path: root/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..962b957dcf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# $Id$
+# Parse the build.txt files from an autobuild that was generated with the
+# script, e.g., with which outputs
+# compile times on a per object basis, and use the data to generate time
+# series graphs with gnuplot.
+# For use with an autobuild, place a line something like this in the xml file,
+# after the log file is closed, but before it's moved.
+# <command name="shell" options="$ACE_ROOT/bin/ <path>/build.txt <destination>" />
+usage ()
+ echo "usage: $0 <input_file> <destination_directory> [<date> [<fudge_factor>]]"
+ exit
+# Parse the commandline and validate the inputs
+parse ()
+ #echo "parse $@"
+ # set input file and destination (required)
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
+ DEST=$2
+ if ! [ -e "$INFILE" ]; then
+ echo "input_file $INFILE does not exist."
+ usage
+ fi
+ if ! [ -d "$DEST" ]; then
+ echo "destination_directory $DEST does not exist."
+ usage
+ fi
+ if ! [ -w "$DEST" ]; then
+ echo "destination_directory $DEST is not writable."
+ usage
+ fi
+ else
+ usage
+ fi
+ # set the date from command line
+ if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
+ DATE=$3
+ else
+ DATE=`date +%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M`
+ fi
+ # set fudge factor from commandline (for testing)
+ if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+# Generate the actual charts and move them to $DEST
+gen_chart ()
+ local object=$1
+ # low and high aren't being used right now since we don't have
+ # a good idea of what to make them yet. So, we let gnuplot
+ # automatically create them
+ #local low=$2
+ #local high=$3
+ gnuplot <<EOF
+ #set grid
+ set time
+ set xdata time
+ set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M"
+ set format x "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M"
+ set xtics rotate
+ set xlabel 'Date (YYYY/MM/DD)' 0,-3
+ set ylabel 'Compile Time (milliseconds)'
+ set terminal png small color
+ set yrange [$low:$high]
+ set output ".metrics/images/${object}.png"
+ set title "${object//___//}"
+ plot '.metrics/data/${object}.txt' using 1:2 notitle w l
+ exit
+ # copy the data and images to $DEST
+ /bin/cp .metrics/images/${object}.png $DEST/images/${object}.png
+ /usr/bin/tac .metrics/data/${object}.txt > $DEST/data/${object}.txt
+ /usr/bin/tail -5 .metrics/data/${object}.txt > $DEST/data/LAST_${object}.txt
+# Make a datafile entry, <date> <milliseconds>
+make_entry ()
+ echo -n $DATE " ";
+ echo $1
+# Make sure hidden directory tree exists, and create it if it doesn't
+create_dirs ()
+ if ! [ -d ".metrics" ]; then
+ mkdir .metrics
+ fi
+ if ! [ -d ".metrics/data" ]; then
+ mkdir .metrics/data
+ fi
+ if ! [ -d ".metrics/images" ]; then
+ mkdir .metrics/images
+ fi
+# Process the the $INPUT file
+process_file ()
+ #echo "process_file: $@"
+ # read from $INFILE (std input)
+ while read unused1 unused2 target time; do
+ # keep track of the last read object (needed to determine if you need to
+ # rollup a lib or executable.
+ # get path
+ CURRENT_PATH=${target%/*}
+ # strip off the hidden directory if needbe
+ # replace all "/" with "___" (so we can keep them all in the same directory)
+ # strip path off of target
+ CURRENT_OBJECT=${CURRENT_PATH}___${target##*/}
+ #echo "target = $target, object = $CURRENT_OBJECT, path = $CURRENT_PATH"
+ if [ "$CURRENT_OBJECT" != "${CURRENT_OBJECT%.o}" ]; then
+ # this is a .o file, so send it to it's own file and roll it
+ # up into the larger lib or executable
+ let "CURRENT_TIME=($time/1000)+$FUDGE_FACTOR"
+ make_entry $CURRENT_TIME >> .metrics/data/${CURRENT_OBJECT}.txt
+ else
+ if [ "${CURRENT_OBJECT}" != "${LAST_OBJECT%.o}" ]; then
+ # only rollup if you have multiple objects (this isn't always true
+ # for some executables)
+ make_entry $TOTAL_TIME >> .metrics/data/${CURRENT_OBJECT}.txt
+ fi
+ # reset the total time even if you didn't rollup the object, e.g.
+ # executables with a single object file.
+ let "TOTAL_TIME=0"
+ fi
+ done
+ for i in $OBJECTS; do
+ # use a list of objects for various yranges
+ # todo: this is currently turned off, but the idea will be to have a list
+ # of objects for each scale, and let all the others default to the
+ # 0:10000 (0-10 second) range.
+ if [ "$i" != "${i%libACE*}" ]; then
+ # libraries can take a lot longer, so increase the range for them
+ LOW=0
+ HIGH=600000
+ else
+ # finally, individual object files should be the quickest...
+ LOW=0
+ HIGH=10000
+ fi
+ gen_chart "${i}" "$LOW" "$HIGH" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ done
+parse $@
+#echo "infile=$INFILE, dest=$DEST, date=$DATE, ffactor=$FUDGE_FACTOR"
+grep "compile time" $INFILE | process_file