path: root/trunk/TAO/tao/PortableServer/POA.pidl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/TAO/tao/PortableServer/POA.pidl')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/TAO/tao/PortableServer/POA.pidl b/trunk/TAO/tao/PortableServer/POA.pidl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be91adb3935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/TAO/tao/PortableServer/POA.pidl
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * @file POA.pidl
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * @brief Pre-compiled IDL source for the PortableServer module.
+ *
+ * This file was used to generate the code in
+ * PortableServerC.{h,inl,cpp}, using the following command:
+ *
+ * tao_idl.exe \
+ * -o orig -Sci -Gp -Gd -GA -I$(TAO_ROOT)
+ * -Wb,export_macro=TAO_PortableServer_Export \
+ * -Wb,export_include="portableserver_export.h" \
+ * -Wb,pre_include="ace/pre.h" \
+ * -Wb,post_include="ace/post.h" \
+ * PortableServer.pidl
+ *
+ * After the file is generated a patch from the diffs directory must
+ * be applied. The patch:
+ *
+ * - Disables parts of the code under certain configurations.
+ *
+ * - Eliminates cycles in the include dependencies.
+ *
+ * - Adds non-idl components of PortableServer to the namespace.
+ * This includes (a) Servant (b) ServantBase (c) RefCountServantBase
+ * (d) Cookie (e) ObjectId_to_string (f) string_to_ObjectId (g)
+ * ObjectId_to_wstring (h) wstring_to_ObjectId (i) ServantBase_var
+ * (j) DynamicImplementation (k) LocalServantBase
+ *
+ * Apply patches using the following command:
+ *
+ * patch < diffs/PortableServer.diff
+ *
+ * Note: The diffs were generated using:
+ *
+ * rm diffs/PortableServer.diff
+ * for i in PortableServerC.{h,i,cpp}; do
+ * diff -wub orig/$i $i >> diffs/PortableServer.diff
+ * done
+ */
+#ifndef _POA_SERVER_IDL_
+#define _POA_SERVER_IDL_
+///FUZZ: disable check_for_include/
+#include "tao/Policy_Forward.pidl"
+#include "tao/OctetSeq.pidl"
+#include "tao/orb_types.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/PS_Forward.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicy.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicy.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicy.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/LifespanPolicy.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicy.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicy.pidl"
+#include "tao/PortableServer/ThreadPolicy.pidl"
+#pragma prefix ""
+module PortableServer
+# pragma version PortableServer 2.3
+ typedef sequence<POA> POAList;
+ // Policy IDs
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ const CORBA::PolicyType THREAD_POLICY_ID = 16;
+# endif
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ const CORBA::PolicyType LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID = 17;
+ const CORBA::PolicyType ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID = 18;
+ const CORBA::PolicyType ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID = 19;
+# endif
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+# endif
+ // Forward declaration POAManager interface.
+ local interface POAManager;
+#if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ // Forward declaration POAManagerFactory interface.
+ local interface POAManagerFactory;
+#if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO) && ! defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA)
+ // Forward declaration AdapterActivator interface.
+ local interface AdapterActivator;
+#if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ // Forward declaration servantManager interface.
+ local interface ServantManager;
+ local interface POA
+ {
+# pragma version POA 2.3
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ exception AdapterAlreadyExists {};
+ exception AdapterNonExistent {};
+ exception InvalidPolicy {unsigned short index;};
+#if !defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA)
+ exception NoServant {};
+ exception ObjectAlreadyActive {};
+# endif
+ exception ObjectNotActive {};
+ exception ServantAlreadyActive {};
+ exception ServantNotActive {};
+ exception WrongAdapter {};
+ exception WrongPolicy {};
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ /// POA creation and destruction.
+ POA create_POA (in string adapter_name,
+ in POAManager a_POAManager,
+ in CORBA::PolicyList policies)
+ raises (AdapterAlreadyExists,
+ InvalidPolicy);
+ POA find_POA (in string adapter_name,
+ in boolean activate_it)
+ raises (AdapterNonExistent);
+ void destroy (in boolean etherealize_objects,
+ in boolean wait_for_completion);
+ // Factories for Policy objects.
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO) && !defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA)
+ ThreadPolicy create_thread_policy (in ThreadPolicyValue value);
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ LifespanPolicy create_lifespan_policy (
+ in LifespanPolicyValue value
+ );
+ IdUniquenessPolicy create_id_uniqueness_policy (
+ in IdUniquenessPolicyValue value
+ );
+ IdAssignmentPolicy create_id_assignment_policy (
+ in IdAssignmentPolicyValue value
+ );
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO) && !defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA)
+ ImplicitActivationPolicy create_implicit_activation_policy (
+ in ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value
+ );
+ ServantRetentionPolicy create_servant_retention_policy (
+ in ServantRetentionPolicyValue value
+ );
+ RequestProcessingPolicy create_request_processing_policy (
+ in RequestProcessingPolicyValue value
+ );
+# endif
+ // POA attributes
+ readonly attribute string the_name;
+ readonly attribute POA the_parent;
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ readonly attribute POAList the_children;
+# endif
+ readonly attribute POAManager the_POAManager;
+# if (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0) && ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ readonly attribute POAManagerFactory the_POAManagerFactory;
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO) && !defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA)
+ attribute AdapterActivator the_activator;
+# endif
+# if ! defined (CORBA_E_COMPACT) && ! defined (CORBA_E_MICRO) && !defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA)
+ // Servant Manager registration:
+ ServantManager get_servant_manager ()
+ raises (WrongPolicy);
+ void set_servant_manager (in ServantManager imgr)
+ raises (WrongPolicy);
+ // Operations for the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy.
+ Servant get_servant ()
+ raises (NoServant,
+ WrongPolicy);
+ void set_servant (in Servant p_servant)
+ raises (WrongPolicy);
+# endif
+ // Object activation and deactivation.
+ ObjectId activate_object (in Servant p_servant)
+ raises (ServantAlreadyActive,
+ WrongPolicy);
+#if !defined (CORBA_E_MICRO)
+ void activate_object_with_id (in ObjectId id,
+ in Servant p_servant)
+ raises (ServantAlreadyActive,
+ ObjectAlreadyActive,
+ WrongPolicy);
+ void deactivate_object (in ObjectId oid)
+ raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
+ // Reference creation operations.
+ Object create_reference (in CORBA::RepositoryId intf)
+ raises (WrongPolicy);
+ Object create_reference_with_id (in ObjectId oid,
+ in CORBA::RepositoryId intf);
+ // Identity mapping operations:.
+ ObjectId servant_to_id (in Servant p_servant)
+ raises (ServantNotActive,
+ WrongPolicy);
+ Object servant_to_reference (in Servant p_servant)
+ raises (ServantNotActive, WrongPolicy);
+ Servant reference_to_servant (in Object reference)
+ raises (ObjectNotActive,
+ WrongAdapter,
+ WrongPolicy);
+ ObjectId reference_to_id (in Object reference)
+ raises (WrongAdapter,
+ WrongPolicy);
+ Servant id_to_servant (in ObjectId oid)
+ raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
+ Object id_to_reference (in ObjectId oid)
+ raises (ObjectNotActive,
+ WrongPolicy);
+ readonly attribute CORBA::OctetSeq id;
+ };