path: root/flat/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'flat/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.h')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/flat/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.h b/flat/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..210d814ffa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flat/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.h
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+ * @file IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.h
+ * @author William R. Otte <>
+ * $Id$
+ * Implements a visitor that generates XMI for the CARDAMOM
+ * code generation facility.
+ *
+ * This IDL->XMI mapping appears to be based on a IDL->UML->XMI
+ * mapping, and should be valid XMI version 1.1
+ */
+#include "ace/Containers.h"
+#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
+#include "ace/Null_Mutex.h"
+#include "ace/SString.h"
+#include "xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp"
+#include "ast_visitor.h"
+#include "ast_component.h"
+#include "ast_concrete_type.h"
+#include "utl_scoped_name.h"
+#include "Literals.h"
+#include "XML/XercesString.h"
+#include "CIAO_IDL3_TO_XMI_Export.h"
+#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
+# pragma once
+class TAO_OutStream;
+class UTL_ExceptList;
+ class DOMDocument;
+ class DOMElement;
+namespace CIAO
+ namespace XMI
+ {
+ /**
+ * @class idl3_to_xmi_visitor
+ * @brief Visitor that generates XMI for the CARDAMOM code
+ * generation facilities.
+ */
+ class CIAO_IDL3_TO_XMI_Export idl3_to_xmi_visitor : public ast_visitor
+ {
+ public:
+ idl3_to_xmi_visitor (bool skip_imported);
+ virtual ~idl3_to_xmi_visitor (void);
+ virtual int visit_decl (AST_Decl *d);
+ virtual int visit_scope (UTL_Scope *node);
+ virtual int visit_type (AST_Type *node);
+ virtual int visit_predefined_type (AST_PredefinedType *node);
+ virtual int visit_module (AST_Module *node);
+ virtual int visit_interface (AST_Interface *node);
+ virtual int visit_interface_fwd (AST_InterfaceFwd *node);
+ virtual int visit_valuebox (AST_ValueBox *node);
+ virtual int visit_valuetype (AST_ValueType *node);
+ virtual int visit_valuetype_fwd (AST_ValueTypeFwd *node);
+ virtual int visit_component (AST_Component *node);
+ virtual int visit_component_fwd (AST_ComponentFwd *node);
+ virtual int visit_eventtype (AST_EventType *node);
+ virtual int visit_eventtype_fwd (AST_EventTypeFwd *node);
+ virtual int visit_home (AST_Home *node);
+ virtual int visit_factory (AST_Factory *node);
+ virtual int visit_structure (AST_Structure *node);
+ virtual int visit_structure_fwd (AST_StructureFwd *node);
+ virtual int visit_exception (AST_Exception *node);
+ virtual int visit_expression (AST_Expression *node);
+ virtual int visit_enum (AST_Enum *node);
+ virtual int visit_operation (AST_Operation *node);
+ virtual int visit_field (AST_Field *node);
+ virtual int visit_argument (AST_Argument *node);
+ virtual int visit_attribute (AST_Attribute *node);
+ virtual int visit_union (AST_Union *node);
+ virtual int visit_union_fwd (AST_UnionFwd *node);
+ virtual int visit_union_branch (AST_UnionBranch *node);
+ virtual int visit_union_label (AST_UnionLabel *node);
+ virtual int visit_constant (AST_Constant *node);
+ virtual int visit_enum_val (AST_EnumVal *node);
+ virtual int visit_array (AST_Array *node);
+ virtual int visit_sequence (AST_Sequence *node);
+ virtual int visit_string (AST_String *node);
+ virtual int visit_typedef (AST_Typedef *node);
+ virtual int visit_root (AST_Root *node);
+ virtual int visit_native (AST_Native *node);
+ struct Error
+ {
+ Error (const ACE_CString &diag, AST_Decl *node = 0)
+ : diag_ (diag),
+ node_ (node)
+ {}
+ void node (AST_Decl *node) { if (node_ == 0) node_ = node; }
+ const ACE_CString diag_;
+ AST_Decl *node_;
+ };
+ private:
+ /// Generates several elements common to most XMI elements.
+ /// Generates the following attributes:, name, visibility, namespace, stereotype
+ /// and the tagged value grouping.
+ /// @param stereotype The stereotype this element should be associated with.
+ void gen_common_elements (AST_Decl *node, const ACE_TCHAR *stereotype);
+ /// Converts a number into a string representation.
+ /// Caller responsible for memory.
+ template <typename T>
+ ACE_TCHAR * number_to_string (T val);
+ /// Common elements of operation XMI generation
+ void visit_operation_impl (AST_Operation *node, const ACE_TCHAR *stereotype);
+ /// implementation for elements common to both eventtypes
+ /// and valuetypes
+ void visit_valuetype_impl (AST_ValueType *, const ACE_TCHAR *stereotype);
+ /// implementation of elements common to exceptions and structures.
+ void visit_struct_impl (AST_Structure *, const ACE_TCHAR *stereotype);
+ /// sets an attribute on the element at the top of the stack.
