// // $Id$ // // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // TAO IDL // // = FILENAME // be_visitor_operation.cpp // // = DESCRIPTION // Visitors for generation of code for Operation // // = AUTHOR // Aniruddha Gokhale // // ============================================================================ #include "idl.h" #include "idl_extern.h" #include "be.h" #include "be_visitor_operation.h" // ****************************************************** // primary visitor for "operation" in client header // ****************************************************** be_visitor_operation_ch::be_visitor_operation_ch (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_ch::~be_visitor_operation_ch (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_ch::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { TAO_OutStream *os; // output stream be_type *bt; // type node os = this->ctx_->stream (); this->ctx_->node (node); // save the node os->indent (); // start with the current indentation level // every operation is declared virtual in the client code *os << "virtual "; // STEP I: generate the return type bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->return_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ch::" "visit_operation - " "Bad return type\n"), -1); } // grab the right visitor to generate the return type be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_); ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH); be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_ch::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (bt->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ch::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return type failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; // STEP 2: generate the operation name *os << " " << node->local_name (); // STEP 3: generate the argument list with the appropriate mapping. For these // we grab a visitor that generates the parameter listing ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_CH); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_ch::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (node->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ch::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument list failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; return 0; } // ************************************************************ // Operation visitor for client stubs // ************************************************************ be_visitor_operation_cs::be_visitor_operation_cs (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_cs::~be_visitor_operation_cs (void) { } // processing to be done after every element in the scope is processed int be_visitor_operation_cs::post_process () { // all we do here is to insert a comma and a newline TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); *os << ",\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_cs::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { TAO_OutStream *os; // output stream be_type *bt; // type node os = this->ctx_->stream (); this->ctx_->node (node); // save the node for future use os->indent (); // start with the current indentation level // retrieve the operation return type bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->return_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "Bad return type\n"), -1); } // STEP 1: // generate the param_data and call_data tables. We generate these if and // only if none of our arguments is of "native" type. Native types cannot be // marshaled. Hence, stubs for such operations will generate MARSHAL // exceptions. As a result it is pointless generating these tables if (!node->has_native ()) { // native type does not exist. Generate the static tables // STEP 1A: generate the TAO_Param_Data table *os << "static const TAO_Param_Data "; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_paramdata [] = " << be_nl; *os << "{\n"; os->incr_indent (); // entry for the return type *os << "{" << bt->tc_name () << ", PARAM_RETURN, 0}"; if (node->nmembers () > 0) *os << ",\n"; // generate entries for the param data table for arguments if (this->visit_scope (node) == -1) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "visit scope failed\n"), -1); } *os << "\n"; os->decr_indent (); *os << "}; // " << node->flatname () << "_paramdata\n\n"; // STEP 1B: now generate the calldata table os->indent (); *os << "static const TAO_Call_Data "; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_calldata = " << be_nl << "{" << "\"" << node->local_name () << "\", "; // are we oneway or two operation? if (node->flags () == AST_Operation::OP_oneway) { *os << "0, "; // for false } else { *os << "1, "; // for true } // insert the size of the paramdata table i.e., number of arguments + 1 // for return type *os << (node->argument_count () + 1) << ", "; // insert the address of the paramdata table // first check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_paramdata, "; // XXXASG - Exception list goes here (if it exists) - TODO *os << "0, 0};\n\n"; } // end of if !(native) // STEP 2: generate the return type mapping (same as in the header file) be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_); ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_OTHERS); be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor for return type\n"), -1); } if (bt->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return type failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; // STEP 3: generate the operation name *os << " " << node->name (); // STEP 4: generate the argument list with the appropriate mapping (same as // in the header file) ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_OTHERS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (node->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument list failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; // STEP 5: // generate the actual code for the stub. However, if any of the argument // types is "native", we flag a MARSHAL exception. // last argument - is always CORBA::Environment *os << "{\n"; os->incr_indent (0); // STEP 5A: declare a return type ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_DECL_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var decl failed\n"), -1); } os->indent (); if (node->has_native ()) // native exists => no stub { *os << "_tao_environment.exception (new CORBA::MARSHAL " << "(CORBA::COMPLETED_NO));" << be_nl; *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; } else { // STEP 5B: // generate code that retrieves the underlying stub object and then // invokes do_call on it. *os << "STUB_Object *istub = this->stubobj (_tao_environment);" << be_nl << "if (istub)" << be_nl << "{\n"; os->incr_indent (0); // STEP 5C: // do any pre do_call processing with return type. This includes // allocating memory, initialization. ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_PRE_DOCALL_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for retval pre do_call failed\n"), -1); } // STEP 5D: // do any pre do_call stuff with arguments ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_PRE_DOCALL_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument pre do_call failed\n"), -1); } // STEP 5E: // call do_call with appropriate number of arguments os->indent (); *os << "istub->do_call (" << be_idt_nl << "_tao_environment, " << be_nl << "&"; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_calldata,\n"; // pass the appropriate return value to docall ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_DOCALL_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var in do_call failed\n"), -1); } // insert a comma after the return val if there are arguments if (node->argument_count () > 0) { *os << ",\n"; } // pass each argument to do_call ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DOCALL_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var in do_call failed\n"), -1); } // end the do_call *os << be_uidt_nl; *os << ");\n"; // STEP 5F: // do any post processing for the retval ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_POST_DOCALL_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return type post do_call failed\n"), -1); } // STEP 5G: do any post processing for the arguments ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_POST_DOCALL_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for args in post do_call failed\n"), -1); } } // end of if (!native) os->decr_indent (); *os << "} // end of if (istub)\n"; // STEP 5H: return the appropriate return value ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_RETURN_CS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var failed\n"), -1); } os->decr_indent (); *os << "}\n\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_cs::visit_argument (be_argument *node) { // this method is used to generate the ParamData table entry TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); be_type *bt; // argument type // retrieve the type for this argument bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->field_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_argument - " "Bad argument type\n"), -1); } os->indent (); *os << "{" << bt->tc_name () << ", "; switch (node->direction ()) { case AST_Argument::dir_IN: *os << "PARAM_IN, "; break; case AST_Argument::dir_INOUT: *os << "PARAM_INOUT, "; break; case AST_Argument::dir_OUT: *os << "PARAM_OUT, "; break; } *os << "0}"; return 0; } // ************************************************************ // Operation visitor for server header // ************************************************************ be_visitor_operation_sh::be_visitor_operation_sh (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_sh::~be_visitor_operation_sh (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_sh::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { TAO_OutStream *os; // output stream be_type *bt; // type node representing the return type os = this->ctx_->stream (); this->ctx_->node (node); // save the node os->indent (); // start with the current indentation level // every operation is declared virtual in the client code *os << "virtual "; // STEP I: generate the return type bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->return_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "Bad return type\n"), -1); } // grab the right visitor to generate the return type be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_); ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_OTHERS); be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (bt->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return type failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; // STEP 2: generate the operation name *os << " " << node->local_name (); // STEP 3: generate the argument list with the appropriate mapping. For these // we grab a visitor that generates the parameter listing ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_SH); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (node->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument list failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; // generate the corresponding static skeleton method for this operation only // if there was no "native" type if (!node->has_native ()) { os->indent (); *os << "static void "; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->local_name () << "_skel (" << be_idt << be_idt_nl << "CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req, " << be_nl << "void *_tao_obj, " << be_nl << "void *_tao_context, " << be_nl << "CORBA::Environment &_tao_env" << be_uidt_nl << be_uidt << ");\n\n"; } return 0; } // ************************************************************ // Operation visitor for server skeletons // ************************************************************ be_visitor_operation_ss::be_visitor_operation_ss (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_ss::~be_visitor_operation_ss (void) { } // processing to be done after every element in the scope is processed int be_visitor_operation_ss::post_process () { // all we do here is to insert a comma and a newline TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); *os << ",\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_ss::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { TAO_OutStream *os; // output stream be_type *bt; // type node for return type os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the o/p stream this->ctx_->node (node); // save the node for future use os->indent (); // start with the current indentation level // if there is an argument of type "native", return immediately if (node->has_native ()) return 0; // retrieve the operation return type bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->return_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "Bad return type\n"), -1); } // STEP 1: // generate the param_data and call_data tables. We generate these if and // only if none of our arguments is of "native" type. Native types cannot be // marshaled. // native type does not exist. Generate the static tables // STEP 1A: generate the TAO_Param_Data_Skel table *os << "static const TAO_Param_Data_Skel "; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_paramdata [] = " << be_nl; *os << "{\n"; os->incr_indent (); // entry for the return type *os << "{" << bt->tc_name () << ", 0, 0}"; if (node->nmembers () > 0) *os << ",\n"; // generate entries for the param data table for arguments if (this->visit_scope (node) == -1) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "visit scope failed\n"), -1); } *os << "\n"; os->decr_indent (); *os << "}; // " << node->flatname () << "_paramdata\n\n"; // STEP 1B: now generate the calldata table os->indent (); *os << "static const TAO_Call_Data_Skel "; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_calldata = " << be_nl << "{" << "\"" << node->local_name () << "\", "; // are we oneway or two operation? if (node->flags () == AST_Operation::OP_oneway) { *os << "0, "; // for false } else { *os << "1, "; // for true } // insert the size of the paramdata table i.e., number of arguments + 1 // for return type *os << (node->argument_count () + 1) << ", "; // insert the address of the paramdata table // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_paramdata};\n\n"; // We need the interface node in which this operation was defined. However, // if this operation node was an attribute node in disguise, we get this // information from the context be_interface *intf; intf = this->ctx_->attribute () ? be_interface::narrow_from_scope (this->ctx_->attribute ()->defined_in ()) : be_interface::narrow_from_scope (node->defined_in ()); if (!intf) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "bad interface scope\n"), -1); } // STEP 2: generate the signature of the static skeleton os->indent (); *os << "void " << intf->full_skel_name () << "::"; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->local_name () << "_skel (" << be_idt << be_idt_nl << "CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request, " << be_nl << "void *_tao_object_reference, " << be_nl << "void * /* context */, " << be_nl << "CORBA::Environment &_tao_environment" << be_uidt << be_uidt_nl << ")" << be_nl; // STEP 3: // generate the actual code for the skeleton. However, if any of the argument // types is "native", we do not generate any skeleton // last argument - is always CORBA::Environment *os << "{" << be_idt_nl; // get the right object implementation. *os << intf->full_skel_name () << " *_tao_impl = (" << intf->full_skel_name () << " *)_tao_object_reference;\n"; // STEP 3A: declare a return type variable be_visitor_context ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_DECL_SS); be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var decl failed\n"), -1); } // STEP 3B: declare variables for arguments ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DECL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var decl failed\n"), -1); } // STEP 3C: setup parameters for demarshaling and demarshal them os->indent (); *os << "_tao_server_request.demarshal (" << be_idt_nl << "_tao_environment, " << be_nl << "&"; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_calldata,\n"; // pass the appropriate return value to the demarshal operation ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_DEMARSHAL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var in demarshal failed\n"), -1); } // insert a comma after the return val if there are arguments if (node->argument_count () > 0) *os << ",\n"; // pass each argument to the demarshal operation ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DEMARSHAL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument in demarshal failed\n"), -1); } // end the demarshal call *os << be_uidt_nl; *os << ");\n"; // STEP 3D: check for exception os->indent (); *os << "if (_tao_environment.exception ()) return;\n"; // do pre upcall processing if any ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_PRE_UPCALL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for making upcall failed\n"), -1); } // STEP 3E: make the upcall and assign to the return val ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_ASSIGN_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for retval assignment failed\n"), -1); } // make the upcall *os << "_tao_impl->" << node->local_name () << " (" << be_idt << "\n"; ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_UPCALL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for making upcall failed\n"), -1); } // last argument is the environment if (node->argument_count () > 0) *os << ",\n"; os->indent (); *os << "_tao_environment"; // end the upcall *os << be_uidt_nl; *os << ");" << be_nl; // STEP 3C: setup parameters for marshaling and marshal them into the // outgoing stream *os << "_tao_server_request.marshal (" << be_idt_nl << "_tao_environment, " << be_nl << "&"; // check if we are an attribute node in disguise if (this->ctx_->attribute ()) { // now check if we are a "get" or "set" operation if (node->nmembers () == 1) // set *os << "_set_"; else *os << "_get_"; } *os << node->flatname () << "_calldata,\n"; // pass the appropriate return value to the marshal operation ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_MARSHAL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return var in marshal failed\n"), -1); } // insert a comma after the return val if there are arguments if (node->argument_count () > 0) { *os << ",\n"; } // pass each argument to the marshal operation ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_MARSHAL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument in marshal failed\n"), -1); } // end the marshal call *os << be_uidt_nl; *os << ");\n"; // STEP 3E: // do any post processing for the retval ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETVAL_POST_UPCALL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (bt->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return type post upcall failed\n"), -1); } // STEP 3F: do any post processing for the arguments ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_POST_UPCALL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for args in post upcall failed\n"), -1); } os->decr_indent (); *os << "}\n\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_ss::visit_argument (be_argument *node) { // this method is used to generate the ParamData table entry TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); be_type *bt; // argument type // retrieve the type for this argument bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->field_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_argument - " "Bad argument type\n"), -1); } os->indent (); *os << "{" << bt->tc_name () << ", "; switch (node->direction ()) { case AST_Argument::dir_IN: *os << "CORBA::ARG_IN, "; break; case AST_Argument::dir_INOUT: *os << "CORBA::ARG_INOUT, "; break; case AST_Argument::dir_OUT: *os << "CORBA::ARG_OUT, "; break; } *os << "0}"; return 0; } // ************************************************************************* // be_visitor_operation_collocated_sh -- // This visitor generates code for the collocated operation signature in a // server header file // ************************************************************************* be_visitor_operation_collocated_sh::be_visitor_operation_collocated_sh (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_collocated_sh::~be_visitor_operation_collocated_sh (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_collocated_sh::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { TAO_OutStream *os; // output stream be_type *bt; // type node representing the return type os = this->ctx_->stream (); this->ctx_->node (node); // save the node os->indent (); // start with the current indentation level // every operation is declared virtual in the client code *os << "virtual "; // STEP I: generate the return type bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->return_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "Bad return type\n"), -1); } // grab the right visitor to generate the return type be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_); ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_OTHERS); be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (bt->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return type failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; // STEP 2: generate the operation name *os << " " << node->local_name (); // STEP 3: generate the argument list with the appropriate mapping. For these // we grab a visitor that generates the parameter listing ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_COLLOCATED_SH); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (node->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_sh::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument list failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; return 