//============================================================================= /** * @file oid.cpp * * This module contains the implementation of the oid class. This * includes all protected and public member functions. The oid class * may be compiled stand alone without the use of any other library. * * @author Peter E MellquistMichael R MacFaden mrm@cisco.com - rework & ACE port */ //============================================================================= /*=================================================================== Copyright (c) 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company ATTENTION: USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind,either express or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based upon this software code base. =====================================================================*/ //---------[ external C libaries used ]-------------------------------- #include "asnmp/oid.h" // include def for oid class #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" #include "ace/OS_Memory.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_ctype.h" enum Defs {SNMPBUFFSIZE=300, SNMPCHARSIZE=15}; // max oid value (4294967295UL) #define NO_MEM_STR "ERROR: Oid::to_string: memory allocation failure" //=============[Oid::get_syntax(void)]==================================== SmiUINT32 Oid::get_syntax() { return sNMP_SYNTAX_OID; } //=============[Oid::Oid( const char *dotted_string ]===================== // constructor using a dotted string // // do a string to oid using the string passed in Oid::Oid( const char * dotted_oid_string, size_t size) { // can't init enum SmiValue so just memset it clean set_null(); size_t z; if ((z = ACE_OS::strlen(dotted_oid_string)) == 0) { set_invalid(); return; } if (size == (unsigned int)-1) size = z; if (size > z) size = z; char *ptr = (char *)dotted_oid_string;; if (size < z) { // create new buffer if needed ACE_NEW(ptr, char [size]); // sz should be in StrToOid? ACE_OS::memcpy( (void *)ptr, dotted_oid_string, size); } size_t byte_counter; if (StrToOid( (char *) ptr, &smival.value.oid, byte_counter) < 0) set_invalid(); if (ptr != dotted_oid_string) delete [] ptr; } //=============[Oid::Oid( const Oid &oid) ]================================ // constructor using another oid object // // do an oid copy using the oid object passed in Oid::Oid ( const Oid &oid) : SnmpSyntax (oid) { set_null(); // allocate some memory for the oid // in this case the size to allocate is the same // size as the source oid if (oid.smival.value.oid.len) { ACE_NEW(smival.value.oid.ptr, SmiUINT32[ oid.smival.value.oid.len]); size_t byte_counter; OidCopy( (SmiLPOID) &(oid.smival.value.oid),(SmiLPOID) &smival.value.oid, byte_counter); } } //=============[Oid::Oid( const unsigned long *raw_oid, int oid_len) ]==== // constructor using raw numeric form // // copy the integer values into the private member Oid::Oid(const unsigned long *raw_oid, size_t oid_len) { set_null(); smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_OID; set_invalid(); if (raw_oid && oid_len > 0) { ACE_NEW(smival.value.oid.ptr, SmiUINT32[ oid_len]); smival.value.oid.len = oid_len; for (size_t i=0; i < oid_len; i++) smival.value.oid.ptr[i] = raw_oid[i]; } } //=============[Oid::~Oid]============================================== // destructor // // free up the descriptor space Oid::~Oid() { // free up the octet deep memory if ( smival.value.oid.ptr ) { set_invalid(); } // free up the output string if ( iv_str != 0) delete [] iv_str; } //=============[Oid::operator = const char * dotted_string ]============== // assignment to a string operator overloaded // // free the existing oid // create the new oid from the string // return this object void Oid::set_data( const char *dotted_oid_string) { // delete the old value if ( smival.value.oid.ptr ) { set_invalid(); } // assign the new value size_t byte_counter; if (StrToOid( (char *) dotted_oid_string, &smival.value.oid, byte_counter) <0) set_invalid(); } //=============[Oid:: operator = const Oid &oid ]========================== // assignment to another oid object overloaded // // free the existing oid // create a new one from the object passed in // TODO: measure perf vs memory of no realloc in case where len >= oid.len Oid& Oid::operator=( const