// -*- C++ -*- // Include ACE.h only if it hasn't already been included, e.g., if // ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_SOURCE, ACE.h won't have been pulled in by // String_Base.cpp. #ifndef ACE_ACE_H # include "ace/ACE.h" #endif /* !ACE_ACE_H */ #include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h" ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString::ACE_NS_WString (ACE_Allocator *alloc) : ACE_WString (alloc) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString::ACE_NS_WString (const ACE_WSTRING_TYPE *s, size_type len, ACE_Allocator *alloc) : ACE_WString (s, len, alloc) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString::ACE_NS_WString (const ACE_WSTRING_TYPE *s, ACE_Allocator *alloc) : ACE_WString (s, alloc) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString::ACE_NS_WString (size_type len, ACE_Allocator *alloc) : ACE_WString (len, 0, alloc) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString::ACE_NS_WString (const ACE_NS_WString &s) : ACE_WString (s) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString::ACE_NS_WString (ACE_WSTRING_TYPE c, ACE_Allocator *alloc) : ACE_WString (c, alloc) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString & ACE_NS_WString::operator = (const ACE_NS_WString &rhs) { ACE_WString::operator = (rhs); return *this; } ACE_INLINE ACE_NS_WString operator+ (const ACE_NS_WString &s, const ACE_NS_WString &t) { ACE_NS_WString temp (s); temp += t; return temp; } // ------------------------------------------------------- ACE_INLINE ACE_SString::~ACE_SString (void) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_SString ACE_SString::substr (size_type offset, size_type length) const { return this->substring (offset, length); } // Return the character in the string. ACE_INLINE char ACE_SString::operator[] (size_type slot) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::operator[]"); return this->rep_[slot]; } // Return the character in the string by reference. ACE_INLINE char & ACE_SString::operator[] (size_type slot) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::operator[]"); return this->rep_[slot]; } // Get the underlying pointer (does not make a copy, so beware!). ACE_INLINE const char * ACE_SString::rep (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::rep"); return this->rep_; } // Get the underlying pointer (does not make a copy, so beware!). ACE_INLINE const char * ACE_SString::fast_rep (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::fast_rep"); return this->rep_; } // Get the underlying pointer (does not make a copy, so beware!). ACE_INLINE const char * ACE_SString::c_str (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::c_str"); return this->rep_; } // Comparison operator. ACE_INLINE bool ACE_SString::operator== (const ACE_SString &s) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::operator=="); return this->len_ == s.len_ && ACE_OS::strcmp (this->rep_, s.rep_) == 0; } // Less than comparison operator. ACE_INLINE bool ACE_SString::operator < (const ACE_SString &s) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::operator <"); return (this->rep_ && s.rep_) ? ACE_OS::strcmp (this->rep_, s.rep_) < 0 : ((s.rep_) ? true : false); } // Greater than comparison operator. ACE_INLINE bool ACE_SString::operator > (const ACE_SString &s) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::operator >"); return (this->rep_ && s.rep_) ? ACE_OS::strcmp (this->rep_, s.rep_) > 0 : ((this->rep_) ? true : false ); } // Comparison operator. ACE_INLINE bool ACE_SString::operator!= (const ACE_SString &s) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::operator!="); return !(*this == s); } ACE_INLINE int ACE_SString::compare (const ACE_SString &s) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::compare"); return ACE_OS::strcmp (this->rep_, s.rep_); } ACE_INLINE ACE_SString::size_type ACE_SString::find (const char *s, size_type pos) const { char *substr = this->rep_ + pos; char *pointer = ACE_OS::strstr (substr, s); if (pointer == 0) return ACE_SString::npos; else return pointer - this->rep_; } ACE_INLINE ACE_SString::size_type ACE_SString::find (char c, size_type pos) const { char *substr = this->rep_ + pos; char *pointer = ACE_OS::strchr (substr, c); if (pointer == 0) return ACE_SString::npos; else return pointer - this->rep_; } ACE_INLINE ACE_SString::size_type ACE_SString::strstr (const ACE_SString &s) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::strstr"); return this->find (s.rep_); } ACE_INLINE ACE_SString::size_type ACE_SString::find (const ACE_SString &str, size_type pos) const { return this->find (str.rep_, pos); } ACE_INLINE ACE_SString::size_type ACE_SString::rfind (char c, size_type pos) const { if (pos == ACE_SString::npos) pos = this->len_; // Do not change to prefix operator! Proper operation of this loop // depends on postfix decrement behavior. for (size_type i = pos; i-- != 0; ) if (this->rep_[i] == c) return i; return ACE_SString::npos; } ACE_INLINE u_long ACE_SString::hash (void) const { return ACE::hash_pjw (this->rep_); } ACE_INLINE ACE_SString::size_type ACE_SString::length (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_SString::length"); return this->len_; } ACE_INLINE ACE_Auto_String_Free::ACE_Auto_String_Free (char* p) : p_ (p) { } ACE_INLINE ACE_Auto_String_Free::ACE_Auto_String_Free (ACE_Auto_String_Free& rhs) : p_ (rhs.p_) { rhs.p_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE void ACE_Auto_String_Free::reset (char* p) { #if defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOC_HOOKS) ACE_Allocator::instance()->free (this->p_); #else ACE_OS::free (this->p_); #endif /* ACE_HAS_ALLOC_HOOKS */ this->p_ = p; } ACE_INLINE ACE_Auto_String_Free& ACE_Auto_String_Free::operator= (ACE_Auto_String_Free& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { this->reset (rhs.p_); rhs.p_ = 0; } return *this; } ACE_INLINE ACE_Auto_String_Free::~ACE_Auto_String_Free (void) { this->reset (0); } ACE_INLINE char* ACE_Auto_String_Free::operator* (void) const { return this->p_; } ACE_INLINE char ACE_Auto_String_Free::operator[] (size_t i) const { return this->p_[i]; } ACE_INLINE char* ACE_Auto_String_Free::get (void) const { return this->p_; } ACE_INLINE char* ACE_Auto_String_Free::release (void) { char* p = this->p_; this->p_ = 0; return p; } ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL