path: root/trunk/TAO/tests/IOR_Endpoint_Hostnames/
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/TAO/tests/IOR_Endpoint_Hostnames/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/TAO/tests/IOR_Endpoint_Hostnames/ b/trunk/TAO/tests/IOR_Endpoint_Hostnames/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..50ebf1fdd0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/TAO/tests/IOR_Endpoint_Hostnames/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+ & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
+ if 0;
+# $Id$
+# -*- perl -*-
+# This does not use the standard harness as used by other
+# Since it is testing a behavior of TAO which is
+# affected by environmental influences, it uses perl features as well
+# as separate executables to obtain information about the environment
+# so that it can inspect the information inside IORs and decide if
+# that information is "correct" given the environment.
+# At the end, it prints out a matrix of each permutation of the test
+# and indicates whether or not that permutation FAILed.
+use lib "$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin";
+use PerlACE::Run_Test;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+# Add the current directory to our execution path
+use Env qw(@PATH);
+push @PATH, $PerlACE::Process::ExeSubDir;
+open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die "cannot dup STDERR to STDOUT: $!\n";
+open (INTERFACES, "list_interfaces|") || die "Unable to exec list_interfaces: $!\n";
+# We want this global...
+close (INTERFACES);
+# Fill up the array of hostnames; can't use the hostname() from
+# Sys::Hostname because it's too good at figuring out that IP
+# addresses that aren't in a host table actually DO match to a host
+# name. So, we use gethostbyaddr().
+use Socket;
+@HOSTNAMES = map { (gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($_),AF_INET))[0] || $_ } @IPADDRS;
+$HN = hostname; # Shorthand so we do not have to use 'hostname' all over.
+# $TEST_DATA is a reference to an anonymous hash that has
+# key: string representation/description of a test
+# value: ref to anonymous array consisting of
+# [0] = -ORBDottedDecimalAddresses value (must be 0 or 1)
+# [1] = -ORBendpoint hosname spec (undef if not provided)
+# [2] = -ORBendpoint "hostname_in_ior" value (undef if not provided)
+# [3] = ref to array containing profiles expected in IOR
+# This is kind of like a "truth table" for what should happen when
+# -ORBDottedDecimalAddresses (DDA) and the "hostname_in_ior" (HIOR)
+# option for -ORBListenEndpoints (nee -ORBEndpoint) interact. Note
+# that DDA's default value is "0", so there is no way to have an
+# unspecified value for DDA.
+# | -ORBendpoint |
+# DDA | hostspec | HIOR | Profile(s) in IOR
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# 0 | unspec | unspec | One profile for each interface
+# discovered in
+# TAO_IIOP_Acceptor::probe_interfaces(),
+# where the host's name is that
+# returned from a reverse lookup of
+# the interface's address from
+# whatever facility is doing
+# name<->address translations for
+# that host.
+"0:unspec:unspec" => [ 0, undef, undef, \@HOSTNAMES ],
+# 1 | unspec | unspec | One profile for each interface
+# discovered in
+# TAO_IIOP_Acceptor::probe_interfaces(),
+# where the host's name is the IP
+# address associated with the
+# interface.
+"1:unspec:unspec" => [ 1, undef, undef, \@IPADDRS ],
+# 0 | "foo" | unspec | Exactly one profile where the
+# host's name is "foo".
+"0:$HN:unspec" => [ 0, $HN, undef, [$HN] ],
+# 1 | "foo" | unspec | Exactly one profile where the
+# host's name is the IP address
+# from the name<->address
+# translation for the host.
+"1:$HN:unspec" => [ 1, $HN, undef, [ inet_ntoa((gethostbyname(hostname))[4]) ] ],
+# X | unspec | "bar" | Exactly one profile where the
+# host's name is "bar".
+#"d/c:unspec:".$HN."_blech" => [ undef, undef, $HN."_blech", [$HN."_blech"] ],
+#"d/c:unspec:blech" => [ undef, undef, "blech", ["blech"] ],
+"0:unspec:blech" => [ 0, undef, "blech", ["blech"] ],
+"1:unspec:blech" => [ 1, undef, "blech", ["blech"] ],
+# X | "foo" | "bar" | Exactly one profile where the
+# host's name is "bar".
+#"d/c:$HN:".$HN."_blech" => [ undef, $HN, $HN."_blech", [$HN."_blech"] ],
+#"d/c:$HN:blech" => [ undef, $HN, "blech", ["blech"] ],
+"0:$HN:blech" => [ 0, $HN, "blech", ["blech"] ],
+"1:$HN:blech" => [ 1, $HN, "blech", ["blech"] ],
+sub do_test {
+ # pass in undef for 'unspec' in the table
+ my ($dda, $endpointhost, $hior) = @_;
+ $dda = 0 if (!defined($dda));
+ $endpointhost = '' if (!defined($endpointhost));
+ $hior_opt = ($hior ne '') ? "/hostname_in_ior=$hior" : '';
+ my $command = "generate_ior " .
