/** * @file KitchenSink.idl * @author Jeff Parsons * * Tests TAO_IDL generation of CIAO servant, executor IDL * and executor implementation stencil for a variety of * IDL3+ constructs. */ #include #if !defined (CCM_LW) module mod { valuetype future_key : Components::PrimaryKeyBase { public string info; }; }; #endif interface iface { exception iface_excep {}; void iface_op (in string inarg); }; typedef sequence ifaceSeq; #if !defined (CCM_NOEVENT) eventtype ev { }; module orange { module apple { eventtype Bar; eventtype Bar; }; }; #endif module GlobalTyped { typedef short x; }; #if !defined (CCM_NOEVENT) module orange { module apple { eventtype Bar { }; }; }; #endif module A { local interface C { }; module Nested TSeq> { typedef short y; abstract interface abs_XX { }; interface XX { }; // To make sure the overrides of _is_nil() and // release() that we need for mixed parentage // interfaces get generated when the template // module is instantiated. interface mixed_XX : abs_XX, XX { }; union Nested_Union switch (y) { case 2: string strmem; case 0: T Tmem; }; enum Nested_Enum { ZERO, ONE, TWO }; // A regular module may be nested inside a template module, // but another template module may not. module GoodNested { typedef long Lo; }; /* module BadNested { typedef S S_Tdef; }; */ }; module Nested Nested_Inst; }; module second { typedef short sho; #if !defined (CCM_LW) valuetype pkey : Components::PrimaryKeyBase { public long id_key; }; #endif }; module B { module second_B TSeq> { alias A::Nested NestedA; interface do : NestedA::XX { }; }; }; module T { typedef unsigned long MyLongType; module Typed TSeq> { local interface X { void send (in MyLongType a); }; porttype Y { uses X data; attribute string str_attr; attribute T T_attr; }; component Z { port Y my_port; port Y my_second_port; }; connector C { port Y my_m_port; mirrorport Y my_second_m_port; }; }; }; struct XX { string YY; }; typedef sequence XX_Seq; module T { module ::T::Typed < ::XX, ::XX_Seq> XX; }; module V { component JJ : T::XX::Z { }; }; connector Comp3_T { provides iface Conn_T_Port; }; module B::second_B second_B_Inst; module H { module Nested_H TSeq> { alias A::Nested NestedA; interface B { void send (in T arg); }; connector Y { provides B myport; provides NestedA::XX myxx; }; }; }; module I { module Nested_I TSeq> { alias A::Nested NestedA; interface B { void send (in T arg); }; connector Y { provides B myport; provides NestedA::XX myxx; }; }; }; module H::Nested_H nested_H_inst; module I::Nested_I nested_I_inst; module Ast TSeq, const unsigned long M> { interface Foo : T { attribute T Foo_Attr getraises (S); void Foo_Op (inout long inoutarg, in T inarg, out T outarg, in TSeq seq_inarg) raises (S); }; alias second second_ref; valuetype VT_T : V supports T { private T T_member; factory make_VT_T (); factory create_VT_T (in T T_arg, in string str_arg) raises (S); }; porttype PT_T { provides iface iface_facet; uses multiple T T_Recep; }; component Comp_T { uses multiple T Comp_T_Recep; mirrorport PT_T Comp_T_Mirror_Port; provides T Comp_T_Facet; emits E Comp_T_Emit; // Tests unique lookup mechanism for types referenced // from an aliased template module. attribute second_ref::sho sho_attr; }; #if !defined (CCM_LW) home Comp_T_Home manages Comp_T primarykey second_ref::pkey { factory create_Comp_T (in TSeq inarg); finder find_Comp_T (in T inarg); }; // TAO IDL compiler uses the same code for both component // and home 'supports' constructs, so we test it here // where there is no conflict with the port interfaces. home Comp_T_Home_2 supports T manages Comp_T primarykey V { }; #endif connector Comp2_T { port PT_T Comp2_T_Port; provides T Comp2_T_Facet; }; connector Conn_T { port PT_T Conn_T_Port; provides T Conn_T_Facet; }; const unsigned long Ast_Const = M; const unsigned long LC = 7; typedef sequence AnotherTSeq; struct boo { T T_field; Foo Foo_field; }; typedef T T_array[M][Ast_Const][LC]; }; #if !defined (CCM_LW) && !defined (CCM_NOEVENT) module Ast Ast_Inst; #endif module M { module N { interface A { void do_something (in T arg); }; }; }; module T { struct X { unsigned long Z; }; typedef sequence XSeq; }; /// An instantiated template module can be a reopening /// of an existing module. module ::M::N < ::T::X> T; /* Support for native is there, but this results in non compiling code native NAT; module M { module N N_NAT; }; */