eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # doxygen-convert-h.pl is a script that would be used to convert old # documented style ACE/TAO header files to doxygen style. # TODO List: # (Search for @todo in this script) use File::Copy; use FileHandle; use Getopt::Std; ############################################################################## # Parse the options if (!getopts ('dDhsu') || $opt_h) { print "doxygen-convert-h.pl [-dDhsu] filenames or directories\n"; print "\n"; print " -d debug script\n"; print " -D really verbose debug\n"; print " -h display this help\n"; print " -s print result to stdout\n"; print " -u turn off file verification\n"; exit (1); } ## if verbose debug, also regular debug $opt_d = 1 if (defined $opt_D); ############################################################################## # Find the files @files = (); sub recursive_find { my($file) = shift; my(@rfiles) = (); my($fh) = new FileHandle(); if (opendir($fh, $file)) { foreach my $f (grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir($fh))) { if ($f ne '.svn') { my($full) = "$file/$f"; if (-d $full) { push(@rfiles, recursive_find($full)); } else { push(@rfiles, $full) if ($f =~ /\.(h|hxx|hpp|hh|inl|idl|cpp|cxx|cc|c|C)$/) ; } } } closedir($fh); } return @rfiles; } foreach $arg (@ARGV) { my @results = glob $arg; if ($#results < 0) { print STDERR "File not Found: $arg\n" } else { foreach my $result (@results) { if (-d $result) { push(@files, recursive_find($result)); } else { push(@files, $result); } } } } ############################################################################## # Subroutines used to change the file. $fail = 0; sub verify (@) { my (@contents) = @_; print "Verification\n" if (defined $opt_d); my $found_id = 0; my $found_filename = 0; foreach $line (@contents) { $found_id = 1 if ($line =~ /\$Id\:/); $found_filename = 1 if ($line =~ /\= FILENAME/); } return 0 if ($found_id == 1 && $found_filename == 1); # failed return 1; } sub format_description (@) { my (@description) = @_; my @after = (); my $line; if ($#description < 1) { foreach $line (@description) { $line =~ s/\/\// \* \@brief /; push @after, $line; } } else { foreach $line (@description) { $line =~ s/\/\// \*/; $line =~ s/\* /\* /; push @after, $line; } } return @after; } sub fix_file_header (@) { my (@before) = @_; my @after = (); my @description = (); my $id = "\$Id\$\n"; my $authors = ""; my $state = 'before'; ## state = before, filename, description, author, after, done print "Fixing File Header\n" if (defined $opt_d); LOOP: foreach $line (@before) { printf ("%10s %s", $state, $line) if (defined $opt_D); if ($state eq 'done') { push @after, $line; next LOOP; } if ($state eq 'before') { if ($line =~ /\-\*\- C\+\+ \-\*\-/) { push @after, $line; } elsif ($line =~ /\$Id\:(.*)\n/) { $id = "\$Id\:$1"; } elsif ($line =~ /===================/) { push @after, "//========================================". "=====================================\n"; push @after, "/**\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /\= FILENAME/) { $state = 'filename'; next LOOP; } elsif ($line !~ /^\s*\/\//) { push @after, $line; } } if ($state eq 'filename') { if ($line =~ /\/\/ (.+)/) { push @after, " * \@file $1\n"; push @after, " *\n"; push @after, " * $id\n"; push @after, " *\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /\= DESCRIPTION/) { $state = 'description'; next LOOP; } elsif ($line =~ /\= AUTHOR/) { $state = 'author'; next LOOP; } elsif ($line =~ /===================/) { $state = 'after'; ### Fall through so the after can put the ending in } } if ($state eq 'description') { if ($line =~ /\= AUTHOR/) { push @after, format_description (@description); @description = (); push @after, " *\n"; $state = 'author'; next LOOP; } elsif ($line =~ /===================/) { push @after, format_description (@description); @description = (); push @after, " *\n"; $state = 'after'; ### Fall through } push @description, $line; } if ($state eq 'author') { if ($line =~ /\/\/ (.+)\n/) { $authors .= $1; } elsif ($line =~ /===================/ || $line =~ /\= DESCRIPTION/) { ## print the authors if ($authors ne "") { @authors = split /\,/, $authors; foreach $author (@authors) { if ($author =~ /^ (.