path: root/trunk/TAO/examples/Simple/bank/README
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diff --git a/trunk/TAO/examples/Simple/bank/README b/trunk/TAO/examples/Simple/bank/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7fc2d09e31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/TAO/examples/Simple/bank/README
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+This is a simple CORBA example that has a module Bank with two
+interfaces Account and AccountManager. The Account interface has
+operations for balance, deposit and withdraw. It has a readonly
+attribute for the Account Holder's name. It also has a user defined
+exception which is raised for withdrawing more moneythen the current
+balance. The AccountManager interface has methods to create and close
+Accounts. It also has a method to shutdown the server.
+ : This is a perl script to run the server and client as :
+ server -o ior_file
+ client -f ior_file
+Passing the Server IOR to Clients:
+To keep this example simple, the server advertises its IOR in the
+following manner - The server program writes its server object's IOR
+to a ior_file. Later on, the client reads this IOR from the specified
+ior_file and uses the <string_to_object> method to obtain a reference
+to the server object.
+For this mechanism to work, the file must be readable and writable. If
+it doesn't exist, a new file is created by the server. Moreover, the
+file path must be accessible to both the client and server.
+If the client and server are on different machine, then there must be
+a shared directory accessible by both. On UNIX system's this is
+typically done via the NFS mount command. On Windows, the 'explorer'
+application provides an option to share drives.
+In general if no such file sharing option is available, then using the
+the Naming Service mechanism is the only alternative, as described by
+the -n option below. There are other command line options available
+for the server and client which are also explained below.
+server [-d] [-o IOR_file_name] [-n]
+-d Debug flag (It is additive more -d flags will give debugging).
+When the server is started, you should see as the first line of output
+something that looks like
+ iiop:1.0//
+ (-ORBobjrefstyle url)
+ IOR:000000000000001649444c3a43756269745...
+ (-ORBobjrefstyle ior)
+Using -d turns on debugging messages. This option is additive, i.e.,
+the more -d options provided, the more debugging you can get. At the
+moment, only 2 levels of debugging are implemented, and more than 2 -d
+options are ignored.
+-o This option creates an ior file for the server with the name ior_filename.
+-n Use naming service
+The file can be used by clients who wish to access the server directly
+using this ior file. This obviates the need for the client to use the
+naming service for getting the server ior. The client can use the -f
+option to specify the file which contains the ior of the server (the
+same file that was written by the server using the -o option).
+client [-d] [-x] [-n iterations] [-b initial_balance] [-o Name_of_account_holder]
+ [-f IOR_file_name ] [-k IOR]
+-d Debug flag
+-x Tells the server to shutdown at the end of the test.
+-n Use naming service
+-b initial balance
+-o Name of the Account Holder
+-k Read IOR from the command line. If this option is specified the client does not use
+ the Naming Service for locating the server. It just uses the ior file supplied with
+ this option.
+-f Read IOR from the specified file. If this option is specified the client does not use
+ the Naming Service for locating the server. It just uses the ior file supplied with
+ this option.
+The client executes the following tests :
+1. Creating accounts with the same name to make sure the Account is
+ created only once and he gets back the same object reference each
+ time. This is confirmed by the server printing the message for
+ Creation of an account only once.
+2. Creating accounts with different name to make sure a different
+ Account is created and a different IOR returned each time.
+3. Creating an Account with some initial balance and then withdrawing
+ more than the current balance. The server throws an exception which is
+ passed to the client and the client displays the reason for the
+ exception.