This test tests the Getter. Before the Sender starts writing samples to DDS, he informs the Receiver (via a 'normal' CCM interface) about how many keys and iterations to get from DDS. The receiver starts waiting on those samples by calling get_one or get_many, using a timeout. In the meantime the Sender will sleep for half a second before actual writing the samples to DDS. Once the DDS connector on the receiver side receives the written samples, he should wake up and should return the samples to the user code. So the starting points for the Receiver to start 'working' are: . start_timeout_get_one (); . start_timeout_get_many (); . start_get_one (in string key, in long fixed_key, in long iteration); . start_get_many (in short keys, in long iterations); In order to prevent deadlocks an event handler on the reactor is created for each sample to be received. This event handler is created during invocation of the latter two methods.