%{ /* $Id$ COPYRIGHT Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. All Rights Reserved. This product is protected by copyright and distributed under the following license restricting its use. The Interface Definition Language Compiler Front End (CFE) is made available for your use provided that you include this license and copyright notice on all media and documentation and the software program in which this product is incorporated in whole or part. You may copy and extend functionality (but may not remove functionality) of the Interface Definition Language CFE without charge, but you are not authorized to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or program developed by you or with the express written consent of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Sun"). The names of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and any of its subsidiaries or affiliates may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of Interface Definition Language CFE as permitted herein. This license is effective until terminated by Sun for failure to comply with this license. Upon termination, you shall destroy or return all code and documentation for the Interface Definition Language CFE. IDL_INTERFACE DEFINITION LANGUAGE CFE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF IDL_ANY KIND INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. IDL_INTERFACE DEFINITION LANGUAGE CFE IS PROVIDED WITH NO SUPPORT AND WITHOUT IDL_ANY OBLIGATION ON THE PART OF Sun OR IDL_ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES TO ASSIST IDL_IN ITS USE, CORRECTION, MODIFICATION OR ENHANCEMENT. SUN OR IDL_ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR IDL_ANY PATENTS BY IDL_INTERFACE DEFINITION LANGUAGE CFE OR IDL_ANY PART THEREOF. IDL_IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR IDL_ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR IDL_ANY LOST REVENUE OR PROFITS OR OTHER SPECIAL, INDIRECT AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and FAR 52.227-19. Sun, Sun Microsystems and the Sun logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SunSoft, Inc. 2550 Garcia Avenue Mountain View, California 94043 NOTE: SunOS, SunSoft, Sun, Solaris, Sun Microsystems or the Sun logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ /* * idl.ll - Lexical scanner for IDL 1.1 */ #include "utl_strlist.h" #include "utl_exprlist.h" #include "utl_labellist.h" #include "utl_decllist.h" #include "utl_string.h" #include "utl_err.h" #include "ast_union_label.h" #include "ast_field.h" #include "ast_expression.h" #include "ast_argument.h" #include "ast_operation.h" #include "fe_interface_header.h" #include "global_extern.h" #include "fe_private.h" #include "nr_extern.h" #include "y.tab.h" static char * idl_wstring_escape_reader (char *); static ACE_CDR::WChar idl_wchar_escape_reader (char *); static char idl_escape_reader (char *); static double idl_atof (char *); static long idl_atoi (char *, long); static ACE_UINT64 idl_atoui (char *, long); static void idl_parse_line_and_file (char *); static void idl_store_pragma (char *); static char * idl_get_pragma_string (char *); static idl_bool idl_valid_version (char *); static AST_Decl * idl_find_node (char *); #if 0 /* defined (HPUX) */ // HPUX has yytext typed to unsigned char *. We make sure here that // we'll always use char * static char* __yytext = (char*) yytext; // NOTE: This will not work under flex(1) were yytext is not a fixed // buffer, but a dynamically allocated one. This function should do // the trick for us. inline char *__yytext() { return (char *) yytext; } #define ace_yytext __yytext() #else #define ace_yytext yytext #endif /* 0 */ %} /* SO we don't choke on files that use \r\n */ NL [\r?\n] %array %option never-interactive %% any return IDL_ANY; Object return IDL_OBJECT; module return IDL_MODULE; raises return IDL_RAISES; readonly return IDL_READONLY; attribute return IDL_ATTRIBUTE; exception return IDL_EXCEPTION; context return IDL_CONTEXT; interface return IDL_INTERFACE; const return IDL_CONST; typedef return IDL_TYPEDEF; struct return IDL_STRUCT; enum return IDL_ENUM; string return IDL_STRING; wstring return IDL_WSTRING; sequence return IDL_SEQUENCE; union return IDL_UNION; fixed return IDL_FIXED; switch return IDL_SWITCH; case return IDL_CASE; default return IDL_DEFAULT; float return IDL_FLOAT; double return IDL_DOUBLE; long return IDL_LONG; short return IDL_SHORT; unsigned return IDL_UNSIGNED; char return IDL_CHAR; wchar return IDL_WCHAR; boolean return IDL_BOOLEAN; octet return IDL_OCTET; void return IDL_VOID; native return IDL_NATIVE; local return IDL_LOCAL; abstract return IDL_ABSTRACT; custom return IDL_CUSTOM; factory return IDL_FACTORY; private return IDL_PRIVATE; public return IDL_PUBLIC; supports return IDL_SUPPORTS; truncatable return IDL_TRUNCATABLE; valuetype return IDL_VALUETYPE; component return IDL_COMPONENT; consumes return IDL_CONSUMES; emits return IDL_EMITS; eventtype return IDL_EVENTTYPE; finder return IDL_FINDER; getraises return IDL_GETRAISES; home return IDL_HOME; import return IDL_IMPORT; multiple return IDL_MULTIPLE; primarykey return IDL_PRIMARYKEY; provides return IDL_PROVIDES; publishes return IDL_PUBLISHES; setraises return IDL_SETRAISES; typeid return IDL_TYPEID; typeprefix return IDL_TYPEPREFIX; uses return IDL_USES; manages return IDL_MANAGES; TRUE return IDL_TRUETOK; FALSE return IDL_FALSETOK; inout return IDL_INOUT; in return IDL_IN; out return IDL_OUT; oneway return IDL_ONEWAY; \<\< return IDL_LEFT_SHIFT; \>\> return IDL_RIGHT_SHIFT; \:\: { yylval.strval = (char *) "::"; return IDL_SCOPE_DELIMITOR; } [a-ij-rs-zA-IJ-RS-Z_][a-ij-rs-zA-IJ-RS-Z0-9_]* { // Make sure that this identifier is not a C++ keyword. If it is, // prepend it with a _cxx_. Lookup in the perfect hash table for C++ // keyword and grab the mapping. BTW, the reason for the odd // regular expression is to handle EBCDIC, as well as ASCII. TAO_IDL_CPP_Keyword_Table cpp_key_tbl; const TAO_IDL_CPP_Keyword_Entry *entry = 0; if (!idl_global->preserve_cpp_keywords()) { // This check will ensure that escaped C++ keywords will be // caught and prepended with '_cxx' as non-escaped keywords // are now prepended with '_cxx_'. const char *tmp = ace_tao_yytext[0] == '_' ? ace_tao_yytext + 1 : ace_tao_yytext; entry = cpp_key_tbl.lookup (tmp, ACE_static_cast (unsigned int, ACE_OS::strlen (tmp))); } if (entry) { tao_yylval.strval = ACE_OS::strdup (entry->mapping_); } else { tao_yylval.strval = ACE_OS::strdup (ace_tao_yytext); } return IDENTIFIER; } "-"?(([0-9]+"."[0-9]*)|("."[0-9]+))([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[lLfF]? { yylval.dval = idl_atof(ace_yytext); return IDL_FLOATING_PT_LITERAL; } "-"?[0-9]+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+[lLfF]? { yylval.dval = idl_atof(ace_yytext); return IDL_FLOATING_PT_LITERAL; } "-"[1-9][0-9]* { yylval.ival = idl_atoi(ace_yytext, 10); return IDL_INTEGER_LITERAL; } [1-9][0-9]* { yylval.uival = idl_atoui(ace_yytext, 10); return IDL_UINTEGER_LITERAL; } "-"0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ { yylval.ival = idl_atoi(ace_yytext, 16); return IDL_INTEGER_LITERAL; } 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+ { yylval.uival = idl_atoui(ace_yytext, 16); return IDL_UINTEGER_LITERAL; } "-"0[0-7]* { yylval.ival = idl_atoi(ace_yytext, 8); return IDL_INTEGER_LITERAL; } 0[0-7]* { yylval.uival = idl_atoui(ace_yytext, 8); return IDL_UINTEGER_LITERAL; } (\"([^\\\"]*|\\[ntvbrfax\\\?\'\"])*\"[ \t]*)+ { /* Skip the quotes */ char *tmp = ace_yytext; for(int i = strlen(tmp) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (isspace(tmp[i])) { tmp[i] = '\0'; } else { break; } } tmp[strlen (tmp) - 1] = '\0'; ACE_NEW_RETURN (yylval.sval, UTL_String (tmp + 1), IDL_STRING_LITERAL); return IDL_STRING_LITERAL; } L\"([^\\\"]*|\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}))*\" { /* Skip the bookends */ char *tmp = ACE_OS::strdup (ace_yytext); tmp[strlen (tmp) - 1] = '\0'; yylval.wsval = idl_wstring_escape_reader(tmp + 2); return IDL_WSTRING_LITERAL; } "'"."'" { yylval.cval = ace_yytext [1]; return IDL_CHARACTER_LITERAL; } "'"\\([0-7]{1,3})"'" { // octal character constant yylval.cval = idl_escape_reader(ace_yytext + 1); return IDL_CHARACTER_LITERAL; } "'"\\[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})"'" { // hexadecimal character constant yylval.cval = idl_escape_reader(ace_yytext + 1); return IDL_CHARACTER_LITERAL; } "'"\\."'" { yylval.cval = idl_escape_reader(ace_yytext + 1); return IDL_CHARACTER_LITERAL; } L"'"."'" { // wide character constant yylval.wcval = ace_yytext [2]; return IDL_WCHAR_LITERAL; } L"'"\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})"'" { // hexadecimal wide character constant yylval.wcval = idl_wchar_escape_reader(ace_yytext + 2); return IDL_WCHAR_LITERAL; } ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*pragma[ \t].*{NL} | ^\?\?=[ \t]*pragma[ \t].*{NL} {/* remember pragma */ idl_global->set_lineno(idl_global->lineno() + 1); idl_store_pragma(ace_yytext); } ^[ \t]*#file[ \t].*{NL} | ^\?\?=[ \t]*file[ \t].*{NL} {/* ignore file */ idl_global->set_lineno(idl_global->lineno() + 1); } ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*[0-9]*" ""\""[^\"]*"\""" "[0-9]*([ \t]*[0-9]*)?{NL} | ^\?\?=[ \t]*[0-9]*" ""\""[^\"]*"\""" "[0-9]*([ \t]*[0-9]*)?{NL} { idl_parse_line_and_file(ace_yytext); } ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*[0-9]*" ""\""[^\"]*"\""{NL} | ^\?\?=[ \t]*[0-9]*" ""\""[^\"]*"\""{NL} { idl_parse_line_and_file(ace_yytext); } ^[ \t]*#line[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]*("\""[^\"]*"\"")?{NL} | ^\?\?=line[ \t]*[0-9]*" ""\""[^\"]*"\""{NL} { idl_parse_line_and_file(ace_yytext); } ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*[0-9]*{NL} | ^\?\?=[ \t]*[0-9]*{NL} { idl_parse_line_and_file(ace_yytext); } ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*ident[ \t].*{NL} | ^\?\?=[ \t]*ident[ \t].*{NL} { /* ignore cpp ident */ idl_global->set_lineno(idl_global->lineno() + 1); } \/\/.*{NL} { /* ignore comments */ idl_global->set_lineno(idl_global->lineno() + 1); } "/*" { for(;;) { char c = yyinput(); if (c == '*') { char next = yyinput(); if (next == '/') break; else yyunput(c, NULL); if (c == '\n') idl_global->set_lineno(idl_global->lineno() + 1); } } } [ \t]* ; {NL} { idl_global->set_lineno(idl_global->lineno() + 1); } . return ace_yytext [0]; %% /* subroutines */ // Parse a #line statement generated by the C preprocessor static void idl_parse_line_and_file (char *buf) { char *r = buf; char *h = 0; UTL_String *nm = 0; // Skip initial '#'. if (*r != '#') { return; } else { r++; } // Check to see if we're running under the screwy Microsoft scheme // of putting #line num instead of #num. if (ACE_OS::strncmp (r, "line", 4) == 0) { r += 5; } // Find line number. while (isspace (*r)) { r++; } h = r; for (; isdigit (*r); r++) { continue; } *r++ = 0; idl_global->set_lineno ((long) idl_atoui (h, 10)); // Find file name, if present. for (; *r != '"'; r++) { if (*r == '\n' || *r == '\0') { return; } } h = ++r; for (; *r != '"'; r++) { continue; } *r = 0; UTL_String *tmp = 0; if (*h == '\0') { ACE_NEW (tmp, UTL_String ("standard input")); idl_global->set_filename (tmp); return; } else { long i; long j; // Put Microsoft-style pathnames into a canonical form. for (i = 0, j = 0; h[j] != '\0'; i++, j++) { if (h[j] == '\\' && h[j + 1] == '\\') { j++; } h[i] = h[j]; } h[i] = '\0'; ACE_NEW (tmp, UTL_String (h)); idl_global->update_prefix (tmp->get_string ()); idl_global->set_filename (tmp); } UTL_String *fname = idl_global->filename (); idl_bool in_main_file = I_FALSE; idl_bool is_real_filename = fname->compare (idl_global->real_filename ()); idl_bool is_main_filename = I_FALSE; if (!is_real_filename) { is_main_filename = fname->compare (idl_global->main_filename ()); } if (is_real_filename || is_main_filename) { in_main_file = I_TRUE; } idl_global->set_in_main_file (in_main_file); // Strip off any command line -I prefix that may have been added // by the preprocessor. if (!(idl_global->in_main_file ()) && idl_global->import ()) { ACE_NEW ( nm, UTL_String ( idl_global->stripped_preproc_include (fname->get_string ()) ) ); // This call also manages the #pragma prefix. idl_global->store_include_file_name (nm); } } // Store a #pragma line into the list of pragmas static void idl_store_pragma (char *buf) { char *sp = buf + 1; int crunched = 0; // Remove all the blanks between the '#' and the 'pragma'. while (*sp != 'p') { ++sp; ++crunched; } char *tp = buf + 1; // This copies the crunched string back to the original, and // also compensates for the behavior of the Sun preprocessor, // which put spaces around the double colons of a non-quoted // scoped name, a case which is possible in #pragma version. while (*sp != '\n') { if (*sp == ' ' && *(sp + 1) == ':') { ++crunched; } else if (*sp == ':' && *(sp + 1) == ' ') { *tp = *sp; ++crunched; ++sp; ++tp; } else { *tp = *sp; ++tp; } ++sp; } // The '\n' is still spaces too far away, with // garbage characters in between. sp -= crunched; *sp = '\0'; if (ACE_OS::strstr (buf + 8, "import") != 0) { idl_global->set_import (I_TRUE); return; } if (ACE_OS::strstr (buf + 8, "include") != 0) { idl_global->set_import (I_FALSE); return; } if (ACE_OS::strncmp (buf + 8, "prefix", 6) == 0) { char *new_prefix = idl_get_pragma_string (buf); if (new_prefix != 0) { unsigned long depth = idl_global->scopes ().depth (); // At global scope, we always replace the prefix. For all // other scopes, we replace only if there is a prefix already // associated with that scope, otherwise we add the prefix. if (depth == 1 || idl_global->scopes ().top ()->has_prefix ()) { char *trash = 0; idl_global->pragma_prefixes ().pop (trash); delete [] trash; } UTL_Scope *top_scope = idl_global->scopes ().top (); if (depth > 1) { top_scope->has_prefix (I_TRUE); ScopeAsDecl (top_scope)->prefix_scope (top_scope); } idl_global->pragma_prefixes ().push (new_prefix); if (idl_global->in_main_file ()) { idl_global->root ()->prefix (new_prefix); idl_global->root ()->set_imported (I_FALSE); top_scope->has_prefix (I_TRUE); } ACE_CString ext_id; ext_id.set (idl_global->filename ()->get_string (), 0); char *int_id = ACE::strnew (new_prefix); (void) idl_global->file_prefixes ().rebind (ext_id, int_id); } } else if (ACE_OS::strncmp (buf + 8, "version", 7) == 0) { char *tmp = buf + 16; while (*tmp == ' ' || *tmp == '\t') { ++tmp; } char *number = ACE_OS::strchr (tmp, ' '); if (number == 0) { number = ACE_OS::strchr (tmp, '\t'); } while (*number == ' ' || *number == '\t') { ++number; } size_t len = ACE_OS::strlen (number); // For some reason, the SunCC preprocessor adds a trailing space, which // messes with idl_valid_version() below, so we check and remove. while (number[len - 1] == ' ') { number[len - 1] = '\0'; len = ACE_OS::strlen (number); } // This call adds a proper null terminator to tmp, so no need to // do it here. AST_Decl *d = idl_find_node (tmp); if (d == 0) { return; } if (!idl_valid_version (number)) { idl_global->err ()->version_number_error (number); return; } d->version (ACE::strnew (number)); } else if (ACE_OS::strncmp (buf + 8, "ident", 5) == 0) { idl_global->ident_string (buf + 8); } else if (ACE_OS::strncmp (buf + 8, "ID", 2) == 0) { char *tmp = buf + 11; while (*tmp == ' ') { ++tmp; } AST_Decl *d = idl_find_node (tmp); if (d == 0) { return; } char *new_id = idl_get_pragma_string (buf); if (new_id != 0) { d->repoID (new_id); d->typeid_set (1); } } } /* * idl_atoi - Convert a string of digits into a negative integer according to base b */ static long idl_atoi(char *s, long b) { long r = 0; s++; if (b == 8 && *s == '0') { s++; } else if (b == 16 && *s == '0' && (*(s + 1) == 'x' || *(s + 1) == 'X')) { s += 2; } for (; *s; ++s) { if (*s <= '9' && *s >= '0') { r = (r * b) + (*s - '0'); } else if (b > 10 && *s <= 'f' && *s >= 'a') { r = (r * b) + (*s - 'a' + 10); } else if (b > 10 && *s <= 'F' && *s >= 'A') { r = (r * b) + (*s - 'A' + 10); } else { break; } } return -r; } /* * idl_atoui - Convert a string of digits into an unsigned integer according to base b */ static ACE_UINT64 idl_atoui(char *s, long b) { ACE_UINT64 r = 0; if (b == 8 && *s == '0') { s++; } else if (b == 16 && *s == '0' && (*(s + 1) == 'x' || *(s + 1) == 'X')) { s += 2; } for (; *s; ++s) { if (*s <= '9' && *s >= '0') { r = (r * b) + (*s - '0'); } else if (b > 10 && *s <= 'f' && *s >= 'a') { r = (r * b) + (*s - 'a' + 10); } else if (b > 10 && *s <= 'F' && *s >= 'A') { r = (r * b) + (*s - 'A' + 10); } else { break; } } return r; } /* * Convert a string to a float; atof doesn't seem to work, always. */ static double idl_atof (char *s) { double d = 0.0; double e, k; long neg = 0, negexp = 0; if (*s == '-') { neg = 1; s++; } while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { d = (d * 10) + *s - '0'; s++; } if (*s == '.') { s++; e = 10; while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { d += (*s - '0') / (e * 1.0); e *= 10; s++; } } if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') { s++; if (*s == '-') { negexp = 1; s++; } else if (*s == '+') { s++; } e = 0; while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { e = (e * 10) + *s - '0'; s++; } if (e > 0) { for (k = 1; e > 0; k *= 10, e--); if (negexp) { d /= k; } else { d *= k; } } } if (neg) { d *= -1.0; } return d; } /* * Convert (some) escaped characters into their ascii values */ static char idl_escape_reader( char *str ) { if (str[0] != '\\') { return str[0]; } switch (str[1]) { case 'n': return '\n'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'v': return '\v'; case 'b': return '\b'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'a': return '\a'; case '\\': return '\\'; case '\?': return '?'; case '\'': return '\''; case '"': return '"'; case 'x': { int i; // hex value for (i = 2; str[i] != '\0' && isxdigit (str[i]); ++i) { continue; } char save = str[i]; str[i] = '\0'; char out = (char)idl_atoui(&str[2], 16); str[i] = save; return out; } ACE_NOTREACHED (break;) default: // check for octal value if (str[1] >= '0' && str[1] <= '7') { int i; for (i = 1; str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '7'; ++i) { continue; } char save = str[i]; str[i] = '\0'; char out = (char)idl_atoui(&str[1], 8); str[i] = save; return out; } else { return str[1] - 'a'; } ACE_NOTREACHED (break;) } } /* * Convert escaped hex digits into a wchar */ static ACE_CDR::WChar idl_wchar_escape_reader (char *str) { if (str[0] != '\\' || str[1] != 'u') { return 0; } int i; // get the hex digits for (i = 2; str[i] != '\0' && isxdigit (str[i]); i++) { continue; } char save = str[i]; str[i] = '\0'; ACE_CDR::WChar out = (ACE_CDR::WChar) idl_atoui (&str[2], 16); str[i] = save; return out; } /* * Checks wstring for validity */ static char * idl_wstring_escape_reader (char *str) { return str; } static char * idl_get_pragma_string (char *pragma) { // Get pointers to each end of the substring between the quotes. const char *start = ACE_OS::strchr (pragma, '"') + 1; const char *end = ACE_OS::strchr (start, '"'); if (end == 0) { idl_global->err ()->syntax_error ( IDL_GlobalData::PS_PragmaPrefixSyntax ); return 0; } int len = end - start; char *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, char[len + 1], 0); ACE_OS::strncpy (retval, start, len); retval[len] = '\0'; return retval; } static idl_bool idl_valid_version (char *s) { // Nothing preceding decimal point. if (*s == '.') { return 0; } char *minor = ACE_OS::strchr (s, '.'); int i; if (minor == 0) { // No decimal point. return 0; } if (*(minor + 1) == '\0') { // Nothing following decimal point. return 0; } char *tmp = minor + 1; for (i = 0; tmp[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if (!isdigit (tmp[i])) { return 0; } } int len = minor - s; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (!isdigit (s[i])) { return 0; } } // Major and minor version numbers must be unsigned shorts. if (ACE_OS::atoi (minor + 1) > ACE_UINT16_MAX || ACE_OS::atoi (s) > ACE_UINT16_MAX) { return 0; } return 1; } static AST_Decl * idl_find_node (char *s) { UTL_ScopedName *node = idl_global->string_to_scoped_name (s); AST_Decl *d = 0; if (node != 0) { d = idl_global->scopes ().top_non_null ()->lookup_by_name (node, I_TRUE); } if (d == 0) { idl_global->err ()->lookup_error (node); node->destroy (); delete node; node = 0; } return d; }