// $Id$ // @(#)cubit.idl 1.1 95/09/10 // Copyright 1994-1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. #pragma prefix "Eng.SUN.COM" #pragma version Cubit 1.1 interface Cubit { octet cube_octet (in octet o); short cube_short (in short s); long cube_long (in long l); struct Many { octet o; // + 3 bytes padding (normally) ... long l; short s; // + 2 bytes padding (normally) ... }; Many cube_struct (in Many values); enum discrim {e_0th, e_1st, e_2nd, e_3rd, e_4th, e_5th}; union oneof switch (discrim) { // this is an easy union to interpret; no padding // is needed between discriminant and value. case e_0th: octet o; case e_1st: short s; case e_2nd: long l; case e_3rd: default: Many cm; }; oneof cube_union (in oneof values); oneway void please_exit (); }; interface Cubit_Factory { Cubit create_cubit (in string name); };