#include "ace/Monitor_Admin.h" #if defined (ACE_HAS_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK) && (ACE_HAS_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK == 1) #include "ace/Reactor.h" #include "ace/Monitor_Point_Registry.h" ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL namespace ACE { namespace Monitor_Control { int Monitor_Point_Auto_Updater::handle_timeout ( const ACE_Time_Value& /* current_time */, const void* monitor_point) { const Monitor_Base* const_mp = reinterpret_cast (monitor_point); Monitor_Base* mp = const_cast (const_mp); mp->update (); return 0; } //==================================================================== Monitor_Admin::Monitor_Admin (void) : reactor_ (ACE_Reactor::instance ()), default_reactor_ (true) {} Monitor_Admin::~Monitor_Admin (void) { if (this->default_reactor_) { /// Destroys the timers associated with our event handler /// before its destructor is called. ACE_Reactor::instance ()->close_singleton (); } /// We access the registry through ACE_Singleton, which /// doesn't call the destructor, so we call this method to /// do a remove_ref() on all monitor points left in the registry. /// which needs to be done before the registry goes away. Monitor_Point_Registry::instance ()->cleanup (); } bool Monitor_Admin::monitor_point (Monitor_Base* monitor_point, const ACE_Time_Value& time) { /// This call checks for a null monitor_point. bool good_reg_add = Monitor_Point_Registry::instance ()->add (monitor_point); if (!good_reg_add) { ACELIB_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "registration of %s failed\n", monitor_point->name ()), good_reg_add); } else if (time != ACE_Time_Value::zero) { this->reactor_->schedule_timer (&this->auto_updater_, monitor_point, ACE_Time_Value::zero, time); } return good_reg_add; } Monitor_Base* Monitor_Admin::monitor_point (const char* name) { ACE_CString name_str (name, 0, false); return Monitor_Point_Registry::instance ()->get (name_str); } void Monitor_Admin::auto_query (ACE_Event_Handler* handler, Monitor_Query* query, const ACE_Time_Value& time) { this->reactor_->schedule_timer (handler, query, ACE_Time_Value::zero, time); } void Monitor_Admin::reactor (ACE_Reactor* new_reactor) { this->reactor_ = new_reactor; this->default_reactor_ = false; } ACE_Reactor* Monitor_Admin::reactor (void) const { return this->reactor_; } } } ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif /* ACE_HAS_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK==1 */