// $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // TAO IDL // // = FILENAME // be_union.cpp // // = DESCRIPTION // Extension of class AST_Union that provides additional means for C++ // mapping. // // = AUTHOR // Copyright 1994-1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. // and // Aniruddha Gokhale // // ============================================================================ #include "idl.h" #include "idl_extern.h" #include "be.h" /* * BE_Union */ be_union::be_union (void) { } be_union::be_union (AST_ConcreteType *dt, UTL_ScopedName *n, UTL_StrList *p) : AST_Union (dt, n, p), AST_Structure (AST_Decl::NT_union, n, p), AST_Decl (AST_Decl::NT_union, n, p), UTL_Scope (AST_Decl::NT_union), member_count_ (-1), default_index_ (-2) { } // compute total number of members int be_union::compute_member_count (void) { UTL_ScopeActiveIterator *si; // iterator AST_Decl *d; // temp node this->member_count_ = 0; // if there are elements in this scope if (this->nmembers () > 0) { // instantiate a scope iterator. si = new UTL_ScopeActiveIterator (this, UTL_Scope::IK_decls); while (!(si->is_done ())) { // get the next AST decl node d = si->item (); this->member_count_++; si->next (); } // end of while delete si; // free the iterator object } return 0; } // compute total number of members int be_union::compute_default_index (void) { UTL_ScopeActiveIterator *si; // iterator AST_Decl *d; // temp node be_union_branch *bub; // union branch node int i = 0; // counter this->default_index_ = -1; // if not used at all, this is the value it will // take // if there are elements in this scope if (this->nmembers () > 0) { // instantiate a scope iterator. si = new UTL_ScopeActiveIterator (this, UTL_Scope::IK_decls); while (!(si->is_done ())) { // get the next AST decl node d = si->item (); if (!d->imported ()) { bub = be_union_branch::narrow_from_decl (d); if (bub->label ()->label_kind () == AST_UnionLabel::UL_default) this->default_index_ = i; // zero based indexing i++; } si->next (); } // end of while delete si; // free the iterator object } return 0; } // return the member count int be_union::member_count (void) { if (this->member_count_ == -1) this->compute_member_count (); return this->member_count_; } // return the default_index int be_union::default_index (void) { if (this->default_index_ == -2) this->compute_default_index (); return this->default_index_; } // generate typecode. // Typecode for union comprises the enumerated value followed by the // encapsulation of the parameters // generate the _var definition for ourself int be_union::gen_var_defn (void) { TAO_OutStream *ch; // output stream TAO_NL nl; // end line char namebuf [NAMEBUFSIZE]; // names ACE_OS::memset (namebuf, '\0', NAMEBUFSIZE); ACE_OS::sprintf (namebuf, "%s_var", this->local_name ()->get_string ()); // retrieve a singleton instance of the code generator TAO_CodeGen *cg = TAO_CODEGEN::instance (); ch = cg->client_header (); // generate the var definition (always in the client header). // Depending upon the data type, there are some differences which we account // for over here. ch->indent (); // start with whatever was our current indent level *ch << "class " << idl_global->export_macro () << " " << namebuf << nl; *ch << "{" << nl; *ch << "public:\n"; ch->incr_indent (); // default constr *ch << namebuf << " (void); // default constructor" << nl; // constr *ch << namebuf << " (" << local_name () << " *);" << nl; // copy constructor *ch << namebuf << " (const " << namebuf << " &); // copy constructor" << nl; // destructor *ch << "~" << namebuf << " (void); // destructor" << nl; *ch << nl; // assignment operator from a pointer *ch << namebuf << " &operator= (" << local_name () << " *);" << nl; // assignment from _var *ch << namebuf << " &operator= (const " << namebuf << " &);" << nl; // arrow operator *ch << local_name () << " *operator-> (void);" << nl; *ch << "const " << local_name () << " *operator-> (void) const;" << nl; *ch << nl; // other extra types (cast operators, [] operator, and others) *ch << "operator const " << local_name () << " &() const;" << nl; *ch << "operator " << local_name () << " &();" << nl; *ch << "operator " << local_name () << " &() const;" << nl; *ch << "// in, inout, out, _retn " << nl; // the return types of in, out, inout, and _retn are based on the parameter // passing rules and the base type if (this->size_type () == be_decl::FIXED) { *ch << "const " << local_name () << " &in (void) const;" << nl; *ch << local_name () << " &inout (void);" << nl; *ch << local_name () << " &out (void);" << nl; *ch << local_name () << " _retn (void);" << nl; } else { *ch << "const " << local_name () << " &in (void) const;" << nl; *ch << local_name () << " &inout (void);" << nl; *ch << local_name () << " *&out (void);" << nl; *ch << local_name () << " *_retn (void);" << nl; } // generate an additional member function that returns the underlying pointer *ch << local_name () << " *ptr(void) const;\n"; *ch << "\n"; ch->decr_indent (); // generate the private section *ch << "private:\n"; ch->incr_indent (); *ch << local_name () << " *ptr_;\n"; ch->decr_indent (); *ch << "};\n\n"; return 0; } // implementation of the _var class. All of these get generated in the inline // file int be_union::gen_var_impl (void) { TAO_OutStream *ci; // output stream TAO_NL nl; // end line char fname [NAMEBUFSIZE]; // to hold the full and char lname [NAMEBUFSIZE]; // local _var names ACE_OS::memset (fname, '\0', NAMEBUFSIZE); ACE_OS::sprintf (fname, "%s_var", this->fullname ()); ACE_OS::memset (lname, '\0', NAMEBUFSIZE); ACE_OS::sprintf (lname, "%s_var", local_name ()->get_string ()); // retrieve a singleton instance of the code generator TAO_CodeGen *cg = TAO_CODEGEN::instance (); ci = cg->client_inline (); ci->indent (); // start with whatever was our current indent level *ci << "// *************************************************************" << nl; *ci << "// Inline operations for class " << fname << nl; *ci << "// *************************************************************\n\n"; // default constr *ci << "ACE_INLINE" << nl; *ci << fname << "::" << lname << " (void) // default constructor" << nl; *ci << " " << ": ptr_ (0)" << nl; *ci << "{}\n\n"; // constr from a pointer ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE" << nl; *ci << fname << "::" << lname << " (" << name () << " *p)" << nl; *ci << " : ptr_ (p)" << nl; *ci << "{}\n\n"; // copy constructor ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE" << nl; *ci << fname << "::" << lname << " (const " << fname << " &p) // copy constructor" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "if (p.ptr_)" << nl; *ci << " this->ptr_ = new " << this->name () << "(*p.ptr_);" << nl; *ci << "else" << nl; *ci << " this->ptr_ = 0;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // destructor ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE" << nl; *ci << fname << "::~" << lname << " (void) // destructor" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "delete this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // assignment operator from a pointer ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << fname << " &" << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator= (" << name () << " *p)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "delete this->ptr_;" << nl; *ci << "this->ptr_ = p;" << nl; *ci << "return *this;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // assignment operator from _var ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << fname << " &" << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator= (const " << fname << " &p)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "if (this != &p)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "delete this->ptr_;" << nl; *ci << "this->ptr_ = new " << this->name () << " (*p.ptr_);\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}" << nl; *ci << "return *this;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // two arrow operators ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE const " << this->name () << " *" << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator-> (void) const" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << this->name () << " *" << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator-> (void)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // other extra methods - 3 cast operator () ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator const " << name () << " &() const // cast" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return *this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator " << name () << " &() // cast " << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return *this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator " << name () << " &() const// cast " << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return *this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // in, inout, out, and _retn ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE const " << name () << " &" << nl; *ci << fname << "::in (void) const" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return *this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << name () << " &" << nl; *ci << fname << "::inout (void)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return *this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // the out is handled differently based on our size type ci->indent (); if (this->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) { *ci << "// mapping for variable size " << nl; *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << name () << " *&" << nl; *ci << fname << "::out (void)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "delete this->ptr_;" << nl; *ci << "this->ptr_ = 0;" << nl; *ci << "return this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << name () << " *" << nl; *ci << fname << "::_retn (void)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << this->name () << " *tmp = this->ptr_;" << nl; *ci << "this->ptr_ = 0;" << nl; *ci << "return tmp;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; } else { *ci << "// mapping for fixed size " << nl; *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << name () << " &" << nl; *ci << fname << "::out (void)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return *this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << name () << nl; *ci << fname << "::_retn (void)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return *this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // the additional ptr () member function ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << name () << " *" << nl; *ci << fname << "::ptr (void) const" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; } return 0; } // generate the _out definition int be_union::gen_out_defn (void) { TAO_OutStream *ch; // output stream TAO_NL nl; // end line char namebuf [NAMEBUFSIZE]; // to hold the _out name ACE_OS::memset (namebuf, '\0', NAMEBUFSIZE); ACE_OS::sprintf (namebuf, "%s_out", local_name ()->get_string ()); // retrieve a singleton instance of the code generator TAO_CodeGen *cg = TAO_CODEGEN::instance (); ch = cg->client_header (); // generate the out definition (always in the client header) ch->indent (); // start with whatever was our current indent level *ch << "class " << idl_global->export_macro () << " " << namebuf << nl; *ch << "{" << nl; *ch << "public:\n"; ch->incr_indent (); // No default constructor // constructor from a pointer *ch << namebuf << " (" << local_name () << " *&);" << nl; // constructor from a _var & *ch << namebuf << " (" << local_name () << "_var &);" << nl; // constructor from a _out & *ch << namebuf << " (" << namebuf << " &);" << nl; // assignment operator from a _out & *ch << namebuf << " &operator= (" << namebuf << " &);" << nl; // assignment operator from a pointer &, cast operator, ptr fn, operator // -> and any other extra operators // assignment *ch << namebuf << " &operator= (" << local_name () << " *);" << nl; // operator () *ch << "operator " << local_name () << " *&();" << nl; // ptr fn *ch << local_name () << " *&ptr (void);" << nl; // operator -> *ch << local_name () << " *operator-> (void);" << nl; *ch << "\n"; ch->decr_indent (); *ch << "private:\n"; ch->incr_indent (); *ch << local_name () << " *&ptr_;" << nl; *ch << "// assignment from T_var not allowed" << nl; *ch << "void operator= (const " << local_name () << "_var &);\n"; ch->decr_indent (); *ch << "};\n\n"; return 0; } int be_union::gen_out_impl (void) { TAO_OutStream *ci; // output stream TAO_NL nl; // end line char fname [NAMEBUFSIZE]; // to hold the full and char lname [NAMEBUFSIZE]; // local _out names ACE_OS::memset (fname, '\0', NAMEBUFSIZE); ACE_OS::sprintf (fname, "%s_out", this->fullname ()); ACE_OS::memset (lname, '\0', NAMEBUFSIZE); ACE_OS::sprintf (lname, "%s_out", local_name ()->get_string ()); // retrieve a singleton instance of the code generator TAO_CodeGen *cg = TAO_CODEGEN::instance (); ci = cg->client_inline (); // generate the var implementation in the inline file ci->indent (); // start with whatever was our current indent level *ci << "// *************************************************************" << nl; *ci << "// Inline operations for class " << fname << nl; *ci << "// *************************************************************\n\n"; // constr from a pointer ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE" << nl; *ci << fname << "::" << lname << " (" << name () << " *&p)" << nl; *ci << " : ptr_ (p)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "this->ptr_ = 0;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // constructor from _var & ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE" << nl; *ci << fname << "::" << lname << " (" << this->name () << "_var &p) // constructor from _var" << nl; *ci << " : ptr_ (p.out ())" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "delete this->ptr_;" << nl; *ci << "this->ptr_ = 0;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // copy constructor ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE" << nl; *ci << fname << "::" << lname << " (" << fname << " &p) // copy constructor" << nl; *ci << " : ptr_ (p.ptr_)" << nl; *ci << "{}\n\n"; // assignment operator from _out & ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << fname << " &" << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator= (" << fname << " &p)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "this->ptr_ = p.ptr_;" << nl; *ci << "return *this;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // assignment from _var is not allowed by a private declaration // assignment operator from pointer ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << fname << " &" << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator= (" << this->name () << " *p)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "this->ptr_ = p;" << nl; *ci << "return *this;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // other extra methods - cast operator () ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator " << this->name () << " *&() // cast" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // ptr function ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << this->name () << " *&" << nl; *ci << fname << "::ptr (void) // ptr" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; // operator -> ci->indent (); *ci << "ACE_INLINE " << this->name () << " *" << nl; *ci << fname << "::operator-> (void)" << nl; *ci << "{\n"; ci->incr_indent (); *ci << "return this->ptr_;\n"; ci->decr_indent (); *ci << "}\n\n"; return 0; } int be_union::gen_typecode (void) { TAO_OutStream *cs; // output stream TAO_NL nl; // end line TAO_CodeGen *cg = TAO_CODEGEN::instance (); cs = cg->client_stubs (); cs->indent (); // start from whatever indentation level we were at *cs << "CORBA::tk_union, // typecode kind" << nl; *cs << this->tc_encap_len () << ", // encapsulation length\n"; // now emit the encapsulation return this->gen_encapsulation (); } // generate encapsulation. // An encapsulation for ourselves will be necessary when we are part of some // other IDL type and a typecode for that other type is being generated. This // will comprise our typecode kind. IDL types with parameters will additionally // have the encapsulation length and the entire typecode description int be_union::gen_encapsulation (void) { TAO_OutStream *cs; // output stream TAO_NL nl; // end line TAO_CodeGen *cg = TAO_CODEGEN::instance (); long i, arrlen; long *arr; // an array holding string names converted to array of longs be_type *discrim; cs = cg->client_stubs (); cs->indent (); // start from whatever indentation level we were at *cs << "TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order" << nl; // generate repoID *cs << (ACE_OS::strlen (this->repoID ())+1) << ", "; (void)this->tc_name2long (this->repoID (), arr, arrlen); for (i=0; i < arrlen; i++) { cs->print ("ACE_NTOHL (0x%x), ", arr[i]); } *cs << " // repository ID = " << this->repoID () << nl; // generate name *cs << (ACE_OS::strlen (this->local_name ()->get_string ())+1) << ", "; (void)this->tc_name2long(this->local_name ()->get_string (), arr, arrlen); for (i=0; i < arrlen; i++) { cs->print ("ACE_NTOHL (0x%x), ", arr[i]); } *cs << " // name = " << this->local_name () << ",\n"; // generate typecode for discriminant discrim = be_type::narrow_from_decl (this->disc_type ()); if (discrim->gen_typecode () == -1) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "be_union: cannot generate typecode for discriminant\n")); return -1; } // generate the default used flag cs->indent (); *cs << this->default_index () << ", // default used index" << nl; // generate the member count *cs << this->member_count () << ", // member count\n"; cs->incr_indent (0); // hand over to the scope to generate the typecode for elements if (be_scope::gen_encapsulation () == -1) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "be_union: cannot generate code for members\n")); return -1; } cs->decr_indent (0); return 0; } // compute typecode size long be_union::tc_size (void) { // 4 bytes for enumeration, 4 bytes for storing encap length val, followed by the // actual encapsulation length return 4 + 4 + this->tc_encap_len (); } long be_union::tc_encap_len (void) { if (this->encap_len_ == -1) // not computed yet { long slen; be_type *discrim; // Macro to avoid "warning: unused parameter" type warning. ACE_UNUSED_ARG (slen); this->encap_len_ = 4; // holds the byte order flag this->encap_len_ += this->repoID_encap_len (); // for repoID // do the same thing for the local name this->encap_len_ += this->name_encap_len (); // for name // add encapsulation size of discriminant typecode discrim = be_type::narrow_from_decl (this->disc_type ()); this->encap_len_ += discrim->tc_size (); this->encap_len_ += 4; // to hold the "default used" flag this->encap_len_ += 4; // to hold the member count // compute encap length for members this->encap_len_ += be_scope::tc_encap_len (); } return this->encap_len_; } // compute the size type of the node in question int be_union::compute_size_type (void) { UTL_ScopeActiveIterator *si; AST_Decl *d; be_decl *bd; if (this->nmembers () > 0) { // if there are elements in this scope si = new UTL_ScopeActiveIterator (this, UTL_Scope::IK_decls); // instantiate a scope iterator. while (!(si->is_done ())) { // get the next AST decl node d = si->item (); bd = be_decl::narrow_from_decl (d); if (bd != 0) { // our sizetype depends on the sizetype of our members. Although // previous value of sizetype may get overwritten, we are // guaranteed by the "size_type" call that once the value reached // be_decl::VARIABLE, nothing else can overwrite it. this->size_type (bd->size_type ()); } else { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "WARNING (%N:%l) be_structure::compute_size_type - " "narrow_from_decl returned 0\n")); } si->next (); } // end of while delete si; // free the iterator object } return 0; } int be_union::write_as_return (TAO_OutStream *stream, be_type *type) { *stream << type->name (); if (this->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) { *stream << " *"; } return 0; } int be_union::accept (be_visitor *visitor) { return visitor->visit_union (this); } // Narrowing IMPL_NARROW_METHODS3 (be_union, AST_Union, be_scope, be_type) IMPL_NARROW_FROM_DECL (be_union) IMPL_NARROW_FROM_SCOPE (be_union)