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- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 001</TITLE>
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/3.01Gold (Win95; I) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="James CE Johnson">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
-<BODY text = "#000000" link="#000fff" vlink="#ff0f0f" bgcolor="#ffffff">
-<CENTER><P><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE&nbsp;Tutorial 001<BR>
-A Beginners Guide to Using the ACE&nbsp;Toolkit</FONT></B></P></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%"></P>
-<P>Now we begin to look at the acceptor object.</P>
-<P>I will present the entire object header file first and then disect it
-as with <I>main()</I>.</P>
-1. #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
-2. #include &quot;ace/Reactor.h&quot;
-3. #include &quot;ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h&quot;
-4. #include &quot;ace/SOCK_Stream.h&quot;
-5. #include &quot;ace/INET_Addr.h&quot;
-6. class Logging_Handler : public ACE_Event_Handler
- {
-7. public:
-8. Logging_Handler(ACE_SOCK_Stream &amp;cs) : client_stream_(cs)
- {
-9. if( ! (fp = fopen(&quot;logger&quot;,&quot;w+&quot;)) )
-10. fp = stderr;
-11. fprintf(fp,&quot;Constructed\n&quot;);
- }
-12. virtual int handle_exception(ACE_HANDLE handle)
- {
-13. fprintf(fp,&quot;Exception\n&quot;);
-14. return(-1);
- }
-15. virtual int handle_input(ACE_HANDLE handle)
- {
-16. char buf[128];
-17. if( this-&gt;client_stream_.recv(buf,sizeof buf) &lt; 1 )
- {
-18. fprintf(fp,&quot;Bad Read\n&quot;);
-19. return(-1);
- }
-20. else
- {
-21. fprintf(fp,&quot;%20.20s\n&quot;,buf);
- }
-22. return(strlen(buf));
- }
-23. virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle(void) const
- {
-24. fprintf(fp,&quot;providing handle\n&quot;);
-25. return this-&gt;client_stream_.get_handle();
- }
-26. virtual int handle_close(ACE_HANDLE h, ACE_Reactor_Mask m)
- {
-27. fprintf(fp,&quot;closing\n&quot;);
-28. delete this;
-29. return(0);
- }
-30. virtual int close(void)
- {
-31. return this-&gt;handle_close(ACE_INVALID_HANDLE,ACE_Event_Handler::RWE_MASK);
-32. };
-33. protected:
-34. ~Logging_Handler(void)
- {
-35. fprintf(fp,&quot;Destruction\n&quot;);
-36. };
-37. private:
-38. ACE_SOCK_Stream client_stream_;
-39. FILE * fp;
-40. };
-<P>Here's a blow-by-blow account of what's being done:</P>
-<LI>Necessary for the <I>fopen</I> and such.</LI>
-<LI>We don't actually use a reactor in this object. If we had used the
-template to create our acceptor though, we would have to register ourselves
-with the reactor in our <I>open</I> function.</LI>
-<LI>This just shouldn't be here. Again, though, if we wanted to use the
-template to create the acceptor then we would probably do so after the
-object definition instead of dedicating an entire file to it. So, with
-that in mind, we would need the acceptor header or at least one like it.</LI>
-<LI>This contains the objects we need to create a connected socket object.
-Where we used an ACE_SOCK_Acceptor object in our acceptor we will use an
-ACE_SOCK_Stream here.</LI>
-<LI>This has some handy objects that allow us to get to the address components
-of our connection.</LI>
-<LI>Like the acceptor, we derive a new class from the <I>ACE_Event_Handler</I>.
