path: root/modules/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/docs/dds4CCM v1.0.idl3 NewLook.idl3+
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/docs/dds4CCM v1.0.idl3 NewLook.idl3+')
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1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/docs/dds4CCM v1.0.idl3 NewLook.idl3+ b/modules/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/docs/dds4CCM v1.0.idl3 NewLook.idl3+
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+++ b/modules/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/docs/dds4CCM v1.0.idl3 NewLook.idl3+
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+#include "dds_rtf2_dcps.idl"
+module CCM_DDS {
+ // ---------- Untyped part ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Here are placed all the constructs that are not dependent on the data type
+ // ---------------------------
+ // Enums, structs and Typedefs
+ // ---------------------------
+ typedef unsigned long InstanceNumber_t;
+ typedef sequencs<InstanceNumber_t> InstanceNumberSeq;
+ enum AccessStatus {
+ };
+ enum InstanceStatus {
+ };
+ struct ReadInfo {
+ AccessStatus access_status;
+ InstanceStatus instance_status;
+ DDS::Time_t timestamp;
+ InstanceNumber_t instance_rank;
+ DDS::SampleInfo sample_info
+ };
+ typedef sequence<ReadInfo> ReadInfoSeq;
+ struct QueryFilter {
+ string query;
+ DDS::StringSeq query_parameters;
+ };
+ enum GroupingMode {
+ };
+ // ----------
+ // Exceptions
+ // ----------
+ exception AlreadyCreated {
+ InstanceNumberSeq indexes; // of the erroneous
+ };
+ exception NonExistent{
+ InstanceNumberSeq indexes; // of the erroneous
+ };
+ exception InternalError{
+ unsigned long error_code; // DDS codes that are relevant:
+ InstanceNumber_t index; // of the erroneous
+ };
+ exception BadParameter {};
+ // ----------
+ // Interfaces
+ // ----------
+ // Data Listener control
+ // ---------------------
+ interface DataListenerControl {
+ attribute boolean enabled; // set to FALSE at init time
+ };
+ // Status Access
+ // -------------
+ interface PortStatusListener { // status that are relevant to the component
+ void on_requested_deadline_missed(
+ in DDS::DataReader the_reader,
+ in DDS::RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus status);
+ void on_sample_lost(
+ in DDS::DataReader the_reader,
+ in DDS::SampleLostStatus status);
+ };
+ interface ConnectorStatusListener { // status that are relevant system-wide
+ void on_inconsistent_topic(
+ in DDS::Topic the_topic,
+ in DDS::InconsistentTopicStatus status);
+ void on_requested_incompatible_qos(
+ in DDS::DataReader the_reader,
+ in DDS::RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus status);
+ void on_sample_rejected(
+ in DDS::DataReader the_reader,
+ in DDS::SampleRejectedStatus status);
+ void on_offered_deadline_missed(
+ in DDS::DataWriter the_writer,
+ in DDS::OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus status);
+ void on_offered_incompatible_qos(
+ in DDS::DataWriter the_writer,
+ in DDS::OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus status);
+ void on_unexpected_status (
+ in DDS::Entity the_entity,
+ in DDS::StatusKind status_kind);
+ };
+ interface Writer <typename T> {
+ void write (in T an_instance)
+ raises (InternalError);
+ };
+ interface MultiWriter <typename TSeq> {
+ InstanceNumber_t write(in TSeq instances) // returns number of written instances
+ raises (InternalError);
+ attribute boolean is_coherent_write;
+ // behaviour:
+ // - attempt to write is stopped at the first error
+ // - if is_coherent_write, write orders are placed betwen begin/end
+ // coherent updates (even if an error occurs)
+ };
+ interface Updater <typename T> {
+ void create (in T an_instance)
+ raises (AlreadyCreated,
+ InternalError);
+ void update (in T an_instance)
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ void delete (in T an_instance)
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ readonly attribute boolean is_lifecycle_checked;
+ // behaviour:
+ // - exceptions AlreadyCreated or NonExistent are raised only if
+ // is_lifecycle_checked
+ // - note: this check requires to previously attempt to read (not free)
+ // - note: this check is not 100% guarantee as a creation or a deletion may