Oid &oid) { // protect against assignment from self if ( this == &oid) return *this; set_invalid(); // check for zero len on source if ( oid.smival.value.oid.len == 0) return *this; const SmiLPOID srcOid = (SmiLPOID) &(oid.smival.value.oid); init_value(srcOid, oid.smival.value.oid.len); return *this; } // assign this object the oid, set to invalid if copy fails void Oid::init_value(const SmiLPOID srcOid, size_t len) { // allocate some memory for the oid ACE_NEW(smival.value.oid.ptr, SmiUINT32[ len]); size_t byte_counter; OidCopy( srcOid, (SmiLPOID) &smival.value.oid, byte_counter); } void Oid::init_value(const unsigned long *raw_oid, size_t oid_len) { if (smival.value.oid.ptr) delete [] smival.value.oid.ptr; ACE_NEW(smival.value.oid.ptr, SmiUINT32[ oid_len]); ACE_OS::memcpy((SmiLPBYTE) smival.value.oid.ptr, (SmiLPBYTE) raw_oid, (size_t) (oid_len * sizeof(SmiUINT32))); smival.value.oid.len = oid_len; } //==============[Oid:: operator += const char *a ]========================= // append operator, appends a string // // allocate some space for a max oid string // extract current string into space // concat new string // free up existing oid // make a new oid from string // delete allocated space Oid& Oid::operator+=( const char *a) { unsigned long n; if (!a) return *this; if ( *a=='.') a++; size_t sz = ACE_OS::strlen(a); if (valid()) { n = (smival.value.oid.len *SNMPCHARSIZE) + smival.value.oid.len + 1 + sz; char *ptr; ACE_NEW_RETURN(ptr, char[ n], *this); size_t byte_counter; if (OidToStr(&smival.value.oid, n,ptr, byte_counter) > 0) { delete [] ptr; set_invalid(); return *this; } if (ACE_OS::strlen(ptr)) ACE_OS::strcat(ptr,"."); ACE_OS::strcat(ptr,a); if ( smival.value.oid.len !=0) { set_invalid(); } if (StrToOid( (char *) ptr, &smival.value.oid, byte_counter) < 0) { set_invalid(); } delete [] ptr; } else { size_t byte_counter; if (StrToOid( (char *) a, &smival.value.oid, byte_counter) < 0) { set_invalid(); } } return *this; } //=============[ bool operator == oid,oid ]================================= // equivlence operator overloaded bool operator==( const Oid &lhs, const Oid &rhs) { // ensure same len, then use left_comparison if (rhs.length() != lhs.length()) return false; if( lhs.left_comparison( rhs.length(), rhs) == 0) return true; else return false; } //==============[ bool operator!=( Oid &x,Oid &y) ]======================= //not equivlence operator overloaded bool operator!=( const Oid &lhs,const Oid &rhs) { return (!(lhs == rhs)); } //==============[ bool operator<( Oid &x,Oid &y) ]======================== // less than < overloaded bool operator<( const Oid &lhs,const Oid &rhs) { int result; // call left_comparison with the current // Oidx, Oidy and len of Oidx if ((result = lhs.left_comparison( rhs.length(), rhs)) < 0) return true; else if (result > 0) return false; else{ // if here, equivalent substrings, call the shorter one < if (lhs.length() < rhs.length()) return true; else return false; } } //==============[ bool operator<=( Oid &x,Oid &y) ]======================= // less than <= overloaded bool operator<=( const Oid &x,const Oid &y) { if ( (x < y) || (x == y) ) return true; else return false; } //==============[ bool operator>( Oid &x,Oid &y) ]======================== // greater than > overloaded bool operator>( const Oid &x,const Oid &y) { // just invert existing <= if (!(x<=y)) return true; else return false; } //==============[ bool operator>=( Oid &x,Oid &y) ]======================= // greater than >= overloaded bool operator>=( const Oid &x,const Oid &y) { // just invert existing < if (!(x0)) { smival.value.oid.len -= n; if (smival.value.oid.len == 0) { set_invalid(); } } } //===============[Oid::set_invalid() ]==================== // make this object invalid by resetting all values void Oid::set_invalid() { delete [] smival.value.oid.ptr; smival.value.oid.ptr = 0; smival.value.oid.len = 0; delete [] iv_str; iv_str = 0; } //===============[Oid::set_null() ]==================== void Oid::set_null() { smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_OID; smival.value.oid.ptr = 0; smival.value.oid.len = 0; iv_str = 0; } //===============[Oid::operator += const unsigned int) ]==================== // append operator, appends an int // // allocate some space for a max oid string // extract current string into space // concat new string // free up existing oid // make a new oid from string // delete allocated space Oid& Oid::operator+=( const unsigned long i) { unsigned long n = (smival.value.oid.len * SNMPCHARSIZE) + ( smival.value.oid.len -1) + 1 + 4; char buffer[SNMPBUFFSIZE]; // two cases: null oid, existing oid if (valid()) { // allocate some temporary space char *ptr; ACE_NEW_RETURN(ptr, char[ n], *this); size_t byte_counter; if (OidToStr(&smival.value.oid, n, ptr, byte_counter) < 0) { set_invalid(); delete [] ptr; return *this; } if (ACE_OS::strlen(ptr)) ACE_OS::strcat(ptr,"."); if (ACE_OS::sprintf( buffer,"%lu",i) != -1) { ACE_OS::strcat(ptr, buffer); if ( smival.value.oid.ptr ) { set_invalid(); } if (StrToOid( (char *) ptr, &smival.value.oid, byte_counter) < 0) { set_invalid(); } delete [] ptr; } } else { init_value((const unsigned long *)&i, (size_t)1); } return *this; } //===============[Oid::operator += const Oid) ]======================== // append operator, appends an Oid // // allocate some space for a max oid string // extract current string into space // concat new string // free up existing oid // make a new oid from string // delete allocated space Oid& Oid::operator+=( const Oid &o) { SmiLPUINT32 new_oid; if (o.smival.value.oid.len == 0) return *this; ACE_NEW_RETURN(new_oid, SmiUINT32[ smival.value.oid.len + o.smival.value.oid.len], *this); if (smival.value.oid.ptr) { ACE_OS::memcpy((SmiLPBYTE) new_oid, (SmiLPBYTE) smival.value.oid.ptr, (size_t) (smival.value.oid.len*sizeof(SmiUINT32))); delete [] smival.value.oid.ptr; } // out with the old, in with the new... smival.value.oid.ptr = new_oid; ACE_OS::memcpy((SmiLPBYTE) &new_oid[smival.value.oid.len], (SmiLPBYTE) o.smival.value.oid.ptr, (size_t) (o.smival.value.oid.len*sizeof(SmiUINT32))); smival.value.oid.len += o.smival.value.oid.len; return *this; } // return string portion of the oid // const char * Oid::to_string() { unsigned long n; if (!valid()) return ""; // be consistent with other classes // the worst case char len of an oid can be.. // oid.len*3 + dots in between if each oid is XXXX // so.. size = (len*4) + (len-1) + 1 , extra for a null n = (smival.value.oid.len *SNMPCHARSIZE) + ( smival.value.oid.len -1) + 1 ; if (n == 0) n = 1; // need at least 1 byte for a null string // adjust the len of output array in case size was adjusted if ( iv_str != 0) delete [] iv_str; // allocate some space for the output string ACE_NEW_RETURN(iv_str, char[ n], ""); // convert to an output string size_t how_many; if ( valid() && iv_str != 0) if (OidToStr(&smival.value.oid,n,iv_str, how_many) < 0) return "ERROR: Oid::OidToStr failed"; return iv_str; } //==============[Oid::suboid( unsigned int start, n) ]============= int Oid::suboid(Oid& new_oid, size_t start, size_t how_many) { if (how_many == 0) return 0; else if (how_many == (size_t)-1) how_many = length(); else if (how_many > length()) how_many = length(); // reset new_oid new_oid.set_invalid(); size_t new_size = how_many - start; if (new_size == 0) new_size++; new_oid.smival.value.oid.len = new_size; ACE_NEW_RETURN(new_oid.smival.value.oid.ptr, SmiUINT32 [ new_oid.smival.value.oid.len], -1); // copy source to destination ACE_OS::memcpy( (SmiLPBYTE) new_oid.smival.value.oid.ptr, (SmiLPBYTE) (smival.value.oid.ptr + start), new_size * sizeof(SmiLPBYTE)); return 0; } //=============[Oid::StrToOid( char *string, SmiLPOID dst) ]============== // convert a string to an oid int Oid::StrToOid( const char *string, SmiLPOID dstOid, size_t& how_many) { size_t index = 0; size_t number = 0; // make a temp buffer to copy the data into first SmiLPUINT32 temp; unsigned long nz; if (string && *string) { nz = ACE_OS::strlen( string); } else { dstOid->len = 0; dstOid->ptr = 0; return -1; } ACE_NEW_RETURN(temp, SmiUINT32[ nz], -1); while (*string!