-This gives a signature to the reactor we're registered with so that it
-can cause us to react to activity on the connection.</LI>
-<LI>Begin the public section of our object...</LI>
-<LI>We are constructed by the acceptor when a new client connection request
-is accepted. At the same time, the acceptor object creates a new <I>SOCK_Stream</I>
-on which we will communicate. That new <I>SOCK_Stream</I> is passed to
-us here so that we can initialize our<I> client_stream_</I> member object.</LI>
-<LI>Open a file we can write our status and log information to. Whatever
-the client sends us we will write here.</LI>
-<LI>Default to <I>stderr</I> if the open fails for some reason.</LI>
-<LI>Announce our birth.</LI>
-<LI>An exception on a socket generally indicates that the connection closed
-unexpectedly. There are some cases when this may not be fatal (eg -- invoking
-a reactor's <I>notify()</I> method) but for our simple tutorial, we assume
-that any exception is fatal.</LI>
-<LI>Log the action</LI>
-<LI>Return <I>-1</I> to the reactor to indicate that we should be <I>close</I>ed
-and destroyed.</LI>
-<LI><I>handle_input</I> is called by the reactor when there is data to
-be read from the connection. The <I>handle</I> parameter is the handle
-on which the data is present. Since we know the handle is supposed to be
-our <I>client_stream_</I> member object, we don't really need the parameter
-except as a double-check.</LI>
-<LI>Create a space for reading the data. We will do a simple-minded receive
-here but a real application could do any number of things.</LI>
-<LI>Invoke the <I>recv</I> member function of teh <I>client_stream_</I>
-object. As shown, it will get up to 128 bytes from the connection. Again,
-our simple example won't be stressing this particular limit. Another handy
-<I>SOCK_Stream</I> function is <I>recv_n</I> which will receive an exact
-amount of data even if it isn't all immediately available.</LI>
-<LI>We must read at least on byte. If there were none available then the
-reactor wouldn't have invoked the <I>handle_input</I> function in the first
-place. So, if we don't get anything there must be something wrong with
-the connection. Report this to the user.</LI>
-<LI>Return <I>-1</I> to get ourselves shut down.</LI>
-<LI>However, if the receive operation was successful...</LI>
-<LI>Format the received data and write it to the log file.</LI>
-<LI>Return a positive number to the reactor. Anything is ok (I think) but
-for giggles, we return the number of bytes received.</LI>
-<LI>Wrapper method allowing the reactor to access the connection handle.
-Again, this is necessary because the reactor can only work with file handles
-(aka &quot;file descriptors&quot;).</LI>
-<LI>Status message...</LI>
-<LI>Provide the handle when requested.</LI>
-<LI><I>handle_close</I> will be called by the reactor when it is time to
-shut down the connection. Among the reasons for shutdown is a <I>-1</I>
-return from any of the handlers called by the reactor.</LI>
-<LI>Another status message</LI>
-<LI>This is a terribly clever and handy thing. There is supposed to be
-some C++&nbsp;magic that will ensure an object can only be instantiated
-dynamically (ie -- via the <I>new</I> operator). Once you guarante that
-then <I>delete this</I> is possible.</LI>
-<LI>Return a success status to the reactor now that everything is closed
-<LI>A simple wrapper to <I>handle_close.</I>
-This is only here so that the acceptor can close us down if there is
-an error opening us up...
-<LI>Begin the protected part of our object.</LI>
-<LI>This helps to ensure that dynamic allocation we were talking about.</LI>
-<LI>Yet another status message.</LI>
-<LI>Begin the private section of the object.</LI>
-<LI>The <I>client_stream</I>_ is what we use to communicate. It can be
-any type of connection object or even, if we're not doing IPC, it could
-be a file descriptor open to a serial port or a data file.</LI>
-<LI>A handy file pointer where we can write the status messages and data
-from the client.</LI>
-<LI>All done.</LI>
-<P>Now that we know how to accept a connection request, let's move on to
-the next page where we learn how to handle the actual connection. Even
-though we just learned about this cool template thing, we will continue
-to use the &quot;hand-written&quot; acceptor developed above. As I mentioned,
-the only difference will be in the <I>open</I> function of the connection
-handler anyway.</P>
-<HR WIDTH="100%"></P>
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