/* -*-C++-*- */ #ifndef VB_CLS_ #define VB_CLS_ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // asnmp // // = FILENAME // vb.h // // = DESCRIPTION // This module contains the class definition for the variable binding (VB) // class. The VB class is an encapsulation of a SNMP VB. A VB object is // composed of one SNMP++ Oid and one SMI value. The Vb class utilizes Oid // objects and thus requires the Oid class. To use this class, // set oid, value then call valid() to be sure object was constructed correctly. // // = AUTHOR // Peter E Mellquist // ============================================================================ /*=================================================================== Copyright (c) 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company ATTENTION: USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "AS-IS without warranty of any kind,either express or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based upon this software code base. =====================================================================*/ //----[ external calls ]---------------------------------------------- #include "ace/OS.h" #include "asnmp/smival.h" #include "asnmp/snmperrs.h" // V2c error def #include "asnmp/oid.h" // oid class def #include "asnmp/timetick.h" // time ticks #include "asnmp/counter.h" // counter #include "asnmp/gauge.h" // gauge class #include "asnmp/ctr64.h" // 64 bit counters #include "asnmp/octet.h" // octet class #include "asnmp/address.h" // address class def #include "asnmp/integer.h" // integer class //------------[ VB Class Def ]------------------------------------- // The Vb class is the encapsulation of the SNMP variable binding. // Variable binding lists in SNMP++ are represented as arrays of // Vb objects. Vb objects are passed to and from SNMP objects to // provide getting or setting MIB values. // The vb class keeps its own memory for objects and does not // utilize pointers to external data structures. // class ACE_Export Vb // = TITLE // Implement the concrete Variable Bindings aka Varbind // composite type. Varbinds hold 1 Oid and 1 Value (Any SMI value) { public: Vb( void); // constructor with no arguments // makes an vb, unitialized (does not make object valid) Vb( const Oid &oid); // constructor to initialize the oid // makes a vb with oid portion initialized (does not make object valid) Vb( const Oid& vb, const SnmpSyntax &val, const SmiUINT32=SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS); // constructor to initialize the oid // makes a vb with oid portion and value portion initialized, (valid) Vb( const Vb &vb); // copy constructor ~Vb(); // destructor // if the vb has a oid or an octect string then // the associated memory needs to be freed int valid() const; // return validity of Vb object (both oid and value set return 1 else 0) Vb& operator=( const Vb &vb); // assignment to another Vb object overloaded friend int operator==( const Vb &lhs, const Vb &rhs); // equivlence operator overloaded //-----[ set oid / get oid part]------------------------------------------ void set_oid( const Oid& oid); // set value oid only with another oid void get_oid( Oid &oid) const; // get oid portion //-----[ set value part]-------------------------------------------------- void set_null(); // set a Vb null, if its not already void set_value( const TimeTicks& ticks); // returns 0 on success and a value void set_value( const Oid& oid); // returns 0 on success and a value void set_value( const Counter32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value void set_value( const Counter64& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value void set_value( const Gauge32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value void set_value( const SnmpUInt32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value void set_value( const SnmpInt32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value void set_value( const OctetStr& oct_str); // get an octet string object //----[ get value ]------------------------------------------------ int get_value( TimeTicks& ticks); // returns 0 on success and a value int get_value( Oid& oid); // returns 0 on success and a value int get_value( Counter32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value int get_value( Counter64& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value int get_value( Gauge32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value int get_value( SnmpUInt32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value int get_value( SnmpInt32& ctr); // returns 0 on success and a value int get_value( OctetStr& oct_str); // get an octet string object // escape hatch void set_value( const SnmpSyntax &val); // for other derived types that can be casted int get_value( SnmpSyntax &val); // gets a general value SmiUINT32 get_syntax(); // return the current syntax // Or.. if a V2 VB exception is present then return the exception value friend void set_exception_status( Vb *vb, const SmiUINT32 status); // set the exception status char *to_string(); // return fomatted version of this object char *to_string_value(); // returns a formatted version of the value char *to_string_oid(); // returns a formatted version of the value protected: char *output_; // display vb as [ oid / value ] Oid iv_vb_oid_; // a vb is made up of a oid SnmpSyntax *iv_vb_value_; // and a value... SmiUINT32 exception_status_; // are there any vb exceptions?? void free_vb(); }; #endif // VB_CLS_