// $Id$ #include "ace/OS_main.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" #include "ace/ACE.h" #include "ace/Task_T.h" #include "ace/Get_Opt.h" #include "ace/High_Res_Timer.h" #include "ace/Sched_Params.h" #include "ace/Profile_Timer.h" #include "../Latency_Stats.h" static size_t number_of_messages = 100; static size_t message_size = 100; static size_t number_of_threads = 10; static size_t burst_size = 10; static size_t timeout_between_bursts = 1; static size_t leader_available = 0; static size_t messages_in_this_burst = 0; static size_t total_messages_consumed = 0; static size_t burst = 1; static ACE_hrtime_t start_of_burst; enum DEBUGGING_RANGE { DEBUG_NONE = 0, DEFAULT = 1, PRINT_INDIVIDUAL_LATENCY = 2 }; static DEBUGGING_RANGE debug = DEBUG_NONE; typedef ACE_Task TASK; class Leader_Follower_Task : public TASK { public: Leader_Follower_Task (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &mutex, ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION &condition); int svc (void); size_t messages_consumed_; ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &mutex_; ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION &condition_; Latency_Stats latency_stats_; Throughput_Stats throughput_stats_; }; Leader_Follower_Task::Leader_Follower_Task (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &mutex, ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION &condition) : messages_consumed_ (0), mutex_ (mutex), condition_ (condition) { } int Leader_Follower_Task::svc (void) { for (;;) { { ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->mutex_, -1); // Wait until there is no leader. while (leader_available) { int result = this->condition_.wait (); if (result == -1) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Leader_Follower_Task::svc (%t) -> %p\n", "wait error"), -1); } } // I am the leader. leader_available = 1; // // We are letting go of the leader follower lock before going // in the event loop. // } // // It is ok to modify these shared variables without a lock // since we are the only leader. // int exit_loop = 0; if (number_of_messages == 0) { exit_loop = 1; } else { if (messages_in_this_burst == burst_size) { ++burst; messages_in_this_burst = 0; ACE_Time_Value tv (0, timeout_between_bursts); ACE_OS::sleep (tv); } if (messages_in_this_burst == 0) { start_of_burst = ACE_OS::gethrtime (); } --number_of_messages; // Burst counter. ++messages_in_this_burst; // Global counter. ++total_messages_consumed; // Local counter. ++this->messages_consumed_; if (debug) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) burst %d: message %d; overall message %d; message for this thread %d\n", burst, messages_in_this_burst, total_messages_consumed, this->messages_consumed_)); } } { ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->mutex_, -1); // I am no longer the leader. leader_available = 0; // Wake up a follower. this->condition_.signal (); } if (exit_loop) { break; } else { // // Process message here. // for (size_t j = 0; j < message_size; ++j) { // Eat a little CPU /* takes about 40.2 usecs on a 167 MHz Ultra2 */ u_long n = 11UL; ACE::is_prime (n, 2, n / 2); } // // Record stats for this message. // ACE_hrtime_t latency_from_start_of_burst = ACE_OS::gethrtime () - start_of_burst; this->latency_stats_.sample (latency_from_start_of_burst); this->throughput_stats_.sample (); if (debug >= PRINT_INDIVIDUAL_LATENCY) { #ifndef ACE_LACKS_LONGLONG_T ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) latency from start of burst: %Q\n", latency_from_start_of_burst)); #else ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) latency from start of burst: %u\n", latency_from_start_of_burst.lo())); #endif } } } return 0; } static int parse_args (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { ACE_Get_Opt get_opt (argc, argv, ACE_TEXT ("m:s:w:b:t:d:")); int c; while ((c = get_opt ()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'm': number_of_messages = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; case 's': message_size = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; case 'w': number_of_threads = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; case 'b': burst_size = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; case 't': timeout_between_bursts = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; case 'd': debug = static_cast (ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ())); break; default: ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "usage: %s\n" "\t[-m number of messages]\n" "\t[-s message size]\n" "\t[-w number of threads]\n" "\t[-b burst size]\n" "\t[-t timeout between bursts]\n" "\t[-d debug]\n", argv[0]), -1); } } return 0; } int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { int result = parse_args (argc, argv); if (result != 0) { return result; } move_to_rt_class (); ACE_High_Res_Timer::calibrate (); ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX mutex; ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION condition (mutex); // Leader Followers. Leader_Follower_Task **leader_followers = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (leader_followers, Leader_Follower_Task *[number_of_threads], -1); ACE_Profile_Timer timer; timer.start (); int priority = (ACE_Sched_Params::priority_min (ACE_SCHED_FIFO) + ACE_Sched_Params::priority_max (ACE_SCHED_FIFO)) / 2; long flags = THR_BOUND | THR_SCHED_FIFO; // Create and activate them. size_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < number_of_threads; ++i) { ACE_NEW_RETURN (leader_followers[i], Leader_Follower_Task (mutex, condition), -1); // Activate the leader_followers. result = leader_followers[i]->activate (flags, 1, 1, priority); if (result != 0) { flags = THR_BOUND; priority = ACE_Sched_Params::priority_min (ACE_SCHED_OTHER, ACE_SCOPE_THREAD); result = leader_followers[i]->activate (flags, 1, 1, priority); if (result != 0) { return result; } } } // Wait for all threads to terminate. result = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->wait (); timer.stop (); ACE_Rusage rusage; timer.elapsed_rusage (rusage); Latency_Stats latency; Throughput_Stats throughput; for (i = 0; i < number_of_threads; ++i) { latency.accumulate (leader_followers[i]->latency_stats_); throughput.accumulate (leader_followers[i]->throughput_stats_); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Thread[%d]: ", i)); leader_followers[i]->throughput_stats_.dump_results (ACE_TEXT(""), ACE_TEXT("")); } ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nTotals for latency:\n")); latency.dump_results (argv[0], ACE_TEXT("latency")); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nTotals for throughput:\n")); throughput.dump_results (argv[0], ACE_TEXT("throughput")); #if defined(ACE_HAS_PRUSAGE_T) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\n(%t) Context switches %d/%d\n", rusage.pr_vctx, rusage.pr_ictx)); #endif /* ACE_HAS_PRUSAGE_T */ for (i = 0; i < number_of_threads; ++i) { delete leader_followers[i]; } delete[] leader_followers; return result; }