+ "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses $dda " .
+ "-ORBendpoint iiop://$endpointhost".$hior_opt;
+ my @profiles;
+ my $line;
+# print "$command\n";
+ open (PIOR, "$command | catior -x 2>&1 |")
+ || die "Unable to exec generate_ior: $!\n";
+# print "XXX: $_" while (<PIOR>);
+ while ($line = <PIOR>) {
+ # Need to look for the following lines:
+ # Host Name: <ipaddr_or_host>
+ # and
+ # endpoint: <ipaddr_or_host>:<portnum>
+ chomp $line;
+ my $x;
+# print "Looking at $line\n";
+ if ($line =~ /.*Host Name:\s+(.+)$/) {
+ chomp($x = $1);
+# print "HN pushing $x\n";
+ push @profiles, $x;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /.*endpoint: ([^:]+):.*/) {
+ chomp($x = $1);
+# print "EP pushing $x\n";
+ push @profiles, $x;
+ }
+ }
+ close (PIOR);
+ return @profiles;
+# Usage:
+# $are_equal = compare_arrays(\@frogs, \@toads);
+sub compare_arrays {
+ my ($first, $second) = @_;
+ no warnings; # silence spurious -w undef complaints
+ return 0 unless @$first == @$second;
+ @sorted_first = sort @$first;
+ @sorted_second = sort @$second;
+ $first = \@sorted_first;
+ $second = \@sorted_second;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @$first; $i++) {
+ return 0 if $first->[$i] ne $second->[$i];
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub print_profiles {
+ my ($test_info, $profiles_a) = @_;
+ print "$test_info: ", join(' ', @$profiles_a), "\n";
+sub check_profiles {
+ my ($test_info, $found_profiles, $expected_profiles) = @_;
+# &print_profiles($test_info, $profiles);
+ my $failinfo = [];
+ # Do number of found profiles match expected?
+ if ($#$found_profiles != $#$expected_profiles) {
+ push @$failinfo, "(num IOR profiles[$#$found_profiles] != expected[$#$expected_profiles]";
+ }
+ # Really need to compare these as hashes to avoid ordering issues.
+ if (compare_arrays ($found_profiles, $expected_profiles) == 0) {
+ push @$failinfo, "(profiles in IOR != profiles expected)";
+ push @$failinfo, "Found profiles (".join(',', @$found_profiles).")";
+ }
+ return $failinfo;
+# Brute force implementation of each of the lines in the table above
+format STDOUT_TOP =
+ | | -ORBendpoint | | Expected
+FAIL? | DDA | hostspec | hostname_in_ior | Profile(s) in IOR
+format STDOUT =
+@<<< | @|| | @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< | @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< | ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+$pf, $dda, $endpointhost, $hior, $expected_prof_in_ior
+~~ | | | | ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ $expected_prof_in_ior
+~ | Details: ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ $detail
+~~ | | ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ $detail
+ +-----+---------------------+----------------------+---------------------
+$: = ', ';
+for $test (sort keys %$TEST_DATA) {
+ my $testargs = $TEST_DATA->{$test};
+ my @p = &do_test ($testargs->[0], $testargs->[1], $testargs->[2]);
+ my $failinfo = &check_profiles ($test, \@p, $TEST_DATA->{$test}[3]);
+ # Set up all the global vars so we can write our output
+ ($dda, $endpointhost, $hior) = split(':', $test);
+ $expected_prof_in_ior = join(',', @{$TEST_DATA->{$test}[3]});
+ if ($#$failinfo != -1) {
+ $pf = 'FAIL';
+ $detail = join("\r", @$failinfo);
+ }
+ else {
+ $pf = $detail = '';
+ }
+ write;
+@p = &do_test(0, undef, undef);
+&check_profiles("0 unspec unspec", \@p, \@HOSTNAMES);
+@p = &do_test(1, undef, undef);
+&check_profiles("1 unspec unspec", \@p, \@IPADDRS);
+@p = &do_test(0, hostname, undef);
+&check_profiles("0 ".hostname." undef", \@p, [hostname]);
+@p = &do_test(1, hostname, undef);
+&check_profiles("1 ".hostname." undef", \@p, [ inet_ntoa((gethostbyname(hostname))[4]) ] );
+@p = &do_test(undef, undef, hostname . "_blech");
+&check_profiles("undef undef ".hostname."_blech", \@p, [hostname."_blech"]);
+@p = &do_test(undef, hostname, hostname."_blech");
+&check_profiles("undef ".hostname." ".hostname."_blech", \@p, [hostname."_blech"]);