then it will receive 6, 7, 8,
+and fail on event 9. Finally it will receive the retransmission of event
+9 and exit.
+Command line option: -pause n
+This Supplier-only option is used during testing. The Supplier will send
+the specified number of events then wait for the Notification Service to
+stop and restart before sending the remaining events.
+To signal test scripts that a pause has happened, the Supplier will create
+a file named "Supplier.pause" This file can be used to synchronize a
+script with a running Supplier. It has no other purpose.
+Obviously the -pause option should specify a smaller number than the -send
+option. If this option is not used, no pause will occur.
+Command line option: -serial_number n
+Each event sent by the the Supplier has a sequential serial number. As the
+Consumer receives events, it checks to see that the events arrived in serial
+number order. Missing or duplicated events will be detected by the Consumer.
+This option tells the Supplier what serial number to use for the first event
+it sends, and the Consumer what serial number to expect in the first event
+it receives.
+For the Consumer only, a value of -1 disables checking of incoming serial
+numbers. This should be used when the Consumer is receiving events from
+multiple suppliers.
+Command line option: -v
+This option enables verbose messages. The Supplier and Consumer are
+relatively silent during normal operation -- displaying messages only when
+something goes wrong. If this verbose option is specified, more detailed
+progress messages will be displayed.
+Reconnection to the Notification Service is based on ID numbers assigned to
+the objects within the Notification Service (objects like Channels, Admins,
+and Proxies). After initially starting up, the supplier writes the IDs it
+needs to preserve to a file named Supplier.ids. The Consumer writes its
+IDs to Consumer.ids.
+When a client (Supplier or Consumer) starts up, it looks for its corresponding
+".ids" file. If the file is found, the client attempts to reconnect to an
+existing Notification Service using these IDs. If the file is not found, or
+the reconnection fails, the client falls back on its normal startup procedure.
+In addition, a running client can receive a request for reconnection from
+the Notification Service. When it does so, it uses the saved ID numbers to
+complete the reconnection process.
+Programming Style
+The Supplier and Consumer source files were designed to be complete,
+stand-alone applications. Other than their basic dependency on ACE, TAO,
+and CORBA, they avoid using outside facilities. For example, there is a
+Notification Tests library used by many Notification Service tests that
+encapsulates connections to the Notification Service and typical CORBA
+application issues. Because these programs were intended to illustrate
+everything necessary for a client application to work with a reliable
+Notification Service, this library is not used.
+Obviously a real-world application should take advantage of such helper
+classes to allow the developer to concentrate on the domain problem for
+which the application is written.
+Also these programs use ACE-style platform independence techniques.
+Applications that do not need to support the wide variety of platforms
+supported by ACE and TAO can relax some of these coding techniques.
+The script runs tests of different cases in which
+reliable topology is needed. The following command line options can
+be given to the test script:
+ command line options -any, -str, or -seq
+Specify one of these options to determine what type of event will be used
+during the test. The default if none of these options is present is "-any".
+ command line option -v
+This option controls the verbosity of the test script and the Supplier and
+Consumer applications. When it is present, a detailed step-by-step
+report is produced by the test.
+ Test #1: Supplier reconnection.
+All persistent information is discarded before the test starts. The test
+script starts the Notification Service, a Consumer and a Supplier.
+The Consumer is configured to receive 20 events. The Supplier is configured
+to send ten events.
+After sending ten events, the Supplier exits -- simulating a Supplier failure.
+The test script starts a new copy of the Supplier. The new Supplier is
+configured to send ten events starting with event number 10.
+It uses information saved by the previous supplier to reconnect to the same
+channel, admin, and proxy in the Notification Services.
+The Suppler sends the remaining ten events then exists. The Consumer having
+received the 20 events it expects, exits as well and the test is complete.
+This demonstrates that a Supplier can stop then restart and its events will e
+delivered to the correct Consumer.
+ Test #2: Consumer reconnection.
+The Notification Service from the previous test is still running and the
+saved reconnection information for both the Supplier and Consumer is still
+The test script starts a Consumer configured to receive 20 events and a
+Supplier configured to send twenty events. Both clients use the reconnection
+information from the previous test to reconnect to the Notification Service.
+Twenty events are sent successfully, then both clients exit and the test
+is complete.
+This demonstrates that a Consumer can stop then restart and reconnect. It
+will continue to receive the events on the channel to which it was originally
+ Test #3: Saving and Restoring Topology
+The test script stops the Notification Server from the previous two tests and
+starts a new Notification Server. It reloads the topology from the XML topology
+persistence files saved during the first two tests.
+The test script starts a Consumer and a Supplier. They are configured to
+receive and send respectively twenty events. The clients use the reconnection
+information from the previous tests to connect to the event channel, admins,
+and proxies that were reloaded from persistent topology information.
+The Supplier sends and the Consumer receives 20 events. Both clients exit.
+This demonstrates that the Notification Server can save its topology, then
+reload it, and the resulting topology behaves correctly when clients reconnect.
+ Test #4: The Reconnection Registry
+This test starts with the Notification Service from the previous test.
+The script starts a new Consumer that expects to receive 20 events. The
+Consumer reconnects to the Notification Server.
+The script starts a Supplier. It is configured to send 10 events then
+pause waiting for a Notification Service initiated reconnection before
+sending the remaining 10 events.
+Both clients register with the Reconnection Registry to receive reconnection
+The test script waits for the Supplier to pause. It then kills the
+Notification Service and starts a new copy. The new Notification Service
+is not configured to listen at the same endpoint as the previous one did,
+so the clients have no way to find the new copy directly. They must rely
+on the callback received from the Reconnection Registry.
+The new Notification Service reloads its topology, including the Reconnection
+Registry entries from the XML file. It sends reconnection callbacks to the
+registered clients.
+Using their saved reconnection information, the clients complete the
+reconnection to the new Notification Service.
+The Supplier sends the remaining 10 events then terminates. The Consumer,
+having received its expected 10 events also terminates.
+This demonstrates the reconnection registry and reconnection to live clients.
+ Test #5: Consumer Recoverable Exception
+Using the Notification Service still running from the previous test,
+but discarding reconnection information, a new Consumer is started.
+It is configured to expect 10 events, but to throw an exception after
+receiving the sixth event. After throwing the exception it expects to see
+the sixth event retransmitted, then to receive the remaining four events.
+A Supplier is started that sends 10 events, and then exits.
+When the Consumer has received the events it expects, including the
+retransmission of the sixth event, it shuts down.
+This demonstrates the Notification Service can recover from transient
+communication or Consumer failures.
+Known Problems as of Feb 2004.
+Sequence events are not working. It is unclear whether this is a problem in
+the test or in the Notification Service itself.
+Known Problems as of Mar 2004.
+The problem with sequence events reported previously turned out to be problems
+in both the test and in the Notification Service itself. These problems
+have been resolved. It is now possible to mix and match consumers and
+There are no new known problems.