package Options; # ************************************************************ # Description : Process mpc command line options # Author : Chad Elliott # Create Date : 3/20/2003 # ************************************************************ # ************************************************************ # Pragmas # ************************************************************ use strict; use DirectoryManager; use StringProcessor; use ProjectCreator; # ************************************************************ # Subroutine Section # ************************************************************ sub printUsage { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; my $base = shift; my $version = shift; my @types = @_; print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n" if (defined $msg); my $spaces = (' ' x (length($base) + 8)); print STDERR "$base v$version\n" . "Usage: $base [-global ] [-include ] [-recurse]\n" . $spaces . "[-ti :] [-hierarchy]\n" . $spaces . "[-template ] [-relative NAME=VAL] [-base ]\n" . $spaces . "[-noreldefs] [-notoplevel] [-static] [-genins] [-use_env]\n" . $spaces . "[-value_template ]\n" . $spaces . "[-value_project ]\n" . $spaces . "[-make_coexistence] [-feature_file ] [-gendot]\n" . $spaces . "[-expand_vars] [-features ]\n" . $spaces . "[-exclude ] [-name_modifier ]\n" . $spaces . "[-apply_project] [-version] [-into ]\n" . $spaces . "[-gfeature_file ] [-nocomments]\n" . $spaces . "[-relative_file ] [-for_eclipse]\n" . $spaces . "[-language <"; my $olen = length($spaces) + 12; my $len = $olen; my $mlen = 77; my @keys = sort(Creator::validLanguages()); for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) { my $klen = length($keys[$i]); $len += $klen; if ($len > $mlen) { print STDERR "\n$spaces "; $len = $olen + $klen; } print STDERR $keys[$i]; if ($i != $#keys) { print STDERR ' | '; $len += 3; } } print STDERR ">]\n", $spaces, "[-type <"; $olen = length($spaces) + 8; $len = $olen; ## Sort the project types, but keep those that are the same with different ## version numbers in the right order (i.e., vc8, vc9, vc10). The vc71 ## type is a special case and needs to stay betwen vc7 and vc8. @keys = sort { if ($a ne 'vc71' && $b ne 'vc71' && $a =~ /^([^\d]+)(\d+)$/) { my($a1, $a2) = ($1, $2); if ($b =~ /^([^\d]+)(\d+)$/ && $a1 eq $1) { return $a2 <=> $2; } } return $a cmp $b; } @types; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) { my $klen = length($keys[$i]); $len += $klen; if ($len > $mlen) { print STDERR "\n$spaces "; $len = $olen + $klen; } print STDERR $keys[$i]; if ($i != $#keys) { print STDERR ' | '; $len += 3; } } print STDERR ">]\n" . $spaces . "[files]\n\n"; print STDERR " -base Add as a base project to each generated\n" . " project file. Do not provide a file extension, the\n" . " .mpb extension will be tried first; if that fails the\n" . " .mpc extension will be tried.\n" . " -exclude Use this option to exclude directories or files when\n" . " searching for input files.\n" . " -expand_vars Perform direct expansion, instead of performing relative\n" . " replacement with either -use_env or -relative options.\n" . " -feature_file Specifies the feature file to read before processing.\n" . " The default feature file is default.features under the\n" . " config directory.\n" . " -features Specifies the feature list to set before processing.\n" . " -for_eclipse Generate files for use with eclipse. This is only\n" . " useful for make based project types.\n" . " -gendot Generate .dot files for use with Graphviz.\n" . " -genins Generate .ins files for use with\n" . " -gfeature_file Specifies the global feature file. The\n" . " default value is global.features under the\n" . " config directory.\n" . " -global Specifies the global input file. Values stored\n" . " within this file are applied to all projects.\n" . " -hierarchy Generate a workspace in a hierarchical fashion.\n" . " -include Specifies a directory to search when looking for base\n" . " projects, template input files and templates. This\n" . " option can be used multiple times to add directories.\n" . " -into Place all output files in a mirrored directory\n" . " structure starting at . This should be a\n" . " full path.