*)/) { $author = $1; } push @after, " * \@author $author\n"; } } if ($line =~ /\= DESCRIPTION/) { push @after, " *\n"; $state = 'description'; next LOOP; } else { $state = 'after'; ## Fall through } } } if ($state eq 'after') { if ($line =~ /===================/) { ## print the rest push @after, " */\n"; push @after, "//========================================". "=====================================\n"; push @after, "\n"; $state = 'done'; } next LOOP; } } return @after; } sub fix_class_headers (@) { my (@before) = @_; my @after = (); my @store = (); my $classname = ""; my $state = 'outside'; ## state = ## outside = not in class ## template = stored template line ## class = started collecting lines, in case of a class ## header = after a class foo, but before any methods print "Fixing class headers\n" if (defined $opt_d); LOOP: foreach $line (@before) { printf ("%10s %s", $state, $line) if (defined $opt_D); if ($state eq 'outside') { if ($line =~ /^\s*template/) { push @store, $line; $state = 'template'; next LOOP; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*class/) { $state = 'class'; ## Fall through } else { push @after, $line; } } if ($state eq 'template') { if ($line =~ /^\s*class/) { $state = 'class'; ## Fall through } else { push @after, @store; @store = (); push @after, $line; $state = 'outside'; next LOOP; } } if ($state eq 'class') { if ($line =~ /^\s*class(.*)\n/) { push @store, $line; my @s = split / /, $1; if ($s[1] =~ /export$/i) { $classname = $s[2]; } else { $classname = $s[1]; } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\{/) { push @store, $line; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\/\//) { $state = 'header'; ### Fall through } else { push @after, @store; @store = (); push @after, $line; $state = 'outside'; next LOOP; } } if ($state eq 'header') { if ($line =~ /^\s*\/\//) { push @headers, $line; } else { my $prefix = ''; $line =~ /^(\s*)[\w\/]/; ### used to get indent my $indent = $1; push @after, "$indent/**\n"; push @after, "$indent * \@class $classname\n"; foreach $header (@headers) { if ($header =~ /\= TITLE/) { push @after, "$indent *\n"; $prefix = "$indent * \@brief"; } elsif ($header =~ /\= DESCRIPTION/) { push @after, "$indent *\n"; $prefix = "$indent *"; } elsif ($header !~ /\/\/\s*\n/) { my $myline = $header; $myline =~ s/\s*\/\/\s*/$prefix /; push @after, $myline; $prefix = "$indent *"; } } push @after, "$indent */\n"; @headers = (); push @after, @store; push @after, $line; @store = (); $state = 'outside'; next LOOP; } } } return @after; } sub format_comment (@) { my (@comments) = @_; my @after = (); my $line; if ($#comments < 2) { foreach $line (@comments) { $line =~ s/\/\//\/\/\//; push @after, $line; } } else { my $line = $comments[0]; $line =~ /^(\s*)\//; my $indent = $1; push @after, "$indent/**\n"; foreach $line (@comments) { $line =~ s/\/\// */; push @after, $line; } push @after, "$indent */\n"; } return @after; } sub fix_class_members (@) { my (@before) = @_; my @after = (); my @method = (); my @comment = (); my $classfound = 0; my $classlevel = 0; my $level = 0; print "Fixing class methods\n" if (defined $opt_d); LOOP: foreach $line (@before) { if ($line =~ /\{/ && $line !~ /^\s*\/\//) { $level++; } if ($line =~ /^\s*class/ && $line !~ /\;/ && $level == $classlevel) { $classlevel++; } if ($line =~ /\}/ && $line !~ /^\s*\/\//) { if ($classlevel == $level) { $classlevel--; } $level--; } printf ("%2d%2d", $level, $classlevel) if (defined $opt_D); if ($level == $classlevel && $level > 0) { if ($line =~ /^\s*public/ || $line =~ /^\s*private/ || $line =~ /\s*protected/ || $line =~ /^\s*\n$/ || $line =~ /^\s*\{/ || $line =~ /^\s*\}/ || $line =~ /^\s*\#/) { push @after, format_comment (@comment); push @after, @method; @comment = (); @method = (); print " $line" if (defined $opt_D); push @after, $line; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\/\//) { print "C $line" if (defined $opt_D); if ($#method >= 0) { push @comment, $line; } else { push @after, $line; } } else { print "M $line" if (defined $opt_D); push @method, $line; } } else { push @after, format_comment (@comment); push @after, @method; @comment = (); @method = (); print " $line" if (defined $opt_D); push @after, $line; } } if ($level > 0 || $classlevel > 0) { $fail = 1; $failmessage = "Brace level recognition failed" } return @after; } ############################################################################## # Read in the files. FILELOOP: foreach $file (@files) { print "\n" if (defined $opt_d); print "$file\n"; print "\n" if (defined $opt_d); $fail = 0; my @contents = (); ### Read file into @contents print "Reading\n" if (defined $opt_d); unless (open (FILE, "<$file")) { print STDERR "$file: $!\n"; next FILELOOP; } @contents = ; close (FILE); ### Verify file print "Verifying file\n" if (defined $opt_d); if (!defined $opt_u) { if (verify (@contents) == 1) { print "$file did not pass verification\n"; next FILELOOP; } elsif (defined $opt_d) { print "Passed verification\n"; } } ### Fix up parts of it print "Fixing file\n" if (defined $opt_d); @contents = fix_file_header (@contents); @contents = fix_class_headers (@contents); @contents = fix_class_members (@contents); if ($fail != 0) { print "$file: $failmessage\n"; } else { if (defined $opt_s) { print @contents; } elsif (!defined $opt_D) { ### Save @contents back to the file print "Saving\n" if (defined $opt_d); unless (open (FILE, ">$file")) { print STDERR "$file: $!\n"; next FILELOOP; } foreach $line (@contents) { print FILE $line; } close (FILE); } } }