// $Id$ #include "Options.h" #include "Binary_Search.h" #include "ace/Log_Msg.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" // This function is passed to qsort to perform the comparison between // login names for two friends. int Binary_Search::name_compare (const void *s1, const void *s2) { return ACE_OS::strcmp ((*(Protocol_Record **) s1)->key_name1_, (*(Protocol_Record **) s2)->key_name1_); } // Returns the next friend in the sequence of sorted friends. Note // that this function would be simplified if we expanded the iterator // interface to include an "initialize" and "next" function! Protocol_Record * Binary_Search::get_next_entry (void) { // Reset the iterator if we are starting from the beginning. if (this->current_ptr_ == 0) this->current_ptr_ = this->sorted_record_; // Now check to see if we've hit the end, in which case we set // things up for the next round! if (this->current_ptr_ < this->sorted_record_ + this->count_) return *this->current_ptr_++; else { this->current_ptr_ = 0; return 0; } } // An iterator, similar to Binary_Search::get_next_friend, though in // this case the friend records are returned in the order they // appeared in the friend file, rather than in sorted order. Also, we // skip over entries that don't have any hosts associated with them. Protocol_Record * Binary_Search::get_each_entry (void) { // Reset the iterator if we are starting from the beginning. if (this->current_index_ == -1) this->current_index_ = 0; // Now check to see if we've hit the end, in which case we set // things up for the next round! for (; this->current_index_ < this->count_; this->current_index_++) if (this->protocol_record_[this->current_index_].drwho_list_ != 0) return &this->protocol_record_[this->current_index_++]; this->current_index_ = -1; return 0; } Binary_Search::~Binary_Search (void) { if (Options::get_opt (Options::DEBUGGING)) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "disposing Binary_Search\n")); } // Used to initialize the values for the iterators... Binary_Search::Binary_Search (void) : current_ptr_ (0), current_index_ (0) { }