\n" . " -language Specify the language preference; possible values are\n", " [", join(', ', sort(Creator::validLanguages())), "]. The default is\n". " " . Creator::defaultLanguage() . ".\n", " -make_coexistence If multiple 'make' based project types are\n" . " generated, they will be named such that they can coexist.\n" . " -name_modifier Modify output names. The pattern passed to this\n" . " parameter will have the '*' portion replaced with the\n" . " actual output name. Ex. *_Static\n" . " -apply_project When used in conjunction with -name_modifier, it applies\n" . " the name modifier to the project name also.\n" . " -nocomments Do not place comments in the generated files.\n" . " -noreldefs Do not try to generate default relative definitions.\n" . " -notoplevel Do not generate the top level target file. Files\n" . " are still process, but no top level file is created.\n" . " -recurse Recurse from the current directory and generate from\n" . " all found input files.\n" . " -relative Any \$() variable in an mpc file that is matched to NAME\n" . " is replaced by VAL only if VAL can be made into a\n" . " relative path based on the current working directory.\n" . " This option can be used multiple times to add multiple\n" . " variables.\n" . " -relative_file Specifies the relative file to read before processing.\n" . " The default relative file is default.rel under the\n" . " config directory.\n" . " -static Specifies that only static projects will be generated.\n" . " By default, only dynamic projects are generated.\n" . " -template Specifies the template name (with no extension).\n" . " -ti Specifies the template input file (with no extension)\n" . " for the specific type (ex. -ti dll_exe:vc8exe).\n" . " -type Specifies the type of project file to generate. This\n" . " option can be used multiple times to generate multiple\n" . " types. There is no longer a default.\n" . " -use_env Use environment variables for all uses of \$() instead\n" . " of the relative replacement values.\n" . " -value_project This option allows modification of a project variable\n" . " assignment . Use += to add VAL to the NAME's value.\n" . " Use -= to subtract and = to override the value.\n" . " This can be used to introduce new name value pairs to\n" . " a project. However, it must be a valid project\n" . " assignment.\n" . " -value_template This option allows modification of a template input\n" . " name value pair. Use += to add VAL to the NAME's\n" . " value. Use -= to subtract and = to override the value.\n" . " -version Print the MPC version and exit.\n"; } sub optionError { #my $self = shift; #my $str = shift; } sub completion_command { my($self, $name, $types) = @_; my $str = "complete $name " . "'c/-/(gendot genins global include type template relative " . "ti static noreldefs notoplevel feature_file use_env " . "value_template value_project make_coexistence language " . "hierarchy exclude name_modifier apply_project version " . "expand_vars gfeature_file nocomments for_eclipse relative_file)/' " . "'c/dll:/f/' 'c/dll_exe:/f/' 'c/lib_exe:/f/' 'c/lib:/f/' " . "'n/-ti/(dll lib dll_exe lib_exe)/:' "; $str .= "'n/-language/("; my @keys = sort(Creator::validLanguages()); for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) { $str .= $keys[$i]; $str .= " " if ($i != $#keys); } $str .= ")/' 'n/-type/("; @keys = sort keys %$types; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) { $str .= $keys[$i]; $str .= " " if ($i != $#keys); } $str .= ")/'"; return $str; } sub options { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $types = shift; my $defaults = shift; my @args = @_; my @include; my @input; my @creators; my @baseprojs; my %ti; my %relative; my %addtemp; my %addproj; my @exclude; my $global; my $template; my $feature_f; my $gfeature_f; my $relative_f; my @features; my $nmodifier; my $into; my $hierarchy = 0; my $language = ($defaults ? Creator::defaultLanguage() : undef); my $dynamic = ($defaults ? 1 : undef); my $comments = ($defaults ? 1 : undef); my $reldefs = ($defaults ? 1 : undef); my $toplevel = ($defaults ? 