/** @page BasicSP README File The most basic of the Boeing scenarios that form part of the OEP. This is done to illustrate how the OEP can be implemented using CIAO. This example does not yet use MPC to generate MSVC projects/workspaces/solutions or makefiles - we are still working on getting the execution of the CIDL compiler integrated into MPC. The CIDL compiler execution has been added to MSVC projects, which for now are checked into the CVS repository. CIDL compiler execution is not yet integrated with makefiles. The CIDL compiler can be executed by hand before starting the build for either this example or the example in ACE_ROOT/TAO/CIAO/examples/OEP/Display. Compilation of the CIDL compiler source code requires the Boost library, which is not included in this distribution of ACE+TAO+CIAO. The Boost library is available at http://www.boost.org Alternatively, a binary executable of the CIAO CIDL compiler can be downloaded from http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/CIAO/CIDL.html Versions are available at the above site for Linux and Windows. */