Building and Installing ACE and Its Network Services


The file explains how to build and install ACE and its Network Services on the various OS platforms and compilers that it has been ported to. Please consult the ChangeLog file to see whether any recent changes to the release will affect your code. In addition, you might want to read the ACE FAQ before building and installing ACE.

Document Index

Supported Platforms and Compilers

The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment has been ported and tested extensively on a wide range of C++ compilers and uni-processor and multi-processor OS platforms including Win32, i.e., WinNT/i386, WinNT/Alpha, Win95, and Windows CE; most versions of UNIX, e.g., SunOS 4.x and 5.x, SGI IRIX, DG/UX, HP-UX, OSF/1 a.k.a. DEC UNIX, AIX 4.x, Linux, SCO, UnixWare, FreeBSD, MVS OpenEdition, and LynxOS; VxWorks; and PSoS. If you have a problem compiling the ACE wrappers on the platforms shown below please send email to either ACE Newsgroup or the ACE mailing list and we'll try to fix it for you.

The following table summarizes those platforms for which ACE is known to support well.

Fully supported, i.e., continually tested and used daily Solaris 2.5, Windows NT (MSVC++ 4.x and 5.0), DEC Alpha Windows NT (MSVC++ 5.0), Linux/Intel, Linux/Alpha, VxWorks, LynxOS, Digital UNIX 4.0, HP/UX, AIX
Nearly fully supported, i.e., periodically tested Solaris 2.6, Windows 95, Windows CE, IRIX 6.x, MVS
Partially supported, i.e., infrequently tested PSoS, Tandem, Chorus, SCO, UnixWare, SunOS 4.x, FreeBSD, NetBSD
Planned support, i.e., pending Windows CE

In general, any UNIX/POSIX variation is a potential target platform for ACE. Ideally, ACE will compile on any POSIX conforming OS.

Installation Notes for Supported Platforms

Compiling ACE with GNU g++

If you use the GNU GCC g++ compiler please note the following:

Building and Installing ACE

The following explains how to build the ACE on UNIX and Win32.

Building and Installing ACE on UNIX

Building and installing ACE on UNIX is relatively simple (the process for Win32 is different). Here's what you need to do:

  1. Install GNU make 3.7 or greater on your system (available via anonymous ftp from in the pub/gnu directory). You must use GNU make or ACE won't compile.

  2. Add an environment variable called ACE_ROOT that contains the name of the root of the directory where you keep the ACE wrapper source tree. The ACE recursive Makefile scheme needs this information. There are several ways to set the ACE_ROOT variable. For instance, in my .login file I have the following entry:

    % setenv ACE_ROOT /home/cs/faculty/schmidt/ACE_wrappers

    However, if you're building a number of versions of ACE, e.g., for different OS platforms or for different releases of ACE, you might use the following approach:

    % setenv ACE_ROOT $cwd
  3. Edit the $ACE_ROOT/ace/OS.h file to update things like default hostname and port numbers you'd like the programs in the $ACE_ROOT/{apps,tests} directories to use by default.

  4. Set the $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h file to point to the appropriate platform/compiler-specific header configurations (such as config-sunos5-sunc++-4.x.h). This file contains the #defines that are used throughout ACE to indicate which features your system supports (see the $ACE_ROOT/ace/OS.h file for many examples of how the ACE build configuration is affected by these macro settings).

    There are config files for most versions of UNIX. If there isn't a version of this file that matches your platform/compiler, you'll need to make one. Please send me email if you get it working so I can add it to the master ACE release.

  5. Set the $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU file to point to the appropriate platform/compiler-specific Makefile configurations, e.g., platform_sunos5_sunc++.GNU. This file contains the compiler and Makefile directives that are platform/compiler-specific

  6. Note that since ACE builds shared libraries, you'll need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to whereever you put the binary version of the ACE library. For example, you probably want to do something like the following


  7. When all this is done, hopefully all you'll need to do is type:

    % make

    at the root of the ACE source tree. This will build the ACE library, tests, the examples, and the sample applications. Building the entire ACE release can take a long time, however. Therefore, you might consider cd'ing into the $ACE_ROOT/ace/ directory and running make there to build just the ACE library. As a sanity check, you might also want to build and run the automated ``one-button'' tests in $ACE_ROOT/tests/.

  8. If you need to regenerate the Svc_Conf_y.cpp file, you'll need to get Berkeley YACC. However, you should rarely, if ever, need to do this.

Building and Installing ACE on Win32

ACE contains project files for Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x (*.mdp) and 5.0 with Service Pack 2 (*.dsw), as well as Borland C++ 5.x (ace.ide). Notice that Visual C++5.0 Service Pack 3 is broken and we don't recommend using it. However, some people have used it successfully.

  1. Create a directory, e.g., C:\ACE, and copy all of the ACE distribution into it. This directory will be referred to as ACE_ROOT in the rest of this discussion.

  2. Create a file called config.h in the ACE_ROOT\ace directory that contains:

    #include "config-win32.h"

  3. Now load up the project file for ACE (ACE_ROOT\ace\ACE_Library.mdp or ACE_ROOT\ace\ace.dsw). If you are using MSVC 4.x, you will need to add paths to your global settings. In Tools|Options|Directories, add ACE_ROOT to your include path and ACE_ROOT\ace to your library path.

  4. Each project will contain 8 different configurations. These are a mixture of Debug/Release, Unicode/non-Unicode, and Static/Dynamic library versions for both i386 and Alpha machines. Note: If you use the dynamic libraries, make sure you include ACE_ROOT\ace in your PATH whenever you run programs that use ACE.

  5. If you are building for Windows NT and plan to use the STL implementation that comes with ACE, then you can start building now. If you are building on Windows 95, then you should add the line

    #define ACE_HAS_WINNT4 0

    before the #include statement in ACE_ROOT\ace\config.h and it will turn off Windows NT 4 specific code.

    If you want to use the standard C++ headers (iostream, cstdio, ... as defined by the C++ Standard Draft 2) that comes with MSVC 5, then add the line


    before the #include statement in ACE_ROOT\ace\config.h.
    If you are building for Windows CE, you need to add the line

    #define ACE_HAS_WINCE
    before including <config-win32.h>. Notice that CE uses a different set of dsw/dsp files.

    The default project files which build ACE library have various configurations to build dynamic/static, with or without Unicode support. Although we recommend using the dynamic library, if, for some reasons, you would rather work with static library, you'll need to add the line

    #define ACE_HAS_DLL 0

    before the #include statement in ACE_ROOT\ace\config.h. Optionally but highly recommended, you can also add the line

    #define __ACE_INLINE__ 0

    before the #include statement in ACE_ROOT\ace\config.h to disable inline function and reduce the size of static libraries (and your executables.)


The tests are located in ACE_ROOT\tests. There are two corresponding project files in that directory also (tests.mdp and tests.dsp).

Once you build all the tests (Batch Build works well for this) you can run the batch file run_tests.bat in that directory to try all the tests.


You may want to run ACE on a non-networked machine. To do so, you must install TCP/IP and configure it to ignore the absence of a network card. This is one method:

  1. Run Control Panel
  2. Choose Network from Control Panel
  3. Add Adapter: MS Loopback Adapter
  4. Configure MS Loopback Adapter with 802.3 (default)
  5. Add Software: TCP/IP Protocol
  6. Configure TCP/IP Protocol with a valid IP address and subnet mask. Leave everything else at the default settings.
  7. Add Software: Workstation
  8. Exit and Restart System
  9. Run Control Panel again
  10. Choose Services from Control Panel
  11. The following services are not necessary and may be set to Disabled Startup:
    Computer Browser
    Net logon
  12. Choose Network from Control Panel
  13. Confirm the following setup. This is all you need to run ACE:
    Installed Software:
    Computer Browser
    MS Loopback Adapter Driver
    TCP/IP Protocol
    Installed Adapter Cards:
    MS Loopback Adapter

Building and Installing ACE on VxWorks

For the most part, you should be able to follow the instructions above to build ACE and applications that use it. Start with the Unix instructions above to build ACE and the applications that use it. Please see below for mroe information on building ACE on NT hosts for VxWorks targets.

A few notes on VxWorks builds (thanks to Paul von Behren for these notes):

You'll have to let ACE know the target type at compile time. There are several ways to do this; please see the $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_vxworks5.x_g++.GNU platform file for detailed information.

The VxWorks platform_vxworks*.GNU files are set up so that shared libraries are not built on VxWorks. Only static libraries, with .a extension, are built. Therefore, it's not necessary to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on your host system when building for VxWorks targets. Please note, however, if you use TAO on VxWorks that you will need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find the TAO IDL compiler libraries (installed in the ace directory) on the host.

With g++, bin/ace_ld is used to munch object files and libraries to set up calls to static constructors and destructors. bin/ace_ld requires perl on the host platform.

These non-default VxWorks kernel configuration #defines are required with ACE:

#define INCLUDE_CPLUS		/* include C++ support */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_IOSTREAMS	/* include iostreams classes */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_ALL       /* include all available POSIX functions */
For completeness, here are the non-default #defines that we used for VxWorks 5.3.1/g++ 2.7.2:
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS		/* include C++ support */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_IOSTREAMS	/* include iostreams classes */
#define INCLUDE_CONFIGURATION_5_2 /* pre-tornado tools */
#define INCLUDE_DEBUG           /* pre-tornado debugging */
#define INCLUDE_LOADER          /* object module loading */
#define INCLUDE_NET_SYM_TBL     /* load symbol table from network */
#define INCLUDE_SYM_TBL_SYNC	/* synchronize host and target symbol tables */
#define INCLUDE_NFS             /* nfs package */
#define INCLUDE_PING		/* ping() utility */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_ALL       /* include all available POSIX functions */
#define INCLUDE_RDB             /* remote debugging package */
#define INCLUDE_RLOGIN          /* remote login */
#define INCLUDE_RPC		/* rpc package */
#define INCLUDE_SECURITY	/* shell security for network access */
#define INCLUDE_SHELL           /* interactive c-expression interpreter */
#define INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES   /* show routines for system facilities*/
#define INCLUDE_SPY             /* spyLib for task monitoring */
#define INCLUDE_STARTUP_SCRIPT  /* execute start-up script */
#define INCLUDE_STAT_SYM_TBL    /* create user-readable error status */
#define INCLUDE_SYM_TBL         /* symbol table package */
#define INCLUDE_UNLOADER        /* object module unloading */
#define INCLUDE_WINDVIEW	/* WindView command server */
It probably wouldn't take much effort to modify the ACE library to not require INCLUDE_CPLUS_IOSTREAMS, if necessary. If you're first getting started with ACE and/or VxWorks, I recommend just building the ACE library and tests first. (Some of the ACE examples, in System_V_IPC, don't build on VxWorks yet.) Then try running the tests. Please see $ACE_ROOT/tests/README for the latest status of the ACE tests on VxWorks.

Please note that the main entry point is renamed to ace_main (configurable via ACE_MAIN) on VxWorks with g++, to comply with its restriction against using main. In addition, ACE_HAS_NONSTATIC_OBJECT_MANAGER is enabled by default to cleanly support construction and destruction of static objects. This requires that main be declared with its arguments even if they're not used, and with int return type:

  main (int, char *[])
Alternatively, this feature can be disabled by commenting out the #define ACE_HAS_NONSTATIC_OBJECT_MANAGER in your ace/config.h. But, that will make repeated testing more difficult on VxWorks. You'd either have to call static constructors and destructors manually or unload/load the program between runs.

WARNING: ACE on VxWorks assumes that your main function is named main when using ACE_HAS_NONSTATIC_OBJECT_MANAGER. Any violation of this assumption is at your peril. If you really need to call your entry point something other than main, you'll need to construct an ACE_Object_Manager. Please see the #define of main (int, char *[]) in ace/OS.h to see how ACE does that for entry points named main.

ACE threads (VxWorks tasks) can be named, for example, by supplying a non-null argument to the Thread_Manager spawn routines. However, names beginning with "==ace_t==" are forbidden because that prefix is used internally by ACE.

You can spawn a new task to run ace_main, using either VxWorks sp, or ACE'S spa. spa can be used from the VxWorks shell to pass arguments to ace_main. Its usage is:

  spa ace_main, "arg1" [, ...]
All arguments must be quoted, even numbers.

By default, the ACE Makefiles link the ACE library into every executable. If you want to run multiple ACE executables but just use a single ACE library, it should be possible, though I haven't tried it. Just link the first executable to be loaded onto the target with the ACE library, as usual. All other executables can be linked without the ACE library by added ACELIB= to the make invocation when building them. When they are loaded onto the target, the should load against the symbols from the ACE library from the first executable that was loaded.

Building ACE on Tornado/NT hosts for VxWorks targets.
The following, very useful information was contributed by Chris Ryan and Paul von Behren. Please submit corrections, additions, or clarifications to the the ACE mailing list.

A few additional Windows Notes, from Paul von Behren:

And Chris Ryan's instructions for building for VxWorks targets on Windows NT hosts:
  1. Create UNIX-like environment in NT Command Prompt windows by downloading GNU bash, perl, and so forth from your favorite ftp site. I went to and downloaded cdk.exe and installed that on my NT box. I downloaded perl5.0 from where I can't remember. There may have been bits and pieces from other places for things like vi and less.
  2. Download latest ACE. Create 2 parallel trees, say /ace/ACE_wrappers.NT and /ace/ACE_wrappers.vxworks. The NT tree is for building aced.dll and tao_idl.exe as currently documented for ACE/TAO on NT/VC++5.0. The VxWorks tree is the cross compilation tree.
  3. Path setting that seems to be working is:

    Other environment variables:

    CPP_LOCATION=/Program Files/DevStudio/VC/bin/CL.EXE
  4. /tornado is the root of the Tornado install ($WIND_BASE).
  5. /gnuwin32 is the root of a Cygnus GNU download and install.
  6. /bin content is:

    aced.dll is produced in an ACE NT source tree according to documented procedure for NT VC++5.0 ACE build. cygwin.dll is from the Cygnus GNU software download and install.
  7. Basically, follow documented procedure for ACE build/install on UNIX platform. Create a $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h that looks like:

    #define __ACE_INLINE__ 0
    #define ACE_HAS_DLL 0
    #include "config-vxworks5.x.h"
    And create a $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU that looks like:

    WIND_BASE = /tornado
    WIND_HOST_TYPE = x86-win32
    PATH += :$(WIND_BASE)/host/$(WIND_HOST_TYPE)/bin
    CPU = I80486
    include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/platform_NTvxworks5.x_g++.GNU
    (But, I guess the PATH+= line is superfluous based on the PATH as shown previously). Finally, create a $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_NTvxworks5.x_g++.GNU with diff output from 'diff platform_vxworks5.x_g++.GNU platform_NTvxworks5.x_g++.GNU' that looks like:
    < HOST_DIR        = $(WIND_BASE)/host/sun4-solaris2
    > HOST_DIR        = $(WIND_BASE)/host/x86-win32
    < CXX             = g++$(TOOLENV)
    < CFLAGS          += -DVXWORKS -D_REENTRANT -ansi -fno-builtin
    -fno-defer-pop -fvolatile -nostdinc -nostdlib -pipe -Wall
    > CXX             = $(CC)
    > CFLAGS          += -DVXWORKS -D_REENTRANT -ansi -fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop \
                    -fvolatile -nostdinc -nostdlib -Wall #-pipe
  8. Now, follow the existing documentation for a UNIX platform build of ACE such as:
            cd $ACE_ROOT/ace; make
  9. To build $ACE_ROOT/tests, I had to use the make.exe in the /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin directory as I couldn't get make shipped with Tornado to run ace_ld and I couldn't figure out any other work around.

        cd $ACE_ROOT/tests; /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/make
    Also, running the tests works as already documented.
TAO on NT Tornado host, VxWorks target.
  1. Build ACE and TAO_IDL in the NT tree as already documented. As mentioned above, I put aced.dll in /bin.
  2. Copy TAO_IDL/tao_idl.exe to TAO_IDL directory in the ACE/TAO vxworks source tree. (I didn't spend any time yet looking for the place where the makefiles are using the absolute path to tao_idl.exe.)
  3. Build orbsvcs.
        CPP_LOCATION=/Program Files/DevStudio/VC/bin/CL.exe
        cd $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/orbsvcs
  4. Build $TAO_ROOT/tao
        CPP_LOCATION=/Program Files/DevStudio/VC/bin/CL.exe
        cd $TAO_ROOT/tao
  5. Build $TAO_ROOT/tests

Building and Installing ACE Network Services

The following explains how to build the ACE network services on UNIX and Win32.

Building and Installing ACE Network Services on UNIX

Building and installing ACE Network Services on UNIX is relatively simple (the process for Win32 is different). Here's what you need to do:

  1. Build and install ACE on UNIX as described earlier. If ACE is built at the root of the ACE source tree (and ACE has been ported to your platform, of course) the netsvcs static and shared object libraries should be built automatically. In addition, the server driver program (main) contained in $ACE_ROOT/netsvcs/servers/main.cpp should also be compiled and ready to run.

  2. Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to where the binary version of the ACE netsvcs library. For example, you probably want to do something like the following


  3. By default, if the shared object library is built, the services are linked into the main driver program dynamically. To specify which services should be linked in and executed, edit the $ACE_ROOT/netsvcs/servers/svc.conf file. During your editing, you should update information (such as the default service port numbers) that affects the initialization of services in this file. Refer to the Service Configurator documentation to learn how the configuration file is parsed and how the services are dynamically linked and executed. In addition, refer to the Network Services documentation to learn more about how to configure each network service.

  4. If you only want to link the services statically, simply remove or rename the svc.conf file.

Building and Installing ACE Network Services on Win32

Once again, there are supplied project for both MSVC 4.x and 5.0 for the Network Services.

If you are using MSVC 4.x, you will need to add another directory to your global include and library paths, ACE_ROOT/netsvcs/lib. When you use the dynamic libraries, make sure to also include ACE_ROOT/netsvcs/lib in your PATH.

Advanced Topics

Cloning the Source Tree

On UNIX platforms, I typically like to support multiple platform builds using the same ACE source tree. This idiom is supported by ACE using the $(ACE_ROOT)/bin/clone.c program. To build clone, perform the following steps:

% cd $ACE_ROOT/bin
% make
% mv clone ~/bin
% rehash

Then create a ./build subdirectory someplace, e.g., under $ACE_ROOT, and then invoke the top-level Makefile with the ``clone'' target, e.g.:

% cd $ACE_ROOT
% mkdir build-SunOS5
% cd build-SunOS5
% make -f ../Makefile clone
% (cd ace; ln -s config-sunos5.5-g++.h config.h)
% (cd include/makeincludes; ln -s platform_sunos5-g++.h platform_macros.GNU)
% setenv ACE_ROOT $cwd
% make

This will establish a complete tree of links. Note that you must to build a config.h and platform_macros.GNU in cloned directory. In addition, make sure you set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to $ACE_ROOT/ace:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH on SVR4 UNIX platforms.

When you do a make in the $ACE_ROOT directory you will be producing object code that is not stored in the same place as the original source tree. This way, you can easily build another platform in a parallel tree structure.


If you use the ``clone trick'' discussed above, make sure that the symbolic links are correctly in place before starting the build. In particular, if you plan to clone the tree, it is preferable to do so before you start a build procedure on the original tree. This is because the build procedure create object directories (.obj and .shobj) and the cloning procedure will clone these directories also. You would end up with links pointing to object files of another platform. If you clone the tree after you've done a build on the original tree, make sure to remove all ".obj", ".shobj" and (any other files or directories) in all subdirectories before starting the build on your cloned tree.

