path: root/samwise/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'samwise/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 940 deletions
diff --git a/samwise/ b/samwise/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1bbff837d38..00000000000
--- a/samwise/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,940 +0,0 @@
-eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
- if 0;
-# $Id$
-use FindBin;
-use lib $FindBin::Bin;
-use PerlACE::MSProject::DSP;
-use DirHandle;
-use FileHandle;
-use Cwd;
-use strict;
-my $version = "0.1";
-my $recurse = 0;
-my $list = 0;
-my $verbose = 0;
-my @arguments;
-my @configs;
-my @subdirs;
-my @roots;
-my $auto_compile = 0;
-my $clean = 0;
-my $debug = 0;
-my $aceroot = 0;
-my $output;
-my $outfile;
-# Parse command line arguments
-while ( $#ARGV >= 0)
- if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-file/i) {
- $outfile = $ARGV[1];
- shift;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-r/i) {
- $recurse = 1;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-(\?|h)/i) { # Help information
- print "Options\n";
- print " -file <file>\n";
- exit;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-v/i) {
- $verbose = 1;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) {
- warn "$0: unknown option $ARGV[0]\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- else {
- push @arguments, $ARGV[0];
- }
- shift;
-@configs = ("Win32 Debug");
-if (!defined $outfile) {
- $outfile = "sam.xml";
-$output = new FileHandle ($outfile, "w");
-# I like these variables
-# %projects->{$file}->{BUILD} <- Are we supposed to build this file?
-# ->{PROJ} <- MSProject object
-# ->{ACEDEPS}
-# ->{TAODEPS}
-# ->{LIBS}
-# ->{CONFIGS}->{$config}->{DEPS} <- List of dependencies
-# ->{DONE} <- Have we compiled it yet?
-my %projects;
-# %names->{$output} <- points to the $file used in the above %projects
-my %names;
-# Expand all the files/directories passed in on the command line
-sub ProjectSearch ($@)
- my $build = shift;
- my @targets = @_;
- while ($#targets >= 0) {
- my $target = $targets[0];
- if (-d $target) {
- print " Reading Directory $target\n" if ($verbose);
- if ($recurse) {
- my $dh = new DirHandle ($target);
- if (defined $dh) {
- foreach my $entry ($dh->read ()) {
- if (-d "$target/$entry" && $entry ne "." && $entry ne "..") {
- $entry =~ s/^.\\//;
- $entry =~ s/^.\///;
- push @targets, ($target . "\\". $entry);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "Error: Cannot read $target: $!\n";
- }
- }
- foreach my $t (glob ($target . "/*.dsp")) {
- $t =~ s/^.\\//;
- $t =~ s/^.\///;
- print " Adding project $t\n" if ($verbose);
- %projects->{$t}->{BUILD} = $build;
- }
- }
- else {
- foreach my $t (glob ($target)) {
- print " Adding project $t\n" if ($verbose);
- %projects->{$t}->{BUILD} = $build;
- }
- }
- shift @targets;
- }
-print "=== Expanding Command line Arguments\n" if ($verbose);
-if ($#arguments < 0) {
- print " No files specified, defaulting to \".\"\n" if ($verbose);
- push @arguments, (".");
-ProjectSearch (1, @arguments);
-print "=== Expanding Root Arguments\n" if ($verbose);
-ProjectSearch (0, @roots);
-if ($aceroot == 1) {
- my $oldrecurse = $recurse;
- $recurse = 1;
- my @aceroots = ($ENV{ACE_ROOT}."\\ace",
- $ENV{ACE_ROOT}."\\apps\\gperf\\src",
- $ENV{ACE_ROOT}."\\TAO\\tao",
- $ENV{ACE_ROOT}."\\TAO\\orbsvcs\\orbsvcs");
- ProjectSearch (0, @aceroots);
- $recurse = $oldrecurse;
-# Read each project file to gather dependency and output information
-print "=== Reading Project Files\n" if ($verbose);
-foreach my $project (keys %projects) {
- my $proj;
- if ($project =~ m/\.dsp$/i) {
- $proj = new PerlACE::MSProject::DSP ($project);
- }
- elsif ($project =~ m/\.vcp$/i) {
- $proj = new PerlACE::MSProject::VCP ($project);
- }
- elsif ($project =~ m/\.vcproj$/i) {
- print STDERR "Error: MSVC7 not supported yet\n";
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "Error: Unrecognized file: $project\n";
- }
- print " Loading $project:" if ($verbose);
- $proj->Load ();
- foreach my $config (@configs) {
- foreach my $proj_config ($proj->Configs ()) {
- if ($proj_config =~ m/\Q$config\E/i) {
- print " \"$proj_config\"" if ($verbose);
- my $name = $proj->DepOutputFile ($proj_config);
- %names->{lc $name} = $project;
- if (defined $proj->Libs ($proj_config)) {
- @{%projects->{$project}->{CONFIGS}->{$proj_config}->{DEPS}} = split / /, $proj->Libs ($proj_config);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print "\n" if ($verbose);
- %projects->{$project}->{PROJ} = $proj;
-# Random function
-sub CSConvertPathToRelative ($)
- my $args = shift;
- $args =~ s/\s\s*/ /g;
- $args =~ s/\s$//g;
- my @list = split / /, $args;
- my $result = "";
- my $root;
- my $current = getcwd ();
- my $traverse = $current;
- my $external = 0;
- my @current_list;
- # This little bit of code walks up the path looking ACE_ROOT. If
- # not found, just default to using "$ACE_ROOT/"
- while (1) {
- # Are we in the "root" yet?
- if (-r "$traverse/samwise/PerlSam/") {
- last;
- }
- # Move up in the directory tree by lopping off the last part of
- # the path
- if ($traverse =~ m/(.*)\/[^\/]*/) {
- $traverse = $1;
- $root .= "../";
- }
- else {
- # Ran out of path, default to environment variable
- $root = "\$ACE_ROOT/";
- $external = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- # Remove the trailing slash
- $root =~ s/\/$//;
- if (!$external) {
- # Figure out what our relative current directory is
- $current =~ s/^\Q$traverse\E\///;
- @current_list = split /\//, $current;
- }
- # Rebuild the stringified list
- foreach my $entry (@list) {
- my $this_root = $root . "/";
- my @this_current = @current_list;
- # Loop off any common parts. So if current directory is
- # "\TAO\tests" and the entry is "\TAO\" then reduce the root
- if (!$external) {
- while ($#this_current >= 0) {
- my $top_dir = shift @this_current;
- if ($entry && $entry =~ s/^\/$top_dir//) {
- $this_root =~ s/^\.\.\///;
- }
- else {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $entry =~ s/^\///;
- $result .= $this_root . $entry . " ";
- }
- # Remove the trailing space from the stringified list.
