// QoS_Decorator.cpp #include "QoS_Decorator.h" ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DEFINE(ACE_QOS_DECORATOR) // Constructor. ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base::ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base (void) {} // Constructor. ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base::ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler) : event_handler_ (event_handler) { } // Destructor. ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base::~ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base (void) { } // Forward the call to ACE_Event_Handler component. ACE_HANDLE ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base::get_handle () const { return this->event_handler_->get_handle (); } // Forward the call to ACE_Event_Handler component. int ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE fd) { return this->event_handler_->handle_input (fd); } // Forward the call to ACE_Event_Handler component. int ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base::handle_qos (ACE_HANDLE fd) { return this->event_handler_->handle_qos (fd); } // Constructor. ACE_QoS_Decorator::ACE_QoS_Decorator (void) {} // Constructor. ACE_QoS_Decorator::ACE_QoS_Decorator (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, ACE_QoS_Session *qos_session, ACE_Reactor *reactor) : qos_session_ (qos_session), reactor_ (reactor) { ACE_NEW (this->decorator_base_, ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base (event_handler)); ACE_NEW (this->qos_event_handler_, ACE_QoS_Event_Handler (this->decorator_base_)); } // Destructor. ACE_QoS_Decorator::~ACE_QoS_Decorator (void) { delete this->decorator_base_; delete this->qos_event_handler_; } // Implements the undecorated functionality. This is sufficient for // GQoS. RAPI needs additional QoS decoration. This is done by the // ACE_QoS_Event_Handler class. ACE_HANDLE ACE_QoS_Decorator::get_handle () const { return this->decorator_base_->get_handle (); } // Implements the undecorated functionality. This is sufficient for // GQoS. RAPI needs additional QoS decoration. This is done by the // ACE_QoS_Event_Handler class. int ACE_QoS_Decorator::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE fd) { return this->decorator_base_->handle_input (fd); } // Implements the undecorated functionality. This is sufficient for // GQoS. RAPI needs additional QoS decoration. This is done by the // ACE_QoS_Event_Handler class. int ACE_QoS_Decorator::handle_qos (ACE_HANDLE fd) { return this->decorator_base_->handle_qos (fd); } // This method registers the RAPI QoS event handler with the reactor // if the application is using RAPI. Note that it is a no-op for GQoS // because an extra socket for handling QoS events is not required. int ACE_QoS_Decorator::init (void) { #if defined (ACE_HAS_RAPI) // Pass the QoS session to QoS Event Handler. this->qos_event_handler_->qos_session (this->qos_session_); // Register the QoS Event Handler with the Reactor. return this->reactor_->register_handler (this->qos_event_handler_, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK); #endif return 0; } // Constructor. ACE_QoS_Event_Handler::ACE_QoS_Event_Handler (void) { } // Constructor. ACE_QoS_Event_Handler::ACE_QoS_Event_Handler (ACE_QoS_Decorator_Base *decorator_base) : decorator_base_ (decorator_base) { } // Destructor. ACE_QoS_Event_Handler::~ACE_QoS_Event_Handler (void) { } // Set the QoS session. void ACE_QoS_Event_Handler::qos_session (ACE_QoS_Session *qos_session) { this->qos_session_ = qos_session; } // Returns the RAPI file descriptor for listening to RAPI evnets. ACE_HANDLE ACE_QoS_Event_Handler::get_handle () const { return this->qos_session_->rsvp_events_handle (); } // Note, here the handle_input () calls the handle_qos () of the // Decorator Base which then calls handle_qos () of the // ACE_Event_Handler component within it. This helps to translate the // normal read events into qos events in case of RAPI so the // application using the API is oblivious to the fact that in RAPI, // QoS events are received on a different socket. This helps to // maintain a uniform design for the application irrespective of // whether it is using RAPI or GQoS. int ACE_QoS_Event_Handler::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE fd) { return this->decorator_base_->handle_qos (fd); } ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL