Building and Installing CIAO

The first thing you should do to install CIAO is to set the environment variable CIAO_ROOT to be $TAO_ROOT/CIAO. Please refer to the ACE installation notes and TAO installation notes for instructions on setting $ACE_ROOT and $TAO_ROOT, respectively.

CIAO is divided into several parts, so different installation/building rules apply to different parts of CIAO.

  1. CIAO core/tools/examples: This part of CIAO include following directories: $CIAO_ROOT/ciao, $CIAO_ROOT/tools ,$CIAO_ROOT/examples and all other directories in $CIAO_ROOT except those listed in the two bullets below.

  2. CIDL Compiler: This part of CIAO include $CIAO_ROOT/CCF and $CIAO_ROOT/CIDLC

  3. CIAO Deployment and Assembly Framework: This part of CIAO include $CIAO_ROOT/DnC and we are working on the implementation now. So you can just ignore this part for now.

Supported Platforms for CIAO

The following table summarizes platforms on which CIAO runs:

For CIAO core/tools/examples
Fully supported, i.e., continually tested and used daily Solaris 2.5, 2.6, 7, and 8, Windows NT/2000/XP (6.x, and 7.1 and Borland C++ Builder 4, 5, and 6), Linux/Intel, Linux/Alpha, VxWorks, LynxOS, Digital UNIX 4.0 and 5.0, IRIX 6.x, and QNX Neutrino 2.0
Nearly fully supported, i.e., periodically tested Windows 9x/ME, HP/UX 10.x and 11.x, AIX 4.x
Partially supported, i.e., infrequently tested FreeBSD, NetBSD, SunOS 4.x, Chorus
Planned support, i.e., pending pSoS, MVS, Windows CE, Tandem, SCO, UnixWare

For Building CIAO CIDLC Compiler
Fully supported, i.e., continually tested and used daily Windows 2000/XP (VC 7.1), Linux(GCC 3.2 or higher)

Any UNIX/POSIX/Win32 variation is a potential target platform for ACE. If you have porting questions or have a problem compiling the ACE wrappers on the platforms shown above please send email to either ACE Newsgroup or the ACE mailing list and we'll try to help you fix the problems. You can also submit bug reports and enhancement requests in our bug tracking system.

CIAO can be obtained electronically via the WWW and ftp. ACE is bundled with the TAO and CIAO release. You'll always need the most recent version of ACE because CIAAO tracks changes to ACE and TAO very closely.

Install CIDL Compiler

You can choose to either download the binary cidlc(exe) from here or to build it by yourself.

There are 3 ways to build the CIDL compiler on Linux:

  1. Use GNU Make utility. For details please see Build.html

  2. Use ACE Make uitility.

  3. Use MPC:

There are 2 ways to build the CIDL compiler on Windows:

  1. Use the provided Visual Studio solution/project file. For detail please see Build.html

  2. Use MPC: (Not supported yet)

Install CIAO core/tools/examples

CIAO requires the user to use MPC to generate the Makefiles/Project files/Solution files.

NOTE: If you use the provided Makefile/Project files to build ACE/TAO etc, all the generated libraries will be put in $ACE_ROOT/ace, however, since MPC looks for those LIBS in $ACE_ROOT/lib, so you have to copy all the generated libraries from $ACE_ROOT/lib to $ACE_ROOT/lib.

To build CIAO core/tools/examples:

  1. Make sure ACE and TAO are built.

  2. Make sure all ACE/TAO/etc. generated libs are in $ACE_ROOT/lib. To build CIAO you will need:

  3. Make sure you have cidlc or cidlc.exe in $CIAO_ROOT\bin with the right permission setting (executable).

  4. Generate the Makefile/Solution/Project files and build

    For the supported build tools please see MPC manual.

    You have to execute the MPC command in the following directories if you only want to build the examples and have a peek at CIAO:

    On Linux: do $ACE_ROOT/bin/ at the locations specified above then make.

    On Windows/VC6: do %ACE_ROOT%/bin/ -type vc6 at the locations specified above then Open the workspace file and build.

    On Windows/VC7: do %ACE_ROOT%/bin/ -type vc7 at the locations specified above then Open the solution file and build.

    On Windows/VC71: do %ACE_ROOT%/bin/ -type vc71 at the locations specified above then Open the solution file and build.

    Note: You can run at $CIAO_ROOT as long as you don't intend to build CIDL compiler with MPC. If this is the case(default), you can run the command with proper augment once then you can do make at $CIAO_ROOT (Linux) or open the workspace/solution file at $CIAO_ROOT (Windows) to build.

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