path: root/trunk/TAO/examples/Load_Balancing/Load_Balancer_i.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/TAO/examples/Load_Balancing/Load_Balancer_i.h')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/TAO/examples/Load_Balancing/Load_Balancer_i.h b/trunk/TAO/examples/Load_Balancing/Load_Balancer_i.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2699cc88f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/TAO/examples/Load_Balancing/Load_Balancer_i.h
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+/* -*- C++ -*- */
+// $Id$
+// ============================================================================
+// Load_Balancer_i.h
+// Defines classes that implement interfaces in Load_Balancer.idl
+// = AUTHOR
+// Marina Spivak <>
+// ============================================================================
+#include "Load_BalancerS.h"
+#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
+#include "ace/SString.h"
+#include "ace/Synch.h"
+#include "ace/Containers.h"
+#include "ace/Null_Mutex.h"
+#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
+#pragma once
+class Object_Group_Factory_i :
+ public virtual POA_Load_Balancer::Object_Group_Factory
+ // = TITLE
+ // This class implements Load_Balancer::Object_Group_Factory idl
+ // interface.
+ //
+ // This implementation uses two <ACE_Hash_Map_Manager>s
+ // to store <Group_ID> to <Object_Group> associations for all
+ // load balancing groups created by this factory (one map keeps
+ // track of all random groups, and the other keeps track of all
+ // round robin groups).
+ //
+ // = Initialization and termination methods.
+ Object_Group_Factory_i (void);
+ // Constructor.
+ ~Object_Group_Factory_i (void);
+ // Destructor.
+ // = Load_Balancer::Object_Group_Factory idl methods.
+ Load_Balancer::Object_Group_ptr make_round_robin (const char * id
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::duplicate_group));
+ // Creates an <Object_Group> that resolves requests for arbitrary
+ // members in round robin order. If an <Object_Group>, of any
+ // type, with Group_ID <id> has already been created by this
+ // factory, and hasn't been destroyed, a <duplicate_group>
+ // exception is thrown.
+ Load_Balancer::Object_Group_ptr make_random (const char * id
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::duplicate_group));
+ // Creates an <Object_Group> that resolves requests for arbitrary
+ // members in random order. If an <Object_Group>, of any
+ // type, with Group_ID <id> has already been created by this
+ // factory, and hasn't been destroyed, a <duplicate_group>
+ // exception is thrown.
+ Load_Balancer::Object_Group_ptr resolve (const char * id
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::no_such_group));
+ // Locates and returns an <Object_Group> by its <Group_ID>. If
+ // no <Object_Group> has <Group_ID> of <id>, throw a
+ // <no_such_group> exception.
+ Load_Balancer::Group_List * round_robin_groups (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ // Lists all the round robin <Object_Group>s which were created
+ // by this factory, and haven't been destroyed yet, i.e., return
+ // a sequence of <Group_ID>s of all existing round robin
+ // <Object_Group>s created by this factory.
+ Load_Balancer::Group_List * random_groups (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ // Lists all the random <Object_Group>s which were created
+ // by this factory, and haven't been destroyed yet, i.e., return
+ // a sequence of <Group_ID>s of all existing random
+ // <Object_Group>s created by this factory.
+ // = Implementation detail methods.
+ void remove_group (const ACE_CString &id, int random);
+ // This method is invoked by an <Object_Group> with group id <id> when it
+ // is being destroyed. The method removes entry corresponding to
+ // group <id> from <random_groups_> if <random> is 1 or from
+ // <rr_groups_> if <random> is 0. This recycles <id>, allowing it
+ // to be used for new <Object_Group>, and prevents the destroyed
+ // group from being included in lists returned from <random_groups>
+ // and <round_robin_groups> methods.
+ // = Helper methods.
+ Load_Balancer::Object_Group_ptr make_group (int random,
+ const char * id
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::duplicate_group));
+ // This function factors out common code in <make_round_robin> and
+ // <make_random>. Creates a random <Object_Group> if <random> parameter is
+ // set to 1 and round robin <Object_Group> if it is 0.
+ Load_Balancer::Group_List * list_groups (int random
+ // This function factors out common code in <random_groups> and
+ // <round_robin_groups>. Returns a sequence of its random
+ // groups if <random> parameter is set to 1 and a sequence of its
+ // round robin groups if it is 0.
+ typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_CString,
+ Load_Balancer::Object_Group_var, ACE_Null_Mutex> HASH_MAP;
+ // Typedef for ease of use: hash map associating group ids to
+ // <Object_Group> references.
+ HASH_MAP random_groups_;
+ // Map containing all random <Object_Group>s created by this factory.
+ HASH_MAP rr_groups_;
+ // Map containing all round robin <Object_Group>s created by this factory.
+class Object_Group_i : public virtual POA_Load_Balancer::Object_Group
+ // = TITLE
+ // This abstract class partially implements
+ // Load_Balancer::Object_Group idl interface.
