path: root/ace/Thread_Manager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ace/Thread_Manager.h')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ace/Thread_Manager.h b/ace/Thread_Manager.h
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index 00000000000..ca1b8b4125e
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+++ b/ace/Thread_Manager.h
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+/* -*- C++ -*- */
+// $Id$
+// ============================================================================
+// ace
+// Thread_Manager.h
+// = AUTHOR
+// Doug Schmidt
+// ============================================================================
+#if !defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_H)
+#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"
+#include "ace/Thread.h"
+#include "ace/Synch.h"
+class ACE_Thread_Manager;
+class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Descriptor
+ // = Title
+ // Information for controlling threads that run under the control
+ // of the <Thread_Manager>.
+friend class ACE_Thread_Manager;
+ // = Initialization method.
+ ACE_Thread_Descriptor (void);
+ // = Accessor methods.
+ ACE_thread_t self (void);
+ // Unique thread id.
+ void self (ACE_hthread_t &);
+ // Unique handle to thread (used by Win32 and AIX).
+ int grp_id (void);
+ // Group ID.
+ ACE_Thread_State state (void);
+ // Current state of the thread.
+ ACE_thread_t thr_id_;
+ // Unique thread ID.
+ ACE_hthread_t thr_handle_;
+ // Unique handle to thread (used by Win32 and AIX).
+ int grp_id_;
+ // Group ID.
+ ACE_Thread_State thr_state_;
+ // Current state of the thread.
+#if !defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
+class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Manager
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ ACE_Thread_Manager (int = 0) {}
+ ~ACE_Thread_Manager (void) {}
+ int open (size_t = DEFAULT_SIZE) { return -1; }
+ int close (void) { return -1; }
+ int spawn (ACE_THR_FUNC,
+ void * = 0,
+ long = 0,
+ ACE_thread_t * = 0,
+ ACE_hthread_t * = 0,
+ u_int = 0,
+ int = -1,
+ void * = 0,
+ size_t = 0) { return -1;}
+ int spawn_n (int,
+ void * = 0,
+ long = 0,
+ u_int = 0,
+ int = -1) { return -1;}
+ void *exit (void *) { return 0; }
+ void wait (const ACE_Time_Value * = 0) {}
+ int thread_descriptor (ACE_thread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &) { return -1;}
+ int hthread_descriptor (ACE_hthread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &) { return -1;}
+ int suspend_all (void) { return -1; }
+ int suspend (ACE_thread_t) { return -1; }
+ int suspend_grp (ACE_thread_t) { return -1; }
+ int resume_all (void) { return -1; }
+ int resume (ACE_thread_t) { return -1; }
+ int resume_grp (ACE_thread_t) { return -1; }
+ int kill_all (int) { return -1; }
+ int kill (ACE_thread_t) { return -1; }
+ int kill_grp (ACE_thread_t) { return -1; }
+ int cancel_all (void) { return -1; }
+ int cancel (int) { return -1; }
+ int cancel_grp (int) { return -1; }
+ void dump (void) const { }
+class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Control
+ ACE_Thread_Control (ACE_Thread_Manager * = 0, int = 0) {}
+ ~ACE_Thread_Control (void) {}
+ ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr (void) { return 0; }
+ ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr (ACE_Thread_Manager *) { return 0; }
+ void *exit (void *) { return 0; }
+ int insert (ACE_Thread_Manager *) { return 0; }
+ void *status (void *) { return 0; }
+ void *status (void) { return 0; }
+ void dump (void) const { }
+// Forward declaration.
+class ACE_Thread_Control;
+class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Manager
+ // = TITLE
+ // Manages a pool of threads.
+ //
+ // This class allows operations on groups of threads atomically.
+friend class ACE_Thread_Control;
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ // = Initialization and termination methods.
+ ACE_Thread_Manager (size_t size = ACE_Thread_Manager::DEFAULT_SIZE);
+ ~ACE_Thread_Manager (void);
+ int open (size_t size = DEFAULT_SIZE);
+ // Initialize the manager with room for SIZE threads.