- $result =~ s/ $//;
- return $result;
-# Clean out the dependency lists, we only keep the libraries which we know
-# how to generate
-print "=== Cleaning out Dependency Lists\n" if ($verbose);
-my %libs_table = (
- 'ACEd.lib' => ['ACE', 'ACE', '../', 'ACE ACE_OS' ],
- 'ACE_SSLd.lib' => ['ACE', 'SSL', '../../', 'ACE_SSL' ],
- 'ACE_QoSd.lib' => ['ACE', 'QoS', '../../', 'ACE_QoS' ],
- 'ACE_RMCastd.lib' => ['ACE', 'RMCast', '../../', 'ACE_RMCast' ],
- 'TAO_IDL_BEd.lib' => ['TAOIDL', 'Back_End', 'include be_include', 'TAO_IDL_BE' ],
- 'TAO_IDL_FEd.lib' => ['TAOIDL', 'Front_End', 'include fe', 'TAO_IDL_FE' ],
- 'TAOd.lib' => ['TAO', 'TAO', '../', 'TAO' ],
- 'TAO_PortableServerd.lib' => ['TAO', 'PortableServer', '../../', 'TAO_PortableServer' ],
- 'TAO_BiDirGIOPd.lib' => ['TAO', 'BiDirGIOP', '../../', 'TAO_BiDirGIOP' ],
- 'TAO_Domaind.lib' => ['TAO', 'Domain', '../../', 'TAO_Domain' ],
- 'TAO_DynamicAnyd.lib' => ['TAO', 'DynamicAny', '../../', 'TAO_DynamicAny' ],
- 'TAO_DynamicInterfaced.lib' => ['TAO', 'DynamicInterface', '../../', 'TAO_DynamicInterface'],
- 'TAO_IORManipd.lib' => ['TAO', 'IORManip', '../../', 'TAO_IORManip' ],
- 'TAO_RTCORBAd.lib' => ['TAO', 'RTCORBA', '../../', 'TAO_RTCORBA' ],
- 'TAO_RTPortableServerd.lib' => ['TAO', 'RTPortableServer', '../../', 'TAO_RTPortableServer'],
- 'TAO_SmartProxiesd.lib' => ['TAO', 'SmartProxies', '../../', 'TAO_SmartProxies' ],
- 'TAO_Strategiesd.lib' => ['TAO', 'Strategies', '../../', 'TAO_Strategies' ],
- 'TAO_IORTabled.lib' => ['TAO', 'IORTable', '../../', 'TAO_IORTable' ],
- 'TAO_TypeCodeFactoryd.lib' => ['TAO', 'TypeCodeFactory', '../../', 'TAO_TypeCodeFactory' ],
- 'TAO_IFR_Clientd.lib' => ['TAO', 'IFR_Client', '../../', 'TAO_IFR_Client' ],
- 'TAO_AVd.lib' => ['TAO', 'AVStreams', '../../', 'TAO_AV' ],
- 'TAO_CosLifeCycled.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosLifeCycle', '../../', 'TAO_LifeCycle' ],
- 'TAO_CosNamingd.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosNaming', '../../', 'TAO_Naming' ],
- 'TAO_DsLogAdmind.lib' => ['TAO', 'DsLogAdmin', '../../', 'TAO_Log' ],
- 'TAO_RTEventd.lib' => ['TAO', 'RTEvent', '../../', 'TAO_RTEvent' ],
- 'TAO_RTOLDEventd.lib' => ['TAO', 'RTOldEvent', '../../', 'TAO_RTOLDEvent' ],
- 'TAO_RTSchedd.lib' => ['TAO', 'RTSched', '../../', 'TAO_RTSched' ],
- 'TAO_RTSchedEventd.lib' => ['TAO', 'RTSchedEvent', '../../', 'TAO_RTSchedEvent' ],
- 'TAO_Securityd.lib' => ['TAO', 'Security', '../../', 'TAO_Security' ],
- 'TAO_SSLIOPd.lib' => ['TAO', 'SSLIOP', '../../', 'TAO_SSLIOP' ],
- 'TAO_Svc_Utilsd.lib' => ['TAO', 'SvcUtils', '../../', 'TAO_Svc_Utils' ],
- 'TAO_CosConcurrencyd.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosConcurrency', '../../', 'TAO_Concurrency' ],
- 'TAO_CosEventd.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosEvent', '../../', 'TAO_Event' ],
- 'TAO_CosNotificationd.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosNotification', '../../', 'TAO_Notify' ],
- 'TAO_CosPropertyd.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosProperty', '../../', 'TAO_Property' ],
- 'TAO_CosTimed.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosTime', '../../', 'TAO_Time' ],
- 'TAO_CosTradingd.lib' => ['TAO', 'CosTrading', '../../', 'TAO_Trading' ],
- 'TAO_Fault_Toleranced.lib' => ['TAO', 'FaultTolerance', '../../', 'TAO_FT' ],
- 'TAO_LoadBalancingd.lib' => ['TAO', 'LoadBalancing', '../../', 'TAO_LoadBalancing' ],
- 'CECTestd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'CEC_Test' ],
- 'coll_test_stubsd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', undef ],
- 'Diamondd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'DIAMOND' ],
- 'ECTestd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'EC_TEST' ],
