/* -*-C++-*- */ // $Id$ #ifndef OCTET_CLS_ #define OCTET_CLS_ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // asnmp // // = FILENAME // octet.h // // = DESCRIPTION // This class is fully contained and does not rely on or any other // SNMP libraries. This class is portable across any platform // which supports C++. // // = AUTHOR // Peter E Mellquist / design/original code // Michael R. MacFaden / modified for ACE, added suboid(),collapse ctor's // // ============================================================================ /*=================================================================== Copyright (c) 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company ATTENTION: USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "AS-IS without warranty of any kind,either express or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based upon this software code base. =====================================================================*/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "asnmp/smival.h" class ACE_Export OctetStr: public SnmpSyntax // = TITLE // Implement RFC1155 Octet SMI data object { public: OctetStr( const char *string = "", long size = -1); // construct octet from byte buffer, assume c style string if size == -1 OctetStr ( const OctetStr &octet); // constructor using another octet object ~OctetStr(); // destructor SmiUINT32 get_syntax(); // syntax type void set_data( const SmiBYTE* string, long int size = -1); // set octet from byte buffer, assume c style string if size == -1 OctetStr& operator=( const char *string); // assignment to a string operator overloaded OctetStr& operator=( const OctetStr &octet); // assignment to another oid object overloaded friend int operator==( const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs); // equivlence operator overloaded friend int operator!=( const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs); // not equivlence operator overloaded friend int operator<( const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs); // less than < overloaded friend int operator<=( const OctetStr &lhs,const OctetStr &rhs); // less than <= overloaded friend int operator>( const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs); // greater than > overloaded friend int operator>=( const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs); // greater than >= overloaded friend int operator==( const OctetStr &lhs,const char *rhs); // equivlence operator overloaded friend int operator!=( const OctetStr &lhs,const char *rhs); // not equivlence operator overloaded friend int operator<( const OctetStr &lhs,const char *rhs); // less than < operator overloaded friend int operator<=( const OctetStr &lhs,char *rhs); // less than <= operator overloaded friend int operator>( const OctetStr &lhs,const char *rhs); // greater than > operator overloaded friend int operator>=( const OctetStr &lhs,const char *rhs); // greater than >= operator overloaded OctetStr& operator+=( const char *a); // append operator, appends a string OctetStr& operator+=( const char c); // appends an int OctetStr& operator+=( const OctetStr& octetstr); // append one octetStr to another SmiBYTE& operator[]( int position); // for non const [], allows reading and writing int left_comparison( const long n, const OctetStr &o) const; // compare the n leftmost bytes (left-to-right) // returns 0, equal // returns -1, < // returns 1 , > size_t length() const ; // return the len of the oid int valid() const; // returns validity SmiBYTE *data() const; // returns pointer to internal data char *to_string(); // get a printable ASCII value char *to_string_hex(); // get an ASCII formattted hex dump of the contents SnmpSyntax *clone() const; // create a new instance of this Value SnmpSyntax& operator=( SnmpSyntax &val); // copy an instance of this Value protected: //----[ instance variables ] char *output_buffer; // formatted Octet value int validity; // validity boolean }; #endif // OCTET_CLS_