+ int close (void);
+ // Release all resources.
+ int spawn (ACE_THR_FUNC func,
+ void *args = 0,
+ long flags = THR_NEW_LWP,
+ ACE_thread_t * = 0,
+ ACE_hthread_t *t_handle = 0,
+ u_int priority = 0,
+ int grp_id = -1,
+ void *stack = 0,
+ size_t stack_size = 0);
+ // Create a new thread, which executes <func>.
+ // Returns: on success a unique group id that can be used to control
+ // other threads added to the same group. On failure, returns -1.
+ int spawn_n (int n,
+ ACE_THR_FUNC func,
+ void *args = 0,
+ long flags = THR_NEW_LWP,
+ u_int priority = 0,
+ int grp_id = -1);
+ // Create N new threads, all of which execute <func>.
+ // Returns: on success a unique group id that can be used to control
+ // all of the threads in the same group. On failure, returns -1.
+ void *exit (void *status, int do_thread_exit = 1);
+ // Called to clean up when a thread exits. If <do_thread_exit> is
+ // non-0 then <ACE_Thread::exit> is called to exit the thread, in
+ // which case <status> is passed as the exit value of the thread.
+ int wait (const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0);
+ // Block until there are no more threads running in the
+ // <Thread_Manager> or <timeout> expires. Returns 0 on success and
+ // -1 on failure.
+ // = Accessors for <ACE_Thread_Descriptors>.
+ int thread_descriptor (ACE_thread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &);
+ // Return the thread descriptor (indexed by ACE_thread_t). Returns 0 on
+ // success and -1 if not found.
+ int hthread_descriptor (ACE_hthread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &);
+ // Return the thread descriptor (indexed by ACE_hthread_t). Returns 0
+ // on success and -1 if not found.
+ int thr_self (ACE_hthread_t &);
+ // Passes out the "real" handle to the thread, caching it if
+ // necessary in TSS to speed up subsequent lookups.
+ // = Suspend methods, which isn't supported on POSIX pthreads (will
+ // not block).
+ int suspend_all (void);
+ // Suspend all threads
+ int suspend (ACE_thread_t);
+ // Suspend a single thread.
+ int suspend_grp (int grp_id);
+ // Suspend a group of threads.
+ int testsuspend (ACE_thread_t t_id);
+ // True if <t_id> is inactive (i.e., suspended), else false.
+ // = Resume methods, which isn't supported on POSIX pthreads (will
+ // not block).
+ int resume_all (void);
+ // Resume all stopped threads
+ int resume (ACE_thread_t);
+ // Resume a single thread.
+ int resume_grp (int grp_id);
+ // Resume a group of threads.
+ int testresume (ACE_thread_t t_id);
+ // True if <t_id> is active (i.e., resumed), else false.
+ // = Kill methods, send signals -- which isn't supported on Win32
+ // (will not block).
+ int kill_all (int signum);
+ // Send signum to all stopped threads
+ int kill (ACE_thread_t, int signum);
+ // Kill a single thread.
+ int kill_grp (int grp_id, int signum);
+ // Kill a group of threads.
+ // = Cancel methods, which provides a cooperative thread-termination
+ // mechanism (will not block).
+ int cancel_all (void);
+ // Send signum to all stopped threads
+ int cancel (ACE_thread_t);
+ // Cancel a single thread.
+ int cancel_grp (int grp_id);
+ // Cancel a group of threads.
+ int testcancel (ACE_thread_t t_id);
+ // True if <t_id> is cancelled, else false.
+ // = Set/get group ids for a particular thread id.
+ int set_grp (ACE_thread_t, int grp_id);
+ int get_grp (ACE_thread_t, int &grp_id);
+ void dump (void) const;
+ // Dump the state of an object.
+ // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.
+ int resize (size_t);
+ // Resize the pool of Thread_Descriptors.
+ int spawn_i (ACE_THR_FUNC func,
+ void *args,
+ long flags,
+ ACE_thread_t * = 0,
+ ACE_hthread_t *t_handle = 0,
+ u_int priority = 0,
+ int grp_id = -1,
+ void *stack = 0,
+ size_t stack_size = 0);
+ // Create a new thread (must be called with locks held).