+ void set_attribute (const ACE_TCHAR *name,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *value);
+ /// sets an attribute on the element at the top of the stack
+ void set_attribute (const ACE_TCHAR *name,
+ const XMLCh *value);
+ /// Adds a text child to the element at the top of the stack
+ void add_text (const ACE_TCHAR *text);
+ /// Greates a new element as a child of the current stack element
+ XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement * create_element (const ACE_TCHAR *name);
+ /// Generate stereotypes for XMI document
+ XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement * generate_stereotypes (void);
+ /// Helper method which creates new stereotype elements
+ void add_stereotype (const LITERAL_T name,
+ const LITERAL_T bc);
+ /// Generates an XMI ID.
+ /// @param node If passed, the file name and line number will be
+ /// generated as part of the ID.
+ static XMLCh * gen_xmi_id (AST_Decl * node = 0);
+ /// Generates an XMI ID with file_name and line as part of the id.
+ static XMLCh * gen_xmi_id (const ACE_TCHAR *file_name, long line);
+ /// Used to store the next ID for generation
+ static size_t current_id_;
+ /// Generates the tagged value grouping common to most XMI elements
+ void gen_tagged_value (AST_Decl *);
+ /// Sets an attribute with name containment_name whose value is the
+ /// ID of the top of the namespace stack.
+ void set_containing_element (const ACE_TCHAR *containment_name);
+ /// Looks up the xmi:id assoviated with xid_name and sets it as an
+ /// attribute
+ void find_and_set_xid_as_attr (const ACE_TCHAR *attr_name, const ACE_TCHAR *xid_name);
+ /// Creates a XMI ID based on node, and sets its value to
+ /// the attribute of the current top of element stack.
+ void create_and_store_xmi_id (AST_Decl *node);
+ /// Creates a XMI ID based on node, and sets its value to
+ /// the name attribute of the current top of element stack.
+ void create_and_store_xmi_id (const ACE_TCHAR *name, AST_Decl *node = 0);
+ /// Finds and returns the associated with name.
+ XMLCh * lookup_xid (const ACE_TCHAR *name);
+ /// Finds and returns the associated with the provided type.
+ XMLCh * lookup_type_xid (AST_Type *);
+ /// Used to add generalizations - most commonly used for supports
+ /// relationships. in component foo supports bar, foo is the sub,
+ /// bar is the super.
+ XMLCh * add_generalization (const ACE_TCHAR *sub, const ACE_TCHAR *super);
+ XMLCh * add_generalization (AST_Type *sub, AST_Type *super);
+ XMLCh * add_generalization (const XMLCh *sub, const XMLCh *super);
+ /// @param component Repository ID of component
+ /// @param port_kind text of port stereotype from LITERALS
+ /// @param port_type Repository ID of port type (ie, interface type for facet)
+ /// @param name The name of the port
+ /// @param is_multiple The multiplicity of the port (ie, uses multiple.)
+ void add_port (const ACE_TCHAR *component,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *port_kind,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *port_type,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *name,
+ bool is_multiple,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *file,
+ long line);
+ void add_managed_component (const ACE_TCHAR *home, const ACE_TCHAR *component);
+ typedef ACE_Unbounded_Queue<AST_Component::port_description> PORTS;
+ /// @param ports The queue representing the port from AST_component
+ /// @param component RepoID of the component
+ /// @param port_kind stereotype text of the port
+ void gen_component_ports (PORTS &ports,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *component,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *port_kind,
+ const ACE_TCHAR *file_name);
+ ACE_TCHAR * union_label_value (AST_Expression *exp);
+ typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex< ACE_TString,
+ CIAO::XML::XStr,
+ ACE_Hash <ACE_TString>,
+ ACE_Equal_To <ACE_TString>,
+ ACE_Null_Mutex > XMI_ID_MAP;
+ /// Stores xmi.ids for elements, indexed by repoId.
+ XMI_ID_MAP id_map_;
+ typedef ACE_Unbounded_Stack<XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *> ELEMENT_STACK;
+ /// Stores elements we are currently generating XMI. Top of stack is the current
+ /// element.
+ /// Provides a "protected" push that is popped when the current scope
+ /// is exited.
+ struct ES_Guard
+ {
+ ES_Guard (const ACE_TCHAR *name, idl3_to_xmi_visitor *);
+ ES_Guard (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *ele,
+ idl3_to_xmi_visitor *);
+ ~ES_Guard (void);
+ idl3_to_xmi_visitor &vis_;
+ };
+ friend struct ES_Guard;
+ typedef ACE_Unbounded_Stack< ACE_TString > STRING_STACK;
+ /// Stores namespaces associated with our current scope.
+ STRING_STACK namespace_;
+ /// Provides a protected push for the namespace stack that
+ /// pops when the current scope is exited.
+ struct NS_Guard
+ {
+ NS_Guard (const ACE_TCHAR *name, idl3_to_xmi_visitor *);
+ ~NS_Guard (void);
+ idl3_to_xmi_visitor &vis_;
+ };
+ friend struct NS_Guard;
+ XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *generalizations_;
+ XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement *associations_;
+ const CIAO::XML::XStr base_id_;
+ /// true if for some reason the generated output is bad
+ /// and shouldn't be written.
+ bool output_dirty_;
+ bool skip_imported_;
+ /// Used to determine IDL ordering of union labels.
+ size_t order_;
+ /// USed to cache the type of union descriminators
+ AST_ConcreteType *union_disc_;
+ /// Used to cache the type whose scope we are currently in.
+ AST_Decl *cached_type_;
+ };
+ }