#!/usr/bin/python import sys import re import os import string print """WARNING: this script is dumb. I mean, really, really dumb. Every file is treated as a text file, so if you are checking in any binary files, YOU MUST set a non-text MIME type by hand, otherwise it WILL be corrupted by the checkout process. A better approach will be to add the unmatched files to the config file in ACE/docs/svn/config (and update yours!) so others won't have to put up with them in the future. To use this program, copy and paste the output from the svn command into standard input. """ foo = raw_input("That being said, if you want to continue, press enter") sin, sout = os.popen2 ("svn info") sin.close () os.wait () url = "" root = "" path = "" for line in sout.readlines (): if line.startswith ("URL: "): url = line.replace ("URL: ", "")[:-1] if line.startswith ("Repository Root: "): root = line.replace ("Repository Root: ", "")[:-1] path = url.replace (root, "")[1:] + '/' files = "" eol_style = " svn ps svn:eol-style native " keywords = " svn ps svn:keywords 'Author Date Id Revision' " for line in sys.stdin.readlines (): ln = line[0:line.find (':')] + ' ' ln = ln.replace (path,"") os.system (eol_style + ln) os.system (keywords + ln)