Contents of $CIAO_ROOT/docs/schema

The schema in this directory are all based on the new Deployment and Configuration spec. As part of our work on DAnCE we have tried to subset and normalize the schema so that our developers, and tools would be able to parse and use the information effectively. The following table illustrates the meaning and use of the various schemata in this directory:
Spec_Defined_Deployment.xsd This is the schema file from the spec which is unaltered. This is just for reference. CIAO and DAnCE will not be using this file directly.
Spec_Defined_XMI.xsd The OMG spec defined schema file uses definitions from another specification called the XMI spec which is part of the OMG specification suite. This schema file is again for reference without any edits.
ccd.xsd, cdd.xsd, cdp.xsd, cid.xsd, cpd.xsd, iad.xsd, pcd.xsd and toplevel.xcd Descriptors that will be used by DAnCE. Section 5.5.3 of the Deployment and Configuration spec talks about the various descriptors that are part of the package. The schema files are broken down in accordance with the suggested descriptor format in the section mentioned above.
Deployment.xsd The schema file that will be used by the applications in their descriptors. Applications need not use Deployment.xsd, but using this is encouraged for portability of their intance documents.
Modified_Deployment.xsd This schema is modified from the original spec defined schema. It is a bit simplified with different sections that makes things easier for the developer to read and digest the information. Not used within DAnCE.
unused_elements.xsd Schema elements that are not used within the OMG's schema and the ones that CIAo and DAnCedoesn't support.