// $Id$ #include "CIAO_ServerActivator_Impl.h" #include "ace/Log_Msg.h" #include "ace/UUID.h" #include "ciao/Logger/Log_Macros.h" #include "ciao/Client_init.h" #include "ciao/CIAO_FailureReasonsC.h" #include "CIAO_ComponentServerC.h" #include "CIAO_PropertiesC.h" namespace CIAO { namespace Deployment { CIAO_ServerActivator_i::CIAO_ServerActivator_i (CORBA::ULong def_spawn_delay, const char * default_cs_path, const char * cs_args, bool multithreaded, CIAO::Deployment::ComponentInstallation_ptr ci, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa) : spawn_delay_ (def_spawn_delay), multithreaded_ (multithreaded), orb_ (CORBA::ORB::_duplicate (orb)), poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)), cs_path_ (default_cs_path), cs_args_ (cs_args), mutex_ (), condition_ (mutex_), ci_ (CIAO::Deployment::ComponentInstallation::_duplicate (ci)) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::CIAO_ServerActivator_i"); ACE_Utils::UUID_GENERATOR::instance ()->init (); } CIAO_ServerActivator_i::~CIAO_ServerActivator_i(void) { } void CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback ( ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer_ptr serverref, const char * server_UUID, ::Components::ConfigValues_out config) { CIAO_TRACE("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback"); CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Received callback from ComponentServer %C\n", server_UUID)); if (this->server_infos_.is_empty ()) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Received callback from ComponentServer %C, but I don't manage any.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM (); } Server_Info *info = 0; for (SERVER_INFOS::iterator i (this->server_infos_.begin ()); !i.done (); ++i) { CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Comparing %C with %C\n", (*i)->uuid_.c_str (), server_UUID)); if ((*i)->uuid_ == server_UUID) { info = (*i).get (); } } if (info == 0) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Received callback from ComponentServer %C, which doesn't belong to me.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM (); } if (info->activated_) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Received callback from ComponentServer %C, which has already been configured.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER (); } if (!CORBA::is_nil (info->ref_)) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Received callback from ComponentServer %C, which has already called back.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER (); } CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Received callback from ComponentServer %C\n", server_UUID)); info->ref_ = ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer::_duplicate (serverref); this->create_component_server_config_values (*info, config); // @@TODO: May want to print out configvalues here. CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::component_server_callback - " "Generated %u ConfigValues for ComponentServer %C\n", config->length (), server_UUID)); } void CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete (const char *server_UUID) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete"); CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete - " "Received configuration_complete from ComponentServer %C\n", server_UUID)); try { if (this->server_infos_.is_empty ()) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete - " "Received callback from ComponentServer %C, but I don't manage any.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM (); } Server_Info *info = 0; for (SERVER_INFOS::ITERATOR j (this->server_infos_); !j.done (); ++j) { if ((*j)->uuid_ == server_UUID) { info = (*j).get (); } } if (info == 0) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete - " "Received configuration_complete from ComponentServer %C, which doesn't belong to me.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM (); } if (info->activated_) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete - " "Received configuration_complete from ComponentServer %C, which has already been completed.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER (); } if (CORBA::is_nil (info->ref_.in ())) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete - " "Received configuration_complete from ComponentServer %C, which has not called back.\n", server_UUID)); throw CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER (); } info->activated_ = true; } catch (...) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::configuration_complete - " "Caught unknown exception while processing configuration_complete\n")); throw; } } ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer_ptr CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server (const ::Components::ConfigValues & config) { CIAO_TRACE("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server"); Safe_Server_Info server (new Server_Info (config.length () + 1)); CIAO::Utility::build_config_values_map (*server->cmap_, config); ACE_CString cmd_options = this->construct_command_line (*server); CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server - ComponentServer arguments: %C\n", cmd_options.c_str ())); server_infos_.insert_tail (server); CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server - " "Attempting to spawn ComponentServer with UUID %C\n", server->uuid_.c_str ())); // Now we need to get a copy of the one that was inserted... pid_t pid = this->spawn_component_server (*server, cmd_options); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (pid); ACE_Time_Value timeout (this->spawn_delay_); CORBA::Any val; if (server->cmap_->find (SERVER_TIMEOUT, val) == 0) { CORBA::ULong t; if (val >>= t) { CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server - " "Using provided non-default server timeout of %u\n", t)); timeout = ACE_Time_Value (t); } else { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server - " "Failed to extract provided non-default server timeout from property '%C', " "falling back to default timeout of %u\n", this->spawn_delay_)); } } if (this->multithreaded_) this->multi_threaded_wait_for_callback (*server, timeout/*, pid*/); else this->single_threaded_wait_for_callback (*server, timeout/*, pid*/); CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server - " "ComponentServer %C successfully spawned and configured!