Alternatively, the perl script ACE_wrappers/bin/create_ace_build can be used to create build trees. It creates them below ACE_wrappers/build. It filters out all but the necessary files, so the warning above does not apply. See the comments at the top of the script itself for usage information.

Building CORBA Versions of ACE

Note that if you are compiling with IONA's Orbix implementation of CORBA or Visigenix's implementation of CORBA, you'll also need to set ORBIX_ROOT to point to the root of the Orbix source tree and ORBELINE_ROOT to point to the root of the ORBeline source tree. Since many platforms don't have these CORBA tools the default for ACE does *not* incorporate them. Thus, if you are compiling with Orbix or ORBeline, make sure that you set the symbolic links for $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU and $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h to point to the the config* and platform* files that have "-orbix" in them!

Additional Build Tips for MVS

For all intents and purpose, MVS OpenEdition (OE) is another flavor of UNIX, therefore, the instructions under Building and Installing ACE on Unix can be used along with the following additional tips:

You can get a copy of GNU make that has been ported to MVS OpenEdition from the IBM OpenEdition web site. ACE's make scheme generates compile commands that have options and operands interspersed. By default, the c89/cc/c++ compiler expects all options to precede all operands. To get around this, you must set a special compiler environment variable (_CXX_CCMODE) to 1 which tells the compiler to allow options and operands to be interspersed.

Note that the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is called LIBPATH on MVS.

Shared objects are built a little different on MVS than on other UNIX implementations. This has been accounted for in the makefiles that come with ACE When the linker (via the cxx command) builds the file it will also create a file called libACE.x. This is a side-deck file and it must be included in subsequent link edits with application code. For more information on this see the C/C++ MVS Programming Guide. If you want to build your application statically, i.e., using libACE.a instead of, you can set ACELIB to ACELIB_STATIC in platform_mvs.GNU.

When the file is built (via the MVS pre-linker and binder), you will get a rc=4 from the pre-linker. This is ok. This is due to some warnings about unresolved references which should get resolved during the link step. Note, however, there shouldn't be any unresolved references from the binder (linkage editor). You can get pre-link and link maps by uncommenting the PMAP and LMAP lines in the platform_mvs.GNU file.

Makefile Flags

ACE supports the following flags. They can be enabled either on the command line, e.g., "make purify=1", or added to your platform_macros.GNU. To disable the option, set the flag to null, e.g., "make debug=". Some flags support setting to 0 disable, e.g., "make debug=0". debug=1 is enabled in the platform files that are released with ACE.

Please note that the effects of a flag may be platform specific. Also, combinations of certain flags may or may not be allowed on specific platforms, e.g., debug=1 opt=1 is supported by g++ but not all other C++ compilers.

Flag             Description
----             -----------
debug            Enable debugging; see DCFLAGS and DCCFLAGS.
exceptions       Enable exception handling (not supported by all platforms).
fast             Enable -fast option, e.g., with Sun C++.
inline           Enable ACE inlining.  Some platforms enable inlining by
                   default, others do not.
optimize         Enable optimization; see OCFLAGS and OCCFLAGS.
orbix            Enable use of Orbix.
profile          Enable profiling; see PCFLAGS and PCCFLAGS.
purify           Purify all executables.
quantify         Quantify all executables.
shared_libs      Build shared libraries. Ignored if static_libs_only is set.
static_libs      Build shared libraries. Ignored if shared_libs_only is set.
shared_libs_only Only build shared libraries.  Ignored if no SHLIBs are
                   specified by the Makefile, as in performance-tests/Misc.
static_libs_only Only build static libraries.

Usually, users do not need to be concerned with make targets.
Just enter ``make'' on the command line to build.  A few notable
targets are listed below.

Target             Description
------             -----------
show_statics       Lists all static objects in object files built for
                     current directory.  Only supported for g++.
show_uninit        Lists all uninitialized in object files built for
                     current directory.  Only supported for g++.

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