From c2f47b50d1060ea5666500da1327d0e2d8416233 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: coryan Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 21:28:11 +0000 Subject: The IorParser directory was replaced by IOR-parser --- TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsp | 101 --------- TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsw | 29 --- TAO/utils/IorParser/Makefile | 59 ------ TAO/utils/IorParser/README | 16 -- TAO/utils/IorParser/TaoSimple.IOR | 1 - TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.cpp | 405 ------------------------------------ TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.h | 127 ----------- TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-parser.cpp | 38 ---- TAO/utils/Makefile | 2 +- 9 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 777 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsp delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsw delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/Makefile delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/README delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/TaoSimple.IOR delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.cpp delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.h delete mode 100644 TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-parser.cpp (limited to 'TAO/utils') diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsp b/TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsp deleted file mode 100644 index 35a4bc8dfc7..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="IOR Parser" - Package Owner=<4> -# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 -# ** DO NOT EDIT ** - -# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 - -CFG=IOR Parser - Win32 Debug -!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, -!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "IOR_Parser.mak". -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE -!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "IOR_Parser.mak" CFG="IOR Parser - Win32 Debug" -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE "IOR Parser - Win32 Release" (based on\ - "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE "IOR Parser - Win32 Debug" (based on\ - "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE - -# Begin Project -# PROP Scc_ProjName "" -# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" -CPP=cl.exe -RSC=rc.exe - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "IOR Parser - Win32 Release" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir "Release" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" -# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\..\\" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FD /c -# SUBTRACT CPP /YX -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG" -# ADD RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG" -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 -# ADD LINK32 ace.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /out:"Release/parseIor.exe" /libpath:"..\..\..\ace" - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "IOR Parser - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP Output_Dir "" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" -# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "..\..\..\\" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FD /c -# SUBTRACT CPP /YX -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x407 /d "_DEBUG" -# ADD RSC /l 0x407 /d "_DEBUG" -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept -# ADD LINK32 aced.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /out:"parseIor.exe" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"..\..\..\ace" - -!ENDIF - -# Begin Target - -# Name "IOR Parser - Win32 Release" -# Name "IOR Parser - Win32 Debug" -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE="ior-handler.cpp" -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE="ior-handler.h" -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE="ior-parser.cpp" -# End Source File -# End Target -# End Project diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsw b/TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsw deleted file mode 100644 index 14ece8c7c41..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/IOR_Parser.dsw +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 -# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! - -############################################################################### - -Project: "IOR_Parser"="IOR_Parser.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> - -Package=<5> -{{{ -}}} - -Package=<4> -{{{ -}}} - -############################################################################### - -Global: - -Package=<5> -{{{ -}}} - -Package=<3> -{{{ -}}} - -############################################################################### - diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/Makefile b/TAO/utils/IorParser/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 5e8b7bb755b..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# $Id$ -# -# Makefile for the IOR Parser -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Local macros -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -BIN = ior-parser - -FILES = ior-handler - -SRC = $(addsuffix .cpp,$(FILES)) -OBJ = $(addsuffix .o,$(FILES)) - -BUILD = $(VBIN) - -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Include macros and targets -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/wrapper_macros.GNU -include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/macros.GNU -include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.common.GNU -include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.nonested.GNU -include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.lib.GNU -include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.bin.GNU -include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.local.GNU - -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Local targets -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Dependencies -#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- g++dep uses it. -# DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY. - -.obj/ior-handler.o .obj/ .shobj/ior-handler.o .shobj/ ior-handler.cpp ior-handler.