\n", server->uuid_.c_str ())); return ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer::_duplicate (server->ref_.in ()); } ACE_CString CIAO_ServerActivator_i::construct_command_line (Server_Info &server) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::construct_command_line"); // Build our command line to launch the component server ACE_CString cmd_options (this->cs_args_); CORBA::Any val; if (server.cmap_->find (SERVER_UUID, val) == 0) { // Nodeapplication has requested a custom uuid CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::construct_command_line - Using provided UUID\n")); const char *uuid = 0; val >>= uuid; server.uuid_ = uuid; } else { CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::construct_command_line - Using generated UUID\n")); ACE_Utils::UUID uuid; ACE_Utils::UUID_GENERATOR::instance ()->generate_UUID (uuid); server.uuid_ = *uuid.to_string (); } if (server.cmap_->find (SERVER_ARGUMENTS, val) == 0) { const char *args = 0; val >>= args; CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::construct_command_line - " "Adding provided server arguments %C\n", args)); cmd_options += ' '; cmd_options += args; cmd_options += ' '; } CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::construct_command_line - Creating component server" " with UUID %C\n", server.uuid_.c_str ())); cmd_options += " -u "; cmd_options += server.uuid_; return cmd_options; } pid_t CIAO_ServerActivator_i::spawn_component_server (const Server_Info &si, const ACE_CString &cmd_line) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::spawn_component_server"); ACE_Process_Options options; // Get my object reference CORBA::Object_var obj = this->poa_->servant_to_reference (this); CORBA::String_var ior = this->orb_->object_to_string (obj.in ()); CORBA::Any val; const char *path = this->cs_path_.c_str (); if (si.cmap_->find (SERVER_EXECUTABLE, val) == 0) { val >>= path; CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::spawn_component_server - " "Using provided component server executable: %C\n", path)); } else { CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::spawn_component_server - " "Using default component server executable\n")); } options.command_line ("%s %s -c %s", path, cmd_line.c_str (), ior.in ()); options.avoid_zombies (0); CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::spawn_component_server - Spawning process, command line is %s\n", options.command_line_buf ())); pid_t const pid = this->process_manager_.spawn (options, &this->child_handler_); if (pid == ACE_INVALID_PID) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "Failed to spawn a ComponentServer process\n")); throw Components::CreateFailure (CIAO::SERVER_SPAWN_FAILURE); } CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::spawn_component_server - Process successfully spawned with pid %u\n", pid)); return pid; } void CIAO_ServerActivator_i:: single_threaded_wait_for_callback (const Server_Info &si, ACE_Time_Value &timeout) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::single_threaded_wait_for_callback"); // Below code is broken for thread-per-connection concurrency model, // since the main thread is running ORB event loop and will spawn // a different thread to handle the call , // the operation will not be invoked and finally // a timeout will occur. For a similar reason, it won't work // for thread-pool concurrency model. while (true) { this->orb_->perform_work (timeout); if (timeout == ACE_Time_Value::zero) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::single_threaded_wait_for_callback - " "Timed out while waiting for ComponentServer %C to call back.\n", si.uuid_.c_str ())); throw ::Components::CreateFailure (CIAO::CALLBACK_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED); } if (si.activated_) { break; } } } void CIAO_ServerActivator_i:: multi_threaded_wait_for_callback (const Server_Info &si, ACE_Time_Value &timeout) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::multi_threaded_wait_for_callback"); // Wait for a conditional variable ACE_GUARD_THROW_EX ( TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, guard, this->mutex_, CORBA::NO_RESOURCES ()); while (! si.activated_ ) if (this->condition_.wait (&timeout) == -1) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::multi_threaded_wait_for_callback - " "Timed out while waiting for ComponentServer %C to call back.\n", si.uuid_.c_str ())); throw Components::CreateFailure (CIAO::CALLBACK_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED); } } void CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server (::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer_ptr server) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server"); if (this->server_infos_.is_empty ()) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server - " "I don't manage any ComponentServers.\n")); throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM (); } Server_Info *info = 0; for (SERVER_INFOS::ITERATOR i (this->server_infos_); !i.done (); ++i) { if ((*i)->ref_->_is_equivalent (server)) { info = (*i).get (); } } if (!info) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server - " "Failed to find equivalent ComponentServer under my management.\n")); throw ::Components::RemoveFailure (); } try { CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server - " "Calling remove () on ComponentServer %C\n", info->uuid_.c_str ())); server->remove (); } catch (::Components::RemoveFailure &) { CIAO_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server - " "Received RemoveFailure exception from ComponentServer %C\n", info->uuid_.c_str ())); } // If this is a CIAO component server, call shutdown CIAO::Deployment::ComponentServer_var ccs = CIAO::Deployment::ComponentServer::_narrow (server); if (!CORBA::is_nil (ccs)) { CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server - " "Calling shutdown () on ComponentServer %C\n", info->uuid_.c_str ())); ccs->shutdown (); } else CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_TRACE, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server - " "ComponentServer %C is not a CIAO_ComponentServer, not calling shutdown.\n", info->uuid_.c_str ())); CIAO_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, CLINFO "CIAO_ServerActivator_i::remove_component_server - " "ComponentServer %C successfully shut down.\n", info->uuid_.c_str ())); } ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServers * CIAO_ServerActivator_i::get_component_servers (void) { CIAO_TRACE ("CIAO_ServerActivator_i::get_component_servers"); ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServers_var retval = new Components::Deployment::ComponentServers (this->server_infos_.size ()); CORBA::ULong pos = 0; for (SERVER_INFOS::ITERATOR i (this->server_infos_); !i.done (); ++i) { retval[pos++] = ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer::_duplicate ((*i)->ref_); } return retval._retn (); } void CIAO_ServerActivator_i::create_component_server_config_values ( const Server_Info &, Components::ConfigValues_out &config) { ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (config, Components::ConfigValues (1), CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); CIAO::Deployment::ComponentInstallation_ptr ci = CIAO::Deployment::ComponentInstallation::_duplicate (this->ci_.in ()); CORBA::Any ci_any; ci_any <<= ci; OBV_Components::ConfigValue* p = 0; ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (p, OBV_Components::ConfigValue (), CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); p->name (CIAO::Deployment::COMPONENTINSTALLATION_REF); p->value (ci_any); config->length (1); config.operator[](0) = p; } } }