+ //
+ // <Resolve> is the only abstract method - subclasses should
+ // define it in order to implement an appropriate load balancing
+ // policy. Other methods can be overridden as needed. This class
+ // factors out code common to <Object_Group> implementations with
+ // different load balancing policies.
+ //
+ // = Initialization and termination methods.
+ Object_Group_i (const char * id,
+ Object_Group_Factory_i * my_factory);
+ // Constructor.
+ ~Object_Group_i (void);
+ // Destructor.
+ // = Load_Balancer::Object_Group idl methods.
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ // Get group's id.
+ void bind (const Load_Balancer::Member & member
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::duplicate_member));
+ // Adds a new <member> to the <Object_Group>. Note that each
+ // <Member_ID> in an <Object_Group> must be unique. If the
+ // group already contains a member with the same <Member_ID>, a
+ // <duplicate_member> exceptions is thrown.
+ void unbind (const char * id
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::no_such_member));
+ // Removes a member with the specified <Member_ID> from the
+ // <Object_Group>. If none of the group's members have a
+ // Member_ID of <id>, <no_such_member> exception is thrown.
+ CORBA::Object_ptr resolve (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::no_such_member)) = 0;
+ // Returns a member object from this <Object_Group> in accordance with
+ // load balancing policy it implements, i.e., ``random'' or
+ // ``round robin.'' If the group contains no members, <no_such_member>
+ // exception is thrown.
+ CORBA::Object_ptr resolve_with_id (const char * id
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::no_such_member));
+ // Returns an object with the specified <Member_ID>. If this
+ // <Object_Group> contains no members with the specified
+ // <Member_ID>, <no_such_member> exception is thrown.
+ Load_Balancer::Member_ID_List * members (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ // Return a sequence of <Member_ID>s of all of its members.
+ void destroy (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ // Cleanup the resources associated with this <Object_Group>.
+ // Subsequent calls to this <Object_Group> should fail, and its
+ // <id> should become available. <Object_Group_Factory>
+ // should no longer list this <Object_Group>.
+ typedef ACE_DLList<ACE_CString> LIST;
+ typedef ACE_DLList_Iterator<ACE_CString> ITERATOR;
+ typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_CString, CORBA::Object_var,
+ ACE_Null_Mutex> HASH_MAP;
+ // Typedefs for ease of use.
+ LIST member_id_list_;
+ // List of ids of all the members of this group.
+ HASH_MAP members_;
+ // Mapping of member_id to obj for all the members of this group.
+ // Note, we store information redundantly in this implementation,
+ // i.e., both <member_id_list_> and <members_> store member ids.
+ // However, this redundancy eases/speeds up the implementation of
+ // certain operations. <member_id_list_> is useful for implementing
+ // variations of <resolve> method to implement different policies.
+ // <members_> is useful for doing id-based look-up.
+ ACE_CString id_;
+ // This group's id.
+ Object_Group_Factory_i *my_factory_;
+ // Pointer to the <Object_Group_Factory> servant, which created this
+ // <Object_Group> servant. We need this pointer to be able to
+ // notify the factory when this <Object_Group> is destroyed. Upon
+ // notification, the factory can update its records and release
+ // resources as necessary.
+class Random_Object_Group : public Object_Group_i
+ // = TITLE
+ // This class implements <Object_Group> idl interface with the
+ // random policy for <resolve>.
+ //
+ Random_Object_Group (const char *id,
+ Object_Group_Factory_i *my_factory);
+ // Constructor.
+ ~Random_Object_Group (void);
+ // Destructor.
+ CORBA::Object_ptr resolve (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::no_such_member));
+ // Returns a member object from this <Object_Group> in accordance with
+ // the "random" load balancing policy.
+ void destroy (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ // Cleanup the resources associated with this <Object_Group>.
+ // Subsequent calls to this <Object_Group> should fail, and its
+ // <id> should become available. <Object_Group_Factory>
+ // should no longer list this <Object_Group>.
+class RR_Object_Group: public Object_Group_i
+ // = TITLE
+ // This class implements <Object_Group> idl interface with the
+ // round robin policy for <resolve>.
+ //
+ RR_Object_Group (const char *id,
+ Object_Group_Factory_i *my_factory);
+ // Constructor.
+ ~RR_Object_Group (void);
+ // Destructor.
+ void unbind (const char * id
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::no_such_member));
+ // We need to override the implementation of <unbind> from
+ // Object_Group_i to make sure <resolve>
+ // works correctly.
+ CORBA::Object_ptr resolve (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
+ Load_Balancer::no_such_member));
+ // Returns a member object from this <Object_Group> in accordance with
+ // the "round robin" load balancing policy.
+ void destroy (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL)
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ // Cleanup the resources associated with this <Object_Group>.
+ // Subsequent calls to this <Object_Group> should fail, and its
+ // <id> should become available. <Object_Group_Factory>
+ // should no longer list this <Object_Group>.
+ size_t next_;
+ // Index into the Object_Group_i::member_id_list_: keeps track of
+ // the member_id to return on the next invocation of <resolve>.
+#endif /* LOAD_BALANCER_I_H_ */