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/OS.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/inc_user_config.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/config.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/config-g++-common.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/streams.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Basic_Types.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Basic_Types.i \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/OS.i \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Trace.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Log_Msg.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/ACE.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/ACE.i \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Log_Priority.h \ - $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Log_Record.i - -# IF YOU PUT ANYTHING HERE IT WILL GO AWAY diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/README b/TAO/utils/IorParser/README deleted file mode 100644 index f4fefcb2310..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -// FILENAME : README -// AUTHOR : Priya Narasimhan -// LAST MODIFIED : June 18, 1998 -// DESCRIPTION : Description of the Ior Parser - -The "parseIor" utility parses IORs generated by most ORBs. It has been -tested with Orbix, VisiBroker and TAO so far. - -USAGE: parseIor - -There is a sample file in this directory called TaoSimple.IOR that is -an IOR generated using the example $TAO_ROOT/tests/Simple. You can -run the "parseIor" utility against that to see what the output looks -like. - - diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/TaoSimple.IOR b/TAO/utils/IorParser/TaoSimple.IOR deleted file mode 100644 index 830ed119a9c..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/TaoSimple.IOR +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IOR:000000000000001649444c3a73696d706c655f6f626a6563743a312e3000000000000001000000000000003600010000000000036d750000aada00000000002250333564623666626130303062383766612f6368696c645f706f612f736572766572 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.cpp b/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 929980ed9fc..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,405 +0,0 @@ -// $Id$ - -#include "ior-handler.h" - -IorHandler::IorHandler (void) -{ -} - -u_long -IorHandler::getOctet8Field (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead) -{ - char octet8Holder[8]; - - for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) - octet8Holder[i] = readPtr[i]; - - hexCharsRead[0] = 8; - - u_long value = - 16 * ACE::hex2byte (octet8Holder[6]) - + ACE::hex2byte (octet8Holder[7]); - - return value; -} - -u_long -IorHandler::getOctet4Field (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead) -{ - char octet4Holder[4]; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) - octet4Holder[i] = readPtr[i]; - - hexCharsRead[0] = 4; - - u_long value = - 16 * 16 * 16 * ACE::hex2byte (octet4Holder[0]) - + 16 * 16 * ACE::hex2byte (octet4Holder[1]) - + 16 * ACE::hex2byte (octet4Holder[2]) - + ACE::hex2byte (octet4Holder[3]); - - return value; -} - -u_long -IorHandler::getOctet2Field (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead) -{ - char octet2Holder[2]; - - for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) - octet2Holder[i] = readPtr[i]; - - hexCharsRead[0] = 2; - - u_long value = - 16 * ACE::hex2byte (octet2Holder[0]) - + ACE::hex2byte (octet2Holder[1]); - - return value; -} - -void -IorHandler::skipNullOctets (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead) -{ - char nullOctet[2]; - int offset; - - hexCharsRead[0] = 0; - offset = 0; - - // There sometimes occurs a null padding of 2 octets after strings - // such as the type_id in order to ensure even number of octets. - - while (1) - { - nullOctet[0] = readPtr[offset]; - nullOctet[1] = readPtr[offset + 1]; - if (nullOctet[0] == '0' && nullOctet[1] == '0') - offset += 2; - else - break; - } - - hexCharsRead[0] = offset; -} - -char * -IorHandler::getString (char *readPtr, int givenLen) -{ - int j = 0; - - // i indexes hexChars while j indexes octet pairs - - for (int i = 0; - i <= givenLen - 2; - i += 2) - { - char octetPair[2]; - octetPair[0] = readPtr[i]; - octetPair[1] = readPtr[i + 1]; - - int intEquiv = - 16 * ACE::hex2byte (octetPair[0]) - + ACE::hex2byte (octetPair[1]); - - char parsedOctetPair[2]; - sprintf (parsedOctetPair, - "%c", - intEquiv); - - parsedStr[j] = parsedOctetPair[0]; - j++; - } - - return parsedStr; -} - -void -IorHandler::prettyPrintIOR (IOR thisIor) -{ - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "TypeIdLen\t: %lu bytes\n", - thisIor.typeIdLen)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "TypeId\t\t: %s\n", - thisIor.typeId)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "IDL Interface\t: %s\n", - thisIor.idlInterface)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "ProfileBodyLen\t: %lu bytes\n", - thisIor.profileBodyLen)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "HostLen\t\t: %lu bytes\n", - thisIor.hostLen)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "HostName\t: %s\n", - thisIor.HostName)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "Port Number\t: %d\n", - thisIor.portNum)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "ObjectKeyLen\t: %lu bytes\n", - thisIor.objectKeyLen)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "ObjectKey\t: %s\n", - thisIor.objectKey)); -} - -void -IorHandler::interpretIor (char *thisIor, IOR *thisIorInfo) -{ - int numCharsToSkip; - - // Skip the prefix "IOR:" - int numHexCharsRead = 4; - - skipNullOctets ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), &numCharsToSkip); - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - int ulongValue = getOctet2Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the length of the type_id field - if (ulongValue == 0) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: type_id len seems to be NULL \n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - thisIorInfo->typeIdLen = ulongValue; - - // Read the type_id and store it - ACE_OS::strncpy (thisIorInfo->typeId, - getString ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - 2 * thisIorInfo->typeIdLen), - thisIorInfo->typeIdLen); - numHexCharsRead += 2 * thisIorInfo->typeIdLen; - - // While we have the type_id, we may as well extract the IDL - // interface name from it. - ACE_OS::strcpy (thisIorInfo->idlInterface, - getIdlInterface (thisIorInfo->typeId)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "\nTypeId\t\t: %s \n", - thisIorInfo->typeId)); - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "IDL Interface\t: %s\n", - thisIorInfo->idlInterface)); - - skipNullOctets ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), &numCharsToSkip); - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - ulongValue = getOctet2Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the 4 octets, which should equal 1 (numTaggedProfiles = 1) - if (ulongValue != 1) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: numTaggedProfiles != 1\n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - ulongValue = getOctet8Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the 4 octets, which should equal 0 (TAG_INTERNET_IOP = 0) - - if (ulongValue != 0) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: TAG_INTERNET_IOP != 0\n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - skipNullOctets ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - // Since the object_key and the hostname are part of the ProfileBody - // field of the IOR, and this is the part that needs to be changed, - // the IOR should be cut here typically if we want to fake it. - cutAndPasteHere = numHexCharsRead; - - ulongValue = getOctet2Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the 4 octets, which represent the length of the ProfileBody - if (ulongValue == 0) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: ProfileBody len equals NULL\n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - thisIorInfo->profileBodyLen = ulongValue; - - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "\nTAG_INTERNET_IOP Profile:\n")); - - ulongValue = getOctet4Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the 4 octets, which represent the IIOP version number = 1 - if (ulongValue != 1) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: IIOP version != 1\n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - skipNullOctets ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), &numCharsToSkip); - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - ulongValue = getOctet2Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the 2 octets, which represent the length of the hostname - if (ulongValue == 0) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: hostLen equals NULL\n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - thisIorInfo->hostLen = ulongValue; - - // Read the hostname and store it - ACE_OS::strncpy (thisIorInfo->HostName, - getString ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - 2 * thisIorInfo->hostLen), - thisIorInfo->hostLen); - numHexCharsRead += 2 * thisIorInfo->hostLen; - - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - " HostName : %s\n", - thisIorInfo->HostName)); - - skipNullOctets ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - ulongValue = getOctet4Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the port number and store it - if (ulongValue == 0) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: port number equals NULL\n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - thisIorInfo->portNum = ulongValue; - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - " Port Number: %d\n", - thisIorInfo->portNum)); - - skipNullOctets ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - - ulongValue = getOctet2Field ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - &numCharsToSkip); - - // Read the object key length and store it - if (ulongValue == 0) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "<%d hexChars read>: objectKeyLen equals NULL\n", - numHexCharsRead)); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - numHexCharsRead += numCharsToSkip; - thisIorInfo->objectKeyLen = ulongValue; - - // Read the object_key and store it - ACE_OS::strncpy (thisIorInfo->objectKey, - getString ((char *) (thisIor + numHexCharsRead), - 2 * thisIorInfo->objectKeyLen), - thisIorInfo->objectKeyLen); - numHexCharsRead += 2 * thisIorInfo->objectKeyLen; - - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - " ObjectKey : %s \n\n", - thisIorInfo->objectKey)); - - // Pretty print the IOR with more debugging information - // prettyPrintIOR (*thisIorInfo); -} - -char * -IorHandler::getIdlInterface (char *typeId) -{ - int lenInterface; - - char *readStart = strchr (typeId, ':'); - - // A sample type_id for an IDL interface name "EchoTests" is - // IDL:EchoTests:1.0 => the trick is to isolate the parts between - // the two colons. - - if (readStart == NULL) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "getIdlInterface: type_id contains no starting :\n")); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - - char *readEnd = strrchr (typeId, ':'); - - if (readEnd == NULL) - { - ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, - "getIdlInterface: type_id contains no