The root element of the schema. Contains zero or more policies. This is the base policy type. All policies should be an extension of this type. This type represents the policy ID. Need to add a restriction. Represents the RebindPolicy type, ID 23 Note: This is not strictly represented in the pidl as an enum, but that appears to be the intent of the way it is declared. Represents a SyncScopePolicyType, ID 24 Note: This was not declared an enum in Messaging_SyncScope_Policy.pidl, but from the declaration, that appears to be the intent. Represents a RequestPriorityPolicy, ID 25 Represents a ReplyPriorityPolicy, ID 26 Represents a PriorityRange struct defined in Messaging_No_Impl.pidl Represents a RequestStartTimePolicy, ID 27 Represents a RequestEndTimePolicy, ID 28 Represents a ReplyStartTimePolicy, ID 29 Represents a ReplyEndTimePolicy, ID 30 Represents a TimeBase::UtcT struct, defined in tao/TimeBase.pidl Represents a RelativeRequestTimeoutPolicy, ID 31. Represents a RelativeRoundtripPolicy, ID 32 Represents a RoutingPolicy, ID 33 Note: This is not explicitly set up as an enum in Messaging_No_Impl.pidl, but that appears to be the intent from the declaration. Represents a MaxHopsPolicy, ID 34 Represents a QueueOrderPolicy, ID 35 Note: This is not explicitly declared to be an enum in Messaging_No_Impl.pidl, but that appears to be the intent from the declaration. Represents the Priority Model Policy, ID 40 Represents the ThreadPool policy, ID 41 Represents the Server Protocol policy, ID 42 Represents the Client Protocol policy, ID 43 Base type for all protocol properties. privateConnectionPolicy extension of policyBase, ID 44 priorityBandedPolicy extension of policyBase, ID 45 Represents the PriorityBand struct for the priorityBandedPolicy element.