/** -*- HTML-Helper -*- $Id$ @mainpage ACEXML - A Small and Portable XML Parser @section acexml_synopsis Synopsis ACEXML is a small footprint and portable framework for integrating XML parsing ability into user applications. The framework is based on the Simple API for XML (SAX 2.0) by David Megginson. A simple non-conformant XML parser is also included in the framework. Since our original motivation was to use the parser for specifying software composition and configuration descriptors, at the current stage, the parser does not fully support all the features specified in the XML specification. We do, however, plan to add more features to the parser and will either release a more versatile parser or allow the current parser to dynamically load in the extra features in the future. @section acexml_features Features of ACEXML @section acexml_others Other Topics
  1. @ref acexml_parser_features
  2. @ref acexml_guides
  3. @ref acexml_bugs
  4. @ref acexml_todo