ending:\n")); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - - // Now, count the number of bytes between the two colons. - lenInterface = readEnd - readStart - 1; - - // Copy the IDL interface part of the type_id. - ACE_OS::strncpy ((char *) idlInterface, - readStart + 1, - lenInterface); - idlInterface[lenInterface] = '\0'; - - return (char *) idlInterface; -} - -void -IorHandler::readIorFromFile (char *filename) -{ - FILE *fp = ACE_OS::fopen (filename, "r"); - - // Read the real IOR from the file REAL_IOR_FILE. - if (fp == NULL) - { - ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, - "%p\n", - "Unable to open file")); - ACE_OS::exit (1); - } - - fscanf (fp, - "%s", - stringRealIOR); - ACE_OS::fclose (fp); - - interpretIor (stringRealIOR, &parsedRealIOR); -} diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.h b/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.h deleted file mode 100644 index beb7fcd203a..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-handler.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -// $Id$ - -// ============================================================================ -// -// = LIBRARY -// TAO/utils/IOR-parser -// -// = FILENAME -// ior-handler.h -// -// = DESCRIPTION -// Provides the definition of a class that parses real (valid) IORs. -// -// = AUTHORS -// Priya Narasimhan -// -// ============================================================================ - -#if !defined (__IORPARSER_H__) -#define __IORPARSER_H__ - -#include "ace/OS.h" - -// @@ Priya, are these still required? -// Maximum length of either the type_id, the ProfileBody or the -// object_key fields. Tentatively assigned. -#define MAX_IOR_FIELD_LEN 200 -#define MAX_TYPE_ID_LEN 100 - -// These are CDR-encoded sequences of hexChars (note, not octets) that -// are useful in creating IORs. -#define NULL_HEXCHARS "00000000" -#define NUM_TAG_PROFS "0001" -#define IIOP_VERSION "0001" - -struct IOR -{ - // = TITLE - // This is the useful information obtained from parsing an IOR. - // - // = DESCRIPTION - // This structure assumes that the profile_id is - // TAG_INTERNET_IOP and that there is only one TaggedProfile in - // the IOR. - u_long typeIdLen; - // The length of the type_id field of the IOR. - - char typeId[MAX_TYPE_ID_LEN]; - // The string in the type_id field of the IOR. - - char idlInterface[MAX_TYPE_ID_LEN]; - // The IDL interface of the server that published the IOR (can be - // extracted from the type_id field). - - u_long profileBodyLen; - // The lenght of the body of the profile field of the IOR. - - u_long hostLen; - // The length of the hostname embedded in the IOR. - - char HostName[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; - // The server's hostname embedded in the IOR. - - u_long portNum; - // The server's port number embedded in the IOR. - - u_long objectKeyLen; - // The length of the object_key field of the IOR. - - // @@ Priya, can you please change this so that it's not a magic - // number?! - char objectKey[100]; - // The object_key field of the IOR. -}; - -class IorHandler -{ - // = TITLE - // This is the class that takes in a real (valid) IOR and - // parses it. - // - // = DESCRIPTION - // This class prints out the useful information in the - // IORs generated by VisiBroker, Orbix and TAO -public: - IorHandler (void); - // Constructor. - - void prettyPrintIOR (IOR thisIor); - // Prints out additional detailed information in the IOR. - - void interpretIor (char *thisIor, IOR *thisIorInfo); - // The main parsing routine. - - char *getIdlInterface (char *typeId); - // Obtains the IDL interface part of the type_id field in the IOR. - - void readIorFromFile (char *filename); - // Reads in the IOR from a specified file. - - int cutAndPasteHere; - - // @@ Priya, can you please change this so that it's not a magic - // number?! - char stringRealIOR[400]; - IOR parsedRealIOR; - char parsedStr[MAX_IOR_FIELD_LEN]; - char idlInterface[MAX_TYPE_ID_LEN]; - -private: - u_long getOctet8Field (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead); - // Interpret the next 8 octets into an unsigned long - - u_long getOctet4Field (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead); - // Interpret the next 4 octets into an unsigned long - - u_long getOctet2Field (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead); - // Interpret the next 2 octets into an unsigned long - - void skipNullOctets (char *readPtr, int *hexCharsRead); - // Skip the null octets encountered while parsing the IOR - - char *getString (char *readPtr, int givenLen); - // Extract a character string of a given length from the IOR -}; - -#endif /* __IORPARSER_H__ */ diff --git a/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-parser.cpp b/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-parser.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 6099966470c..00000000000 --- a/TAO/utils/IorParser/ior-parser.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -// $Id$ - -// ============================================================================ -// -// = LIBRARY -// TAO/utils/IOR-parser -// -// = FILENAME -// ior-parser.cpp -// -// = DESCRIPTION -// Main loop of the IOR Parser. -// -// = AUTHORS -// Priya Narasimhan -// -// ============================================================================ - -#include "ior-handler.h" - -IorHandler parser; - -int -main (int argc, char **argv) -{ - if (argc <= 1 || argc >= 3) - ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, - "USAGE: parseIor \n"), - 1); - - parser.readIorFromFile (argv[1]); - return 0; -} - - - - - diff --git a/TAO/utils/Makefile b/TAO/utils/Makefile index 97625630692..28681103909 100644 --- a/TAO/utils/Makefile +++ b/TAO/utils/Makefile @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRS = catior \ - IorParser + IOR-parser #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include macros and targets -- cgit v1.2.1