1 : undef); my $use_env = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $expandvars = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $static = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $recurse = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $makeco = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $applypj = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $genins = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $gendot = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); my $foreclipse = ($defaults ? 0 : undef); ## Process the command line arguments for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#args; $i++) { my $arg = $args[$i]; $arg =~ s/^--/-/; if ($arg eq '-apply_project') { $applypj = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-complete') { print $self->completion_command($name, $types) . "\n"; return undef; } elsif ($arg eq '-base') { $i++; if (!defined $args[$i]) { $self->optionError('-base requires an argument'); } else { push(@baseprojs, $args[$i]); } } elsif ($arg eq '-type') { $i++; if (!defined $args[$i]) { $self->optionError('-type requires an argument'); } else { my $type = lc($args[$i]); if (defined $types->{$type}) { my $call = $types->{$type}; my $found = 0; foreach my $creator (@creators) { if ($creator eq $call) { $found = 1; last; } } push(@creators, $call) if (!$found); } else { $self->optionError("Invalid type: $args[$i]"); } } } elsif ($arg eq '-exclude') { $i++; if (defined $args[$i]) { foreach my $exclude (split(',', $args[$i])) { push(@exclude, DirectoryManager::mpc_glob(undef, $exclude)); } } else { $self->optionError('-exclude requires a ' . 'comma separated list argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-expand_vars') { $expandvars = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-feature_file') { $i++; $feature_f = $args[$i]; if (!defined $feature_f) { $self->optionError('-feature_file requires a file name argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-features') { $i++; if (defined $args[$i]) { @features = split(',', $args[$i]); } else { $self->optionError('-features requires a comma separated list argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-for_eclipse') { $foreclipse = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-gfeature_file') { $i++; $gfeature_f = $args[$i]; if (!defined $gfeature_f) { $self->optionError('-gfeature_file ' . 'requires a file name argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-relative_file') { $i++; $relative_f = $args[$i]; if (!defined $relative_f) { $self->optionError('-relative_file ' . 'requires a file name argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-gendot') { $gendot = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-genins') { $genins = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-global') { $i++; $global = $args[$i]; if (!defined $global) { $self->optionError('-global requires a file name argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-help') { $self->optionError(); } elsif ($arg eq '-hierarchy') { $hierarchy = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-include') { $i++; my $include = $args[$i]; if (!defined $include) { $self->optionError('-include requires a directory argument'); } else { ## If the specified include path is relative, expand it based on ## the current working directory. if ($include !~ /^[\/\\]/ && $include !~ /^[A-Za-z]:[\/\\]?/) { $include = DirectoryManager::getcwd() . '/' . $include; } push(@include, $include); } } elsif ($arg eq '-into') { $i++; $into = $args[$i]; if (!defined $into) { $self->optionError('-into requires a directory argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-language') { $i++; $language = $args[$i]; if (!defined $language) { $self->optionError('-language requires a language argument'); } elsif (!Creator::isValidLanguage($language)) { $self->optionError("$language is not a valid language"); } } elsif ($arg eq '-make_coexistence') { $makeco = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-name_modifier') { $i++; my $nmod = $args[$i]; if (!defined $nmod) { $self->optionError('-name_modifier requires a modifier argument'); } else { $nmodifier = $nmod; } } elsif ($arg eq '-nocomments') { $comments = 0; } elsif ($arg eq '-noreldefs') { $reldefs = 0; } elsif ($arg eq '-notoplevel') { $toplevel = 0; } elsif ($arg eq '-recurse') { $recurse = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-template') { $i++; $template = $args[$i]; if (!defined $template) { $self->optionError('-template requires a file name argument'); } } elsif ($arg eq '-relative') { $i++; my $rel = $args[$i]; if (!defined $rel) { $self->optionError('-relative requires a variable assignment argument'); } else { if ($rel =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { my $name = $1; my $val = $2; $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+$//; ## If the specified path is relative, expand it based on ## the current working directory. if ($val !~ /^[\/\\]/ && $val !~ /^[A-Za-z]:[\/\\]?/) { $val = DirectoryManager::getcwd() . '/' . $val; } ## Clean up the path as much as possible. For some reason, ## File::Spec->canonpath() on Windows doesn't remove trailing ## /. from the path. $relative{$name} = File::Spec->canonpath($val); $relative{$name} =~ s/\\/\//g; $relative{$name} =~ s!/\.$!!; } else { $self->optionError('Invalid argument to -relative'); } } } elsif ($arg eq '-ti') { $i++; my $tmpi = $args[$i]; if (!defined $tmpi) { $self->optionError('-ti requires a template input argument'); } else { if ($tmpi =~ /((dll|lib|dll_exe|lib_exe):)?(.*)/) { my $key = $2; my $name = $3; if (defined $key) { $ti{$key} = $name; } else { foreach my $type ('dll', 'lib', 'dll_exe', 'lib_exe') { $ti{$type} = $name; } } } else { $self->optionError("Invalid -ti argument: $tmpi"); } } } elsif ($arg eq '-use_env') { $use_env = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-value_template') { $i++; my $value = $args[$i]; if (!defined $value) { $self->optionError('-value_template requires a variable assignment argument'); } else { my @values; my $pc = new ProjectCreator(); if ($pc->parse_assignment($value, \@values)) { $addtemp{$values[1]} = [] if (!defined $addtemp{$values[1]}); ## The extra parameter (3rd) indicates that this value was ## specified on the command line. This "extra parameter" is ## used in ProjectCreator::update_template_variable(). push(@{$addtemp{$values[1]}}, [$values[0], $values[2], 1]); my $keywords = ProjectCreator::getKeywords(); if (defined $$keywords{$values[1]}) { $self->warning($values[1] . ' is a project keyword; you ' . 'should use -value_project instead.'); } } else { $self->optionError('Invalid argument to -value_template'); } } } elsif ($arg eq '-value_project') { $i++; my $value = $args[$i]; if (!defined $value) { $self->optionError('-value_project requires a variable assignment argument'); } else { my @values; my $pc = new ProjectCreator(); if ($pc->parse_assignment($value, \@values)) { $addproj{$values[1]} = [] if (!defined $addproj{$values[1]}); push(@{$addproj{$values[1]}}, [$values[0], $values[2]]); } else { $self->optionError('Invalid argument to -value_project'); } } } elsif ($arg eq '-version') { print 'MPC v', Version::get(), "\n"; return undef; } elsif ($arg eq '-static') { $static = 1; $dynamic = 0; } elsif ($arg =~ /^-/) { $self->optionError("Unknown option: $arg"); } else { push(@input, $arg); } } return {'global' => $global, 'feature_file' => $feature_f, 'gfeature_file' => $gfeature_f, 'relative_file' => $relative_f, 'features' => \@features, 'for_eclipse' => $foreclipse, 'include' => \@include, 'input' => \@input, 'comments' => $comments, 'creators' => \@creators, 'baseprojs' => \@baseprojs, 'template' => $template, 'ti' => \%ti, 'dynamic' => $dynamic, 'static' => $static, 'relative' => \%relative, 'reldefs' => $reldefs, 'toplevel' => $toplevel, 'recurse' => $recurse, 'addtemp' => \%addtemp, 'addproj' => \%addproj, 'make_coexistence' => $makeco, 'hierarchy' => $hierarchy, 'exclude' => \@exclude, 'name_modifier' => $nmodifier, 'apply_project' => $applypj, 'gendot' => $gendot, 'genins' => $genins, 'into' => $into, 'language' => $language, 'use_env' => $use_env, 'expand_vars' => $expandvars, }; } sub is_set { my($self, $key, $options) = @_; if (defined $options->{$key}) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($options->{$key}, 'ARRAY')) { return 'ARRAY' if (defined $options->{$key}->[0]); } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($options->{$key}, 'HASH')) { my @keys = keys %{$options->{$key}}; return 'HASH' if (defined $keys[0]); } else { return 'SCALAR'; } } return undef; } 1;