path: root/ace/Task.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ace/Task.h')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ace/Task.h b/ace/Task.h
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+/* -*- C++ -*- */
+// $Id$
+// ============================================================================
+// ace
+// Task.h
+// = AUTHOR
+// Doug Schmidt
+// ============================================================================
+#if !defined (ACE_TASK_H)
+#define ACE_TASK_H
+#include "ace/Service_Object.h"
+#include "ace/Message_Queue.h"
+#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
+#include "ace/Synch_T.h"
+// Forward decls...
+template <ACE_SYNCH_1> class ACE_Module;
+template <ACE_SYNCH_1> class ACE_Task_Exit;
+class ACE_Task_Flags
+ // = TITLE
+ // These flags are used within the ACE_Task.
+ //
+ // These flags should be hidden within ACE_Task. Unfortunately, the
+ // HP/UX C++ compiler can't grok this... Fortunately, there's no
+ // code defined here, so we don't have to worry about multiple
+ // definitions.
+ enum
+ {
+ ACE_READER = 01, // Identifies a Task as being the "reader" in a Module.
+ ACE_FLUSHDATA = 02, // Just flush data messages in the queue.
+ ACE_FLUSHALL = 04, // Flush all messages in the Queue.
+ ACE_FLUSHR = 010, // flush read queue
+ ACE_FLUSHW = 020, // flush write queue
+ ACE_FLUSHRW = 030 // flush both queues
+ };
+template <ACE_SYNCH_1>
+class ACE_Task : public ACE_Service_Object
+ // = TITLE
+ // Primary interface for application message processing, as well
+ // as input and output message queueing.
+ //
+ // This class serves as the basis for passive and active objects
+ // in ACE.
+friend class ACE_Module<ACE_SYNCH_2>;
+friend class ACE_Module_Type;
+friend class ACE_Task_Exit<ACE_SYNCH_2>;
+ // = Initialization/termination methods.
+ ACE_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr = 0,
+ ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_SYNCH_2> *mq = 0);
+ // Initialize a Task, supplying a thread manager and a message
+ // queue. If the user doesn't supply a ACE_Message_Queue pointer
+ // then we'll allocate one dynamically. Otherwise, we'll use the
+ // one they give.
+ // = Initialization and termination hooks (note that these *must* be
+ // defined by subclasses).
+ virtual int open (void *args = 0) = 0;
+ // Hook called to open a Task. <args> can be used to pass arbitrary
+ // information into <open>.
+ virtual int close (u_long flags = 0) = 0;
+ // Hook called to close a Task.
+ virtual ~ACE_Task (void);
+ // Destructor.
+ // = Immediate and deferred processing methods, respectively.
+ virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0) = 0;
+ // Transfer msg into the queue to handle immediate processing.
+ virtual int svc (void);
+ // Run by a daemon thread to handle deferred processing.
+ // = Active object activation method.
+ virtual int activate (long flags = THR_NEW_LWP,
+ int n_threads = 1,
+ int force_active = 0,
+ u_int priority = 0,
+ int grp_id = -1);
+ // Turn the task into an active object, i.e., having <n_threads> of
+ // control, all running at the <priority> level with the same
+ // <grp_id>, all of which invoke <Task::svc>. Returns -1 if failure
+ // occurs, returns 1 if Task is already an active object and
+ // <force_active> is false (doesn't *not* create a new thread in
+ // this case), and returns 0 if Task was not already an active
+ // object and a thread is created successfully or thread is an
+ // active object and <force_active> is true.
+ // = Suspend/resume a Task
+ virtual int suspend (void);
+ // Suspend a task.
+ virtual int resume (void);
+ // Resume a suspended task.
+ int grp_id (void);
+ // Get the current group id.
+ void grp_id (int);
+ // Set the current group id.
+ ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr (void);
+ // Gets the thread manager associated with this Task.
+ void thr_mgr (ACE_Thread_Manager *);
+ // Set the thread manager associated with this Task.
+ ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_SYNCH_2> *msg_queue (void);
+ // Gets the message queue associated with this task.
+ void msg_queue (ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_SYNCH_2> *);
+ // Sets the message queue associated with this task.
+ size_t thr_count (void);
+ // Returns the number of threads currently running within a task.
+ // If we're a passive object this value is 0, else it's > 0.
+public: /* Should be protected: */
+ static void *svc_run (ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2> *);
+ // Routine that runs the service routine as a daemon thread.
+ // = Message queue manipulation methods.
+ int can_put (ACE_Message_Block *);
+ // Tests whether we can enqueue a message without blocking.
