# -*- Makefile -*- # TODO: # - per-source-file flag_overrides (gnu.mpd) # Include this file from platform_macros.GNU to build with sh and GNU make # and the Visual C++ compiler and linker. # Tested with the MSYS shell and make from msysCORE-1.0.11-20080826.tar.gz and # the Visual C++ 9 toolchain (Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition) - SP1. # Assuming the msysCORE archive is extracted to c:\msys... # Start the Visual C++ Command Prompt # Set ACE_ROOT (TAO_ROOT, CIAO_ROOT, DDS_ROOT) # Add C:\msys\bin to PATH along with %ACE_ROOT%\lib and %ACE_ROOT%\bin # If necessary, generate GNUmakefiles with MPC (set MPC_ROOT, use -type gnuace) # Run "make" # - library naming # - dynamic: ACE.dll, ACE.lib is the "import library" # - static: ACE.lib # - no "s" suffix added for static, so static and dynamic can't coexist # - no other modifiers are added to the name (no ACEd.dll, ACEmfc.dll) # - user-customizable make variables # - everything in the "Defaults" section (plus inline) # - SUBSYSTEM: defaults to CONSOLE for exes, WINDOWS for libs # - CRT_TYPE: defaults to D (dynamic) for shared libs, T (static) for static # Defaults debug ?= 1 optimize ?= 0 #inline determined below, defaults to !debug CPU ?= X86 winnt ?= 1 winregistry ?= 1 wfmo ?= 1 qos ?= 1 # Programs CC = cl CXX = $(CC) RC = rc LD = link DLD = $(LD) AR = $(LD) # File naming EXEEXT = .exe SOEXT = dll OBJEXT = obj LIBEXT = lib LIB_PREFIX = versioned_so = 0 # Need forward slashes for paths going through sh.exe ACE_ROOT := $(subst \,/,$(ACE_ROOT)) # Options PIC = CC_OUTPUT_FLAG = -Fo CC_OUTPUT_FLAG_SEP = CPPFLAGS += -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE CFLAGS += -Zc:wchar_t -nologo -W3 -EHsc -GR -wd4355 -Fd$(INTDIR) ARFLAGS = -lib -nologo -machine:$(CPU) MSVC_LDFLAGS = -incremental:no -nologo -subsystem:$(SUBSYSTEM) -machine:$(CPU) ifeq (,$(BIN_UNCHECKED)) SUBSYSTEM ?= WINDOWS else SUBSYSTEM ?= CONSOLE REALCLEAN_FILES += $(BIN).manifest $(BIN_UNCHECKED).pdb endif ifeq (1,$(optimize)) CFLAGS += -O2 else CFLAGS += -Ob0 endif ifeq (1,$(static_libs_only)) static_libs = 1 endif ifeq (1,$(static_libs)) shared_libs = 0 shared_libs_only = 0 CRT_TYPE ?= T INTDIR = $(VDIR) else static_libs = 0 static_libs_only = 0 CRT_TYPE ?= D ifneq (,$(BIN_UNCHECKED)) INTDIR = $(VDIR) else INTDIR = $(VSHDIR) endif MSVC_IMPLIB = $(LIB_NAME).lib MSVC_DLLFLAGS += -dll -implib:$(MSVC_IMPLIB) REALCLEAN_FILES += $(LIB_NAME).dll $(INSLIB)/$(LIB_NAME).dll $(LIB_NAME).exp REALCLEAN_FILES += $(LIB_NAME).dll.manifest endif ifneq (,$(LIB_NAME)) REALCLEAN_FILES += $(LIB_NAME).lib $(INSLIB)/$(LIB_NAME).lib $(LIB_NAME).pdb endif ifeq (1,$(debug)) CPPFLAGS += -D_DEBUG CFLAGS += -Zi -M$(CRT_TYPE)d -Gy -Gm inline ?= 0 MSVC_LDFLAGS += -DEBUG MSVC_DLLFLAGS += -pdb:$(subst dll,pdb,$@) MSVC_EXEFLAGS += -pdb:$(subst exe,pdb,$@) else CPPFLAGS += -DNDEBUG CFLAGS += -M$(CRT_TYPE) inline ?= 1 endif CCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) RC_INCLUDE_FLAG = -I RC_OUTPUT_FLAG = -fo SYSTEMLIBS += advapi32.lib user32.lib iphlpapi.lib MSVC_LINK = $(LD) $(SYSTEMLIBS) $(MSVC_LDFLAGS) $(patsubst %\,%,$(patsubst -L%,-libpath:%, $(subst /,\,$(LDFLAGS)))) $(patsubst -l%,%.lib,$(ACE_SHLIBS)) $(LIBS) -out:$@ define SOLINK.cc.override $(MSVC_LINK) $(MSVC_DLLFLAGS) $^ mt -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@\;2 @if test . != $(INSLIB) -a $(call PWD) != $(INSLIB) -a -r $(MSVC_IMPLIB) ; then \ cp $(MSVC_IMPLIB) $(INSLIB) ; \ fi endef define LINK.cc.override $(MSVC_LINK) $(MSVC_EXEFLAGS) $(filter-out %.lib,$(filter-out %.a,$^)) $(patsubst -l%,%.lib,$(VLDLIBS)) $(POSTLINK) @if test -r $@.manifest ; then \ mt -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@\;1 ; \ fi endef AR.cc.override = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) -out:$@ $^ $(AREXTRA) #this is not mingw32, but the makefiles in ACE should act like it is mingw32 = 1