// $Id$ #ifndef NODEMANAGER_IDL #define NODEMANAGER_IDL #include "Deployment.idl" #include "Deployment_Core.idl" #include "TargetManager.idl" module Deployment { interface Logger { }; interface NodeApplicationManager; interface NodeManager { /* * @todo 06-02-01 mentions a 4th argument:in long updateInterval */ void joinDomain (in Domain ciao_domain, in TargetManager manager, in Logger log); void leaveDomain (); /* * @todo According to 06-02-01 there should also be a ResourceCommitmentManager * as second argument */ NodeApplicationManager preparePlan (in DeploymentPlan plan) raises (StartError, PlanError); /* * @todo According to 06-02-01 InvalidReference shouldn't be here */ void destroyManager (in NodeApplicationManager appManager) raises (StopError, InvalidReference); /// CIAO specific extension /// Destroy the NAM and all the associated NAs with this child_plan /// We can guarantee that the input DeploymentPlan is valid, since it /// is fetched from the cached DeploymentPlan of DAM, which has been /// validated before. void destroyPlan (in DeploymentPlan plan) raises (StopError); /// CIAO specific extension /// Get all the shared components installed in this node ComponentPlans get_shared_components (); /* * @todo According to 06-02-01 missing is: * Resources getDynamicResources (); */ }; }; #endif /* NODEMANAGER_IDL */