Simple Tutorial for using ReDaC (Redeployment and Reconfiguration)


Before you proceed further, please read the step-by-step tutorial page first.


Example Description

We will use the Hello example to illustrate how one could use ReDaC service to perform redeployment and reconfiguration.

Initial Deployment

Below steps are required for the initial deployment of your application, which is performed by DAnCE. The below steps are different from those presented in the step-by-step tutorial page in the sense that we pass different command line options to the Plan_Launcher client:

Redeployment and Reconfiguration

Basically, you could use ReDaC service in two ways.
  1. Use ReDaC service directly through DAnCE's Plan_Launcher client
  2. Use ReDaC service programmatically by writing your own client
This tutorial illustrates how exactly you could use ReDaC.

Use ReDaC service through Plan_Launcher  of DAnCE:

NOTE:  By using ReDaC through Plan_Launcher, as a user you must provide a new DeploymentPlan (.cdp) XML file, which captures the new deployment and configuration settings of your application, and the Plan_UUID of the new DeploymentPlan should be the same as the one of the old (running) DeploymentPlan. Otherwise, DAnCE will think you want to deploy a totally different deployment plan, instead of applying some changes to the existing plan. One could use CoSMIC MDD tool to create such a deployment plan XML file.

Use ReDaC service programmatically:
The IDL signature of this operation is as follows:

    void perform_redeployment (in DeploymentPlan new_plan)
      raises (PlanError,

In order to simplify the creation of a the "new_plan", we are implementing a utility class which allows a developer to easily manipulate a deployment plan data structure.
