# $Id: Kokyu is a portable middleware scheduling framework designed to provide flexible scheduling and dispatching services within the context of higher-level middleware. Kokyu currently provides real-time scheduling and dispatching services for TAO's real-time Event Service which mediates supplier-consumer relationships between application operations. Kokyu also provides a scheduling and dispatching framework for threads. This is being used by the TAO RTCORBA 2.0 scheduler implementations. For more information, see ACE_wrappers/Kokyu/docs/Kokyu.html To build Kokyu on Unix systems, from under $ACE_ROOT/Kokyu do make To build Kokyu on Windows, open the workspace $ACE_ROOT/Kokyu/Kokyu.dsw and build it. An mpc file has also been provided - $ACE_ROOT/Kokyu/Kokyu.mpc from which IDE specific build files can be generated. Parts of Kokyu have been instrumented with DSUI. To enable this instrumentation, first, you must have DSUI installed on your machine and the DATASTREAM_ROOT environment variable set. Next, you must modify Kokyu's mpc file so that the Kokyu project inherits from the dsui project, and the 'wrappers' lib must be added to Kokyu's libs (this can't be done in the dsui project because of ordering constraints) and $(DATASTREAM_ROOT)/include to the includes. Finally, you must add the kokyu_dsui_vars.cpp file to the Kokyu project's source file list and define the ACE_HAS_DSUI macro in Kokyu's dynamic flags. This should enable Kokyu's DSUI instrumentation.