+ // occur between the check and the actual write od dispose order
+ };
+ interface MultiUpdater <typename TSeq> {
+ InstanceNumber_t create (in TSeq instances) // returns number of created instances
+ raises (AlreadyCreated,
+ InternalError
+ InstanceNumber_t update (in TSeq instances) // returns number of updated instances
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ InstanceNumber_t delete (in TSeq instances) // returns number of deleted instances
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ readonly attribute boolean is_lifecycle_checked;
+ attribute boolean is_coherent_write;
+ // behaviour:
+ // - exceptions AlreadyCreated or NonExistent are raised only if
+ // is_lifecycle_checked
+ // - global check is performed before actual write or dispose
+ // (in case of error, all the erroneous instances are reported
+ // in the exception)
+ // - attempt to write or dispose is stopped at the first error
+ // - if is_coherent_write, write orders are placed betwen begin/end
+ // coherent updates (even if an error occurs)
+ };
+ // Data access - subscribing side
+ // ------------------------------
+ // read => no wait
+ // get => wait
+ interface Reader <typename T, typename TSeq> {
+ void read_all (out TSeq instances, out ReadInfoSeq infos)
+ raises (InternalError);
+ void read_all_history (out TSeq instances, out ReadInfoSeq infos)
+ raises (InternalError);
+ void read_one (inout T an_instance, out ReadInfo info)
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ void read_one_history (in T an_instance,
+ out TSeq instances, out ReadInfoSeq infos)
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ attribute QueryFilter filter
+ setraises (BadParameter);
+ // behaviour
+ // - read operations are performed with the following parameters
+ // - READ or NO_READ
+ // - NEW or NOT_NEW
+ // - ALIVE
+ // - through the query as specified in the filter ("" means no query)
+ // - data returned:
+ // - read_all returns for each living instance, its last sample
+ // ordered by instance first and then by sample
+ // - read_all_history returns all the samples of all instances
+ // ordered by instance first and then by sample
+ // - read_one returns the last sample of the given instance
+ // - read_one_history returns all the samples for the given instance
+ };
+ interface Getter <typename T, typename TSeq> {
+ boolean get_all (out TSeq instances, out ReadInfoSeq infos)
+ raises (InternalError);
+ boolean get_all_history (out TSeq instances, out ReadInfoSeq infos)
+ raises (InternalError);
+ boolean get_one (inout T an_instance, out ReadInfo info)
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ boolean get_one_history (in T an_instance,
+ out TSeq instances, out ReadInfoSeq infos)
+ raises (NonExistent,
+ InternalError);
+ boolean get_next (out T an_instance, out ReadInfo info)
+ raises (InternalError);
+ attribute QueryFilter filter
+ setraises (BadParameter);
+ attribute DDS::Duration_t time_out;
+ // behaviour
+ // - get operations are performed with the following parameters
+ // - NO_READ
+ // - NEW or NOT_NEW
+ // - through the query as specified in the filter ("" means no query)
+ // - within the time limit specified in time_out
+ // - all operations returns TRUE if data are provided,
+ // FALSE if time-out occurred
+ // - data returned:
+ // - get_all returns for all the instances their last sample
+ // - get_all_history returns all the samples of all instances
+ // - get_one returns the last sample of the given instance
+ // - get_one_history returns all the samples for the given instance
+ // - get_next returns each read sample one by one
+ };
+ interface RawListener <typename T> {
+ void on_data (in T an_instance, in ReadInfo info);
+ // behaviour
+ // - similar to a get_next, except that in push mode instead of pull mode
+ // - triggered only if enabled is the associated ListenerControl
+ // - query filter (if any) in the associated Reader
+ };
+ interface StateListener <typename T> {
+ void on_creation (in T an_instance, in DDS::Time_t timestamp);
+ void on_update (in T an_instance, in DDS::Time_t timestamp);
+ void on_deletion (in T an_instance, in DDS::Time_t timestamp);
+ // behaviour
