// $Id$ #include "DP_PCD_Handler.h" #include "CEPE_Handler.h" #include "PSPE_Handler.h" #include "ERE_Handler.h" #include "CRDD_Handler.h" #include "PCD_Handler.h" #include "Basic_Deployment_Data.hpp" #include "cdp.hpp" #include "ciao/Deployment_DataC.h" namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { void DP_PCD_Handler::plan_connection_descrs ( const DeploymentPlan &src, Deployment::PlanConnectionDescriptions& dest) { DeploymentPlan::connection_const_iterator cci_e = src.end_connection (); CORBA::ULong pos = 0; dest.length (src.count_connection ()); for (DeploymentPlan::connection_const_iterator cci_b = src.begin_connection (); cci_b != cci_e; ++cci_b) { DP_PCD_Handler::plan_connection_descr (*(cci_b), dest[pos++]); } } PlanConnectionDescription DP_PCD_Handler::plan_connection_descr ( const Deployment::PlanConnectionDescription &src) { PlanConnectionDescription pcd = PCD_Handler::get_PlanConnectionDescription(src); return pcd; } void DP_PCD_Handler::plan_connection_descr ( const PlanConnectionDescription &src, Deployment::PlanConnectionDescription &dest) { dest.name = src.name ().c_str (); if (src.source_p ()) { // There will be only one as per the schema dest.source.length (1); dest.source[0] = src.source ().c_str (); } CEPE_Handler::external_port_endpoints (src, dest.externalEndpoint); ERE_Handler::external_ref_endpoints (src, dest.externalReference); PSPE_Handler::sub_component_port_endpoints (src, dest.internalEndpoint); #if 0 // @@MAJO: Need to figure how to use this. if (desc.deployedResource_p ()) { CRDD_Handler crddhandler; toconfig.deployedResource.length ( toconfig.deployedResource.length () + 1); crddhandler.get_ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription ( toconfig.deployedResource[toconfig.deployedResource.length () - 1], desc.deployedResource ()); } if (desc.deployRequirement_p ()) { // @@ MAJO: Not sure how to use this //Create the handler for the requirements. Requirement_Handler reqhandler; //Increase the sequence length and delgate //the Requirement to the Req_Handler. toconfig.deployRequirement.length ( toconfig.deployRequirement.length () + 1); reqhandler.get_Requirement ( toconfig.deployRequirement[toconfig.deployRequirement.length () - 1], desc.deployRequirement ()); } #endif /*if 0*/ } } }