+ int find (ACE_thread_t t_id);
+ // Locate the index of the table slot occupied by <t_id>. Returns
+ // -1 if <t_id> is not in the table doesn't contain <t_id>.
+ int insert_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id, ACE_hthread_t, int grp_id = -1);
+ // Insert a thread in the table (checks for duplicates).
+ int append_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id, ACE_hthread_t,
+ ACE_Thread_State,
+ int grp_id);
+ // Append a thread in the table (adds at the end, growing the table
+ // if necessary).
+ void remove_thr (int i);
+ // Remove thread from the table.
+ int thread_descriptor_i (ACE_thread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &);
+ // Implements the lookup function for the <thread_descriptor>. Note
+ // that this version assumes that the lock is held. We need this to
+ // avoid intra-class method deadlock on systems that lack recursive
+ // mutexes.
+ int hthread_descriptor_i (ACE_hthread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &);
+ // Implements the lookup function for the <hthread_descriptor>.
+ // Note that this version assumes that the lock is held. We need
+ // this to avoid intra-class method deadlock on systems that lack
+ // recursive mutexes.
+ // = The following four methods implement a simple scheme for
+ // operating on a collection of threads atomically.
+ typedef int (ACE_Thread_Manager::*THR_FUNC)(int, int);
+ int check_state (ACE_Thread_State state, ACE_thread_t thread);
+ // Efficiently check whether <thread> is in a particular <state>.
+ // This call updates the TSS cache if possible to speed up
+ // subsequent searches.
+ int apply_grp (int grp_id, THR_FUNC, int = 0);
+ // Apply <func> to all members of the table that match the <grp_id>.
+ int apply_all (THR_FUNC, int = 0);
+ // Apply <func> to all members of the table.
+ int resume_thr (int i);
+ // Resume the thread at index <i>.
+ int suspend_thr (int i);
+ // Suspend the thread at index <i>.
+ int kill_thr (int i, int signum);
+ // Send signal <signum> to the thread at index <i>.
+ int cancel_thr (int i);
+ // Set the cancellation flag for the thread at index <i>.
+ ACE_Thread_Descriptor *thr_table_;
+ // Vector that describes thread state within the Thread_Manager.
+ size_t max_table_size_;
+ // Maximum number of threads we can manage (should be dynamically
+ // allocated).
+ size_t current_count_;
+ // Current number of threads we are managing.
+ int grp_id_;
+ // Keeps track of the next group id to assign.
+ // = ACE_Thread_Mutex and condition variable for synchronizing
+ // termination.
+ ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
+ ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex zero_cond_;
+class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Control
+ // = TITLE
+ // Used to keep track of a thread's activities within its entry
+ // point function.
+ ACE_Thread_Control (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm = 0,
+ int insert = 0);
+ // Initialize the thread control object. If <insert> != 0, then
+ // register the thread with the Thread_Manager.
+ ~ACE_Thread_Control (void);
+ // Implicitly kill the thread on exit and remove it from its
+ // associated ThreadManager.
+ void *exit (void *status);
+ // Explicitly kill the thread on exit and remove it from its
+ // associated <Thread_Manager>.
+ int insert (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm);
+ // Store the <Thread_Manager> and use it to register ourselves for
+ // correct shutdown.
+ ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr (void);
+ // Returns the current <Thread_Manager>.
+ ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr (ACE_Thread_Manager *);
+ // Atomically set a new <Thread_Manager> and return the old
+ // <Thread_Manager>.
+ void *status (void *status);
+ // Set the exit status (and return existing status).
+ void *status (void);
+ // Get the current exit status.
+ void dump (void) const;
+ // Dump the state of an object.
+ // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.
+ ACE_Thread_Manager *tm_;
+ // Pointer to the thread manager for this block of code.
+ void *status_;
+ // Keeps track of the exit status for the thread.
+#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
+#include "ace/Thread_Manager.i"
+#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
+#endif /* !defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) */
+#endif /* ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_H */