#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script implements branching and tagging in the DOC group repository, and automates the process of creating sets. """ import os def parse_args (): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser ("usage: %prog [options] name") parser.add_option ("-A", "--ACE", dest="project", action="store_const", help="Branch/tag only ACE", default=None, const="ace") parser.add_option ("-T", "--TAO", dest="project", action="store_const", help="Branch/tag ACE and TAO", default=None, const="tao") parser.add_option ("-C", "--CIAO", dest="project", action="store_const", help="Branch/tag ACE, TAO, and CIAO", default=None, const="ciao") parser.add_option ("-t", "--tag", dest="action", help="Create a tag", action="store_true", default=None) parser.add_option ("-b", "--branch", dest="action", action="store_false", help="Create a branch", default=None) parser.add_option ("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Print out verbose debugging output", default=False) parser.add_option ("-s", "--svn", dest="svn", default="svn", help="Full path to svn binary, if not in path") parser.add_option ("-r", "--repo", dest="repo", default="https://svn.dre.vanderbilt.edu/DOC/Middleware/", help="Repository to use, defaults to s.d.v.e/DOC/Middleware.") parser.add_option ("--src", dest="source", default="trunk/", help="Path in repository from which to branch, defaults to trunk") parser.add_option ("--dest", dest="dest", default="", help="Specifies a subdirectory of branches or tags in which " + "to place the new branch/tag. dest must already exist.") parser.add_option ("-n", dest="take_action", action="store_false", default=True, help="Take no action") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args () if len(args) != 1: parser.error ("must specify exactly one branch or tag name") if opts.action is None: parser.error ("must specify either a branch or tag action") if opts.project is None: parser.error ("must specify a project to branch") return (opts, args) def execute (command): from os import system if opts.verbose: print "executing " + command if opts.take_action and os.system (command) != 0: raise Exception ("Command failed: " + command) def svn_copy (source, dest): command = " ".join ([opts.svn, "copy", '-m "branching/tagging"', source, dest]) execute (command) def svn_propset (path, prop, value): temp = open ("sets_manager_props.tmp", 'w') temp.write (value) temp.close () command = " ".join ([opts.svn, "propset", prop, "-F sets_manager_props.tmp", path]) execute (command) os.unlink ("sets_manager_props.tmp") def svn_mkdir (path): command = " ".join ([opts.svn, "mkdir", '-m "branching/tagging"', path]) execute (command) def svn_mkdir_local (path): command = " ".join ([opts.svn, "mkdir", path]) execute (command) def get_head_revision (url): command = " ".join ([opts.svn, "info", url]) import re lineregex = re.compile ("Last Changed Rev: (\d+)") for line in os.popen (command).readlines (): match = lineregex.match (line) if (match is not None): return int(match.group (1)) print "ERROR: Unable to find current MPC head revision" raise Exception def branch_ACE (): # Perform branching destination = opts.repo + opts.dest svn_copy (opts.repo + opts.source + "/ACE", destination + "modules/ACE") # pin MPC revision # Need local copy of the ACE directory to to the propset # execute ("svn up -N " + opts.repo + path + "/modules/ACE sets_manager_temp/module_ACE") execute ("svn up -N sets_manager_temp/modules/ACE") mpc_rev = get_head_revision ("svn://svn.dre.vanderbilt.edu/DOC/MPC/trunk") svn_propset ("sets_manager_temp/modules/ACE", "svn:externals", "%s\t-r %d %s" % ("MPC", mpc_rev, "svn://svn.dre.vanderbilt.edu/DOC/MPC/trunk")) #Create the set svn_mkdir_local ("sets_manager_temp/sets/ACE") svn_propset ("sets_manager_temp/sets/ACE", "svn:externals", "%s\t%s" % ("ACE_wrappers", destination + "modules/ACE")) def branch_TAO (): branch_ACE () # Perform branching destination = opts.repo + opts.dest svn_copy (opts.repo + opts.source + "/TAO", destination + "modules/TAO") #Create the set svn_mkdir_local ("sets_manager_temp/sets/ACE+TAO") svn_propset ("sets_manager_temp/sets/ACE+TAO", "svn:externals", "%s\t%s\n%s\t%s" % ("ACE_wrappers", destination + "modules/ACE", "ACE_wrappers/TAO", destination + "modules/TAO")) def branch_CIAO (): branch_TAO () #Perform branching destination = opts.repo + opts.dest svn_copy (opts.repo + opts.source + "/CIAO", destination + "modules/CIAO") # Create the set svn_mkdir_local ("sets_manager_temp/sets/ACE+TAO+CIAO") svn_propset ("sets_manager_temp/sets/ACE+TAO+CIAO", "svn:externals", "%s\t%s\n%s\t%s\n%s\t%s" % ("ACE_wrappers", destination + "modules/ACE", "ACE_wrappers/TAO", destination + "modules/TAO", "ACE_wrappers/TAO/CIAO", destination + "modules/CIAO")) def main (opts, args): # Lets make opts global globals ()['opts'] = opts path = str () if opts.action: # True for tag path = "tags/" else: # Branch path = "branches/" path += "%s/%s" % (opts.dest, args[0]) # Make branch/tag directory svn_mkdir (opts.repo + path) execute ("svn co " + opts.repo + path + " sets_manager_temp") # Make modules and sets subdirectory svn_mkdir_local ("sets_manager_temp/modules") svn_mkdir_local ("sets_manager_temp/sets") # commit the new directories execute ('svn commit -m "branching/tagging" sets_manager_temp') # opts.dest should now be set to path, all of the branching # functions assume dest now points to the branch/tag in which # the copies should be places opts.dest = path + '/' {'ace': branch_ACE, 'tao': branch_TAO, 'ciao': branch_CIAO}[opts.project] () # Commit the sets directory execute ('svn commit -m "branching/tagging" sets_manager_temp') # remove the sets directory for root, dirs, files in os.walk ('sets_manager_temp', False): for name in files: os.remove (os.path.join (root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir (os.path.join (root, name)) if __name__ == "__main__": opts, args = parse_args () main (opts, args)