path: root/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Lifetime_Utils_T.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Lifetime_Utils_T.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Lifetime_Utils_T.h b/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Lifetime_Utils_T.h
index 1755c5af6d0..986268fa7ae 100644
--- a/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Lifetime_Utils_T.h
+++ b/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Lifetime_Utils_T.h
@@ -90,101 +90,6 @@ private:
T target_;
- * @class Servant_Var
- *
- * @brief Provides a type safe counted reference to servants.
- */
-template <class T>
-class TAO_EC_Servant_Var
- //! Constructor. Assumes ownership of \c p.
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var(T * p = 0);
- //! Copy constructor. Adds reference to \c rhs.
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var(TAO_EC_Servant_Var<T> const & rhs);
- //! Assignment operator. Adds reference to \c rhs.
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var<T> & operator=(TAO_EC_Servant_Var<T> const & rhs);
- //! Destructor. Removes a reference from the underlying object,
- //! possibly destroying it.
- ~TAO_EC_Servant_Var();
- //! Assignment operator. Assumes ownership of \c p.
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var<T> & operator=(T * p);
- //! Template member constructor from a pointer that will implicitly
- //! cast to type T. Assumes ownership of \c p.
- //! This constructor allows constructs such as:
- //! Servant_Base<Base> p(new Derived);
- template <class Y>
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var(Y * p);
- //! Template member copy constructor from a TAO_EC_Servant_Var<Y>, where
- //! Y can be implicitly cast to type T.
- template <class Y>
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var(TAO_EC_Servant_Var<Y> const & rhs);
- //! Template member assignment operator from a TAO_EC_Servant_Var<Y>, where
- //! Y can be implicitly cast to type T.
- template <class Y>
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var<T> & operator=(TAO_EC_Servant_Var<Y> const & rhs);
- //! Template member assignment operator from a pointer to Y, where Y
- //! can be implicitly cast to type T.
- template <class Y>
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var<T> & operator=(Y * p);
- //! Smart pointer operator-> provides access to the underlying object.
- T const * operator->() const;
- //! Smart pointer operator-> provides access to the underlying object.
- T * operator->();
- //! Dereference the underlying object.
- T const & operator*() const;
- //! Dereference the underlying object.
- T & operator*();
- //! Return a void pointer to the underlying object. This allows
- //! it to be used in conditional code and tested against 0.
- operator void const * () const;
- //! As an IN parameter.
- T * in() const;
- //! As an INOUT parameter.
- T *& inout();
- //! As an OUT parameter.
- T *& out();
- // Return a pointer to the underlying object, and this counted
- // reference will no longer own the object.
- T * _retn();
- T * ptr_;
-//! Compare two TAO_EC_Servant_Vars for equivalence.
-template <class X, class Y>
-bool operator==(TAO_EC_Servant_Var<X> const & x,
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var<Y> const & y);
-//! Compare two TAO_EC_Servant_Vars for non-equivalence.
-template <class X, class Y>
-bool operator!=(TAO_EC_Servant_Var<X> const & x,
- TAO_EC_Servant_Var<Y> const & y);
#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)