+ // - similar to a get_next, except that different operations are called
+ // depending on the instance state
+ // - triggered only if enabled is the associated ListenerControl
+ // - query filter (if any) in the associated Reader
+ };
+ interface MultiListener <typename TSeq> {
+ void on_data (in TSeq instances, in ReadInfoSeq infos);
+ attribute GroupingMode grouping_mode;
+ // behaviour
+ // - depending on grouping_mode similar to get_one_history(any new instance),
+ // get_all or get_all_history, except that in push mode instead of
+ // pull mode
+ // - triggered only if enabled is the associated ListenerControl
+ // - query filter (if any) in the associated Reader
+ };
+ porttype DDS_Write_T <typename T> {
+ uses Writer<T> data;
+ uses DDS::DataWriter dds_entity;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_MultiWrite_T <typename TSeq> {
+ uses MultiWriter<TSeq> data;
+ uses DDS::DataWriter dds_entity;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_Update_T <typename T> {
+ uses Updater<T> data;
+ uses DDS::DataWriter dds_entity;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_MultiUpdate_T <typename TSeq> {
+ uses MultiUpdater<TSeq> data;
+ uses DDS::DataWriter dds_entity;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_Read_T <typename T, typename TSeq> {
+ uses Reader <T,TSeq> data;
+ uses DDS::DataReader dds_entity;
+ provides PortStatusListener status;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_Get_T <typename T, typename TSeq> {
+ uses Getter<T,TSeq> data;
+ uses DDS::DataReader dds_entity;
+ provides PortStatusListener status;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_RawListen_T <typename T, typename TSeq> {
+ uses Reader<T, TSeq> data;
+ uses DataListenerControl data_control;
+ provides RawListener data_listener;
+ uses DDS::DataReader dds_entity;
+ provides PortStatusListener status;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_StateListen_T <typename T, typename TSeq>{
+ uses Reader<T,TSeq> data;
+ uses DataListenerControl data_control;
+ provides StateListener data_listener;
+ uses DDS::DataReader dds_entity;
+ provides PortStatusListener status;
+ };
+ porttype DDS_MultiListen <typename T, typename TSeq> {
+ uses Reader<T,TSeq> data;
+ uses DataListenerControl data_control;
+ provides MultiListener data_listener;
+ uses DDS::DataReader dds_entity;
+ provides PortStatusListener status;
+ };
+ // ---------- Typed sub-part ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ module Typed<typename T, sequence<T> TSeq> {
+ // Gathers all the constructs that are dependent on the data type (T), either directly -- interfaces
+ // making use of T or TSeq, or indirectly -- porttypes using or providing those intefaces.
+ // TSeq is passed as a second parameter to avoid creating a new sequence type.
+ typename DDS_Write_T<T> DDS_Write;
+ typename DDS_MultiWrite_T<T, TSeq> DDS_MultiWrite;
+ typename DDS_Update_T<T> DDS_Update;
+ typename DDS_MultiUpdate_T<TSeq> DDS_MultiUpdate;
+ typename DDS_Read_T<T,TSeq> DDS_Read;
+ typename DDS_Get_T<T,TSeq> DDS_Get;
+ typename DDS_RawListen_T<T, TSeq> DDS_RawListen;
+ typename DDS_StateListen_T<T, TSeq> DDS_StateListen;
+ typename DDS_MultiListen_T<T, TSeq> DDS_MulitListen;
+ // -------------------------------------
+ // Interfaces to be 'used' or 'provided'
+ // -------------------------------------
+ // Data access - publishing side
+ // -----------------------------
+ // ---------
+ // DDS Ports
+ // ---------
+ // ----------------------------
+ // Connectors
+ // (Correspond to DDS patterns)
+ // ----------------------------
+ connector DDS_Base {
+ uses ConnectorStatusListener error_listener;
+ readonly attribute DDS::DomainId_t domain_id;
+ readonly attribute string qos_profile;// File URL or XML string
+ };
+ connector DDS_TopicBase : DDS_Base {
+ readonly attribute string topic_name;
+ readonly attribute DDS::StringSeq key_fields;
+ };
+ connector DDS_State: DDS_TopicBase {
+ mirrorport DDS_Update observable;
+ mirrorport DDS_Read passive_observer;
+ mirrorport DDS_Get pull_observer;
+ mirrorport DDS_StateListen push_observer;
+ };
+ connector DDS_Event : DDS_TopicBase {
+ mirrorport DDS_Write supplier;
+ mirrorport DDS_Get pull_consumer;
+ mirrorport DDS_RawListen push_consumer;
+ };
+ };
+ };