path: root/trunk/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/PortableGroup.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/PortableGroup.idl')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/PortableGroup.idl b/trunk/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/PortableGroup.idl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..310952a767a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/PortableGroup.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// -*- IDL -*-
+ * @file PortableGroup.idl
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include "tao/PortableServer/PortableServer_include.pidl"
+#include "CosNaming.idl"
+#include "tao/IOP.pidl"
+#include "tao/GIOP.pidl"
+#include <orb.idl>
+#include "PortableGroup_Simple_DS.idl"
+module PortableGroup
+ typeprefix PortableGroup "";
+ /// MembershipStyle
+ const string PG_MEMBERSHIP_STYLE =
+ "org.omg.PortableGroup.MembershipStyle";
+ /// InitialNumberMembers
+ "org.omg.PortableGroup.InitialNumberMembers";
+ /// MinimumNumberMembers
+ "org.omg.PortableGroup.MinimumNumberMembers";
+ /// Factories
+ const string PG_FACTORIES = "org.omg.PortableGroup.Factories";
+ typedef sequence <octet> GroupIIOPProfile; // tag = TAG_GROUP_IIOP
+ // Specification of Common Types and Exceptions for Group Management
+ interface GenericFactory;
+ typedef CORBA::RepositoryId _TypeId;
+ typedef Object ObjectGroup;
+ typedef sequence<ObjectGroup> ObjectGroups;
+ typedef CosNaming::Name Name;
+ typedef any Value;
+ struct Property {
+ Name nam;
+ Value val;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<Property> Properties;
+ typedef Name Location;
+ typedef sequence<Location> Locations;
+ typedef Properties Criteria;
+ struct FactoryInfo {
+ GenericFactory the_factory;
+ Location the_location;
+ Criteria the_criteria;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<FactoryInfo> FactoryInfos;
+ typedef long MembershipStyleValue;
+ const MembershipStyleValue MEMB_APP_CTRL = 0;
+ const MembershipStyleValue MEMB_INF_CTRL = 1;
+ typedef FactoryInfos FactoriesValue;
+ typedef unsigned short InitialNumberMembersValue;
+ typedef unsigned short MinimumNumberMembersValue;
+ exception InterfaceNotFound {};
+ exception ObjectGroupNotFound {};
+ exception MemberNotFound {};
+ exception ObjectNotFound {};
+ exception MemberAlreadyPresent {};
+ exception ObjectNotCreated {};
+ exception ObjectNotAdded {};
+ /// TAO Specific: TypeConfict exception
+ exception TypeConflict {};
+ exception UnsupportedProperty {
+ Name nam;
+ Value val;
+ };
+ exception InvalidProperty {
+ Name nam;
+ Value val;
+ };
+ exception NoFactory {
+ Location the_location;
+ _TypeId type_id;
+ };
+ exception InvalidCriteria {
+ Criteria invalid_criteria;
+ };
+ exception CannotMeetCriteria {
+ Criteria unmet_criteria;
+ };
+ // Specification of PropertyManager Interface
+ interface PropertyManager {
+ void set_default_properties (in Properties props)
+ raises (InvalidProperty, UnsupportedProperty);
+ Properties get_default_properties();
+ void remove_default_properties (in Properties props)
+ raises (InvalidProperty, UnsupportedProperty);
+ void set_type_properties (in _TypeId type_id, in Properties overrides)
+ raises (InvalidProperty, UnsupportedProperty);
+ Properties get_type_properties(in _TypeId type_id);
+ void remove_type_properties (in _TypeId type_id, in Properties props)
+ raises (InvalidProperty, UnsupportedProperty);
+ void set_properties_dynamically
+ (in ObjectGroup object_group, in Properties overrides)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound,
+ InvalidProperty,
+ UnsupportedProperty);
+ Properties get_properties (in ObjectGroup object_group)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound);
+ }; // endPropertyManager
+ // Specification of ObjectGroupManager Interface
+ interface ObjectGroupManager {
+ ObjectGroup create_member (in ObjectGroup object_group,
+ in Location the_location,
+ in _TypeId type_id,
+ in Criteria the_criteria)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound,
+ MemberAlreadyPresent,
+ NoFactory,
+ ObjectNotCreated,
+ InvalidCriteria,
+ CannotMeetCriteria);
+ ObjectGroup add_member (in ObjectGroup object_group,
+ in Location the_location,
+ in Object member)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound,
+ MemberAlreadyPresent,
+ ObjectNotAdded);
+ ObjectGroup remove_member (in ObjectGroup object_group,
+ in Location the_location)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound, MemberNotFound);
+ Locations locations_of_members (in ObjectGroup object_group)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound);
+ ObjectGroups groups_at_location (in Location the_location);
+ ObjectGroupId get_object_group_id (in ObjectGroup object_group)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound);
+ ObjectGroup get_object_group_ref (in ObjectGroup object_group)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound);
+ Object get_member_ref (in ObjectGroup object_group,
+ in Location loc)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound, MemberNotFound);
+ // TAO-specific extension.