- 'TAO_RTEC_COSECd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'RTEC_COSEC' ],
- 'RTCORBA_Commond.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'RTCORBA_COMMON' ],
- 'TAO_IFR_BE_DLLd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'TAO_IFR_BE' ],
- 'TAO_NotifyTestsd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'TAO_NOTIFY_TEST' ],
- 'TradingLibd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', undef ],
- 'Generic_Servantd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'GENERIC_SERVANT' ],
- 'Client_Testd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'export_dlld.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'TEST' ],
- 'Gateway.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Gatewayd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'HTTPUd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'HTTPU' ],
- 'JAWSd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'JAWS' ],
- 'netsvcsd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'paced.lib' => [undef, undef, '', undef ],
- 'Peerd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Peer.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Synch_Libd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'SYNCHLIB' ],
- 'websvcsd.lib' => [undef, undef, '../../', 'ACE_WEBSVCS' ],
- 'Service_Config_DLLd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'Service_Config_DLL' ],
- 'DLL_Testd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_Svc' ],
- 'Test_DLLd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'OLT' ],
- 'Test_Server_Moduled.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'TEST_SERVER_MODULE' ],
- 'Test_Client_Moduled.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'TEST_CLIENT_MODULE' ],
- 'Collocation_Test_Stubsd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'MY_STUB' ],
- 'Time_Dated.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC ' .
- 'Alt_Resource_Factory'],
- 'Base_Testd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Perf_Testd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Timerd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Todayd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Newsweekd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Serverd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'CCM_Appd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Dump_Restored.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Dump_Restore.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'Acceptor_Serverd.lib' => [undef, undef, '', 'ACE_SVC' ],
- 'TAO_IDL_BE_DLLd.lib' => ['TAOIDL', 'Back_End', 'include fe', 'TAO_IDL_BE' ],
- 'TAO_IDL_FE_DLLd.lib' => ['TAOIDL', 'Front_End', 'include fe be_include', 'TAO_IDL_FE' ]
- );
-my %local_libs_table = (
- 'Service_Config_DLLd.lib' => ['/tests' ],
- 'DLL_Testd.lib' => ['/tests' ],
- 'Test_DLLd.lib' => ['/TAO/tests/Object_Loader' ],
- 'Test_Server_Moduled.lib' => ['/TAO/tests/DLL_ORB' ],
- 'Test_Client_Moduled.lib' => ['/TAO/tests/DLL_ORB' ],
- 'Collocation_Test_Stubsd.lib' => ['/TAO/tests/Collocation' ],
- 'Timerd.lib' => ['/examples/Service_Configurator/Misc' ],
- 'Todayd.lib' => ['/examples/DLL' ],
- 'Newsweekd.lib' => ['/examples/DLL' ],
- 'Serverd.lib' => ['/examples/Service_Configurator/IPC-tests/server' ],
- 'CCM_Appd.lib' => ['/examples/ASX/CCM_App' ],
- 'Dump_Restored.lib' => ['/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore' ],
- 'Dump_Restore.lib' => ['/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore' ],
- 'Acceptor_Serverd.lib' => ['/docs/tutorials/022' ],
- 'CECTestd.lib' => ['/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/CosEvent/lib' ],
- 'coll_test_stubsd.lib' => ['/TAO/tests/Smart_Proxies/Collocation' ],
