Building CORBA Compiler Framework (CCF) Libraries

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisite Libraries
  2. Configuring the Build Environment
  3. Building CORBA Compiler Framework (CCF)

Prerequisite Libraries

Debian GNU/Linux [i386.deb]

You will need to install the following packages from the Debian package repository:

  1. libboost-dev-1.30.2-2 or better
  2. libboost-regex-dev-1.30.2-2 or better

Additionally, you will need to download and and install

  1. libutility_1.2.2-1_i386.deb
  2. libutility-dev_1.2.2-1_i386.deb
For example, if you downloaded them into /tmp then to install you can issue these commands:

$ cd /tmp
$ dpkg -i libutility*.deb

RedHat OS family [i386.rpm]

You will need to install the following RedHat packages:

  1. boost-devel-1.30.2-2.i386.rpm
  2. Utility-1.2.2-3.i386.rpm

For example, if you downloaded them into /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 then to install you can issue these commands:

$ cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
$ rpm -Uhv boost-devel-1.30.2-2.i386.rpm
$ rpm -Uhv Utility-1.2.2-3.i386.rpm

Other GNU/Linux or UNIX Distributions & Windows


On the Lunix/UNIX platforms, you can use any standard-conformant C++ compiler. We recommend you use the lastest stable release of the GNU C++ compiler.

On the Windows platform, VC++ 7.1 or better is required to build CCF. We do not support VC++ 6 or VC++ 7.0.

Boost Libraries

In order to build CCF you will need the following libraries from the Boost distribution:

  1. regex
  2. filesystem
  3. spirit parser framework

There are two commonly used ways to obtain those libraries: you can get precompiled binaries from your system distributor or download source code and compile it yourself. The first approach is recommended where available and if you got precompiled binaries then you can skip the rest of this section.

If you choose to compile Boost Libraries yourself please refer to the Boost Building Instructions. Please remember the install locations of the boost libraries because they will be needed to properly configure your environment for building CCF.

Utility Library

Another prerequisite for CCF is the Utility Library. You don't need to build anything in this library. The Utility library is available in the following two different forms for convinience:

  1. A bz2 package for unix based platforms including Unix.
  2. A zip package for Win32 based platforms.

Just unpack it to some convenient place and remember its location because it will be need to properly configure the build environment for CCF.

Configuring the Build Environment

Before you can start building CCF you need to specify the location of Boost Libraries and Utility Library. There are two ways you can do this. The first way is to specify the environment variables BOOST_ROOT, BOOST_INCLUDE, BOOST_LIB, BOOST_VERSION, BOOST_CFG and UTILITY_ROOT.

To configure BOOST_ROOT and UTILITY_ROOT, set both enviroment variables to the root directory for the respective libraries as follows:

If BOOST_INCLUDE and BOOST_LIB are not initialized, then their values are derived from BOOST_ROOT as follows:

BOOST_LIB     := $(BOOST_ROOT)/lib

BOOST_VERSION and BOOST_CFG are two environment variables that depend on the version and configuration of Boost that you are using. BOOST_VERSION is initialized as follows:

  1. Look in $BOOST_ROOT/include/boost directory
  2. If there is another boost directory, e.g. boost-1_32 for building boost-1.32, then this is your version

BOOST_CFG depends on which configuration of the boost libraries you want use for CCF. If you look in $BOOST_ROOT/lib, you will notice all the Boost libraries. Each library has the compiler and threading support, e.g. -vc71-mt for VC++ 7.1 and multi-threaded, as part of the filename. If this is not the case for your libraries, then you can skip this section and continue at Building CORBA Compiler Framework (CCF). This part of the filename is known as the BOOST_CFG and needs to be specified. For example, if you are using VC++ 7.1 and want to use the multi-threaded version of the libraries for CCF, your would do the following:

%> set BOOST_CFG=-vc71-mt
This can be done similarly on the Linux/UNIX platforms depending on your compiler version and the Boost configuration you want to use.

Alternatively, you can specify all values for BOOST_* and UTILITY_* in $CIAO_ROOT/CCF/Config.rules

Building CORBA Compiler Framework (CCF)

Now that you have built and installed the required libraries, you are now ready to build the CCF libraries. If there are any makefiles or project solutions in the CCF directory we recommend that you disgard those and regenerate all the projects files using MPC. To build all project files and CCF, please use the following steps:
  1. %> cd $CIAO_ROOT/CCF/CCF
  2. %> $ACE_ROOT/bin/ -type <project-type> -static -features cidl=1, exceptions=1, boost=1
On Linux/UNIX, if you are building with a make utility, e.g., gmake, use the following command to build CCF:
%> gmake cidl=1 exceptions=1 boost=1

If you are building on Windows, just open the generated solution file.

Note: If you are building CCF on a Windows platform, use %ACE_ROOT%\bin\ instead of $ACE_ROOT/bin/ Also, for a list of project types and other command-line options supported by MPC, type $ACE_ROOT/bin/ --help.