+ ObjectGroup get_object_group_ref_from_id (
+ in ObjectGroupId group_id)
+ raises (ObjectGroupNotFound);
+ }; // end ObjectGroupManager
+ // Specification of GenericFactory Interface
+ interface GenericFactory {
+ typedef any FactoryCreationId;
+ Object create_object (in _TypeId type_id,
+ in Criteria the_criteria,
+ out FactoryCreationId factory_creation_id)
+ raises (NoFactory,
+ ObjectNotCreated,
+ InvalidCriteria,
+ InvalidProperty,
+ CannotMeetCriteria);
+ void delete_object (in FactoryCreationId factory_creation_id)
+ raises (ObjectNotFound);
+ }; // end GenericFactory
+ ///////////////////////
+ // The following FactoryRegistry interface is not included in the OMG PortableGroup IDL.
+ // It's an extension needed as part of implementing the FT CORBA specification.
+ /**
+ * a name for the role the object will play
+ * This allows multiple objects that implement the same interface (TypeId)
+ * to exist at a location as long as they play different roles.
+ */
+ typedef CORBA::Identifier RoleName;
+ /**
+ * Reserved criteria name for specifing role.
+ */
+ const string role_criterion = "org.omg.portablegroup.Role";
+ /**
+ * Interface to allow generic factories for replicas to register themselves.
+ * Factories are distinguished by the role to be played by the created-object (role) and the
+ * location at which they create the object (FactoryInfo.the_location)
+ *
+ * Because this is an extension to the FT CORBA specification applications that wish to
+ * adhere to the specification as written should use the type id as the role name when
+ * interacting with the FactoryRegistry.
+ */
+ interface FactoryRegistry
+ {
+ /**
+ * register a factory to create objects of the given type
+ * at the location given in the FactoryInfo.
+ *
+ * @param role the role the object-to-be-created plays.
+ * @param type_id type id of the object-to-be-created.
+ * @param factory_info information about the factory including its location.
+ * @throws MemberAlreadyPresent if there is already a factory for this type of object
+ * at this location.
+ * @throws TypeConflict if the specified type_id is different from the type_id previously
+ * registered for this role.
+ */
+ void register_factory(in RoleName role, in _TypeId type_id, in FactoryInfo factory_info)
+ raises (MemberAlreadyPresent, TypeConflict);
+ /**
+ * Remove the registration of a factory.
+ * @param role the role played by the object formerly created by this factory.
+ * @param location where the factory formerly created objects.
+ * @throws MemberNotPresent if no factory is available for the given role at this location.
+ */
+ void unregister_factory(in RoleName role, in Location the_location)
+ raises (MemberNotFound);
+ /**
+ * Remove the registration of all factories that create a particular type of object.
+ * If no factories exist for the given type, the registry is unchanged.
+ * This is not an error.
+ * @param type_id the type of object formerly created by the factories to be unregistered.
+ */
+ void unregister_factory_by_role(in RoleName role);
+ /**
+ * Remove the registration of all factories that create objects at a particular location.
+ * If the location is unknown the registry is unchanged.
+ * This is not an error.
+ * @param location where the factories formerly created objects.
+ */
+ void unregister_factory_by_location(in Location the_location);
+ /**
+ * List all the factories that create objects that fill a given role
+ * If the role is unknown, an empty list is returned. This is not an error.
+ * @param role the type of object the factories create.
+ * @param type_id what type of object is created to fill this role.
+ */
+ FactoryInfos list_factories_by_role(in RoleName role, out _TypeId type_id);
+ /**
+ * List all the factories that create a objects at a given location.
+ * If no factories are registered for this location, an empty list is returned.
+ * This is not an error.
+ * @param location where the factories create objects.
+ */
+ FactoryInfos list_factories_by_location(in Location the_location);
+ }; // end of FactoryRegistry
+ const string TAO_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP_METHOD_NAME = "tao_update_object_group";
+ interface TAO_UpdateObjectGroup {
+ /**
+ * Pseudo used method to update IOGR in Object Group Members
+ * TAO specific. The CORBA spec. doesn't address the issue.
+ */
+ void tao_update_object_group (
+ in string iogr,
+ in PortableGroup::ObjectGroupRefVersion version,
+ in boolean is_primary);
+ };
+ exception NotAGroupObject {};
+ typedef sequence <PortableServer::ObjectId> IDs;
+ local interface GOA : PortableServer::POA {
+ PortableServer::ObjectId create_id_for_reference(in Object the_ref)
+ raises (NotAGroupObject);
+ IDs reference_to_ids(in Object the_ref)
+ raises (NotAGroupObject);
+ void associate_reference_with_id (in Object ref,
+ in PortableServer::ObjectId oid)
+ raises (NotAGroupObject);
+ void disassociate_reference_with_id (in Object ref,
+ in PortableServer::ObjectId oid)
+ raises (NotAGroupObject);
+ };
+}; // end PortableGroup
+#endif /* _PORTABLEGROUP_IDL_ */