// -*- C++ -*- #include "ace/svc_export.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #include "ace/Service_Config.h" #include "ace/Reactor.h" #include "ace/Service_Object.h" class ACE_Svc_Export Timer_Service_1 : public ACE_Service_Object { // = TITLE // Demonstrates a simple timer service that can be configured // statically. public: Timer_Service_1 (void); // Default constructor. virtual int init (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]); // Initialization hook. virtual int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &, const void *); // Timeout hook. virtual int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask); // Close hook. protected: ACE_TCHAR name_[BUFSIZ]; // Keep track of which service this is! private: enum { TIMEOUT = 4, // Wait 4 seconds between timeouts MAX_TIMEOUTS = 10 // Don't timeout for more than 10 times. }; int max_timeouts_; // Maximum number of timeouts before shutting down the test. int cur_timeouts_; // Current number of timeouts. }; class ACE_Svc_Export Timer_Service_2 : public Timer_Service_1 { public: Timer_Service_2 (void); // Default constructor. }; class ACE_Svc_Export Timer_Service_3 : public Timer_Service_1 { public: Timer_Service_3 (void); // Default constructor. }; // Declare both static and dynamic services. ACE_STATIC_SVC_DECLARE_EXPORT (ACE_Svc, Timer_Service_1) ACE_SVC_FACTORY_DECLARE (Timer_Service_1) ACE_SVC_FACTORY_DECLARE (Timer_Service_2) ACE_SVC_FACTORY_DECLARE (Timer_Service_3)