- 'Diamondd.lib' => ['/TAO/tests/Collocation' ],
- 'ECTestd.lib' => ['/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/Event/lib' ],
- 'TAO_RTEC_COSECd.lib' => ['/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/CosEC/RtEC_Based/lib' ],
- 'RTCORBA_Commond.lib' => ['/TAO/performance-tests/RTCorba/Multiple_Endpoints/Common'],
- 'TAO_IFR_BE_DLLd.lib' => ['/TAO/orbsvcs/IFR_Service' ],
- 'NotifyTestsd.lib' => ['/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/Notify/lib' ],
- 'TAO_NotifyTestsd.lib' => ['/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/Notify/lib' ],
- 'TradingLibd.lib' => ['/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/Trading' ],
- 'Generic_Servantd.lib' => ['/TAO/examples/POA/Generic_Servant' ],
- 'Client_Testd.lib' => ['/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Client' ],
- 'export_dlld.lib' => ['/examples/Export' ],
- 'Gateway.lib' => ['/apps/Gateway/Gateway' ],
- 'Gatewayd.lib' => ['/apps/Gateway/Gateway' ],
- 'HTTPUd.lib' => ['/apps/JAWS2/HTTPU' ],
- 'JAWSd.lib' => ['/apps/JAWS2/JAWS' ],
- 'netsvcsd.lib' => ['/netsvcs/lib' ],
- 'paced.lib' => ['/PACE/pace' ],
- 'Peerd.lib' => ['/apps/Gateway/Peer' ],
- 'Synch_Libd.lib' => ['/performance-tests/Synch-Benchmarks/Synch_Lib' ],
- 'Base_Testd.lib' => ['/performance-tests/Synch-Benchmarks/Base_Test' ],
- 'Perf_Testd.lib' => ['/performance-tests/Synch-Benchmarks/Perf_Test' ],
- 'websvcsd.lib' => ['/websvcs/lib' ]
-my @system_libs = ( 'kernel32.lib', 'user32.lib', 'gdi32.lib', 'winspool.lib', 'comdlg32.lib',
- 'advapi32.lib', 'shell32.lib', 'ole32.lib', 'oleaut32.lib', 'uuid.lib',
- 'odbc32.lib', 'odbccp32.lib', 'ssleay32.lib', 'libeay32.lib', 'ws2_32.lib',
- 'wsock32.lib'
- );
-foreach my $project (keys %projects) {
- foreach my $config (keys %{%projects->{$project}->{CONFIGS}}) {
- print " Cleaning Dependencies: $project ($config)\n" if ($verbose);
- foreach my $dep (@{%projects->{$project}->{CONFIGS}->{$config}->{DEPS}}) {
- my $found = 0;
- # Remove dirs from $dep
- $dep =~ s/.*\///g;
- $dep =~ s/.*\\//g;
- if (lc $dep eq "diamondd.lib") {
- my $fulllib = "/TAO/tests/Collocation/Diamond";
- if (getcwd () =~ m/Smart_Proxies/i) {
- $fulllib = "/TAO/tests/Smart_Proxies/Collocation/Diamond"
- }
- $fulllib = CSConvertPathToRelative ($fulllib);
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{LOCAL_DEPS}}, $fulllib;
- }
- foreach my $lib (keys %libs_table) {
- if (lc $dep eq lc $lib) {
- $found = 1;
- if (!defined %libs_table->{$lib}[0]) {
- my $fulllib = %local_libs_table->{$dep}[0] . '/' . $dep;
- $fulllib =~ s/d\.lib$//;
- $fulllib =~ s/\.lib$//;
- $fulllib = CSConvertPathToRelative ($fulllib);
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{LOCAL_DEPS}}, $fulllib;
- }
- elsif (%libs_table->{$lib}[0] eq "ACE") {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{ACE_DEPS}}, %libs_table->{$lib}[1];
- }
- elsif (%libs_table->{$lib}[0] eq "TAOIDL") {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{TAOIDL_DEPS}}, %libs_table->{$lib}[1];
- }
- elsif (%libs_table->{$lib}[0] eq "TAO") {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{TAO_DEPS}}, %libs_table->{$lib}[1];
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- next if ($found);
- foreach my $lib (@system_libs) {
- if (lc $dep eq lc $lib) {
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- next if ($found);
- %projects->{$project}->{BADLIB} = 1;
- if ($dep) {
- print " Unknown Dependency: $dep\n";
- }
- }
- }
-# Clean out the dependency lists, we only keep the libraries which we know
-# how to generate
-print "=== Reading Makefile for DIRS\n" if ($verbose);
-my $makefile = new FileHandle ("Makefile", "r");
-if (defined $makefile) {
- my $found = 0;
- while (<$makefile>) {
- chomp;
- if (m/^\s*DIRS\s*[\+]*=\s*([^\\]*)/i) {
- my $dirs = $1;
- if (m/\\\s*$/) {
- $found = 1;
- }
- foreach my $dir (split / /, $dirs) {
- push @subdirs, $dir;
- }
- next;
- }
- if ($found == 1) {
- if (!m/\\\s*$/) {
- $found = 0;
- }
- if (m/^\s*([^\\]*[^\s\\])/i) {
- foreach my $dir (split / /, $1) {
- push @subdirs, $dir;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $makefile->close ();
-else {
- print STDERR "Error: Could not open Makefile\n";
-# Prune idl generated files and get the type of generation
-print "=== Messing with IDL files\n" if ($verbose);
-foreach my $project (keys %projects) {
- my @idlfiles;
- my %idltypes;
- my @filelist = %projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->Sources ();
- foreach my $file (@filelist) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\.\\(.*)$/ || $file =~ m/^\.\/(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- if ($file =~ m/(.*)\.idl$/) {
- push @idlfiles, $1;
- }
- }
- foreach my $file (@filelist) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\.\\(.*)$/ || $file =~ m/^\.\/(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- if ($#idlfiles < 0) {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{SOURCES}}, $file;
- }
- else {
- my $banned = 0;
- foreach my $idl (@idlfiles) {
- if ($file =~ m/(\Q$idl\E)S(_T|)\.(h|i|inl|cpp)/) {
- %idltypes->{$idl} = 1;
- $banned = 1;
- }
- elsif ($file =~ m/(\Q$idl\E)C\.(h|i|inl|cpp)$/ || $file =~ m/\.idl$/) {
- $banned = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!$banned) {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{SOURCES}}, $file;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $file (%projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->IgnoredSources ()) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\.\\(.*)$/ || $file =~ m/^\.\/(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- if ($#idlfiles < 0) {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{T_SOURCES}}, $file;
- }
- else {
- my $banned = 0;
- foreach my $idl (@idlfiles) {
- if ($file =~ m/($idl)S(_T\.|\.)(h|i|inl|cpp)/) {
- %idltypes->{$idl} = 1;
- $banned = 1;
- }
- elsif ($file =~ m/($idl)C\.(h|i|inl|cpp)/ || $file =~ m/\.idl$/) {
- $banned = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!$banned) {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{T_SOURCES}}, $file;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $idl (@idlfiles) {
- if (defined %idltypes->{$idl}) {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{S_IDL}}, $idl . ".idl";
- }
- else {
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{C_IDL}}, $idl . ".idl";
- }
- }
-# Output the XML
-sub UpdateProjectName ($)
- my $filename = shift;
- if ($filename eq "ace_dll") {
- $filename = "ACE";
- }
- elsif ($filename eq "TAO_IDL_BE_DLL") {
- $filename = "TAOIDL_Back_End";
- }
- elsif ($filename eq "TAO_IDL_FE_DLL") {
- $filename = "TAOIDL_Front_End";
- }
- elsif ($filename eq "TAO_BiDir_GIOP") {
- $filename = "TAO_BiDirGIOP";
- }
- return $filename;
-sub UpdateProjectTarget ($)
- my $target = shift;
- if ($target eq "ace") {
- $target = "ACE";
- }
- elsif ($target eq "TAO_IDL_BE_DLL") {
- $target = "TAO_IDL_BE"
- }
- elsif ($target eq "TAO_IDL_FE_DLL") {
- $target = "TAO_IDL_FE"
- }
- return $target;
-sub ExtraSourceFiles ($)
- my $name = shift;
- if ($name eq "AV"
- || $name eq "CosConcurrency"
- || $name eq "CosEvent"
- || $name eq "CosLifeCycle"
- || $name eq "CosNaming"
- || $name eq "CosNotification"
- || $name eq "CosProperty"
- || $name eq "CosTime"
- || $name eq "CosTrading"
- || $name eq "DsLogAdmin"
- || $name eq "Fault_Tolerance"
- || $name eq "LoadBalancing"
- || $name eq "RTEvent"
- || $name eq "RTOLDEvent"
- || $name eq "RTSched"
- || $name eq "RTSchedEvent"
- || $name eq "SSLIOP"
- || $name eq "Security"
- || $name eq "Svc_Utils")
- {
- return ("orbsvcs.rc");
- }
- return ();
-sub ExtraTemplateFiles ($)
- my $name = shift;
- if ($name eq "ACE") {
- return ("Array_Base.cpp",
- "CORBA_Ref.cpp",
- "Dynamic_Service.cpp",
- "Event_Handler_T.cpp",
- "Future_Set.cpp",
- "Intrusive_List.cpp",
- "Intrusive_List_Node.cpp",
- "LOCK_SOCK_Acceptor.cpp",
- "Node.cpp",
- "Svc_Handler.cpp",
- "Timer_Queue_Adapters.cpp",
- "Typed_SV_Message.cpp",
- "Typed_SV_Message_Queue.cpp",
- "Unbounded_Set.cpp",
- "Unbounded_Queue.cpp");
- }
- if ($name eq "TAO") {
- return ("TAO_Singleton.cpp",
- "Connector_Impl.cpp");
- }
- return ();
-my $cwd = getcwd ();
-print "=== Producing XML file\n" if ($verbose);
-print " Workspace\n" if ($verbose);
-print $output "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>\n";
-print $output "<sam version=\"$version\">\n";
-print $output " <workspace>\n";
-if ($cwd =~ /\/websvcs\/lib/) {
- print $output " <name>websvcs</name>\n";
-foreach my $project (sort keys %projects) {
- my $filename = %projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->Filename ();
- if ($filename =~ m/([^\\]*)\.dsp/i) {
- $filename = $1;
- }
- if (%projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->OutputFile (@configs) !~ m/\.lib$/i) {
- $filename = UpdateProjectName ($filename);
- print $output " <projectlink>$filename</projectlink>\n";
- }
-foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
- print $output " <subdir>$subdir</subdir>\n";
-print $output " </workspace>\n";
-foreach my $project (sort keys %projects) {
- print " Project $project\n" if ($verbose);
- my $filename = %projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->Filename ();
- my $target = %projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->OutputFile (@configs);
- my $type = "unknown";
- if ($filename =~ m/([^\\]*)\.dsp/i) {
- $filename = $1;
- }
- if ($target =~ m/\.lib$/i) {
- next;
- } elsif ($target =~ m|([^/\\]*)\.exe|i) {
- $target = $1;
- $type = "executable";
- } elsif ($target =~ m|([^/\\]*)d\.dll|i
- || $target =~ m|([^/\\]*)\.dll|i) {
- $target = $1;
- $type = "library";
- }
- $target = UpdateProjectTarget ($target);
- $filename = UpdateProjectName ($filename);
- print $output " <project>\n";
- print $output " <name>$filename</name>\n";
- if ($filename eq "ACE") {
- print $output " <description>ACE</description>\n";
- }
- elsif ($filename eq "TAO") {
- print $output " <description>TAO</description>\n";
- }
- elsif ($filename eq "TAOIDL_Back_End") {
- print $output " <description>TAOIDL Back End Library</description>\n";
- }
- elsif ($filename eq "TAOIDL_Front_End") {
- print $output " <description>TAOIDL Front End Library</description>\n";
- }
- else {
- print $output " <description>", %projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->Name (), "</description>\n";
- }
- if ($filename eq "gperf" || $filename eq "tao_idl") {
- print $output " <target type=\"$type\" install=\"yes\">$target</target>\n";
- }
- else {
- print $output " <target type=\"$type\">$target</target>\n";
- }
- if ($type eq "library") {
- my $namespace;
- my $name = "";
- my $include = "";
- my $export = "";
- my $base = "";
- my $lib = $target . "d.lib";
- $lib =~ s/(.*)\///g;
- $namespace = %libs_table->{$lib}[0] if (defined %libs_table->{$lib});
- $name = %libs_table->{$lib}[1];
- $include = %libs_table->{$lib}[2];
- $export = %libs_table->{$lib}[3];
- $base = $target;
- $base =~ s/(.*)\///g;
- $base = "ACE" if ($base eq "ace");
- if (defined $namespace) {
- print $output " <libinfo>\n";
- print $output " <name>$name</name>\n";
- print $output " <namespace>$namespace</namespace>\n";
- print $output " <include>$include</include>\n";
- print $output " <base>$base</base>\n";
- print $output " <export>$export</export>\n";
- print $output " </libinfo>\n";
- }
- else {
- print $output " <libinfo>\n";
- print $output " <export>$export</export>\n";
- print $output " </libinfo>\n";
- }
- }
- print $output " <sources>\n";
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{SOURCES}}, ExtraSourceFiles ($filename);
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{SOURCES}) {
- foreach my $file (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{SOURCES}}) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\.\\(.*)$/ || $file =~ m/\.\/(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- if ($file eq "Event_Handler_T.cpp") {
- next;
- }
- $file =~ s/\\/\//g;
- print $output " <source>\n";
- print $output " <file>$file</file>\n";
- print $output " </source>\n";
- }
- }
- push @{%projects->{$project}->{T_SOURCES}}, ExtraTemplateFiles ($filename);
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{T_SOURCES}) {
- foreach my $file (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{T_SOURCES}}) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\.\\(.*)$/ || $file =~ m/\.\/(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- $file =~ s/\\/\//g;
- print $output " <source type=\"template\">\n";
- print $output " <file>$file</file>\n";
- print $output " </source>\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{C_IDL}) {
- foreach my $file (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{C_IDL}}) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\.\\(.*)$/ || $file =~ m/\.\/(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- my $opts = %projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->IDLOpts ();
- $opts =~ s/\\/\//g;
- $opts =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- print $output " <source type=\"clientidl\">\n";
- print $output " <file>$file</file>\n";
- print $output " <options>$opts</options>\n";
- print $output " </source>\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{S_IDL}) {
- foreach my $file (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{S_IDL}}) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\.\\(.*)$/ || $file =~ m/\.\/(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- }
- my $opts = %projects->{$project}->{PROJ}->IDLOpts ();
- $opts =~ s/\\/\//g;
- $opts =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- print $output " <source type=\"idl\">\n";
- print $output " <file>$file</file>\n";
- print $output " <options>$opts</options>\n";
- print $output " </source>\n";
- }
- }
- print $output " </sources>\n";
- print $output " <libs>\n";
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{ACE_DEPS}) {
- foreach my $dep (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{ACE_DEPS}}) {
- print $output " <lib namespace=\"ACE\">$dep</lib>\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{TAOIDL_DEPS}) {
- foreach my $dep (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{TAOIDL_DEPS}}) {
- print $output " <lib namespace=\"TAOIDL\">$dep</lib>\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{TAO_DEPS}) {
- foreach my $dep (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{TAO_DEPS}}) {
- print $output " <lib namespace=\"TAO\">$dep</lib>\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined %projects->{$project}->{LOCAL_DEPS}) {
- foreach my $dep (sort @{%projects->{$project}->{LOCAL_DEPS}}) {
- $dep =~ s/\n//g;
- $dep =~ s/.lib$//g;
- print $output " <lib>$dep</lib>\n";
- }
- }
- print $output " </libs>\n";
- print $output " </project>\n";
-print $output "</sam>\n";