0; } // ************************************************************************* // be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss -- // This visitor generates code for the collocated operation signature in a // server skeletons file // ************************************************************************* be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss::be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss::~be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // We need the interface node in which this operation was defined. However, // if this operation node was an attribute node in disguise, we get this // information from the context be_interface *intf; intf = this->ctx_->attribute () ? be_interface::narrow_from_scope (this->ctx_->attribute ()->defined_in ()) : be_interface::narrow_from_scope (node->defined_in ()); if (!intf) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss::" "visit_operation - " "bad interface scope\n"), -1); } // retrieve the operation return type be_type *bt = be_type::narrow_from_decl (node->return_type ()); if (!bt) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss::" "visit_operation - " "Bad return type\n"), -1); } // STEP 2: generate the return type mapping (same as in the header file) be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_); ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_OTHERS); be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor for return type\n"), -1); } if (bt->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_collocated_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for return type failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; *os << " " << intf->full_coll_name () << "::" << node->local_name () << " "; // STEP 4: generate the argument list with the appropriate mapping (same as // in the header file) ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_OTHERS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "Bad visitor to return type\n"), -1); } if (node->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_cs::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for argument list failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; *os << "{" << be_idt << "\n"; os->indent (); if (bt->node_type () != AST_Decl::NT_pre_defined || be_predefined_type::narrow_from_decl (bt)->pt () != AST_PredefinedType::PT_void) { *os << "return "; } *os << "this->servant_->" << node->local_name () << " (" << be_idt << "\n"; ctx = *this->ctx_; ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_UPCALL_SS); visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor || (node->accept (visitor) == -1)) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_ss::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for making upcall failed\n"), -1); } // last argument is the environment if (node->argument_count () > 0) *os << ",\n"; os->indent (); *os << "_tao_environment"; // end the upcall *os << be_uidt_nl; *os << ");" << be_uidt_nl; *os << "}\n\n"; return 0; } // **************************************************************************** // Operation visitor for return types. This generates the mapping for a return // type in an operation signature // **************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype::be_visitor_operation_rettype (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype::~be_visitor_operation_rettype (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_array (be_array *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope (), "_slice") << " *"; else *os << bt->name () << "_slice *"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_enum (be_enum *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope ()); else *os << bt->name (); return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_interface (be_interface *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope (), "_ptr"); else *os << bt->name () << "_ptr"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope (), "_ptr"); else *os << bt->name () << "_ptr"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_native (be_native *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope ()) << " *"; else *os << bt->name () << " *"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo: if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope (), "_ptr"); else *os << bt->name () << "_ptr"; break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope ()) << " *"; else *os << bt->name () << " *"; break; default: if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope ()); else *os << bt->name (); break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_sequence (be_sequence *node) { // we should never directly be here because anonymous sequence return types // are not allowed TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope ()) << " *"; else *os << bt->name () << " *"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_string (be_string * /* node*/) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream *os << "char *"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_structure (be_structure *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope ()); else *os << bt->name (); // based on whether we are variable or not, we return a pointer or the // aggregate type if (node->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) *os << " *"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype::visit_union (be_union *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; if (this->ctx_->state () == TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_RETTYPE_CH) *os << bt->nested_type_name (this->ctx_->scope ()); else *os << bt->name (); // based on whether we are variable or not, we return a pointer or the // aggregate type if (node->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) *os << " *"; return 0; } // ************************************************************ // operation visitor to generate the argument list. // We have separated code generation for this from the 4 main // visitors to avoid code duplication and tight coupling // ************************************************************ be_visitor_operation_arglist::be_visitor_operation_arglist (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_arglist::~be_visitor_operation_arglist (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_arglist::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); os->incr_indent (0); // these are for pretty printing os->incr_indent (0); *os << " (\n"; // all we do is hand over code generation to our scope if (this->visit_scope (node) == -1) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_arglist::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for scope failed\n"), -1); } // last argument - is always CORBA::Environment os->indent (); *os << "CORBA::Environment &_tao_environment\n"; os->decr_indent (); *os << " )"; switch (this->ctx_->state ()) { case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_CH: case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_COLLOCATED_SH: *os << ";\n"; break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_SH: // each method is pure virtual in the server header *os << " = 0;\n"; break; default: *os << "\n"; } os->decr_indent (0); return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_arglist::visit_argument (be_argument *node) { // get the visitor that will dump the argument's mapping in the operation // signature. be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_); // first grab the interface definition inside which this operation is // defined. We need this since argument types may very well be declared // inside the scope of the interface node. In such cases, we would like to // generate the appropriate relative scoped names. be_operation *op = this->ctx_->be_scope_as_operation (); if (!op) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_arglist::" "visit_argument - " "Bad operation\n"), -1); } // We need the interface node in which this operation was defined. However, // if this operation node was an attribute node in disguise, we get this // information from the context be_interface *intf; intf = this->ctx_->attribute () ? be_interface::narrow_from_scope (this->ctx_->attribute ()->defined_in ()) : be_interface::narrow_from_scope (op->defined_in ()); if (!intf) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_arglist::" "visit_argument - " "Bad interface\n"), -1); } ctx.scope (intf); // set new scope switch (this->ctx_->state ()) { case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_CH: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_ARGLIST_CH); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_OTHERS: case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_SH: case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARGLIST_COLLOCATED_SH: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_ARGLIST_OTHERS); break; default: { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_arglist::" "visit_argument - " "Bad context\n"), -1); } } // grab a visitor be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_arglist::" "visit_argument - " "Bad visitor\n"), -1); } if (node->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_arglist::" "visit_argument - " "codegen for arglist failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; return 0; } // ************************************************************ // be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs // This visitor generates code for variable declaration and initialization // of the return type. // ************************************************************ be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs:: be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs:: ~be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_array (be_array *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << "_slice *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_enum (be_enum *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval = (" << bt->name () << ")0;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_interface (be_interface *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << "_ptr _tao_retval = " << bt->name () << "::_nil ();\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << "_ptr _tao_retval = " << bt->name () << "::_nil ();\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo: os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << "_ptr _tao_retval = 0;\n"; break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void: break; default: os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval = 0;\n"; break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_sequence (be_sequence *node) { // we should never directly be here because anonymous sequence return types // are not allowed TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_string (be_string * /* node*/) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "char *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_structure (be_structure *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); // based on whether we are variable or not, we return a pointer or the // aggregate type if (node->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; else { *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval;" << be_nl; *os << "ACE_OS::memset (&_tao_retval, 0, sizeof (" << bt->name () << "));\n"; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_cs::visit_union (be_union *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); // based on whether we are variable or not, we return a pointer or the // aggregate type if (node->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; else { *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval;" << be_nl; *os << "ACE_OS::memset (&_tao_retval, 0, sizeof (" << bt->name () << "));\n"; } return 0; } // ***************************************************************************** // be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs // // This visitor generates code that passes the return type variable to the // do_call method // ***************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs:: be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs:: ~be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs::visit_array (be_array *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs::visit_interface (be_interface *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_base_retval = CORBA::Object::_nil ();\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs::visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_base_retval = CORBA::Object::_nil ();\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs:: visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: os->indent (); *os << "ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, CORBA::Any, _tao_retval);\n"; break; default: break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs::visit_sequence (be_sequence *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, " << node->name () << ", _tao_retval);\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs::visit_structure (be_structure *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream // check if the union is variable if (node->size_type () == be_type::VARIABLE) { os->indent (); *os << "ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, " << node->name () << ", _tao_retval);\n"; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_pre_docall_cs::visit_union (be_union *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream // check if the union is variable if (node->size_type () == be_type::VARIABLE) { os->indent (); *os << "ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, " << node->name () << ", _tao_retval);\n"; } return 0; } // ***************************************************************************** // be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs // // This visitor generates code that passes the return type variable to the // do_call method // ***************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs:: ~be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_array (be_array *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_enum (be_enum *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_interface (be_interface *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_base_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_base_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void: *os << "0"; break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: *os << "_tao_retval"; break; default: *os << "&_tao_retval"; break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_sequence (be_sequence *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_string (be_string *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_structure (be_structure *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); // check if the struct is variable if (node->size_type () == be_type::VARIABLE) *os << "_tao_retval"; else *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_docall_cs::visit_union (be_union *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); // check if the union is variable if (node->size_type () == be_type::VARIABLE) *os << "_tao_retval"; else *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } // ******************************************************************************* // be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_docall_cs // // This visitor generates code that passes the return type variable to the // do_call method // ******************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_docall_cs:: be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_docall_cs (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_docall_cs:: ~be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_docall_cs (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_docall_cs::visit_interface (be_interface *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = " << node->name () << "::_narrow (_tao_base_retval, _tao_environment);" << be_nl; *os << "CORBA::release (_tao_base_retval);\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_docall_cs:: visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = " << node->name () << "::_narrow (_tao_base_retval, _tao_environment);" << be_nl; *os << "CORBA::release (_tao_base_retval);\n"; return 0; } // ************************************************************ // be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs // // code to generate the return statement of the stub. // ************************************************************ be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::~be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_array (be_array *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_enum (be_enum *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_interface (be_interface *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); // we must narrow it *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); // we must narrow it *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void: *os << "return;\n"; break; default: *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_sequence (be_sequence *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_string (be_string *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_structure (be_structure *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_return_cs::visit_union (be_union *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "return _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } // ******************************************************************************** // be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss // This visitor generates code for variable declaration and initialization // of the return type. // ******************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss:: ~be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_array (be_array *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << "_slice *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_enum (be_enum *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_interface (be_interface *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); // due to the virtual inheritance and the fact that we will be passing the // address of the objref to the marshaling routine, we use the base // CORBA::Object_ptr as the type for the return value even though the actual // return type may be some derived class *os << "CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::Object::_nil ();\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss:: visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); // due to the virtual inheritance and the fact that we will be passing the // address of the objref to the marshaling routine, we use the base // CORBA::Object_ptr as the type for the return value even though the actual // return type may be some derived class *os << "CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::Object::_nil ();\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss:: visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo: os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << "_ptr _tao_retval = 0;\n"; break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void: break; default: os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval = 0;\n"; break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_sequence (be_sequence *node) { // we should never directly be here because anonymous sequence return types // are not allowed TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_string (be_string * /* node*/) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "char *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_structure (be_structure *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); // based on whether we are variable or not, we return a pointer or the // aggregate type if (node->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; else *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_vardecl_ss::visit_union (be_union *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; os->indent (); // based on whether we are variable or not, we return a pointer or the // aggregate type if (node->size_type () == be_decl::VARIABLE) *os << bt->name () << " *_tao_retval = 0;\n"; else *os << bt->name () << " _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } // **************************************************************************** // Visitor that passes the return value to the marshal/demarshal routine // **************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss:: be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss:: ~be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_array (be_array *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_enum (be_enum *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_interface (be_interface *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss:: visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss:: visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void: os->indent (); *os << "0"; break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo: case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: default: os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_retval"; break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_sequence (be_sequence *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_string (be_string * /* node*/) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_structure (be_structure *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); if (node->size_type () == be_type::VARIABLE) *os << "_tao_retval"; else *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_marshal_ss::visit_union (be_union *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); if (node->size_type () == be_type::VARIABLE) *os << "_tao_retval"; else *os << "&_tao_retval"; return 