+ int putq (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
+ // Insert message into the message list.
+ int getq (ACE_Message_Block *&mb, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
+ // Extract the first message from the list (blocking).
+ int ungetq (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
+ // Return a message to the queue.
+ int put_next (ACE_Message_Block *msg, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
+ // Transfer message to the adjacent ACE_Task in a ACE_Stream.
+ int reply (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
+ // Turn the message back around.
+ // = ACE_Task utility routines to identify names et al.
+ const char *name (void) const;
+ // Return the name of the enclosing Module if there's one associated
+ // with the Task, else returns 0.
+ ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2> *sibling (void);
+ // Return the Task's sibling if there's one associated with the
+ // Task's Module, else returns 0.
+ ACE_Module<ACE_SYNCH_2> *module (void) const;
+ // Return the Task's Module if there is one, else returns 0.
+ int is_reader (void);
+ // True if queue is a reader, else false.
+ int is_writer (void);
+ // True if queue is a writer, else false.
+ // = Pointers to next ACE_Queue (if ACE is part of an ACE_Stream).
+ ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2> *next (void);
+ // Get next Task pointer.
+ void next (ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2> *);
+ // Set next Task pointer.
+ int flush (u_long flag = ACE_Task_Flags::ACE_FLUSHALL); /* Flush the queue */
+ // Special routines corresponding to certain message types.
+ void water_marks (ACE_IO_Cntl_Msg::ACE_IO_Cntl_Cmds, size_t);
+ // Manipulate watermarks.
+ void thr_count_dec (void);
+ // Atomically decrement the thread count by 1. This should only be
+ // called by the <ACE_Task_Exit> class destructor.
+ // = Internal data (should be private...).
+// private:
+ size_t thr_count_;
+ // Count of the number of threads running within the task. If this
+ // value is > 0 then we're an active object and the value of
+ // <thr_count_> is the number of active threads at this instant. If
+ // the value == 0, then we're a passive object.
+ ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr_;
+ // Multi-threading manager.
+ ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_SYNCH_2> *msg_queue_;
+ // List of messages on the ACE_Task..
+ int delete_msg_queue_;
+ // 1 if should delete Message_Queue, 0 otherwise.
+ u_long flags_;
+ // ACE_Task flags.
+ ACE_Module<ACE_SYNCH_2> *mod_;
+ // Back-pointer to the enclosing module.
+ ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2> *next_;
+ // Pointer to adjacent ACE_Task.
+ int grp_id_;
+ // This maintains the group id of the
+#if defined (ACE_MT_SAFE)
+ ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
+ // Protect the state of a Task during concurrent operations, but
+ // only if we're configured as MT safe...
+#endif /* ACE_MT_SAFE */
+ void dump (void) const;
+ // Dump the state of an object.
+ // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.
+class ACE_Task_Exit
+ // = TITLE
+ // Keep exit information for a Task in thread specific storage so
+ // that the Task::close() method will get called no matter how
+ // the thread exits (e.g., via Thread::exit() or by "falling off
+ // the end of Task::svc_run").
+ //
+ // This clever little helper class is stored in thread-specific
+ // storage using the ACE_TSS wrapper. When a thread
+ // exits the ACE_TSS::cleanup() function calls
+ // "delete" on this object, thereby closing it down gracefully.
+ ACE_Task_Exit (void);
+ // Capture the Task object that will be cleaned up automatically.
+ void set_this (ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2> *t);
+ // Set the this pointer...
+ void *status (void *s);
+ // Set the exit status.
+ void *status (void);
+ // Get the exit status.
+ ~ACE_Task_Exit (void);
+ // Destructor calls the <close> method of the captured Task on exit.
+ static ACE_Task_Exit<ACE_SYNCH_2> *instance (void);
+ // Singleton access point.
+ ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2> *t_;
+ // Pointer to the captured Task.
+ void *status_;
+ // Exit status...
+ ACE_Thread_Control tc_;
+ // This is used to make sure that an ACE_Task registers and
+ // deregisters with the ACE_Thread_Manager correctly.
+ static ACE_Thread_Mutex ace_task_lock_;
+ // Lock the creation of the Singleton.
+#endif /* defined (ACE_MT_SAFE) && !defined (ACE_LACKS_STATIC_DATA_MEMBER_TEMPLATES) */
+#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
+#include "ace/Task.i"
+#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
+#include "ace/Task.cpp"
+#pragma implementation ("Task.cpp")
+#endif /* ACE_TASK_H */