//============================================================================= /** * @file be_helper.cpp * * Provides helper classes to print generated code to the output * * @author Aniruddha Gokhale Improvements by Carlos O'Ryan */ //============================================================================= #include "be_helper.h" #include "be_codegen.h" #include "be_extern.h" #include "ast_expression.h" #include "idl_defines.h" #include "utl_identifier.h" #include "utl_idlist.h" #include "utl_string.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_ctype.h" #include "../../tao/Version.h" static const char copyright[] = "// -*- C++ -*-\n" "/**\n" " * Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler v" TAO_VERSION "\n" " * TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by:\n" " * Center for Distributed Object Computing\n" " * Washington University\n" " * St. Louis, MO\n" " * USA\n" " * and\n" " * Distributed Object Computing Laboratory\n" " * University of California at Irvine\n" " * Irvine, CA\n" " * USA\n" " * and\n" " * Institute for Software Integrated Systems\n" " * Vanderbilt University\n" " * Nashville, TN\n" " * USA\n" " * https://www.isis.vanderbilt.edu/\n" " *\n" " * Information about TAO is available at:\n" " * https://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html\n" " **/"; TAO_NL::TAO_NL () { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (copyright); } TAO_NL_2::TAO_NL_2 () { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (copyright); } TAO_INDENT::TAO_INDENT (int do_now) : do_now_ (do_now) { } TAO_UNINDENT::TAO_UNINDENT (int do_now) : do_now_ (do_now) { } const TAO_NL be_nl; const TAO_NL_2 be_nl_2; const TAO_INDENT be_idt; const TAO_INDENT be_idt_nl (1); const TAO_UNINDENT be_uidt; const TAO_UNINDENT be_uidt_nl (1); // Methods of the TAO_OutStream class. TAO_OutStream::TAO_OutStream () : fp_ (nullptr), st_ (TAO_CLI_HDR), indent_level_ (0) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < be_global->tab_size (); ++i) { this->tab_unit_str_ += ' '; } } TAO_OutStream::~TAO_OutStream () { // Close the underlying I/O handle only if it exists. if (this->fp_ != nullptr) { ACE_OS::fclose (this->fp_); this->fp_ = nullptr; } indent_level_ = 0; } int TAO_OutStream::open (const char *fname, TAO_OutStream::STREAM_TYPE st) { if (fname != nullptr) { // File name exists, open an I/O file handle. this->fp_ = ACE_OS::fopen (fname, "w"); if (this->fp_ != nullptr) { this->st_ = st; // Put the copyright notice. Not for the gperf's temp input // file. if (st != TAO_OutStream::TAO_GPERF_INPUT) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%s\n", copyright); } return 0; } else { return -1; } } else { return -1; } } // Set and get the stream type. void TAO_OutStream::stream_type (TAO_OutStream::STREAM_TYPE st) { this->st_ = st; } TAO_OutStream::STREAM_TYPE TAO_OutStream::stream_type () { return this->st_; } // Return the underlying lowlevel file pointer. // indentation. FILE *& TAO_OutStream::file () { return this->fp_; } int TAO_OutStream::incr_indent (unsigned short flag) { ++indent_level_; if (flag != 0) { return this->indent (); } else { // Do not indent output. return 0; } } // Indentation int TAO_OutStream::decr_indent (unsigned short flag) { --this->indent_level_; // Just in case somebody gets "unindent happy". if (this->indent_level_ < 0) { // ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "negative indentation?\n")); this->indent_level_ = 0; } if (flag != 0) { return this->indent (); } else { // Do not indent output. return 0; } } int TAO_OutStream::reset () { this->indent_level_ = 0; return 0; } // Indented print. int TAO_OutStream::indent () { // Based on the current indentation level, leave appropriate number of blank // spaces in the output. if (this->indent_level_ > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this->indent_level_; i++) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%s", this->tab_unit_str_.c_str ()); } } return 0; } int TAO_OutStream::nl () { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "\n"); this->indent (); return 0; } // Macro generation. int TAO_OutStream::gen_ifdef_macro (const char *flat_name, const char *suffix, bool add_stream_type_suffix) { static char macro [NAMEBUFSIZE]; ACE_OS::memset (macro, '\0', NAMEBUFSIZE); ACE_OS::sprintf (macro, "_%s_", tao_cg->upcase (flat_name)); if (suffix != nullptr) { ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "_"); ACE_OS::strcat (macro, tao_cg->upcase (suffix)); ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "_"); } // Append a suffix representing the stream type. if (add_stream_type_suffix) { switch (this->st_) { case TAO_OutStream::TAO_CLI_HDR: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "CH_"); break; case TAO_OutStream::TAO_CLI_INL: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "CI_"); break; case TAO_OutStream::TAO_CLI_IMPL: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "CS_"); break; case TAO_OutStream::TAO_SVR_HDR: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "SH_"); break; case TAO_OutStream::TAO_IMPL_HDR: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "IH_"); break; case TAO_OutStream::TAO_IMPL_SKEL: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "IS_"); break; case TAO_OutStream::TAO_SVR_INL: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "SI_"); break; case TAO_OutStream::TAO_SVR_IMPL: ACE_OS::strcat (macro, "SS_"); break; default: return -1; } } *this << "\n\n#if !defined (" << macro << ")\n"; *this << "#define " << macro; return 0; } int TAO_OutStream::gen_endif () { *this << "\n\n#endif /* end #if !defined */"; return 0; } // Printf style variable argument print. int TAO_OutStream::print (const char *format, ...) { int result = 0; va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); ACE_OSCALL (::vfprintf (this->fp_, format, ap), int, result); va_end (ap); return result; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const char *str) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%s", str); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const ACE_CString &str) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%s", str.c_str ()); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const ACE_CDR::UShort num) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%hu", num); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const ACE_CDR::Short num) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%hd", num); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const ACE_CDR::ULong num) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%lu", (unsigned long) num); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const ACE_CDR::Long num) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%ld", (long) num); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const ACE_CDR::ULongLong num) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, ACE_UINT64_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII, num); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const ACE_CDR::LongLong num) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, ACE_INT64_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII, num); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const TAO_NL&) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_ , "\n"); this->indent (); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const TAO_NL_2&) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_ , "\n"); ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_ , "\n"); this->indent (); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const TAO_INDENT& i) { this->incr_indent (0); if (i.do_now_) { this->nl (); } return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (const TAO_UNINDENT& i) { this->decr_indent (0); if (i.do_now_) { this->nl (); } return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (Identifier *id) { return this->print (id); } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (UTL_IdList *id) { return this->print (id); } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::operator<< (AST_Expression *expr) { return this->print (expr); } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::print (Identifier *id) { ACE_OS::fprintf (this->fp_, "%s", id->get_string ()); return *this; } TAO_OutStream & TAO_OutStream::print (UTL_IdList *idl) { bool first = true; bool second = false; Identifier *id = nullptr; for (UTL_IdListActiveIterator i (idl); !i.is_done (); i.next ()) { if (!first) { *this << "::"; } else if (second) { first = second = false; } // Print the identifier. id = i.item (); *this << id; if (first) { if (ACE_OS::strcmp (id->get_string (), "") != 0 && ACE_OS::strcmp (id->get_string (), "::") != 0) { // Does not start with a "". first = false; } else { second = true; } } } return *this; } template void signed_int_helper (TAO_OutStream &os, IntType value, IntType min, const char *specifier) { /* * It seems that in C/C++ the minus sign and the bare number are parsed * separately for negative integer literals. This can cause compilers * to complain when using the minimum value of a signed integer because * the number without the minus sign is 1 past the max signed value. * * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65007935 * * Apparently the workaround is to write it as `VALUE_PLUS_ONE - 1`. */ const bool min_value = value == min; if (min_value) ++value; os.print (specifier, value); if (min_value) os.print (" - 1"); } TAO_OutStream& TAO_OutStream::print (AST_Expression *expr) { AST_Expression::AST_ExprValue *ev = expr->ev (); /// Never happens as far as I know, but just in case... if (ev == nullptr) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("TAO_OutStream::print() - ") ACE_TEXT ("expression not evaluated\n"))); return *this; } switch (ev->et) { case AST_Expression::EV_short: this->TAO_OutStream::print (ACE_INT32_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII, ev->u.sval); break; case AST_Expression::EV_ushort: this->TAO_OutStream::print (ACE_INT32_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII "%c", ev->u.usval, 'U'); break; case AST_Expression::EV_long: signed_int_helper ( *this, ev->u.lval, ACE_INT32_MIN, ACE_INT32_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII); break; case AST_Expression::EV_ulong: this->TAO_OutStream::print (ACE_UINT32_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII "%c", ev->u.ulval, 'U'); break; case AST_Expression::EV_longlong: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("ACE_INT64_LITERAL ("); signed_int_helper ( *this, ev->u.llval, ACE_INT64_MIN, ACE_INT64_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII); this->TAO_OutStream::print (")"); break; case AST_Expression::EV_ulonglong: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("ACE_UINT64_LITERAL ("); this->TAO_OutStream::print (ACE_UINT64_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII, ev->u.ullval); this->TAO_OutStream::print (")"); break; case AST_Expression::EV_float: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("%f%c", ev->u.fval, 'F'); break; case AST_Expression::EV_double: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("%24.16G", ev->u.dval); break; case AST_Expression::EV_longdouble: break; case AST_Expression::EV_char: // isprint() sees \ and ' as printable characters // so we have to test for them first. if (ev->u.cval == '\\') this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\\\'"); else if (ev->u.cval == '\'') this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\''"); // This handles hex and octal escape sequences // that would print out as weird characters. else if (ACE_OS::ace_isprint (ev->u.cval)) this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'%c'", ev->u.cval); else if (ACE_OS::ace_iscntrl (ev->u.cval)) switch (ev->u.cval) { case '\n': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\n'"); break; case '\t': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\t'"); break; case '\r': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\r'"); break; case '\v': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\v'"); break; case '\f': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\f'"); break; case '\b': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\b'"); break; case '\a': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\a'"); break; case '\?': this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'?'"); break; default: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\x%x'", ev->u.oval); } else this->TAO_OutStream::print ("'\\x%x'", ev->u.oval); break; case AST_Expression::EV_wchar: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("L'%lc'", ev->u.wcval); break; case AST_Expression::EV_octet: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("0x%02x", ev->u.oval); break; case AST_Expression::EV_bool: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("%s", ev->u.bval ? "true" : "false"); break; case AST_Expression::EV_string: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("\"%s\"", ev->u.strval->get_string ()); break; case AST_Expression::EV_wstring: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("L\"%s\"", ev->u.wstrval); break; case AST_Expression::EV_enum: this->print (expr->n ()); break; case AST_Expression::EV_int8: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("%d", ev->u.int8val); break; case AST_Expression::EV_uint8: this->TAO_OutStream::print ("%uu", ev->u.uint8val); break; default: break; } return *this; }