0; } // **************************************************************************** // visitor for assignment to a return value variable from the upcall // **************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss:: be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss:: ~be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_array (be_array *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_enum (be_enum *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_interface (be_interface *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss:: visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss:: visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void: break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo: case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: default: *os << "_tao_retval = "; break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_sequence (be_sequence *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_string (be_string * /* node*/) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_structure (be_structure *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_assign_ss::visit_union (be_union *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "_tao_retval = "; return 0; } // **************************************************************************** // visitor to do any post processing for return type after an upcall // **************************************************************************** be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_decl (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::~be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_array (be_array *) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream os->indent (); *os << "delete _tao_retval;\n"; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_enum (be_enum *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_interface (be_interface *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_interface_fwd (be_interface_fwd *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_predefined_type (be_predefined_type *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; switch (node->pt ()) { case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo: break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any: break; case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void: break; default: break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_sequence (be_sequence *node) { // we should never directly be here because anonymous sequence return types // are not allowed TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_string (be_string * /* node*/) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_structure (be_structure *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_typedef (be_typedef *node) { this->ctx_->alias (node); // set the alias node return node->primitive_base_type ()->accept (this); } int be_visitor_operation_rettype_post_upcall_ss::visit_union (be_union *node) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); // grab the out stream be_type *bt; // return type if (this->ctx_->alias ()) // a typedefed return type bt = this->ctx_->alias (); else bt = node; return 0; } // ************************************************************ // generic operation visitor to handle the pre/post do_call/upcall stuff with // arguments // ************************************************************ be_visitor_operation_argument::be_visitor_operation_argument (be_visitor_context *ctx) : be_visitor_scope (ctx) { } be_visitor_operation_argument::~be_visitor_operation_argument (void) { } int be_visitor_operation_argument::post_process (void) { TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream (); switch (this->ctx_->state ()) { case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DOCALL_CS: case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_UPCALL_SS: case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DEMARSHAL_SS: case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_MARSHAL_SS: *os << ",\n"; break; default: break; } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_argument::visit_operation (be_operation *node) { // all we do is hand over code generation to our scope if (this->visit_scope (node) == -1) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_operation_argument::" "visit_operation - " "codegen for scope failed\n"), -1); } return 0; } int be_visitor_operation_argument::visit_argument (be_argument *node) { // get the visitor that will dump the argument's mapping in the operation // signature. be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_); // first grab the interface definition inside which this operation is // defined. We need this since argument types may very well be declared // inside the scope of the interface node. In such cases, we would like to // generate the appropriate relative scoped names. be_operation *op = this->ctx_->be_scope_as_operation (); if (!op) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_arglist::" "visit_argument - " "Bad operation\n"), -1); } // We need the interface node in which this operation was defined. However, // if this operation node was an attribute node in disguise, we get this // information from the context be_interface *intf; intf = this->ctx_->attribute () ? be_interface::narrow_from_scope (this->ctx_->attribute ()->defined_in ()) : be_interface::narrow_from_scope (op->defined_in ()); if (!intf) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_arglist::" "visit_argument - " "Bad interface\n"), -1); } ctx.scope (intf); // set new scope switch (this->ctx_->state ()) { case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_PRE_DOCALL_CS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_PRE_DOCALL_CS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DOCALL_CS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_DOCALL_CS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_POST_DOCALL_CS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_POST_DOCALL_CS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DECL_SS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_VARDECL_SS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_DEMARSHAL_SS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_DEMARSHAL_SS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_MARSHAL_SS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_MARSHAL_SS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_PRE_UPCALL_SS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_PRE_UPCALL_SS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_UPCALL_SS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_UPCALL_SS); break; case TAO_CodeGen::TAO_OPERATION_ARG_POST_UPCALL_SS: ctx.state (TAO_CodeGen::TAO_ARGUMENT_POST_UPCALL_SS); break; default: { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_argument::" "visit_argument - " "Bad context\n"), -1); } } // grab a visitor be_visitor *visitor = tao_cg->make_visitor (&ctx); if (!visitor) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_argument::" "visit_argument - " "Bad visitor\n"), -1); } if (node->accept (visitor) == -1) { delete visitor; ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%N:%l) be_visitor_argument::" "visit_argument - " "codegen for argument failed\n"), -1); } delete visitor; return 0; }