=0 && indexptr, SmiUINT32[ index], -1); // TODO: make tmp autoptr type delete [] temp to prevent leak // copy in the temp data ACE_OS::memcpy((SmiLPBYTE) dstOid->ptr, (SmiLPBYTE) temp, (size_t) (index*sizeof(SmiUINT32))); // set the len of the oid dstOid->len = index; // free up temp data delete [] temp; how_many = index; return 0; } //===============[Oid::OidCopy( source, destination) ]==================== // Copy an oid, return bytes copied int Oid::OidCopy( SmiLPOID srcOid, SmiLPOID dstOid, size_t& how_many_bytes) { // check source len ! zero if (srcOid->len == 0) return -1; // copy source to destination ACE_OS::memcpy((SmiLPBYTE) dstOid->ptr, (SmiLPBYTE) srcOid->ptr, (size_t) (srcOid->len * sizeof(SmiUINT32))); //set the new len dstOid->len = srcOid->len; how_many_bytes = srcOid->len; return 0; } //===============[Oid::left_comparison( n, Oid) ]================================= // compare the n leftmost values of two oids ( left-to_right ) // // self == Oid then return 0, they are equal // self < Oid then return -1, < // self > Oid then return 1, > int Oid::left_comparison( const unsigned long n, const Oid &o) const { unsigned long z; unsigned long len = n; int reduced_len = 0; // 1st case they both are null if (( len==0)&&( this->smival.value.oid.len==0)) return 0; // equal // verify that n is valid, must be >= 0 if ( len <=0) return 1; // ! equal // only compare for the minimal length if (len > this->smival.value.oid.len) { len = this->smival.value.oid.len; reduced_len = 1; } if (len > o.smival.value.oid.len) { len = o.smival.value.oid.len; reduced_len = 1; } z = 0; while(z < len) { if ( this->smival.value.oid.ptr[z] < o.smival.value.oid.ptr[z]) return -1; // less than if ( this->smival.value.oid.ptr[z] > o.smival.value.oid.ptr[z]) return 1; // greater than z++; } // if we truncated the len then these may not be equal if (reduced_len) { if (this->smival.value.oid.len < o.smival.value.oid.len) return -1; if (this->smival.value.oid.len > o.smival.value.oid.len) return 1; } return 0; // equal } //===============[Oid::left_comparison( n, Oid) ]================================= // compare the n rightmost bytes (right-to-left) // returns 0, equal // returns -1, < // returns 1 , > int Oid::right_comparison( const unsigned long n, const Oid &o) const { // oid to compare must have at least the same number // of sub-ids to comparison else the argument Oid is // less than THIS if ( o.length() < n) return -1; // also can't compare argument oid for sub-ids which // THIS does not have if ( this->length() < n) return -1; int start = (int) this->length(); int end = (int) start - (int) n; for ( int z=start;z< end;z--) { if ( o.smival.value.oid.ptr[z] < this->smival.value.oid.ptr[z]) return -1; if ( o.smival.value.oid.ptr[z] > this->smival.value.oid.ptr[z]) return 1; } return 0; // they are equal } //================[ Oid::valid() ]======================================== // is the Oid object valid // returns validity int Oid::valid() const { return ( smival.value.oid.ptr ? 1 : 0 ); } //================[Oid::OidToStr ]========================================= // convert an oid to a string int Oid::OidToStr( SmiLPOID srcOid, unsigned long size, char *string, size_t& how_many_bytes) { unsigned long index = 0; unsigned totLen = 0; char szNumber[SNMPBUFFSIZE]; // init the string string[totLen] = 0; // verify there is something to copy if (srcOid->len == 0) return -1; // loop through and build up a string for (index=0; index < srcOid->len; index++) { // convert data element to a string if (ACE_OS::sprintf( szNumber,"%lu", srcOid->ptr[index]) == -1) return -1; // verify len is not over if (totLen + ACE_OS::strlen(szNumber) + 1 >= size) return -2; // if not at end, pad with a dot if (totLen!=0) string[totLen++] = '.'; // copy the string token into the main string ACE_OS::strcpy(string + totLen, szNumber); // adjust the total len totLen += ACE_OS::strlen(szNumber); } how_many_bytes = totLen + 1; return 0; } //================[ general Value = operator ]======================== SnmpSyntax& Oid::operator=( SnmpSyntax &val) { // protect against assignment from self if ( this == &val ) return *this; // blow away old value smival.value.oid.len = 0; if (smival.value.oid.ptr) { set_invalid(); } // assign new value if (val.valid()) { switch (val.get_syntax()) { case sNMP_SYNTAX_OID: set_data( ((Oid &)val).smival.value.oid.ptr, (unsigned int)((Oid &)val).smival.value.oid.len); break; } } return *this; } //================[ [] operator ]===================================== unsigned long& Oid::operator[](size_t position) { return smival.value.oid.ptr[position]; } //================[ clone ]=========================================== SnmpSyntax *Oid::clone() const { return (SnmpSyntax *) new Oid(*this); }